Monday, March 17, 2014

I plead No lo contender to a disorderly conduct charge back in August 2011 and paid a simple 100 dollar fine and thought that was it. I was ...


I plead No lo contender to a disorderly conduct charge back in August 2011 and paid a simple 100 dollar fine and thought that was it. I was just layed off and now seem to be having an issue with background checks. Is there anything I can do about this?


You have sadly learned the lesson that crimes are not simple. Pleas and convictions usually stay on your record for life. That is why you always see a lawyer before a plea. Had you done that, you may have been able to do pretrial diversion or other dispositions that might have prevented employers from knowing about your crime. The odds are you can't change this mistake now but see a lawyer and bring in copies of all your plea paperwork just in case there was some defect in the plea.


New record restriction law (2013) might help

Need to see all paperwork including arrest report and original accusation

Good luck

Ralph (770.985.6773 - answered 24 x 7)

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