Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My sister is holding on to the remainder of my our parents estate, in their account where she is the only co-signature. She, a year ago, sai...


My sister is holding on to the remainder of my our parents estate, in their account where she is the only co-signature. She, a year ago, said she was keeping $500 for bills and will give it to you in six months if there are no bills. She paid my moms medication bill, assisted living rent and phone/cable bill from our moms trust...she transfered money and wrote checks she mailed. Can she now say she is keeping the money for payment for dealing with the trust...though it amounted to paying a few bills a month?


Whether her charges for acting as trustee are reasonable and appropriate are subject to review by the court. Contact an attorney specializing in trust and estate matters to assist you about how to have the court do that to protect all trust beneficiaries.

My friend is 21 and i am 18 she wants to give temporary custody to me of her son of 9 months because she has tow counts of child neglect and...


My friend is 21 and i am 18 she wants to give temporary custody to me of her son of 9 months because she has tow counts of child neglect and i was wondering if she can do that?


There are serious implications. I suggest that she and you consult in person with an attorney.

What are the main four ways how cross-cultural teams come together?

What are the main four ways how cross-cultural teams come together?
on a business

My husband and I have been having marital problems for approximately a year. He has signed a lease with his female friend. The rent agreemen...


My husband and I have been having marital problems for approximately a year. He has signed a lease with his female friend. The rent agreement was based mainly upon his income. However, now that he wants to leave and return home she will not move out and when he has attempted to get his things to move back to our home. she becomes confrontational. She has threatened to injure herself and call the police on him. We would like to know what legal steps can he take to vacate the premises and lease?


Your husband should ask a Police officer to accompany him when he retrieves his belongings. This is a common practice, where the other party has threatened physical violence. However, this will not extra care him from his liability on the lease he signed. He will need to have an attorney read his lease to see assess his early termination options.

Good luck

What things were invented between 2000 and 2008?

What things were invented between 2000 and 2008?
The iPod is one thing that was invented between 2000 and 2008.

I have been summoned to court for charges regarding interference with law enforcement (giving false information) and two minor traffic infra...


I have been summoned to court for charges regarding interference with law enforcement (giving false information) and two minor traffic infractions. The initial ticket (traffic) was signed and ticketed to "Jane Doe". Within weeks though, I received an arrest warrant with the charges of interference with LEO and the traffic infractions. "Jane Doe" was able to dodge the traffic violations by placing me as the guilty party and was able to do so with little legal action and law enforcement interaction (docs. prints. ID. ect.). Simply by calling and pointing the finger at me. "Jane Doe" is not facing any charges or summons to court or any legal pressure. How can I be so easily accused/charged with no proof of these actions?


I'm not sure if there were Alias tickets written for Jane Doe, or your use of Jane Doe was to not divulge an actual person's identity. It seems that your ultimate question is "How can I be accused of a crime, based upon the statement by "Jane Doe" that I was the person who committed it?" If the Police believe that a crime or violation has been committed, and a citizen tells them that they saw someone do it, they are likely to pursue that someone. The criminal can do this to try to avoid prosecution. It happens unfortunately too many times. I've seen minor grandsons pursued because their grandfather pointed authorities to them and away from himself.

Being accused or even prosecuted for a crime, does not equate to being found guilty of that crime. The State must still prove its case, unless you fail to defend. You may contact me via email if you wish for legal representation to defend you from these charges. If you do not use my services, I suggest that you consult directly with a criminal defense attorney, long before your hearing date. These conviction could cost you jobs, higher insurance premiums, and/or damage your credit.

Good luck

What are the release dates for Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9?

What are the release dates for Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9?
Thurston - 2011 Hell Is Empty - 1.9 was released on:

USA: 1 September 2012

Can I file for visitation with our 41 year old son? We live in Florida. Its a serious question. Thanks


Can I file for visitation with our 41 year old son? We live in Florida. Its a serious question.



Not unless he is a ward of the court. Florida family court loses jurisdiction at age 19.

I purchased a counterfeit item that was sold to me as legitimate. I contacted the seller after I discovered it was counterfeit. He has said ...


I purchased a counterfeit item that was sold to me as legitimate. I contacted the seller after I discovered it was counterfeit. He has said he would return my money. That was over two weeks ago. He now will not return phone calls. I have his name and DL number.

What legal action can I take? Can I file and arrest warrant? Thanks for your help.


You haven't told us what it was, how much it was worth, why you think it's fake, the method of payment, etc, all of which are necessary for an answer. This is probably NOT a criminal matter. Your remedy, depending on the things you chose to omit, could be a small claims lawsuit in magistrate court, hiring a lawyer, doing a credit card chargeback, making a claim on a site like eBay if it was bought there, etc. Not all of those will be your remedy but one may be, should you chose to give details. Some of your remedies have very short time periods.

We are selling land and the person is going to make a down payment, monthly interest payments and then in 7 months will make the final ballo...


We are selling land and the person is going to make a down payment, monthly interest payments and then in 7 months will make the final balloon payment. Should I have some legal jargon in place so he doesn't default or do you think the vacant land real estate sale agreement is enough between the seller and buyer?


If the loan isn't going through a bank, you need to talk with your own attorney before agreeing to a seller finance deal. The "legal jargon" you refer to is what will make it possible to foreclose or declare forfeiture of the contract (depending on how you set this up). Even trustworthy responsible buyers run out of money and purchasers default on loans. This is why there is an entire lending and legal industry set up to deal with such contingencies. Go talk to a real estate attorney, or better yet, get a bank involved with the loan.

What were the effects of the 1973 oil embargo?

What were the effects of the 1973 oil embargo?
Effects of the 1973 oil embargo include stagnation in oil importersand high inflation. There were also many negotiations over taxes,shares and prices between governments.

Restraining order


Restraining order


Often a worthless document. Generally, if a restraining order works - then you didn't really need one.

divorce paper reads: husband shall be entitled to claim child A as a dependent on his income tax returns. wife shall each be entitled to cla...


divorce paper reads: husband shall be entitled to claim child A as a dependent on his income tax returns. wife shall each be entitled to claim child B as a dependent on her income tax returns. upon one child remaining, husband shall have the right to readdress the issue of the tax dependency exemptions. Q: can he just announce that he is claiming child B for 2014 tax return??? He should have claimed child A on his 2013 return, this would have been the last year he could claim child A.


Your post and 'quote' is not entirely clear and an attorney assisting you will want to review the divorce decree. Despite the ambiguities, the wording your present seems to be somewhat straightforward. Tricia Dwyer Esq ph 612-296-9666 Minnesota Divorce Attorneys Minnesota Post-Divorce Legal Issues Attorneys Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

Is it legal if you are pulled over because a sheriff ran a parked vehicle license plate in a parking lot and the registered owner popped up ...


Is it legal if you are pulled over because a sheriff ran a parked vehicle license plate in a parking lot and the registered owner popped up as having a warrant and they waited until someone came out of the store who fit the description of the registered owner and upon finding out that they were the registered owner pull them over,arrest them for that warrant without reading them their rights?


I don't see anything illegal about this. Police are allowed to run the plates of a parked car, even without probable cause. They're also allowed to arrest people who have outstanding warrants.

Arrests are valid whether or not the police read the suspect his Miranda rights. If they fail to do so and then question him while he's in custody, then his answers usually can't be used against him in court. So if the officers didn't question you while you were in custody, then there's no problem. Even if they did, the prosecutors might be able to prove their case against you based on other evidence.

You should get a lawyer right away. If you can't afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one for you.

Good luck.

Why isn't T'keymah Crystal keymah playing mother role in Cory in the house?

Why isn't T'keymah Crystal keymah playing mother role in Cory in the house?
T'keymah Crystal keymah T'keymah Crystal keymah isn't playing Cory's mother in Cory in the house becausein That's so Raven T'keymah Crystal keymah has gone to England to study.So she left leaving Raven in College and Cory and his dad alone,but then Mr.Baxter moved to the White House to be a chef for the president and he took Cory with him.I think Cory in The House is great!Also when willT'keymah Crystal keymah come back to Cory in The House?

My son was arrested on May 15th at 00:38am for PC647(F) and PC853.6(I)(8)with bail set at $5000. He was arraigned on May 17th at 1:00pm. He ...


My son was arrested on May 15th at 00:38am for PC647(F) and

PC853.6(I)(8)with bail set at $5000. He was arraigned on May 17th at 1:00pm. He was offered 3 years probation if pleads guilty. No attorney present! He turned the offer down. So the judge set a Pre-Trial date of May 28th and the charges were changed to PC647(F) and PC148(A)(1) with bail set at $25000. He refused to sign ticket because he was of no danger to anyone or himself and he was not drunk in public. After speaking with him this morning I was informed that there was no drug and alcohol testing done at time of arrest. So how can the original charges and bail change and how can they keep him until the 28th of May?


Under the speedy trial law, as long as he does not waive time a trial must be set within 30 days of his arraignment. The original charges are those proposed by the police officer. But the DA decides prior to arraignment what charges to bring. At the arraignment the DA file a "Complaint" with the official charges. After arraignment, with the permission of the court, the DA may amend the complaint.

Sadly, some Public Defenders do not staff misdemeanor arraignment courts and the judge may make an offer, usually one that will get minor misdemeanants out of jail that day. But even if it means spending more time in jail I believe your son was right in refusing the offer without first talking to a lawyer.

He should now have an attorney and that attorney may put the case on calendar if it looks like the parties are close to a settlement.


He needs an attorney.

can a police officer be held liable for not notifying a parent for 20 hours that there son has been shot .his answer was he was hoping to ge...

Monday, April 27, 2015

How long does a lender have to repossess?

How long does a lender have to repossess?
I am 3 months behind on my mortgage? How long until they repo my home?

What are South Carolina laws concerning expired vehicle registration?

What are South Carolina laws concerning expired vehicle registration?
A person who acquires a new vehicle or an owner of a foreignvehicle being moved into the state has 45 days to register thevehicle. Additionally a fine may be levied for a vehicle that hasan expired registration and could be impounded and towed.

what is a personal guaranty in real estate? It seems to override the note. Is that possible?


what is a personal guaranty in real estate? It seems to override the note. Is that possible?


A personal guaranty is a promise by someone other than the borrower to repay the debt if if the primary borrower does not. It is somewhat like, but not identical to being a co-signer. The most common situation (though far from the only one) in which a personal guarantee is given is when a closely held corporation, LLC or other business entity is the borrower, which would insulate the owners from liability. In order to give (significantly) greater assurance that the owners will not just walk away from the company if it cannot repay the debt, the lender will require they give a personal guarantee of the debt.

my mom who has passed away,had a credit card with outstanding balance and was wondering we sold her house could they come after us for payment?


my mom who has passed away,had a credit card with outstanding balance and was wondering we sold her house could they come after us for payment?



