Saturday, February 28, 2015

Is child support granted in shared parenting situations when each parent has equal time with the child


Is child support granted in shared parenting situations when each parent has equal time with the child


You have asked this question multiple times. There is no easy answer. I reviewed the PA child support guidelines and they do not expressly take into account the time each parent spends with a child. There are various methods that allow for some deviation but which of the methods the court in your county would use I cannot say. It would be best if you talked this over with a family law attorney who practices in the county where the child lives most of the time. The attorney can then determine if the time each parent spends with the child is truly equal.

While time is obviously a factor, in PA child support is based on the child support guidelines (unless you are in a unique high income situation). If the guidelines apply the courts will look at the income earned or earning capacity of both parents and see how many children are involved and arrive at a number.

hello, I have a question about,we already got visa to come to usa ,we are family of 4 people,can two people go in febaury and two people can...


hello, I have a question about,we already got visa to come to usa ,we are family of 4 people,can two people go in febaury and two people can go in april to usa?


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

Total quick assets of 5888000 total current assets of 11700000 total current liabilities of 8000000 and total long-term liabilities of 12000000 solve using the acid-test?

Total quick assets of 5888000 total current assets of 11700000 total current liabilities of 8000000 and total long-term liabilities of 12000000 solve using the acid-test?

My divorce decree states that my ex, my son and myself each pay for a 1/3 of his college. My son is finishing the 2nd year of community coll...


My divorce decree states that my ex, my son and myself each pay for a 1/3 of his college. My son is finishing the 2nd year of community college and is 20 years old. He had a scholarship for the 1st year tuition and I paid for a 1/3 of his housing (associated costs). I cashed in a terrible life insuarance policy for him which covered his 2nd year tuition. I am still paying a 1/3 of his housing. He will be transfering to a 4 year state college this fall. What are the ramifications if I am not able to pay for my 1/3?


I think what you'll need to do is to seek a modification of the post secondary education subsidy if you can't pay for it.

Hi, I would like to know if I get married with my boyfriend who is in USA with an L2 visa and i ask for asylum, would he get it with me? I k...


Hi, I would like to know if I get married with my boyfriend who is in USA with an L2 visa and i ask for asylum, would he get it with me? I know he will lose his visa if he marries me, what can we do?

I'm from Russia, he is from Ecuador , we are both guys and age of 19 , thanks


What would be your basis for the asylum? When did you last enter the U.S.? Many other questions arise and to best advise someone with your circumstances, careful consideration of all relevant factors is important. Best to take this offline and hire an attorney.


Unless you have an excellent basis for asylum & have evidence to prove it, chances are you could get denied, end up in Removal proceedings & be deported. I would highly recommend hiring an attorney who is very experienced in asylum claims & litigation before you file anything.


What is the basis for his L2 status? What is your current status? How long have you guys had a relationship? Are either or both of you working? If, on the off chance, you were to prevail on an asylum claim, your spouse and/or minor children could get asylum as well. Email or call me if you would like to discuss the matter further at [email protected]/* */ or (813) 951-6187.


Please call me at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

My question is a quick one. My ex-wife has petitioned to change back to her maiden name. I received a "family matters - short calendar" noti...


My question is a quick one. My ex-wife has petitioned to change back to her maiden name. I received a "family matters - short calendar" notice of the date and time for the hearing. Do I have to report to the court for this hearing?


No. Even if you did show up to object, she has a right to the name change. Just sit back and think how happy you are that you are no longer married to her.

My wife and I moved in to a new home 6 months ago. Just a couple of days ago we got a call for Nevada county appraisal. They say that they w...


My wife and I moved in to a new home 6 months ago. Just a couple of days ago we got a call for Nevada county appraisal. They say that they want to reappraise our house because the house permit say one thing on square footage and the listing say another. The basement was finished but not permitted and another part was set up for storage. I sent them the appraisal from our bank but now they want to come to the house to measure. What are our rights as new owners? Do we have to let them come to our house.


Yes, they do. It has to do with property taxes.

