Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This happened and I was wondering what I could do about it.This girl I met basically tricked me out of a lot of money and took a watch from ...


This happened and I was wondering what I could do about it.

This girl I met basically tricked me out of a lot of money and took a watch from my house while she was here.

I met her. a week later we had sex. before I went away to school she claimed to be pregnant and didn't have $ for an abortion. She said she went to the doctor to confirm she was pregnant. I gave her $ to have the abortion done. then after she said that they "took" her money...and didn't get the abortion. I got mad and said she was lying she got more $ out of me and then threatened me again and again saying if I didn't give her even more that she would accuse me of rape (which it wasn't). I asked for proof of pregnancy she didn't have any. I was under a ridiculous amount of stress for about 6 months with her constant calls and texts. I stopped responding once I knew it was all fake. I have texts saved of what she said and all her false claims..

also while she was at my house she took a watch which I have proof that I purchased. and she refuses to give it back..

Also she used the money to get a nose job which I know she could not afford without the $ I gave her

What can I do to get my money that back and the watch? as far as legal action and anything that I need to do?

Thanks a lot.. not looking for I did something wrong and got punished. She was wrong and I want what she stole from me


As for the money, you could sue her for "conversion", which is the civil equivalent of stealing. There is also a potential claim for "intentional infliction of emotional distress."

The real problem you're likely to run up against is that she doesn't have the money. You can get a court to award you a million dollar judgment against this woman, but if she doesn't have the money or any other assets, you won't collect a dime of it.

However, you can probably get the watch back through a lawsuit. Small claims court could be a good venue.

Disclaimer: I am not your attorney and this is not legal advice.

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