I have joint legal and physical custody of my 2 children, 11yo boy and a 9 yo girl. The children visit their father most days of the week an...


I have joint legal and physical custody of my 2 children, 11yo boy and a 9 yo girl. The children visit their father most days of the week and spend the night 8 nights a month.

The father lives in a 1 bedroom apartment and has a wife and another child. When my children visit, here is the sleeping arrangement:

The one bedroom has a bunk bed where my daughter gets the top bunk and dad and son get the bottom bunk. His new wife and baby sleep on the couch.

Our custody agreement states that the children must have beds. Aside from that, is there anything legally wrong with their overcrowded arrangement? My children are extremely uncomfortable. In my house, the two children each have their own rooms / beds.

What can I do, legally, to improve this situation?


You can send a letter to Dad stating that the current situation is not in compliance with the court order that both children have beds. It should be easy to remedy with a Murpy bed or equivalent, or even better, moving to a lager apartment. If this doesn't work - the only other option - is to go to court and request that overnights for Dad be cancelled until he complies. As for the disparity in the quality of living arrangements between your two households - that might not count for as much as you might think. The fact that children have to share rooms at one parent's house due to economic circumstances will not out weight the interest of the children in having frequent and continuing contact with both parents.

What are intruders?

What are intruders?
Intruders are the unauthorized persons who tries to get into an authorized network or system.

What are core industries?

What are core industries?
Industries necessary that are necessary for industrialisation of a country. Such industries include, Machine tools, chemicals, power, steel, etc.

Foxy Inc. agreed to convey to Betty a lot, Lot 23, in a subdivision known as Fox Estates, together with a one year option to purchase Lot 24...


Foxy Inc. agreed to convey to Betty a lot, Lot 23, in a subdivision known as Fox Estates, together with a one year option to purchase Lot 24. The agreement did not contain any prohibitions, restrictions, or limitations against assignments. Betty paid the price of $95,000 and took title to Lot 23. Thereafter, Betty assigned her option right in Lot 24 to the Scots. When the Scots tried to exercise their right to the option, Foxy refused to convey the property to them. Scots then brought a suit for specific performance. What result?


Result is that if the Ethics division of the State Bar finds out who you are and that you are cheating on your school work, your admission will be in serous doubt regardless of your bar exam score.


I agree with Mr. McCormick. Along with the risk of being found out, you risk becoming a lawyer who lacks some very basic knowledge. The reason you're in school is so you can learn how to answer questions like this yourself, not so you can get answers from other people and regurgitate them.

What causes sea accidents?

What causes sea accidents?
being a stupid person in the water trying to act hard lol x

When did entertainment start?

When did entertainment start?
Entertainment never "started" as such, it's as old as the human race itself, we have always entertained ourselves....there is no real direct answer to your question sorry

How do I modify visitation in Indiana?


How do I modify visitation in Indiana?


Ask the court that has jurisdiction to do so.

Your car is totaled and getting more from the insuyrance co?

Your car is totaled and getting more from the insuyrance co?
Is it possible negotiate with the insurance company over what your totaled car is worth?Sure, but you'll need to get comparables from the internet and the classifieds. if there is a big difference, you may want to consider getting an attorney to help.Hope that helps!http://www.boomer-survival-guide.com

Wil a vehicle start if the oil pump is out?

Wil a vehicle start if the oil pump is out?
it will but your engine will seize after a while

Looking for an aggressive attorney in NYC that is eager to handle a case of wrongful death caused by a hospital in Staten Island. One attend...


Looking for an aggressive attorney in NYC that is eager to handle a case of wrongful death caused by a hospital in Staten Island. One attending doctor has agreed that the procedure was the cause. Others doctors and staff made similar statements.


Feel free to contact me.

[email protected]/* */


Medical malpractice is complex and cases frequently take unexpected turns. It's not aggressive you need, it's smart and experienced. Get the chart and consult with a few lawyers before making a decision. VTY, M. E. Zuller


Please call me at (212) 968-8600. Kind regards, RDM

My father died in august he has left everything divided evenly between his 5 kids but two of his kids are trustees three of us get are money...


My father died in august he has left everything divided evenly between his 5 kids but two of his kids are trustees three of us get are money in a trust fund the other two he felt were more responsible so they get a large sum at once the trust isn't complete no one has received money as far as I know but he has multiple propwrites and assets my two aunts the co-trustees are keeping everything very quiet are making decisions I believe without talking with all of us and the will clearly states everything is to sold divided evenly hiw do I trust that they are doing things fairly I don't trust them haven't spoke to lawyer handling estate yet. Would it be in my best interest to hire a lawyer to make sure it's handledhandled correctly


To properly answer all your questions, we would like to offer you a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Your free consultation can take place either over the telephone or in-person.

To schedule your free consultation, please contact James Luna at 1-800-297-9191 or email [email protected]/* */

We look forward to hearing from you.

What is the similarity in color?

What is the similarity in color?
well all are similar because there are the three primary colours which a combination of 2 or more of them gives us different colours in painting the three are blue yellow and red but in light perspective instead of blue its green weird or what

i am deed holder of property can I evict an heir for non payment? land purchaser, her father passed away no will. she is heir as well as adm...


i am deed holder of property can I evict an heir for non payment? land purchaser, her father passed away no will. she is heir as well as administrator. She evicted current roommate and just moved in. I was told I had to allow this because she has interest on behalf of her father. She has not been on time with one payment in 18months and is behind in taxes. also hasn't made any repairs mandatory to occupy home. Does she get house at my expense she has my life tied up. 18months and she hasn't settled estate. her father only had a couple of vehicles other than his interest in house. Do I have any recourse here? Please help at end of my rope with this


Read your contract. If an attorney was the one who told you about father's interest being automatically assigned, then sue under the contract. If no attorney told you that, then have an attorney read it and tell you your recourse, If payments have not been made timely, you can probably file to foreclose, and may end up with the property back. No one online can tell you what to do without reading the contract, though, so if you are at the end of your rope, it is time to go see someone.

I have court on July 7th for a failure to obey a highway sign ticket. I recorded the stop because I am 99.99 sure the cop followed and subs...


I have court on July 7th for a failure to obey a highway sign ticket. I recorded the stop because I am 99.99% sure the cop followed and subsequently stopped me solely based on race. I had my cruise control active and was 28 in a 25 the cop said on the video he was driving 38 and I pulled away and that I was speeding and my speedometer was broken...on the the notes I requested via Duces Tecum he stated a different speed. What is my defense...when I know I was not speeding and is there any case law with a similar situation?


Your defense in this "he said vs. you said" situation should focus (in my opinion) on the inconsistency in the cop's assertions as illustrated by his notes which you apparently secured via a SDT and let the judge draw his or her own conclusions regarding any issue of racial profiling

that might be involved.

On December 11, 1998, I was rushed to the ER due to pelvic pain. I was 14 years old. An ultrasound was performed and the technician located ...

I recently purchased a townhome in Lake County. The assoc contacted me immed and demanded I pay $22,000 in arrears from previous owners. The...


I recently purchased a townhome in Lake County. The assoc contacted me immed and demanded I pay $22,000 in arrears from previous owners. They have now filed for possession. Am I responsible for these fees?


Possibly. You should contact the attorney who handled your closing and also review the title commitment and policy. If you made the mistake of closing without an attorney, you should contact one ASAP

Sunday, April 26, 2015

What is Amber Taylor's middle name?

What is Amber Taylor's middle name?

I purchased a 2006 Lexus gs 300 I was a used as is car which I understand I have to do all maintenance on the vehicle within the 1st 30 days...


I purchased a 2006 Lexus gs 300 I was a used as is car which I understand I have to do all maintenance on the vehicle within the 1st 30 days I had to make 2 major repairs. When I signed my contract I was informed I could pay my payments once a month or every two weeks but it was never specified as to if the monthly payment was due at the end or the beginning of the month, so they repoed my car due to me not making full payment in the beginning of the month. They will not give my car back or the money I put down what do I do??


The due date is whatever the contract says, not what some salesperson says. You were supposed to read the contract when you signed. Now that car has bee repoed, the only way to get it back is to pay it in full, or file Chapter 13 in time and pay it through that. Note that you now have a repo on your credit history, which trashes your credit and will make future borrowing difficult and expensive. And when they sell the car, they can sue for a deficiency and then garnishee your bank account and wages.

In Wisconsin. How should I oppose Motion for Summary Judgement? I've read that affidavit is better than brief. Don't know how to structure o...


In Wisconsin. How should I oppose Motion for Summary Judgement? I've read that affidavit is better than brief. Don't know how to structure or produce either.


Summary judgments can be difficult to defend if everything which the moving party claims in their affidavit is true. The only way to contest them and request that the case be set for trial (rather than ending in a judgment), is to file an affidavit opposing it on the grounds that their is a genuine issue on at least one material fact required to be proven as a prerequisite to judgment. The affidavit must be filed and served in a legally valid way within five working day of the summary judgment hearing.

Do not assume that I am your attorney because of my response here. You can post comments/clarification requests here or, for other past answers, go to http://www.avvo.com/attorneys/53401-wi-jay-nixon-1529181/answers.html?sort=recency or www.jayknixonlaw.com. However, I will not be taking any action on your case unless you make additional arrangements. Answers may contain attorney advertising materials.

If im married and my truck is in my husbands name, do I have any right to leave in it?


If im married and my truck is in my husbands name, do I have any right to leave in it?


It is marital property, and the divorce court will decide who gets it. Talk to a lawyer about all your transportation options to figure out what would be best for you.

Why does my transmission stall and when you unconnect the battery cables and then reconnect them it works fine?

Why does my transmission stall and when you unconnect the battery cables and then reconnect them it works fine?
depending what year your car if 95 and new and ob2 connection on all new car the transmissions computer control so by disconnecting the battery cable the flow of electricity stop to the transmissions and computer shut down (think of as turn a off baker in house ) and there for stalls B/C the transmissions dose know what to do

in illinois when an estate administator sell property and is ready to close estate,does the benficiary have to sign the closing or can they ...


in illinois when an estate administator sell property and is ready to close estate,does the benficiary have to sign the closing or can they object to what the administrator has done to close the estate and not sign until they get answers?