What is the third concern of business forecasting?

What is the third concern of business forecasting?
(3) they ignore coevolution (developments created by individual actions).

How long did fringe run on channel nine?

How long did fringe run on channel nine?
The series is still running. It's on Fox, and is currently in the middle of season 2.

I will be married 40 years this year and haven't worked out of the home. I am taking care of my mother in hospice with Alzheimer's. I am the...


I will be married 40 years this year and haven't worked out of the home. I am taking care of my mother in hospice with Alzheimer's. I am the only living child. She has a house that is paid for and I have 4000.00 in a bank account with my son. Looks like divorce is inevitable. Would he be entitled to money if I sold the house, to any of the money in the account? Would I get alimony if I have money in the bank? Or any of his 401 k(17,000.00) or retirement?


The questions you posed are too complicated to answer via this forum. Contact my office and i would be happy to give you general information in regard to these subjects. However, in regard to separate property do not comingle funds that you wish to keep separate.

My employer acknowledged that in error, per Labor Law Section 226.7, they did not permit me to take a second 10-minute rest period. Specific...


My employer acknowledged that in error, per Labor Law Section 226.7, they did not permit me to take a second 10-minute rest period. Specifically, I needed that break to pump breast milk, and I was told if I wanted the second break, I would have to take it unpaid. Today I was presented with a letter stating that they acknowledge the mistake and are going to pay me my hourly rate times the number of days they violated the law. Should I sign? What would the implications of that be?


What they are offering you is the full amount they owe you (provided they properly calculate the number of days the violated the Labor Code) as a penalty for denying you your second break. The implication, most likely since I can't see the letter, would be that you have been compensated in full and give up your right to sue them for it. Because of your condition as a nursing mother, it is possible you could sue them for more under disability or medical accommodation statutes other than the Labor Code. Without knowing a lot more about the situation and doing some legal research I can't say whether you would have any kind of good case for more money or not. You would have to consult a local labor law attorney in your area to figure that out. If you sign a release in exchange for the Labor Code penalty payment, however, it would almost certainly also give up your right to sue under other laws. It would be a final settlement of your claim.

Whats the punishment for f459 and f496 in the state of california for repeat offenders

My dad passed away four years ago and I am his only child. His widow not my mother told me that The copies of the death certificate and will...


My dad passed away four years ago and I am his only child. His widow not my mother told me that The copies of the death certificate and will are her and I can only see or have them when she dies. Is there a way to get these without going through her. I think she is doing something with the house my dad left me and want to know where I stand.


Anyone can open the succession. Open your father's succession and have the court order her to produce the will. As for the death certificate, you can get a copy of that yourself from

How do plants and animals survive in the ocean?

How do plants and animals survive in the ocean?
They posses adaptation feature to the marine habitat.

My parents were going through a divorce from 2003-2005. I was a freshman/sophomore in college at the time and 18 years old. I know my parent...


My parents were going through a divorce from 2003-2005. I was a freshman/sophomore in college at the time and 18 years old. I know my parents took out a loan to pay for my freshman year and it was in their divorce agreement to pay 50/50 for that loan. I find it hard to believe that a Massachusetts judge would have overlooked the costs of the remaining 3 years of my undergrad in my parents divorce. Needless to say after graduating in 2007 with honors i could not find a suitable job to pay the bills and actually returned to school in 2009. Here i am years later about to give birth to my 2nd child and cannot afford to keep working and put both children in daycare NEVERMIND pay for all of my student loans. would my parents have been obligated to contribute some money to my college expenses in their divorce agreement? HELP!


They're only required to contribute exactly as specified in the Divorce Agreement/Judgment. Nonetheless, as you were not a party to that divorce, you will have a difficult time trying to find recourse against either one of them.

What are the release dates for Professor Bounce's Kid Fit - 2008 Swaying - 1.2?

What are the release dates for Professor Bounce's Kid Fit - 2008 Swaying - 1.2?
Professor Bounce's Kid Fit - 2008 Swaying - 1.2 was released on:

USA: 3 April 2008

Is it illegal in Florida to drive into the parking lot of an apartment complex or store and turn back out the same way to reach the other si...


