Saturday, March 1, 2014

I live in Florida and my apartment complex is saying that they never received a notice to vacate within 60 days. They are charging me 1013.0...


I live in Florida and my apartment complex is saying that they never received a notice to vacate within 60 days. They are charging me 1013.00 for this which is coming out of my security deposit. I turned in the notification on November 1st and planned on moving out on December 31st but my complex is saying they never received the letter. Is there anyway to fight this so I can get my full security deposit back?

Also there was water damage to our bedroom ceiling that was never fixed properly. The maintenance crew came out one time to patch up the damage, however the ceiling kept leaking and they never came back to fix it. With water damage comes possible mold damage. Can I file a lawsuit for improper maintenance repair and neglect to fix the apartment even though I don;t live there anymore?


Your lease agreement controls. If you have a copy of your letter and can verify that you, in fact, delivered it as required by the lease, you can succeed in getting your deposit back. the ifs are huge, as proof is going to be difficult. No you have no claims for the potential mold that may have developed in an apartment you are now in currently. you dont mention any physical problems, so i am assuming no personal injuries exist.

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