Certainly the beneficiary is not required to sign off and can demand clarification. I recommend, however, carefully considering whether there are valid objections as delays and time may cost the estate. Polite communication, if possible, is recommended. The representative's option will be to set a hearing and send notice to the beneficiaries of the estate, in which event any objection can and should be made in court or the closing of the estate will be allowed.

My divorce decree in MA grants me to go back to my maiden name, but I want to keep my married name, do I have to change it now? Divorce is f...


My divorce decree in MA grants me to go back to my maiden name, but I want to keep my married name, do I have to change it now? Divorce is final


After a divorce, in order to change your name you have to submit necessary documents to the social security administration. So if you haven't done that, your married name should remain. However, you should contact social security and ask what they want you to do - if anything at all - just to be safe.

cant you live on a house boat in florida? i wont to live on my house boat up the river is thier any law that can stop me or get me in troubl...


cant you live on a house boat in florida? i wont to live on my house boat up the river

is thier any law that can stop me or get me in trouble?


You can live on a house boat in Florida. I know of no laws which prevent it. You can get into trouble for plenty of things, but merely living on a house boat is not one of them.

Can you replace an automatic transmission filter with an oil filter?

Can you replace an automatic transmission filter with an oil filter?

Who makes iPods?

Who makes iPods?
Apple company

Wrong. Most iPods are made mostly by Inventec, some are made by Foxconn and Asustek. Apple does some some final assembly, but very little. BTW: No large computer company makes their own stuff. There are companies, such as Quanta, Compal, etc that Sony, Dell, Apple, Compaq, IMB, etc use to build their stuff. Sorry, but it is true. They design, then rebrand.
All thanks to the 39.5% US corporate tax. Highest in the world.

A friend and I are planning a weekend sewing retreat where participants would pay and we would offer lodging, food, and space to sew. We're ...


A friend and I are planning a weekend sewing retreat where participants would pay and we would offer lodging, food, and space to sew. We're renting a large house for the weekend. Should we get liability insurance for the weekend in case anyone gets hurt somehow?

We were also planning on serving alcohol during the opening cocktail reception but I wonder if it would be easier to have a caterer serve rather than us.

And I assume we should have all participants sign a waiver of liability but I'm not sure where I could even get such a document. It definitely sounds to me like I need to speak to a lawyer but I don't even know what kind of law this falls into.


I am not sunre how a person get hurt doing sewing but i would consider getting insurance if you can find someone that would write a sepcific policy for that...

As far as the liability for alchol it would make for less risk but probably not absolve you completely. They would be familiar with the laws, help get any necessary permits, etc if any are needed, and anything else since this is not just a group on people getting together for a party..

Waiver for this type of event should be fairly straightforward... Your biggest liability maybe the large house you are renting out because you might have liability for injuries due to defects...you are going to have to inspect the property ... Under certain provision of the California Code you may meet the standards as an innkeeper or the like and you have the issues to deal with as far as property safekeeping, injuries, fire supression/detectors,... Without further facts I wonder if ADA does not apply as well. If it were me I think I would use a commercial lodging establishment and it would make your life easier... If there is damage to the house you would be responsible for the damage... You may be assuming by renting it and then holding the event that you have a higher standard of care when it comes to defects (including notice)

I am in a Partnership Agreement with another owner: We both own a condo in Florida. We both inherited our interests in the condo from separa...


I am in a Partnership Agreement with another owner: We both own a condo in Florida. We both inherited our interests in the condo from separate parents. For 20 years our families successfully co-owned the condo with a "Partnership Agreement". Recently my co-owner has asked me to consider changing our ownership to an LLC, or as Tenants in Common. Is there any reason I should consider either, since a Partnership Agreement has worked for so long? Advantages? Disadvantages? (P.S. It is not a rental, and is not used for income.)


You really need to discuss this with an attorney familiar with business associations and the tax advantages of each type of entity. You also need to understand what the other partner has in mind by changing the entity that is currently being used.

I received a witness subpoena on regular mail for a case of domestic battery I was partially a witness to. Do I have to answer this if its n...


I received a witness subpoena on regular mail for a case of domestic battery I was partially a witness to. Do I have to answer this if its not certified


Technically yes. The subpoena is valid sent by US mail. However, a person cannot be held in contempt for failing to obey the subpoena if it is not sent by certified mail.

Florida statute 48.031(3)(a) specifically states: "Failure of a witness to appear in response to a subpoena served by United States mail that is not certified may not be grounds for finding the witness in contempt of court."

I've been given auto insurance information from someone who caused minor damage to my car and the policy holder claims that no one on her po...


I've been given auto insurance information from someone who caused minor damage to my car and the policy holder claims that no one on her policy was involved insurance information used fraudulently. no police reports, or witnesses in florida. what if anything can I do?


Notify the insurance company. They will investigate. Did you at least get the driver's name ? You will have a tough time in small claims court without some proof. Pics of car? Driver?

Because banks are often unwilling to loan money to a business in its early stages of development startup business have a difficult time doing which of the following?

Because banks are often unwilling to loan money to a business in its early stages of development startup business have a difficult time doing which of the following?
Getting debt financing

In virginia I understand that seperate is still married and adultrey is still held true. I have a fideo of some guys truck at my house the f...


In virginia I understand that seperate is still married and adultrey is still held true. I have a fideo of some guys truck at my house the first night my kids stayed over night with me. i also have audio of them having sex. Her phone is thru verizion which honors having the text records pulled for court. Whast else do I really need to prove the adultrey in this case?


Hire a Virginia attorney who handles domestic relations matters to

guide and advise you in this situation.

Sister petition I130 approved, i am visting usa. Can i change status?


Sister petition I130 approved, i am visting usa. Can i change status?


Generally, no. Your priority date must be current. Sibling petitions are taking approximately 12 years, sometimes longer, so, it depends on when your sister filed the I-130 and from which country you are a citizen.

Vincent Martin

[email protected]/* */


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828.Kind regards, RDM

If you have a signed lease to move in on January 9th, and then your landlord tells you on January 8th that you can't move in until January 1...


If you have a signed lease to move in on January 9th, and then your landlord tells you on January 8th that you can't move in until January 13th, is that considered a breach of contract?


Probably not. If you look at your lease there is a good chance that there is a provision the you agree not to hold the landlord liable if they can't deliver the premises to you on time, and gives you only the right not to pay rent for that time, and possibly to cancel the lease if it longer than a certain time.

What does it meant by in Lieu of tax collection?

What does it meant by in Lieu of tax collection?
In place of, Instead of.

What is tipen?

What is tipen?
tipen is a damned stinky creature that likes to sulk and shake it's own bird,He is an a**hole

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Who you hire to help you with taxes not filed for six years?

Who you hire to help you with taxes not filed for six years?
A legal office

What is Lauren conrad cell number?

What is Lauren conrad cell number?
5309217291:) if her bf answers ask to talk to her.....or just restrict or text:) Lauren might not be able to respond but you can resend your texts

It's legal for landlord to charge the pet deposit fee again when renewing the lease for the second year of rent?


It's legal for landlord to charge the pet deposit fee again when renewing the lease for the second year of rent?


Yes it is legal. It is subject to negotiation between the parties.

How does fear in the workplace and in the classroom inhibit learning?

How does fear in the workplace and in the classroom inhibit learning?
it could make ppl scared so they wouldn't think properly or work properly nd they would be scared nd might stuff up on a job or project

I have been convicted of several OUI/DUI Class D Felonies and 2 Driving while Suspended Class C Felonies. All of them are over 15yrs old...C...


I have been convicted of several OUI/DUI Class D Felonies and 2 Driving while Suspended Class C Felonies. All of them are over 15yrs old...

Can I own and Carry a Hand Gun and Permit???


No. A felony prohibits you under federal law from possessing a firearm.

How old is Near?

How old is Near?
let see he was 10 when L .After 4 years he is 14 plus 2 years kira was capture .So he is 16 years when he be came L!!!!!!

I need a Trepass and Assumpit Complaint form for Pennsylvania. Can you help me?


I need a Trepass and Assumpit Complaint form for Pennsylvania. Can you help me?


Why you would want that. In Pennsylvania? You don't plead that way in Pennsylvania, If you want to discus what you need you can give me a call. The initial consultation is free,


How do you enter the cartazini gallery award?

How do you enter the cartazini gallery award?
with an entry form on there web-site

My children's grandparents past away, they had one son, who is my children's father, can my children sue for their part of their grandparent...


My children's grandparents past away, they had one son, who is my children's father, can my children sue for their part of their grandparents house and property, while the father is still living?


Not unless their grandparents left them some part of their house and property. And they have no way to force their father to leave any portion of his estate to them. If the father maintains a good relationship with his children, he might include them in his will or other estate plans, so it's not a good idea for them to get on his wrong side by filing a suit they surely cannot win.

What happens When radiator fails?

What happens When radiator fails?
When your radiator fails in a car, your car will overheat.Sometimes it will explode with steam. Usually you lose yourradiator coolant. Often you will have to replace your radiator.

If I'm in a signed employment contract until 31Mar, can they force me to take vacation days for the last week of the contract?


If I'm in a signed employment contract until 31Mar, can they force me to take vacation days for the last week of the contract?


Without reviewing the precise wording in this contract (if any) with respect

to this particular issue, I couldn't offer an opinion.

When does the clock start ticking on the statute of limitations regarding attorney collusion and fraud? My buyer's attorney (who is my neigh...


When does the clock start ticking on the statute of limitations regarding attorney collusion and fraud? My buyer's attorney (who is my neighbor) in my real estate deal colluded with the seller to conceal a defect in the property I was purchasing. Ten years later, when our relationship as neighbors turned unfriendly, he revealed this defect (which causes an illegal occupation of common element space in my building) to me--and our Board of Managers. It is now causing me significant financial losses.

When can I consider the injury to have happened? When he originally defrauded me or when he violated attorney-client confidentiality?


Fraud is a special case. The statute of limitations is 6 years from the date the fraud was committed OR one year from the date you discover the fraud. Whether to turn the attorney-client relationship into part of the case is something I can't discern without meeting with you (ad maybe the Condo Board) which I am quite prepared to do if you are serious about suing this sweetheart. Remind your "neighbor" that there is no statute of limitations on attorney misconduct that can produce a disbarment

Is goodwill impairment tax deductible?

Is goodwill impairment tax deductible?
Twice a Day every day!

Why having good education is important?

