Saturday, February 22, 2014

My ex (whom I'm not sure if I'm even legally divorced from) is trying to abruptly take 50 custody with no rhyme nor reason other than he wa...


My ex (whom I'm not sure if I'm even legally divorced from) is trying to abruptly take 50% custody with no rhyme nor reason other than he wants to. Do I need a lawyer? What should be my first move?


More information is needed about the procedural status of your family law case. If you have a pending case, you should file a request for order to set up a specific parenting plan so there's no confusion as to the timeshare. If you haven't filed anything with the court, and you need to start with filing your petition for divorce along with your request for order and serve those documents upon the other side.

Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

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