Is it illegal in Florida to drive into the parking lot of an apartment complex or store and turn back out the same way to reach the other side of the road.


Depends on the arrows, apartment rules, and lots of other information that you don't include here. Ask a local attorney to find out.

A partner at my company was involved in an auto accident where the otherdriver was at-fault, but underinsured. Our Ins. Co. is covering the ...


A partner at my company was involved in an auto accident where the other

driver was at-fault, but underinsured. Our Ins. Co. is covering the totaled out vehicle. Agreement was reached on the value with our provider. The lien holder required an amount some $2000 above the payoff value to release the title to our insurance co. Is that legal in the State of NC? Thank You for a response.


Not enough details to be able to tell. Consult an attorney experienced in insurance law with a copy of your insurance policy.

I was injured on job, WC doc wrote for light duty..I was unable to work due to pain..later MRI showed ruptured disc, torn ligaments, etc. .s...


I was injured on job, WC doc wrote for light duty..I was unable to work due to pain..later MRI showed ruptured disc, torn ligaments, etc. .sent to ortho specialist, now going for epidural injection to spine but still no pay for 4 months


If your unable to work light duty, then you should be receiving temporary disability, which equals 2/3 of your average weekly wage. Maybe your case is denied? Call me for a free consultation at 1-877-505-injury.

David B Lupoff, Esq


You should be able to receive either temporary disability benefits or State Disability benefits (SDI). It is always easier to receive SDI since insurance company and/or your employer have no control on it as long as a doctor is willing to certify you for disability. Feel free to call me at 213-388-7070 for a free consultation.

What is dialectical system theory?

What is dialectical system theory?
Dialectical theory is the balance between contradictory impulses of wanting to be alone (with one's self) and at the same time wanting to be in the company of another.

Simple meaning of bank?

Simple meaning of bank?
There are many definitions for bank. The simplest definition ofbank would say that it is a noun, and a place where you can loan ortake out money.

What is live ware?

What is live ware?
Live ware is a term that is often used to describe some personnelthat work with computers. It is often used to distinguish them fromthe hardware and software they work with.

Can I sue for harassment from retail store, mall security, police department?


Can I sue for harassment from retail store, mall security, & police department?


Stores and private security might be liable in some cases, but they do have rather broad discretion when dealing with security issues on their property. However, they might be liable for a variety of causes, depending on the situation.

Police departments and police officers have broad discretion when acting in their official capacity. While there may be liability issues there, they are generally extremely difficult to successfully litigate.

My neighbor torn down a fence on the property line, with part of it on his side, part on my side, been there over 10 yrs. He trespassed on ...


My neighbor torn down a fence on the property line, with part of it on his side, part on my side, been there over 10 yrs. He trespassed on my property to do it. He proceeded to pour concrete slab right up to prop line, and erect a bldg/shed. City got involved and issued him cease and desist, he had no permit, and violated 10 ft setback. This went on for more than a yr, fence was torn down this time. During all this, i have found out other part of fence in 6 in on my property. Can I get a survey and require this fence removed to his property (completely). Was there an easement created, due to time, and if yes, would it change since he tore it down? Thanks


Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on details we do not have, on what is recorded, and so on. You should have already retained a real estate litigator. Go back and see him. You need him.

What are the three important action you can take to avoid a conflict?

What are the three important action you can take to avoid a conflict?
this is an opinionated answer stay away from those who get in trouble, be good , and dont be bad

When recording a installment land contract in Kern County California, is the buyer supposed to submit a PCOR at the same time? How does the ...


When recording a installment land contract in Kern County California, is the buyer supposed to submit a PCOR at the same time? How does the buyer take over the property tax payments?


You don't submit a PCOR with the recording of an installment land sale contract, because title is not transferred to the buyer until all the payments have been made under the installment land sale contract. Usually the installment land sale contract will contain a provision that requires the vendee (buyer) to pay the property taxes. The contract itself should reference the Assessor's Parcel Number, with an annotation in the left hand side that states "when recorded mail tax statements to: (vendee's name and address)."