Why having good education is important?
It depends on the how you define "Good Education". My definition is, good education is to grant the learner the great ability to learn by oneself. Once that is done, the education is done. The learner can learn whatever he wants as long as he's got access to the internet or the public library.I think I have had this kinda good education and I feel I can grab the whole world to do whatever I want. Is this important to you,pal?visit my website:www.10-d.com

with out papers what can i do to see that the father can not take my child for good reasons


with out papers what can i do to see that the father can not take my child for good reasons


To ensure the proper protection of the child, you really need a child custody and visitation order.

How do i stop a bank from foreclosing on my business commercial property?


How do i stop a bank from foreclosing on my business commercial property?


U have many options including defending the foreclosure short sale or modifying the loan

can I buy my mothers house at tax sale she passed two years ago


can I buy my mothers house at tax sale she passed two years ago


OK with me.

What in the theatrical world is the heavenly sounding name of financial backer of a stage production?

What in the theatrical world is the heavenly sounding name of financial backer of a stage production?
An "Angel".

If a 14 year old girl dates a 18 year old female is it legal ?


If a 14 year old girl dates a 18 year old female is it legal ?


The age of consent in Massachusetts is 16. If the 14 and 18 year old were intimate, it could lead to the 18 year old being charged with rape.

What are the liabilities of a private limited company?

What are the liabilities of a private limited company?
fixed and variable costs.. = all overheads

salaries in some cases
some supplier buills

petrol - travel
storage rent

What happen if you dont fill your transmission fluid up?

What happen if you dont fill your transmission fluid up?
If the transmission is low on fluid then the pump that circulates fluid through the transmission and gives it the hydraulic pressure that allows it to work will cease to function. If you are low/out of trans fluid you should empty it completely and change the trans pan gasket and trans filter while you are at it (usually less than $15 if you are doing it yourself).

If you continue driving the vehicle without trans fluid it will break the transmission.

Go to visualtroniccouk i thinking of buying from them would you trust them?

Go to visualtroniccouk i thinking of buying from them would you trust them?
Warning, they would be the last company that I would trust, I ordered a projector from them and paid for express delivery, I chased the delivery and was told it was lost in transit but they would get one the following week, I then chased for the next few weeks, each time being told that it would be with me the following week, I then gave them a deadline to either deliver or give me a full refund, they did nothing, I am now about to take legal action for the return of my money.

Does the air conditioning in the car work better when car is moving or idling?

Does the air conditioning in the car work better when car is moving or idling?

Can emails be considered manufactured evidence. Considering it's not possible to prove who actually sent them.


Can emails be considered manufactured evidence. Considering it's not possible to prove who actually sent them.


Emails are authenticated (or not) based on evidence.

And you're right, it is possible for somebody to get into MY email and send out email messages as if he's ME. This always casts doubt (in court) as to who sent the email.

What is the difference between best wishes and sincerely?

What is the difference between best wishes and sincerely?

is a traffic ticket such as no-seatbelt synonymous with a "cause of action"?


is a traffic ticket such as no-seatbelt synonymous with a "cause of action"?


A cause of action is a civil law suit. If you don't respond, the person suing you can win a money judgment against you.

A traffic ticket is a criminal summons. If you don't show up there might be a warrant for your arrest.

Best engine oil for wagon r car?

Best engine oil for wagon r car?
Most times, synthetic oils are best for any car, truck, or wagon. Though it is a slight bit more expensive to buy, it overall gives you that money back in gas at the end of each change. It improves fuel economy by 2-3 mpg.

What is the relationship between fdi and retail?

What is the relationship between fdi and retail?
Those opposing FDI in the retail sector argue that a large number of small and medium retail traders will lose their livelihood. But they forget one important thing - that there is no quality control over the goods we get from them. The consumers are at their mercy. Milk, edible oils, pulses and cereals are all adulterated. When retail giants of international repute enter the market, unscrupulous traders will either lose their business or have to assure quality

A snow plow dumped some snow on top of my mother, who was standing behind her car, not in the middle of the street. She fell over, but she d...


A snow plow dumped some snow on top of my mother, who was standing behind her car, not in the middle of the street. She fell over, but she did not receive any major injuries. The snow plow did not stop, and she did not get the license plate number. Is there anything she could do about this, or is she best off just forgetting about it?


Not sure what you mean by your questions "Is there anything she could do about this?" She can:

1. Find out from her community who was operating a plow and yell at the guy.

2. Find out from her community who was operating the plow and report it to his boss.

3. Write a letter to the editor.

4. Go to the legislative body of her community and try to get the driver fired.

If your questions really is "Can she sue someone about this?", if she is not injured, I do not see why she would bother. I doubt the action was intentional, and if she is uninjured the financial recovery would be minimal.

Why do cars have four weels?

Why do cars have four weels?
2 would make it a bike, and 4 are more stable than 3. More wheels than that and it gets real tricky to get wheels to track properly when turning.

I have DPOA for my mother. I am in the process of moving her into an assisted living facility. The resident agreement has me down as the "re...


I have DPOA for my mother. I am in the process of moving her into an assisted living facility. The resident agreement has me down as the "responsible party" under the signature line. I don't like that as it makes me responsible for all costs, damages, liabilities, etc. Should I sign like this: (My Name), as attorney in fact for the principal, (my mom's name)?


Sign, "Mom, by son/daughter, her attorney-in-fact"

Which character did George Costigan play in Dr. Who?

Which character did George Costigan play in Dr. Who?
Max Capricorn (1 episode, 2007)

A car starting with letter N?

A car starting with letter N?

What is the significance of a separate legal identity for the shareholders and management?

What is the significance of a separate legal identity for the shareholders and management?
liability of company does not flow through to owners except in certain circumstances (lifting corporate veil- fraud, neglicence, fraudulent misrpesentation). a company is a legal entity like a person. shareholders do not assume any liability/responsibility of company, but shares in profit/losses to the degree of the investment.

vandalized car at dealershipTook car in for service, while at the dealership the car was vandilized, tires and rims stolen left on blocks s...


vandalized car at dealership

Took car in for service, while at the dealership the car was vandilized, tires and rims stolen left on blocks stereo ripped out. What liability does the dealership have? When the NADA says they have to take resonable care of the customers property, what does that mean? Does the vehicle need to be fenced?

When they take possession of the car are they responsible. We did not sign anything saying we understand that they are not responsible for any theft.


Re: vandalized car at dealership

This claim should be submitte to your ( and dealer's ) insurance companies to sort out. How much did damage total? What's your deductible?

I would need to see your written contract or posted notices to fully advise re: rights and claims.

My question is, in my divorce decree that i received today it states that my husband (almost ex husband) only makes $1,119 a month. He has a...


My question is, in my divorce decree that i received today it states that my husband (almost ex husband) only makes $1,119 a month. He has admitted and i have proof that his monthly income is much greater than that. I believe he is stating he makes less to make his child support less. I do have a lawyer and did tell her, am i required to report that to the child support division in Austin? Not sure what i'm suppose to do but i do know for a fact that he makes over double that amount per month.


I cannot tell where you live. So talk to your attorney immediately.

"Letting the child support division in Austin" know won't do you want good. A judge "orders" a person to pay a certain amount of child support each month. The San Antonio Disbursement Unit merely collects what was ordered.

You need "proof" that he makes more. His former tax returns will show what he made in past years.

Talk to your attorney.

What are the release dates for The Point - 2011?

What are the release dates for The Point - 2011?
The Point - 2011 was released on:

USA: 15 December 2011

Friday, April 24, 2015

What is a long detailed account?

What is a long detailed account?
Its called a saga!

Which company has a tagline as we're listening?

Which company has a tagline as we're listening?

Where do sea otters find shelter?

Where do sea otters find shelter?
I'm doing a project and this was the answer i found online. it's in point form, because I'm copy-pasting from my powerpoint.unpolluted waters, near shore marine environments.Places with protection from the severe ocean winds, ex: Rockey coastlines, think kelp forests, and barrier reefs.hope this helps

Why do poor countries suffer from low productivity?

Why do poor countries suffer from low productivity?
Their people likely have poor educations and their companies likely have not invested in the latest technology of production.

How can mathematics help your business?

How can mathematics help your business?
Yes, especially arithmetic and mental maths. Your speed and accuracy of response in a transaction-without hesitation- will improve credibility of your communication with the client, customer or seller. Vedic Mathematics and Trachtenberg;s speed mathematics will greatly help. However, good math is not a substitute for business acumen and judgement.

What sector is oxfam?

What sector is oxfam?
ask oxfam

Hello, I recently received a letter in the mail asking me to appear in court from the child support division, I called to see what is was ab...


Hello, I recently received a letter in the mail asking me to appear in court from the child support division, I called to see what is was about they said qudro special letigation, I have no idea what that means, is it something I need to be worried about?


Retain a lawyer for a consultation and take the letter with you. If the OAG has filed an enforcement against you for past due child support, and has located a QDRO which indicates you have received 401k funds in your name, then yes, you need an attorney.

What is personal entrepreneurial characteristics?

What is personal entrepreneurial characteristics?
because of the gravity of the earth...


What is financial planning and control?

What is financial planning and control?
Financial planning and control is money management. It is theprocess of appropriating money and ensuring that one remains withina budget.

my father left his property to myself and my brother survivor to inherit all . I quit claim to my son . Brother dies . Does my son inherit a...


my father left his property to myself and my brother survivor to inherit all . I quit claim to my son . Brother dies . Does my son inherit all ?


The answer depends on the timing of the gift from your father to you and your brother. If it was split between you before you quitclaim to your Son, hell get your portion. If Dad's property sits in Trust until you or any our brother dies, you have nothing to pass on until your brother dies. If this is at all confusing, you should consult with a probate attorney, in your area, before making your estate plan.

Good luck

well a motion of discovery tell you the informants name that snitched


well a motion of discovery tell you the informants name that snitched


If your question is:

"Will discovery furnished to a defendant pursuant to a motion for discovery tell you the name of informants?'

The answer is: not always.

If the informant was directly involved and is a witness to the alleged crime: yes.

For example, if the charge is selling an illegal drug to a confidential informant, then the informant is a fact witness and must be disclosed to the defendant.

If the informant merely provided information (such as information that led to a search warrant) and the police then find drugs without the informant being there, then no, the informant does not need to be disclosed.

How many questions is on the Louisiana driving test?

How many questions is on the Louisiana driving test?
30 questions and in order to pass you can miss 6 questions

What words can you make with the letters E E N G OB?

