Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My company sells and repairs machinery. We received two machines that belong to a small company for repair. The customer was made aware of a...


My company sells and repairs machinery. We received two machines that belong to a small company for repair. The customer was made aware of all costs to make all repairs. Repair were completed in a 30 day period. Its been over 8 months , we have made ever effort to encourage customer to pick up equipment with no results. Is there a legal time frame to wait before we sell said equipment to capture our parts and labor expenses ?


The law prescribes no definite period, but says that you are only required to hold and protect the customer's property for a reasonable period of time. I suggest you write them (or better yet have your attorney do so) and give them a deadline to pick up and pay for the repairs, after which you will consider the property as abandoned and will dispose of the property. But if you end of selling it for more than your costs plus reasonable storage charges, you may have to return the excess to the customer.

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