Monday, March 17, 2014

A friend had a brain aneurism in 2011. Out of nowhere, a woman no one knew, showed up at the hospital after he came out of a 1.5 month coma ...


A friend had a brain aneurism in 2011. Out of nowhere, a woman no one knew, showed up at the hospital after he came out of a 1.5 month coma and said she was his lover 10 - 15 years ago. Somehow, she found out that he had the aneurism and she found him. Since he was released from the hospital, the crazy woman has moved in with him to "take care of him"; instead she has isolated him from his parents and friends and convinced him to married her, she became his POA and threatens his family and friends to stay away. It clear that she's on drugs because of her erratic behavior and fast talking non-stop. We recently found out from his primary doctor that she kept the home therapists from entering the home for his therapy appointments. His doctor advised that we contact social services.

Prior to even talking to his doctor, I called San Mateo County Adult Protective Services in California to make a visit to their home. Luckily a case worker is now appointed. His parents hired my service as I'm owner of a caregiver service. Our care directive was to take him to his physical, occupational and speech therapy appointments. We have done so regularly and have watched some slow improvement. Since we've been hired, we've seen the wife sabotage his appointments. Now, she has demanded the caregiver service be revoked...without the parents consent or agreement.

She lies to our friend, manipulating his fragile mind also as he is on medication for depression; we all believe she is having affairs and spending his disability money for drugs, while she feeds him junk food (he is a diabetic). The house is usually a big garbage mess. I've been advised to find out about a conservator or fiduciary.


It sounds like a terrible situation and one that is ripe for legal intervention. But what is your question? This is a Q&A site.

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