Saturday, May 3, 2014

I was involved in a business with three partners (companies). We create the application together to serve forth company. Actually I did the ...


I was involved in a business with three partners (companies). We create the application together to serve forth company. Actually I did the software, they provide service to the end client. After one year, they started hiding the real profit. I control the software and can see the income, but they said 90% is expenses. How can I find out the real picture without the scandal? How can I get this settled without costing a ton in attorney fees? Any suggestions?


This is indeed a serious matter!

Before determining what are your rights and the options available for you (and their costs), all agreements between you and the other two "partners"need to be reviewed. If you don't have a proper written agreement then all emails, SMSs etc. If a company was formed then the company's documents would also need to be reviewed.

After these documents are reviewed, then a determination could be made what options might be available on how to resolve this in the most expeditious least expensive way.

The review itself should not be costly and my office offers a significantly discounted rate for startups and entrepreneurs just like yourself.

Please contact me directly at your earliest convenience.

Roman R. Fichman, Esq. │ @TheLegalist

email: Info (@) TheLegalists (dot) com

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Disclaimer: This post has been written for educational purposes only and was not meant to be legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice or be relied upon. No intention exists to create an attorney-client relationship or any other special relationship or privilege through this post. The post may contain errors, inaccuracies and/or omissions. You should always consult an attorney admitted to practice in your jurisdiction for specific advice. This post may be deemed as Attorney Advertising.

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