What words can you make with the letters E E N G OB?
Begone Bong Been Gene Gone Bone Bog Nee Gee Eon Bee Ego Beg Gob One Go On No En Be

What is the gear ratio of a rearend in a 96 Chevy blazer 4x4?

What is the gear ratio of a rearend in a 96 Chevy blazer 4x4?
easiest way to tell is to give GM Parts a call at any dealership and give them them the last 6 digits of the VIN this will tell them all the info you will ever need about vehicle.

A Fragment is what in language arts Like in a sentence that is a run of and all that Ya get me Only i need to know what a fragment is?

A Fragment is what in language arts Like in a sentence that is a run of and all that Ya get me Only i need to know what a fragment is?
a fragment is just a part or a 'piece' of a sentence. it could be the subject without a predicate or a predicate without a subject.
a sentence that is not a fragment should have two parts: the subject(the main topic of the sentence) and the predicate(the action or where the verb is at)
A few examples of missing predicates are: My dog. All the people. The wild jungle.
A few examples of missing subjects are: Ran around the yard. Laughed aloud. Is amazing.
put these together and it makes a complete sentence that makes sence: My dog ran around the yard. All the people laughed aloud. The wild jungle is amazing.
All complete sentences should have:a capital letter to start off the sentencea punctuation mark at the enda complete idea and not just an idea fragmenta predicate and subject
If it is not too harsh I would like to point out that maybe you too should look into learning how to write a proper sentence.

Employer is holding me responsible for broken equipment and is not paying what I am owed


Employer is holding me responsible for broken equipment and is not paying what I am owed


That's nice. Do you have a question?

How does one become a grant writer?

How does one become a grant writer?
In order to become a grant writer, you need both education and work experience. Most grant writers have, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree in English, humanities, social science, or any other major than emphasizes writing and research. A number of organizations, including nonprofit organizations, government agencies, community colleges, and continuing education programs, offer grant writing training workshops as well. Along with receiving education on how to write grant proposals, many grant writers get work experience through internships or other work arrangements.

You can also check out "Grant Writing as a Career" at the Related Link below for an overview of the field.

Was Connie Suphanousinphone from King of the hill adopted?

Was Connie Suphanousinphone from King of the hill adopted?
No, Connie was not adopted.

We recently applied for an auto loan at a dealership. They checked my husband and I's credit 15 times each. Four times was with the same com...


We recently applied for an auto loan at a dealership. They checked my husband and I's credit 15 times each. Four times was with the same company. And they still weren't able to give us a vehicle even after taking myself off and adding a co-signer. We went to another highly respectable dealership and were able to get approved easily and quickly with the co-signer. We have slowly been working on getting our credit higher and this dealership has completely wrecked it even worse. My score had just gone up 50 points and after the 15 hard inquiries it lowered it significantly by 60- 70 points It lowered my husbands score almost 100 points. I had even voiced it to them in the beginning that I didn't want my credit checked multiple times he assured me that only after 4 will it do harm, which I had known. I had contacted the dealership to only be forwarded to VM quite a few times. I have heard of credit damage cases before but have no idea if this falls in those lines.


You should first try addressing this with the credit reporting agencies. Tell them that you disallowed the last 12 times they ran the credit check. Perhaps one or all will take those off

Good luck

An incredibly unreasonable and disgruntled customer came into the dry cleaners where my mother works and is demanding that they compensate h...


An incredibly unreasonable and disgruntled customer came into the dry cleaners where my mother works and is demanding that they compensate her for ruining her daughters dress. My mother, the tailor for the business, had fitted/tailored a ball gown for the customer and the customer paid and left. She later returned, screaming that they ruined the dress by cutting it too short. The business owner and my mother asked to see the dress on her daughter, but she refused and demanded money for the dress. Of course, without any proof that the dress had indeed been "ruined" the owner and my mother declined any compensation. She became even more irate and began spouting racial slurs and ungraceful insults towards the both of them. Now she's threatening to sue the business (sent an informal affadavit). Is there any reasonable grounds for her winning this case?

Any sound advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Anyone can sue for pretty much any reason, but it takes substantial proof for someone to prevail in a lawsuit. I would wait until you get served with a summons to appear in Court before you worry too much about it. Posting some signs in the business may also help cut down this type of behavior in the future. Feel free to get in touch if you want to have a more detailed conversation.



If she actually behaved the way you describe here, it suggests that she has bigger issues than her daughter's dress to be concerned about. The business has a right to be paid for its services. Who cares if she sues? It would be in the small claims court anyway and even if the business loses the suit what are the damages exactly? The cost of one dress. I would not be up at night worrying about this one.

All the best,



We hired a contract attorney to appear at a demurrer. He failed to appear. Our demurrer was overruled and motion to strike was only partly g...


We hired a contract attorney to appear at a demurrer. He failed to appear. Our demurrer was overruled and motion to strike was only partly granted. The case arises out of a failure to pay attorney fees in a family law case. There are now allegations of breach of contract against an attorney in our firm when the attorney was not a party to the written contract. He is the spouse of the defendant however. The overruling of the demurrer also allows the allegations of intentional fraud to remain in the complaint. Can the demurrer be appealed or a writ filed?


Really? You are licensed to practice in this state and you don't know what you can and cannot do in this situation? And you don't know how to research it yourself? Time to call your E&O carrier and up your coverage.


Your question is hard to understand, as Mr. McCormick's answer suggests. My sense, though, is that you are the former client and not the former lawyer or part of the law firm.

The orders you describe are not appealable. You can challenge them via a writ petition instead. But few writ petitions are granted. Nothing you have written suggests that yours would be among those few. You also will need to act quickly; for all I know you may already have waited too long.

Feel free to contact me directly if you want to discuss your case further. I am a certified appellate specialist with over 15 years of experience in the field.


Any order on a demurrer ruling is not appealable. Appeals can only be taken from a judgment of dismissal after a demurrer is sustained without leave to amend, or after leave to amend has been given but the party refuses to amend.

You could seek a writ, but those are discretionary with the court. You may want to look at other types of motions, such as a motion for judgment on the pleadings and/ or a summary judgment motion.

What are Significance of finance function in assuring corporate survival and growth?

What are Significance of finance function in assuring corporate survival and growth?
The finance department analyzes business deals and projects toensure they are profitable for the organization. In doing so, theyare increasing the chances of the business surviving.

Does a business have to match the government mile reimbursement?

Does a business have to match the government mile reimbursement?
No law requires it, but an employee contract may.

I live in Washington State and am filing for an uncontested Divorce in Pierce County.. We have decided on the division of property and liabi...


I live in Washington State and am filing for an uncontested Divorce in Pierce County.. We have decided on the division of property and liabilities, so we are just waiting the 90 day period to make it final. Our Court doc's show we separated in 2010. Now that all the papers are filed are we considered Legally Separated, until the divorce is final?


Legal separation is different than date of separation.


I agree with what Mr. Baner wrote and would add the following. For purposes of taking out loans or incurring any liabilities, anything that happens after the date of separation, will be treated as if you were legally separated.

However, being "legally separated" is a legal term of art, referring to people who are still married, but aside from that legal relationship to each other, generally live completely separate lives. It's pretty rare to see people seeking legal separation these, days. In my experience, the majority of those that do this, do so for religious or cultural reasons.

What is weight distribution?

What is weight distribution?
What is weight distribution?

If my sons name is no longer on the birth certificate of a child that was not his can he still be made to pay child support. I am checking t...


If my sons name is no longer on the birth certificate of a child that was not his can he still be made to pay child support. I am checking today to make sure his name was taken off the birth certificate. The baby is one year old. My son did sign the birth certificate at the hospital but later the mother broke up with him and said she took his name off the birthcertificate.


Without his consent, I do not believe she could have taken his name off the birth certificate. Either she never put his name on it or she signed his name to a form to allow the removal of his name. Until she goes to court and files a parternity action against him - she can not use his name to obtain child support. In order to end this, I would suggest you sue her for paternity and show that he is not the father so that the court will have a record of this action and show he is not the legal and/or responsible father.

How much oil does a 2007 King Quad hold Out of 4 dealers all gave 4 amounts.?

How much oil does a 2007 King Quad hold Out of 4 dealers all gave 4 amounts.?
Don't you have an owners manual for it? If not it would be a wise investment .Do not say that you cannot afford one.

My husband's father passed away in 2014. Before he died he created a Trust. My husband is the successor Trustee. The Schedule of Trust Asset...


My husband's father passed away in 2014. Before he died he created a Trust. My husband is the successor Trustee. The Schedule of Trust Assets list his fathers' bank account and two real estate properties (two houses, grant deeds dated 1999 and 2007). The bank account is in his father's name as an individual and not as a Trustee of the Trust. The two properties, grant deeds are, also, in his name as an individual and not as a Trustee of the Trust. Can his son, my husband, transfer the bank account and two property grant deeds to the Trust? The father resided in Oakland, Alameda County CA and his bank account and two real estate properties are, also, in Oakland, Alameda County, CA.


Sounds like you need to do a California Probate Code 850 "Heggstad petition." I have an article on it on my website. You can get to it directly at heggstadpetition.com

Your husband can't do the deeds. A court order is required.


Mr. Palley is correct. Practicing in Alameda County myself, I can say that you should hire a probate attorney for assistance. The court is very difficult to work in.


Here's the scoop: Since the properties and the account are not in the trust, they would normally be subject to probate in the courts. However, there's an appellate court decision in "Estate of Heggstad" that stands for the proposition that if the trust has a schedule of trust assets, and the language of the trust assigns the assets identified on the schedule to the trust, then those assets are really trust property even though your father didn't retitle the bank account and sign and record deeds conveying the two real properties to the trust. The idea is that the very language of the trust acts as an assignment of those assets to the trust. The bank can't rely on this, nor can title companies, but you can file a Heggstad petition with the court and get an order declaring these assets to be in the trust.

The advantage of the Heggstad petition is that there's only one court hearing, with 30 days notice to beneficiaries and the persons who would inherit if there was no will or trust, while a probate will take a minimum of 9-15 months. Also, Heggstad petitions are much less expensive than probate fees, which are set by state law and are very generous to attorneys.

Good day,I have an important question. I am mexican, i have my american visa and I married an american (veteran) in december 2014. I will ap...


