Saturday, July 12, 2014

We bought a home several years ago from a couple who also owned the empty lot adjacent to the home. We declined purchasing the empty lot at ...


We bought a home several years ago from a couple who also owned the empty lot adjacent to the home. We declined purchasing the empty lot at the time because we did not think it would be worth it then. Recently, the couple has approached us about purchasing the lot as they are looking to take it off the market. We are only really interested in acquiring the lot if it can be combined with our current one, due to the layout being somewhat incompatible with building a residence on it. What kind of fees would we be looking at to accomplish the combination of the two lots? What work would need to be done in order to do this? Would it be better to try to keep the lots separate legally speaking? If so, why?

Relevant information: Currently owned lot: 1.5 acres (175 ft by 245 ft); adjacent, empty lot: approximately 3/4-1 acre (80 ft by 245 ft). Approximately one third of each lot is occupied by a body of water. The adjacent lot is long and narrow, which is why it would be difficult to construct anything meaningful.


It is impossible to answer your inquiry without someone researching the property ownership. Seek assistance from an attorney. The attorney should be able to quote you a fee

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