Thursday, July 17, 2014

Can NBA players endorse alcohol products? The NBA CBA I can find online is not clear on this matter.


Can NBA players endorse alcohol products? The NBA CBA I can find online is not clear on this matter.


I did a cursory search as well and couldn't find the MOU clause on point... My thoughts are if we get a copy of it, we would find a prohibition on endorsements on certain products including alcohol and cigarettes for obvious reasons. I suspect you have an alcohol product and want to get an NBA player to endorse... I don't think it can be done... but to be sure I'd ask your player prospect for a copy of the league MOU and start there. I'm available for hire if you think you need the help and otherwise Good Luck!


The prohibition could be in a number documents that would make it enforceable. You may want to rely on the fact that the big dogs (i.e. Coors, Anheuser Busch) in the industry do not do it. I assure you that if it was permitted the big dogs would be shelling out the big bucks for NBA players to endorse their products.

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