Good day,

I have an important question. I am mexican, i have my american visa and I married an american (veteran) in december 2014. I will apply for the residence but my question is that when i was 15 years old i crossed the U.S. border with my sister and her friends who were 18 years old and all of them said that they were american citizens which they included me because they didn't want to open the back part of the car to take out the visas from the purse. As the officers checked the car then my sister said that her visa was on the back. So the officers took all of the visas away and all of them got 3 years without Being able to enter U.S.A. and I got 1 year since I was 15 years old. When the year passed my parents took out my visa without any problem and supposedly nothing was registered because I was 15 years old. Will i have a problem to take out my residence because of this? Does the immigration law of september 30, 1996 apply to a minor in this case? I will wait for your answer.



Please call me at (212) 968-8600. RDM


This is a complicated matters and requires some detailed attention. I suggest you call my office at 713-787-5297. My paralegal speaks Spanish and I can speak some Spanish too. Thanks.

Uma Mantravadi

Attorney at Law & Certified Mediator

6200 Savoy Dr, Ste 414

Houston, TX 77036

Tel: (713) 787-5297

Fax: (713) 787-0098

Email: [email protected]/* */

Website: www.mantralaw.com

Is there any new info on Sting joining World Westling Entertainment?

Is there any new info on Sting joining World Westling Entertainment?
Last I knew, he wasn't coming. Answer hes in TNA Answer he was in TNA for like a week then he retired again.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in manufacturing?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of standardization in manufacturing?
The advantages of standardization in manufacturing are cost effectiveness and integration. Standardization of lathe cutting tool stock sizes and tool post mounts for instance allow tool post manufacturers to cover a huge range of lathe designs and uses with a single product, whereas otherwise a potentially huge range of tool post products might be required to furnish the functionality of a given tool post design to diverse lathes and cutting tool dimensions.

The basic potential disadvantage of standardization in manufacturing is that it may lock in obsolescence. Tool stock developments may for instance render tool posts designs obsolete for the advantages of new tools, or a given tool post mount design may for instance preclude using the advantages offered by new tool post designs, which thus makes the lathes obsolete.

Because good system designs can exercise foresight to ensure long term non-obsolescence, there are usually general advantages to be realized from standardization wherever a fitting, universal vision for standardization can be conceived.

Do I have any financial n support rights if I leave my fiance, with I have been w/ the past 4 years?


Do I have any financial n support rights if I leave my fiance, with I have been w/ the past 4 years?


Define "been w/".

Did you live together and represent yourselves to others as being married? In Texas, that's a marriage, and you can sue for divorce.

Otherwise, you don't have any particular "rights," except to keep your own property (furniture, guns, etc.).

My husband was hospitalized in the state of NC and we live in the state of V A and left a bill of nearly $400,000 due to the hospital. The ...


My husband was hospitalized in the state of NC and we live in the state of V A; and left a bill of nearly $400,000 due to the hospital. The insurance will cover some of the cost. Recently, I received a bill addressed to me his widow. My name was taken from his death certificate and placed on his bill without authorization. Is this legal?


Yes, of course, the creditor can put your name on your deceased husband's bill,

but that doesn't mean that you necessarily owe or can be held legally

responsible for it.

Your first response to receiving such a bill should be that your husband is now deceased and that they should refer the matter to the executor or administrator who is handling his estate.

can my husbands 16 year old from a previous marriage just decide he doesn't like our house rules so he isn't going to come over on my husban...


can my husbands 16 year old from a previous marriage just decide he doesn't like our house rules so he isn't going to come over on my husbands visitation weekends? the exwife essentially says 'too bad for you' and doesn't make the child come over. what can we do?


File a 511 petition, otherwise nothing.

What is a felony unassigned in TX? My Fiancee is in jail for contempt of court for child support. What will they sentence him?


What is a felony unassigned in TX? My Fiancee is in jail for contempt of court for child support. What will they sentence him?


Generally for 6 months or until he pays off the money he owes.

If you can pay off all the past due child support, he will usually be released quickly.

If he does not have an attorney, call one immediately.

Look on this website & www.avvo.com to find one in your area.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

At our company we have a vacation policy that employees must give 2 weeks advance notice to take vacation time. An employee sent me a text m...


At our company we have a vacation policy that employees must give 2 weeks advance notice to take vacation time. An employee sent me a text message to schedule him for his 2 weeks starting Feb 18th after he called out sick all week.

Can we deny the vacation request due to our policy


You may be looking for new employee, your employee is either really sick and needs additional recovery time or trying to use up all earned time because they are leaving company.

If you have a proper policy that employee is aware of you may deny the request.

Good luck to you.

PrivacyI am slightly behind on my homeowner's dues and my townhouse is up for sale. My homeowner's association called my realtor and told h...



I am slightly behind on my homeowner's dues and my townhouse is up for sale. My homeowner's association called my realtor and told her about my delinquency. Did they have the right to do this?


Re: Privacy

The amount due will be a LIEN on the property payable prior to passing of title at the closing.

This information would not be private, but available to any person checking on the status of title prior to purchase of the property.

If someone has a felony for endangerment in Pennsylvania that happened 14 years ago that did not involve any weapons, can they purchase a gu...


If someone has a felony for endangerment in Pennsylvania that happened 14 years ago that did not involve any weapons, can they purchase a gun to go hunting?


No. It would be illegal to possess a firearm.

My boyfriend has a daughter with another girl. He pays child support and he has visitation rights but the mom doesn't let him see his daught...


My boyfriend has a daughter with another girl. He pays child support and he has visitation rights but the mom doesn't let him see his daughter. The mom also gave custody to the grandma of the little girl. My boyfriend has been trying to gain custody of the little girl but the courts say he doesn't have a big enough case. Is there anyway we he can claim his daughter on his taxes since he is paying 100% on everything.


Visitation: She has to abide by the parenting plan. If she does not then he can ask the court for an order to show cause why she should not be held in contempt of court for failure to follow the court's order.

Taxes: Child support orders often have language that determines who gets to claim the child on their taxes. If not, then the IRS rules apply, which is that whoever pays more than 50% gets to claim the kid. Sometimes parents agree to split it - one year one parent, the next year the other. But id both parents claim the kid in the same year and the IRS figures it out then they'll make both of them come up with proof - not a pleasant experience for either parent, especially the one who loses, and an experience bad enough to make a compromise worth while.

What art style did wolfgang sievers use?

What art style did wolfgang sievers use?
Wolfgang Sievers art style was photography but he mostly did architectural and industrial photography.Weblink for more information: http://www./wolfgang%20sievers

Does inditex have a tall organizational structure or a flat one?

Does inditex have a tall organizational structure or a flat one?
Inditex has a flat organizational structure. If you're intersted, check out their annual report.

Why does your car smoke inside?

Why does your car smoke inside?
Because it's on fire.

Can police charge my 11 year old son with assault 2 for showing a fellow student his pocket knife at school ?


Can police charge my 11 year old son with assault 2 for showing a fellow student his pocket knife at school ?


Did he get so charged?

Two ideas, based on little information to go on: what does "showing" mean? If the "showing" was done in a threatening manner, that could be a problem. If not, that could be a defense. Second, I would argue that a folding pocket knife is not a "dangerous weapon" as defined by statute, since it was not "designed as a weapon." Get a lawyer, and see the statutes (links below).



Subd. 6.Dangerous weapon.

"Dangerous weapon" means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded, or any device designed as a weapon and capable of producing death or great bodily harm, any combustible or flammable liquid or other device or instrumentality that, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm, or any fire that is used to produce death or great bodily harm.

Subd. 10.Assault.

"Assault" is:

(1) an act done with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death; or

(2) the intentional infliction of or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon another.



Subdivision 1.Dangerous weapon.

Whoever assaults another with a dangerous weapon may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than seven years or to payment of a fine of not more than $14,000, or both.


Thank you for the inquiry.

A second degree assault is a felony and a very serious offense. It involves the use of a deadly weapon and, if the person where an adult, may be punishable by up to seven years in prison and a fine of up to $14,000. In a juvenile case, it is serious, but would not involve an adult sentence at 11 years old. The critical issue is whether the weapon was displayed to inflict a dear of immediate bodily harm.

Often, the best defense is a good offense. In most instances, an argument for self defense or defense of others may be made and Motions should be served to acquire all statements and medical records from the prosecution. In a matter where there is use of dangerous weapon alleged, it must be shown that the person charged used commensurate force to whatever threat was presented and, in may instances, there is also a duty to retreat before responding with force. Often, with skilled legal representation jail time and convictions can be avoided.

For a FREE consultation call 612.240.8005

My wife and I were served separately with Notice of Right to have exemptions designated. Can you please tell me is a pension and any annuiti...


My wife and I were served separately with Notice of Right to have exemptions designated. Can you please tell me is a pension and any annuities that we have exempt? Thank you


It depends upon the source of the pension and the way the annuities are classified. I recommend you hire an attorney to help you with the Motion To Claim Exempt Property, this is a little too complicated to answer in an online forum. Most attorneys who help with these charge a very low fee and it will be worth it to have the exemptions done correctly.

In very general terms, the money in the pension and in the annuity funds themselves are probably exempt, but once the monthly benefit money is issued and hits your bank account, it probably is not exempt under any Federal or State statute unless it is coming from Federal or State retirement benefits. You may need to claim the money in the bank accounts themselves as exempt under the wild card exemption (as well as any other exemption which might apply such as the exemption for Social Security benefits). Again, this is very general advice. There is no specific space on the form to claim bank accounts exempt. An attorney will give you a Bank Account Addendum which will help to protect the money you have in your checking and savings accounts.


Ms. Coleman is correct. There is no specific exemption for retirement/pension but you offer no information. What is the source of this pension or retirement? Is it from a source which is qualified under ERISA (a federal law) or is it some kind of military/government/VA/Railroad retirement benefit? If so, then it may already be exempt under that statute. As long as these types of exempt funds go into your bank account then banks generally will protect up to 60

days' worth of income. However, do not commingle these exempt funds with any non-exempt funds belonging to yourself or another person.

I can assist you and your wife reviewing the form for a reasonable fee. Please contact me at [email protected]/* */ if interested.

can I just file bankruptcy against those collections agencies for old medical bills.


can I just file bankruptcy against those collections agencies for old medical bills.


You may certainly include debts such as medical bills in a bankruptcy, however, you cannot just pick and choose which debts you want to bankrupt.

Code of VA, 46.2-613When driving a company vehicle with expired decals, who would be issued the citation, driver, owner, or both?


Code of VA, 46.2-613

When driving a company vehicle with expired decals, who would be issued the citation, driver, owner, or both?


Most likely the driver (in my opinion). (The company would then be expected to

pay for any fines that might be assessed in the matter, and points against the driver's record should not be an issue for this kind of offense.)

