Saturday, February 22, 2014

my friend and his twin 6 yr old kids and my other friend were all living together were all living together. yesterday the twins apparently t...


my friend and his twin 6 yr old kids and my other friend were all living together were all living together. yesterday the twins apparently told their dad that my friend had "touched them. as a result the apt door flew open and a guy weaing a ski mask came in and beat my friend with a baseball bat. i know he never would have touched those kids. would this be a criminal law matter? or a family law matter?? what should my friend do to clear his name of this?? any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. thanks


I am not sure that I understand your question. First, if your friend was assaulted, it is a criminal matter and should be reported to police. Second, if he is being investigated for impropriety with thechildren, he should make NO STATEMENTS to police or anyone else and should retain counsel.

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