Mr. Roach is correct. The buyer does not become liable to the county until the contract is completed. This is one of MANY problems with using a contract for deed rather than a deed with a carry back deed of trust.

If there is not enough money left in a trust to pay out all those named, how is the remaining money that is left divided? Do those who were ...


If there is not enough money left in a trust to pay out all those named, how is the remaining money that is left divided? Do those who were supposed to get the most (largest percentage of trust), get whatever is left after all bills are paid out or is the amount divided equally?


The residual trust funds are distributed to beneficiaries based on terms of the trust. There

is no reason to divide such amounts equally unless supported by trust provisions. If a

beneficiary is entitled to 50% of trust distribution, the amount will make no difference

unless the trust provides so.


It will depend on what the trust states. I suggest you ask a probate/trust attorney to review it for you (the cost will be minimal I am sure) and explain to you the way to handle the distribution.

If I can be of assistance, please contact my office for an appointment (904-997-1031)

What are some good adult treasure hunt clues?

What are some good adult treasure hunt clues?
Clue: "In reverse I am the apex, the upper most elite, but my dull reality is simply full of peat."
Answer: a flowerpot.

What is the difference between paid-in capital and paid-up capital?

What is the difference between paid-in capital and paid-up capital?

Friday, February 27, 2015

What are the benefits of vendor management software?

What are the benefits of vendor management software?
The Vendor Management from Maclear LLC provides a platform tocollect and manage vendor information. It provides a standardizedsecure web based application process. It helps to mitigate risksposed to the business from third party suppliers and serviceproviders.

What is business concentration strategy?

What is business concentration strategy?
Business concentration is much like a pond at your local park. There are hundreds of little fish. Some of these fish over time grow larger and as they grow larger they get hungrier. As this occurs the little fish who aren't as big and strong as the bigger fish begin to be consumed by the larger fish and die off. Then you have the other fish who like to group together for protection. Put this into a business perspective, there are 100's of small businesses as the year's progress, smaller business die off. Some of the smaller businesses decide to group together and the other businesses keep growing. Eventually you are left with one or two big businesses that has hasn't stopped growing and a few other smaller business that have merged. This situation is the nature of business not only here in Australia, but throughout the world.jordan...

Do game designers yearly earnings include commission?

Do game designers yearly earnings include commission?
Yes. It sure is a lot though!

I am filing divorce papers (Affidavits) and my divorce was denied by the judge for the following reason: Affidavits must be taken after Bill...


I am filing divorce papers (Affidavits) and my divorce was denied by the judge for the following reason: Affidavits must be taken after Bill of Complaint and waiver of service was filed. I was wondering if this is a simple filing error and If i just need to reorganize the paper work since the court already has all the paperwork but the final decree. Thanks ahead of time for the help!


You will have to get the affidavits resigned and notarized, AND dated after the waiver of service was signed. Otherwise, the Court has no jurisdiction.

If you're in jail on a probation violation but are POSSIBLY pending charges in another county, how long can the other county wait to charge ...


If you're in jail on a probation violation but are POSSIBLY pending charges in another county, how long can the other county wait to charge you?


Generally speaking, a charge needs to be filed within 3 years if its a felony and 2 years if its a misdemeanor, unless you've already been arrested for the offense, then it needs to be filed within 45 days.

i am the respondent in a motion for enforecment of final judegment (divorce). a private person delivered it to my house but no signature was...


i am the respondent in a motion for enforecment of final judegment (divorce). a private person delivered it to my house but no signature was required and there is no direction on the paperwork that tell me how to repond or by when. Does this seem right?


Yes. The Sheriff licenses private process servers to serve papers. There is no requirement for a signature.

What is the formula to determine oustanding AR days for a medical practice?