I pay alimony to my spouse. At the time of divorce she had not worked in 18 years and had no reserve cash, retirement, or investments. She h...


I pay alimony to my spouse. At the time of divorce she had not worked in 18 years and had no reserve cash, retirement, or investments. She has just become the recipient, through inheritance, of $600,000. Does this change in her financial standing offer me the opportunity to REDUCE my alimony payments?


Opportunity, yes. Certainty, no. There are numerous factors which determine what alimony is appropriate, so to properly advise you I'd have to see what factors led to the original alimony order, but generally speaking, a 15% change in the financial circumstances of either of you is sufficient reason to re-examine the alimony situation.

I am a non tenant occupant of a rent stabilized apartment left to me by legal tenant who resides somewhere else. Received a landlords intent...


I am a non tenant occupant of a rent stabilized apartment left to me by legal tenant who resides somewhere else. Received a landlords intention to refuse to renew lease and commence proceedings to recover premises at the end of lease contract on March 31, 2015. The reason given is upon information and belief tenant of record to have vacated apartment to another address without utilizing apartment as their residence for a period of at least 185 days during the one year period preceding the expiration date of the current lease. Can I legally make arrangement to occupy this apartment before this all plays out in court ?


If the landlord is willing to accept you as a tenant, then you can get a new lease. Otherwise, you will be moving. Landlord could have terminated the lease as an illegal sublet. That he has not done so offers some hope.

Can you names some party games?

Can you names some party games?
Well, you could have a themed party like a kids party with lots of funny games like pin the tail on the donkey, blind mans bluff, musical statues, musical bumps. These games are actually quite fun to play as an adult.
Or you could make it into a more sophisticated party and have a casino themed party. This is a really popular one and is quite easy to do and can involve roulette, blackjack, poker, kino etc. You could actually have an online element to your party if you have a computer, so you could sign up to an online casino and your guests could have a go at playing slot machines - there are loads of games online, my favourite site for quality and value is King Solomans. If you ask your guests to dress smart and to serve martinis it would be great fun.

What is the address of advanta ceo Dennis alter?

What is the address of advanta ceo Dennis alter?
AdvantaWelsh and McKean Roads Spring House, PA USA 19477 Phone: 215-657-4000 Fax: 215-659-9479

When do Sponge0bo answer the phom?

When do Sponge0bo answer the phom?
when you call in the helicopter and run to-it

Where does christian aid help people?

Where does christian aid help people?
Loads of poor places like some parts of Africa.

Is Christina aguillera still married?

Is Christina aguillera still married?
yes she is still married to Jordan bratman.

A friend moved his family into a newer house last June. His wife still has a lot of her things and several animals in the old house. He cann...


A friend moved his family into a newer house last June. His wife still has a lot of her things and several animals in the old house. He cannot get the old house cleaned and remodeled to rent or sell it with all of her stuff still in it. She seems to have an attachment to the old house and won't leave it. She lives in the new house but, spends time in the old house each day. She does not work and it is costing her husband a lot of money paying two house payments each month. What can he do?


He needs to discuss this with his wife. This is not so much a legal question, unless he is contemplating divorce, as it is a question regarding how he should handle his relationship with his wife. If a discussion does not result in a resolution, perhaps counseling or mediation might help.

Are Unions "Above the law" when it comes to FMLA and ADA violations by the employer? In other words can the union discriminate against a uni...


Are Unions "Above the law" when it comes to FMLA and ADA violations by the employer? In other words can the union discriminate against a union member by ignoring these laws even when the member points out that the employer has violated each law? If not what should an individual do when the discrimination is blatant on both sides.


The employee's right of action under the FMLA and ADA federal laws is against

the employer for alleged wrongdoing and not the employee's union. And, no,

it is not a matter of the unions being "above the law", but what these laws

specifically provide for in terms of a remedy for the employee who believes his or her rights may have been violated and which ( as far as I am aware) make no mention of any right of an employee to sue a union for alleged violations of the referenced laws.

What are the release dates for Xtreme 4x4 - 2001 Half-Price Raptor Part I?

What are the release dates for Xtreme 4x4 - 2001 Half-Price Raptor Part I?
Xtreme 4x4 - 2001 Half-Price Raptor Part I was released on:

USA: 2 June 2012

What items are exported most from India?

What items are exported most from India?
There are a number of items that are exported from India. The topexports include electrical machinery, mineral fuels, pearls,organic chemicals and so much more.

How do you check the timing on your car?

How do you check the timing on your car?
The only acurate way is to buy a timing light from your local automotive store. It will cost you around $100 but it is worth it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I am being sued for a credit card I have defaulted on. What should I expect from the judge? I am being sued for $13k, I am willing to settle...


I am being sued for a credit card I have defaulted on. What should I expect from the judge? I am being sued for $13k, I am willing to settle with a lump sum. What is a reasonable offer for me to give the court


Judge will order you to pay what she thinks is a fair amount based on your income and expenses, and might also order you to pay the saved up lump sum plus monthly payments.

Creditor will negotiate based on your income and expenses and assets. If you show an ability to pay it all over 12 months, including your saved up lump sum, it might offer a 25% reduction for full payment now.

You could hire a lawyer to ask that the default be removed and default judgment vacated, as in all likelihood you have meritorious defenses and the creditor cannot prove its case. For example, under ordinary circumstances I'd ask for a $3,000 flat fee but refundable if I lost. (The fee would be refundable. You'd still be responsible for the judgment - as you are now. The refundability shows my confidence in success as no one likes to work for free.)

Since judgment already entered against you, I'd need a fixed $2,000.00 fee to ask that it be vacated. While I'm confident of success, since judges don't like unrepresented parties to be harmed, I could not offer this $2,000.00 fee as refundable.

I'd also need the same additional $3,000.00 refundable fee, for a total of $5,000.00 up front.


I understand your question as you having defaulted on the credit card, not that the default was entered against you in the lawsuit. If I am correct, that it will be a long time before you see a judge, because the initial 60-70% of the civil litigation process do not involve a judge at all. You will be dealing with the lawyer for the credit card (or the current holder of the account), and there are strict deadlines that you will need to follow, otherwise you will lose the case. If the Plaintiff in your case is the original holder of the account (ie the bank or the credit card), they will be lss flexible on negotiating a settlement. On the other hand, if the current holder is a third party debt buyer, there will be more flexibility. If you do not believe that you owe the money - you should fight the case. If you believe that you may owe it, you must still make sure that the Plaintiff has all the necessary documentation to prove their case. We've negotiated payoffs for lump sums in the amount of 15%-25% of the original balance in some instances. Every case is different, though. Good luck!

We just closed on a home with an inground pool. The listing had a photo of filled beautiful pool. When we looked at home the pool was covere...


We just closed on a home with an inground pool. The listing had a photo of filled beautiful pool. When we looked at home the pool was covered. Just before closing, the seller removed cover and told his realtor that there was a tear in liner. He told the realtor that he would pay for a liner to be installed, he said he got an estimate from his usual pool company for complete job for $2500.

That amount was escrowed at closing. The day after closing we went to the pool company and picked up the written estimate dated before closing with the former owner's name on it for $3259 and it would cost $800 to fill the pool. Other expenses may be charged if the liner bead needs to be replaced, the chemicals, etc. Our realtor contacted the seller's realtor who said the seller has not returned any phone calls. Do we have a chance to recover any of these extra expenses? From who, the seller, realtors, both? The pool is virtually empty, nasty, dangerous, and an eyesore.

Thank you for any help.


Yes, from the seller: $1259 + $800 + any other reasonable costs associated

with replacing the liner.

Small claims court would appear at this stage to be the best venue to

file your case. (No lawyer needed---or allowed.)

I have been arrested, and gone through pre-trials on some felony charges in CT. I just recently took a plea deal under the Alford Plea for o...

can i be arrested on a charge if i am going to court for something else or is that entrapment


can i be arrested on a charge if i am going to court for something else or is that entrapment


Yes, you can be arrested. no, it is no "entrapment". It may be a Catch-22 for you because you feel "trapped" or "between a rock and a hard place", but it is not entrapment where law enforcement has acted illegally.

What right, if any, do I have if my husband leaves me out of his will? Also, as a life tenant do I need to sign a specific document to refin...


What right, if any, do I have if my husband leaves me out of his will? Also, as a life tenant do I need to sign a specific document to refinance?


You would normally be entitled to a 1/3 elective share of his estate if you were left out of the will, absebt any agreement signed by you wherein you waived that right. As far as the refi, as a life tenant, it is likely that the mortgage company wil require you to sign some of the documents as you do have an interest in the property.

Can you install airbags in a crashed car?

Can you install airbags in a crashed car?
If the car is not too much damaged than you can.

If a fence is located on my side of a property "pin" does that fence belong to me. If so where can I find the law/code for that? I live in C...


If a fence is located on my side of a property "pin" does that fence belong to me. If so where can I find the law/code for that? I live in Charlestown, IN Clark County


You can't necessarily rely upon the pin. Only a survey by a regular surveyor will tell you.

Department of energy secretary?

Department of energy secretary?
Dr. Steven Chu is the United States Department of Energy Secretary. Dr. Chu was sworn into office as the 12th Secretary of Energy in January 2009.

aUpon the passing of my boyfriend I became owner of the home in which we had lived . His home owner insurance was good for another 6 months ...



Upon the passing of my boyfriend I became owner of the home in which we had lived . His home owner insurance was good for another 6 months , There was a kitchen fire 2 months after his death and insu co is refusing to cover damages due to I was not on insu paper work.


If the premises are the insured premises there should be coverage for the loss. Did your boyfriend have a will? Was his estate probated? Were you the beneficiary of the estate? Were you the executor of his estate? How did the property get into your name? By deed from the estate? These are all questions that need to be answered in order to really know. Plus, the insurance policy language needs to be studied. I think there is a meritorious claim here somewhere but would need to know the answers to these questions, and others, to be certain what action to take.

my brothers ex girlfiend has filed a restraining against him claiming domestic violence (they did not live together no children involved) bu...


my brothers ex girlfiend has filed a restraining against him claiming domestic violence (they did not live together no children involved) but he has never been contacted by the police or court. There was a court date on March 1st and he was not notified and after doing some internet research we found there is another court date for this thursday March 24th. He has never been served with papers, my question is if he is not served does he have to appear in court anyway?


He needs to bring a lawyer unless he wants to spend the next 3 years getting arrested.


How does he know about it if he was never served, and never contacted by the court or the police?


No he doesn't, he can simply let the Restraining Order go into permanent effect without his opposition, and thereby lose his firearms rights for life, and have his 'record' reflect the RO, which has a similar effect to a felony conviction as far as most employers are concerned, etc. If he has grounds to oppose it, such as failure to serve ti on him, he'd better get an attorney to get it done asap.

You have to get the antitheft system in your 95 firebird fixed and you've been told cars like this are only going to give you trouble does this car always have problems with it or is it worth keeping?

You have to get the antitheft system in your 95 firebird fixed and you've been told cars like this are only going to give you trouble does this car always have problems with it or is it worth keeping?
My '89 Bird has been experiencing the problem with starting my car with the anti-theft for two years now. I'm going to try some persons answer and rub a pencil eraser on my anti-lock key connector. I don't know if it will solve anything but my advice is if you can afford it, start looking for something more economical and relliable.

my husband will send its citizenship application on April 2014. He is going to be 5 years in July 2014 that he is a permanent resident. When...


my husband will send its citizenship application on April 2014. He is going to be 5 years in July 2014 that he is a permanent resident. When can we file my application to request my green card.


Your LPR husband can file the I-130 petition for you now, but you will not be able to apply for adjustment of status unless several other facts are known. You should consult with an immigration attorney.

Property belong to whom in maharaja gulab singh rule in j and k?

Property belong to whom in maharaja gulab singh rule in j and k?
As usual property belong to common people. he was only the administrator. he only makes rule but the property remain to common people

How do I report a car insurance claim?

How do I report a car insurance claim?
call your company and follow prompts. it helps to have all details written down to keep focused. they will get details, then take a recorded statement. have your insurance ard and registration handy, as well as drivers license

if you are going through their company, it will be pretty similar, but they will have to talk to their customer or have an accident report before accepting liability.

Can I seek free legal advice concerning child support that my son's father never paid....my son is 33yrs old he never pay child support fo...


Can I seek free legal advice concerning child support that my son's father never paid....my son is 33yrs old & he never pay child support for his son..need some legal advice...would like to know if they can make him pay all the money he owes for the son he abandoned, 33yrs ago.


Not if you never filed a petition for child support when the child was a minor.

I got a summons about some credit card debt from Capital One and I can't afford the filing fee to answer the summons. I dont want to not res...


I got a summons about some credit card debt from Capital One and I can't afford the filing fee to answer the summons. I dont want to not respond but dont have the money to do so. Do I have any options. I dont want my wages garnished as I barely make enough to cover household expenses now. I do work full time.


Send Answer to P's atty

No charge for that

If you need to file later you can apply for waiver of fee if income below certain level


Assuming you are in Minnesota state District Court (not Conciliation Court) you can answer the complaint without actually filing it with the court.

I would guess that most cases in Minnesota state District Court are started with a summons and complaint, and answered, and some time spent in discovery before anything is filed with the court.

Your answer has to deny the allegations of the complaint, not just say that you are broke.

Non-bankruptcy alternatives include Consumer Credit Counseling through, for example, the Village or Lutheran Social Services or Family Means, and include simply settling with the creditor for a discounted amount.

Bankruptcy alternatives include chapter 7 and chapter 13.

What are the release dates for Bombalera - 1945?

What are the release dates for Bombalera - 1945?
Bombalera - 1945 was released on:

USA: 9 February 1945

Who is richest Indian in Kuwait?

Who is richest Indian in Kuwait?
Rajith kumar mohanan

Hello, I am on F1 visa and my wife is on F2 visa. I am currently working in a company on OPT and my employer would be filing for my H1b vi...



I am on F1 visa and my wife is on F2 visa. I am currently working in a company on OPT and my employer would be filing for my H1b visa this year (2015). We also want to try for a H1b visa for my wife by finding a willing sponsor. We are also exploring the option of a masters degree for my wife and currently have an I-20 for graduate school starting in summer. I have questions regarding few possible scenarios for my wife:

i. We file a change of status (COS) from F2 to F1 in February. In April, H1b is filed. Is it safe to have a COS and H1b being processed at the same time? What would be my wife's status if both are approved at the same time? Also, What would be my wife's status if the F2 to F1 COS is approved on a later date than the H1b.

ii. We file a change of status (COS) from F2 to F1. In April, H1b is filed. Both COS and H1b are not approved, and my H1b is approved. We are able to file a COS from F2 to H4 only in September (due to some delays). In this case can my wife legally stay in US while her COS is being processed (3-4 months)? Note that my H1 would kick-in from Oct-01 and the COS approval would come after that.



If both are approved, the F-1 would apply only if she begins school. The H-1B would apply only when she begins working.

If your wife does not maintain legal, non-immigrant status, then she would not be able to change status to H-4 later on. She could, however, depart the U.S. & obtain the H-4 visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad, then re-enter.


Please call me at (212) 968-8600. Kind regards, RDM

can i be charged if i wasn't arrested?


can i be charged if i wasn't arrested?


Yes. It happens all the time. Sometimes the police have to go to the prosecutor for a warrant.

John E. Melton



Yes, it happens quite frequently. The police will ask the prosecutor for a warrant which means charges have officially been filed against you. If you have pending charges, you need to speak with an experienced criminal attorney right away.

My mother put my brother's share in trust gave me absolute discretion with no mandatory distributions in his lifetime because she hated hi...


My mother put my brother's share in trust & gave me absolute discretion with no mandatory distributions in his lifetime because she hated him and his lifestyle. He filed a disclaimer in order to force me to distribute money to his children. The trust agreement mandates distributions after his death to his kids as they reach age 30. A lawyer I consulted said it could've been invalidated if my brother would've disclaimed assets he already received, but he excluded them; he has no creditors to evade; there is no requirement for a disclaimer to be in accordance with the grantor's intent. He says I don't have a case. Is this true? It's a travesty of my mother's wishes. Is there any other basis to invalidate a disclaimer?


Legally, it seems your brother has done nothing wrong and assuming the disclaimer is valid under NJ law, the assets would pass as though he predeceased your mother. I would need to review the Will to know what that would be. I'm not sure how the disclaimer would make a 'travesty' of your mother's wishes. Once your brother disclaims, he gets nothing.

I purchased an apartment in a coop building not knowing there is a very unpleasant shareholder below the apartment. For a whole year I had t...


I purchased an apartment in a coop building not knowing there is a very unpleasant shareholder below the apartment. For a whole year I had to deal with her noise complaints about us making noises. We were as quiet as a mouse and yet she is persistent with her broomstick hitting the ceiling and making complaints with the management. Any slight sound would jar her. After closing the seller warned me of her. And a few other board members did as well. I recently had to move away and now a renter is in place. She is now complaining about the renter making noises. Her actions are intolerable. Is there anything I can do to stop her nonsense? She is a part of the board so when I complain, my emails are forwarded to her. Don't know what to do.


By your zip code this does not appear to be a California law question. Considering that co-ops are virtually unknown here, I'm guessing your zip code is correct. Accordingly you need to re post your question to the attorneys in your state.

Are there branches of Bank of America in the Philippines?

Are there branches of Bank of America in the Philippines?
Bank of America
24/f Paseo de Roxas
Makati, Ph

I am paying the legal fees for the plaintiff in my case. I am the defendant. In my court docs it states to pay the firm. The plaintiff email...


I am paying the legal fees for the plaintiff in my case. I am the defendant. In my court docs it states to pay the firm. The plaintiff emailed me to pay them tge legal fees it the firm. What is right legally?


Has a court already ordered you to pay the plaintiff's legal fees? If so, the judgment or order should tell you how to make the payments. If there is no court order, I would need to know more about your case -- particularly, why you're paying the other side's fees. I can imagine reasons why that would happen, but they're not common.


Place both their names on the check.

What are the advantages of globalisation for medc and ledcs?

What are the advantages of globalisation for medc and ledcs?
One of the advantages of globalization is that there can be workoutsourcing to developing countries. Labor and parts can beacquired at cheaper rates. However, one disadvantage is that it canlead LEDCs to risk its own natural resources like oil andrainforests just to supply for MEDCs.

how do you challenge a conviction that is 5 years old where facts were missed


how do you challenge a conviction that is 5 years old where facts were missed


It depends what you mean. If there is newly discovered evidence, such as DNA, that proves a person's innocence then it is possible for a lawyer to ask a court to set aside the conviction and obtain a new trial. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult to overturn a conviction that is 5 years old.

How can you get your true fortune told online by a real person for free?

How can you get your true fortune told online by a real person for free?
You will die a horrible and grisly death next Thursday at 2.23pm.
Have that one one me!!

What is George Lopez salary?

What is George Lopez salary?
it says in his official page that he was pay 12$millions per years for his show and 8.5$millions on tour for his comedy show!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My dad has 2 separate families: multiple children with my mom and multiple children with another woman. My mom has worked for my dad (they n...


My dad has 2 separate families: multiple children with my mom and multiple children with another woman. My mom has worked for my dad (they never married) for decades in his small business. All that time, she gained nothing from it (he didn't pay her, only allowed her to live in his house with me and my siblings). The business, the house we lived in, everything was under his name. My mom wants to sue my dad for half of everything they worked together to build because she thinks (probably accurately) that my dad will give everything to his other family and the other woman. What can my mom do?


Your mother should immediately contact an attorney to discuss the situation as it it a complex situation. if your father is married to the other woman then by virtue of the marriage she has legal rights that your mother does not have. In any event a consultation with an attorney would be beneficial.

I was charged with an m3 drug paraphernalia charge where I was in possession od a syringe that was in my car when I attempted suicide by her...


I was charged with an m3 drug paraphernalia charge where I was in possession od a syringe that was in my car when I attempted suicide by heroin overdose , I'm very ashamed of myself but I was pushed to my limits and over reacted , I do however have a prior record of drug felonies pwid's, but haven't been in any type of trouble for 6 years , and have been drug free for over 2 years until the other night , I have a really good job and a family , could I be looking at jail time , I see on the sentancing matrix chart I would probably be a 5 for gravity score which the sentancing calls for rs-6 , but I'm hoping but not sure if It would fall under the rfel category. Would using the defense of mental illness help me considering obviously I do have a problem if I tried to kill myself , and avoid me going to jail , but I'm willing to go thru counseling or probation or whatever it takes , and this offense is in union county pa.


anytime you are facing criminal charges you should be looking for the best possible disposition. Based on the sentencing guidelines and your prior record this is a ln offence that a good attorney should be able to negotiate to probation.I offer free initial consultations.