What is the formula to determine oustanding AR days for a medical practice?
Ideally total A/R should not exceed one month's billing.Accounts receivable will vary depending on your medical specialty. Primary care a/r will be less than specialists or surgeons.You can get a good idea by speciality by checking with MGMA. (Medical Group Management Association.)

what are the possible consequences for the following charges, they are still pending what advice can you give me? my husband is currently i...


what are the possible consequences for the following charges, they are still pending; what advice can you give me? my husband is currently in the county jail, and these are unfortunately very big charges for him.

-flee or attempt to elude LEO ; by engaging in reckless driving

-theft of prop/service ; felony

-interference with LEO; oobstruct or resist in felony case

-criminal pos of firearm by felon; felony/drug conv, firearm used in crime

- poss. of certin hallucinogenic drugs

-use/poss w/ intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body

please any advice will help


The possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is five years. The others range from probation to ten years. Obviously, he needs to consult directly with a defense attorney immediately. His prior record, the particular County he is in, and the facts regarding these charges greatly effect the likely outcome.

Good luck

What is the difference between objecting to a temporary guardianship and guardianship in California? Original guardianship terminated for im...


What is the difference between objecting to a temporary guardianship and guardianship in California? Original guardianship terminated for improper notice court appointed temporary guardian who now wants guardianship.


A guardianship is a lot like a normal custody case with some exceptions. 1) it's not two parent's, but a third party (normally an immediate family member) fighting over custody. 2) this is a probate matter, and 3) Guardianships by its nature are meant to be temporary. A guardianship is created if both parents are unable to care for the minor child, or the minor child is at risk in their care. A temporary guardianship is established if the allegations are to such degree that the risk to the child is SOO great that they create the guardianship to protect the child. Guardianship cases are long lasting cases that last a substantial period of time. Call our offices at 925-225-1025 for more information.

You opened an ac with UTI bank which is now AXIS bank at zero balance but axis bank has sent you statement of 2400 lien amount what to do?

You opened an ac with UTI bank which is now AXIS bank at zero balance but axis bank has sent you statement of 2400 lien amount what to do?
Bank's Lien The Bank shall have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future on the deposits held in the User's accounts whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the iConnect service extended to and/or used by the User

Why do you want to study in London?

Why do you want to study in London?
if have too much of money you can study in London

How can you find out what you can and can not take after foreclosure?

How can you find out what you can and can not take after foreclosure?
You can take anything IN the house, that you brought in when you purchased it, ie. furniture, drapes, etc.You cannot take anything that is attached to the house, ie. light fixtures, doors, windows, ceiling fans, etc.If it would decrease thevalue of the house by taking it, leave it alone.

What is a example of a carnivore?

What is a example of a carnivore?
Lion, tiger, and bear

Why do sharks like fish?

Why do sharks like fish?
because they are sound

Where are the maman sculptures as of September 2009?

Where are the maman sculptures as of September 2009?
The museum of modern art in Paris has an exhibit.

I am an Indian,present on F1 status . I was served with divorce on feb 17th in pennsylvania. What i have to do know? I disagree for divorce.


I am an Indian,present on F1 status . I was served with divorce on feb 17th in pennsylvania. What i have to do know? I disagree for divorce.


Whore in Pennsylvania? What were the grounds for divorce? Why do you oppose it?



You need an attorney. Identify what county so you can find them.

Can you bypass 02 sensor in exhaust in 1994 grandprix?

Can you bypass 02 sensor in exhaust in 1994 grandprix?
yes but it cost alot so get a job get laid get married have kids get divorce buy a hooker get laid get married to her get divorced and die

If a officer issues a citation for Driving under Suspension and lets the person go can they add additional charges such as DUI after the fac...


If a officer issues a citation for Driving under Suspension and lets the person go can they add additional charges such as DUI after the fact in the State of North Dakota?


Simple answer is yes. The reports could be reviewed by a prosecuting attorney and additional charges can be brought basically anytime. If additional charges are later added or charged there is likely some evidence pointing to those charges.

i wasnt read my rights and was hand cuffed for four and a half hours b4 i was questioned then read my miranda rights. i was "cought" on vide...


i wasnt read my rights and was hand cuffed for four and a half hours b4 i was questioned then read my miranda rights. i was "cought" on video walking through a school office after hours.. two "friends" where driving my fathers truck when getting pulled over i walked up after about a half hour later and the rest is history. i was put in a car and transferd to the local county where i bailed.. is this ok i feel my rights where violated..


Officers do not have to read you your Miranda rights. The only penalty for not reading you the Miranda rights is that any statement you make after you are arrested and before you are read the rights generally can not be used against you in court. It is a fairly complicated area of law and you should have an attorney and you should talk to the attorney in detail about what happened.


Mr. Shapiro is right. You haven't said whether police questioned you before they read you your Miranda rights. If they didn't, then those rights were not violated. That may be true even if you were questioned, especially if that happened before you were cuffed. As Mr. Shapiro notes, these are complicated issues that lawyers can only answer once they know a lot more about the facts.

Even if your Miranda rights were violated and some of your statements get excluded as a result, the prosecution will be free to use other evidence. A Miranda violation isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card.

The fact you spent four and a half hours in handcuffs might give you some decent arguments. Here again, though, that will depend on the facts.

Good luck.

Can you mix grades in cars?

Can you mix grades in cars?
If you are talking about mixing grades of gasoline, then yes you can. It will not hurt it, it will acutally help the car run better. But you have to make sure that your engine, will allow certain kinds. BUT PLEASE... DO NOT put diesel in a gasoline engine

My child is attending a school in california on an interdistrict permit. We recently had an IEP and he was found eligible for services. Then...


My child is attending a school in california on an interdistrict permit. We recently had an IEP and he was found eligible for services. Then they dropped a bomb and said that if we sign in agreement for services, that he will not be allowed to attend the school and have to go back to his district of residence. They flat out said that if we decline services, that he can continue at his current placement. Can they do this?


The school may not condition attendance on an interdistrict permit on your agreement to decline services. If, however, there is a specific program for which your childhood qualifies under special education, and there is not suffiicient space in that program, that may be a basis for revoking the permit. I would ask for a copy of the districts regulations relating to interdistrict attendance to see if anything applies to your situation.

In 2005 I broke my right leg while on a ride at the McDonald's Museum in San Bernardino, Ca. It was not machine operated and was similar to ...


In 2005 I broke my right leg while on a ride at the McDonald's Museum in San Bernardino, Ca. It was not machine operated and was similar to a teacup. While I was on it my shoelace got stuck in it and as it turned my leg started to turn as well and wrapped around the pole. When the ambulance came they tried to put my foot in a brace but it was facing backwards. When I got to the hospital the had to make two incisions on both sides of my right leg because of the pressure. They were only able to stitch up one side and the other had to heal on its own because of the pressure. The width of the open wound was about half my leg size. I had to be out of school for half the year because of hospitalization and home schooling. Ever since that incident, many medical problems have started occurring. I could not sue at the time because my parents are divorced and one of them did not want to sue but I will now be turning 18 in 2 months. What steps do I take next ?


I recommend that you contact a personal injury lawyer in your community sooner rather than later. While the statute of limitation for personal injury is tolled (deferred) while you are a minor, it's better to sue now, rather than later, especially as there may be witnesses to the event in question that may not be available when you get around to it.

Can a Living Trust protect my 50 of house/property for my daughters if I die before my husband and inspite of his objections?


Can a Living Trust protect my 50% of house/property for my daughters if I die before my husband and inspite of his objections?


It depends on how the property is titled and if you have a premarital agreement.

You have not provided enough information to receive an accurate answer.


It depends on how the house is titled and if you had a premarital agreement.

How are arguments or legal disputes settled?

How are arguments or legal disputes settled?
In most cases, legal disputes or arguments are settled through judgement of higher court officials based on more solid evidences that support either sides on the argument or legal dispute.

My g-kids G-father on other side is a repeat and persistent sex offender. Had 6 new charges in 2014. His bond was $250,000. Put up $5000 cas...


My g-kids G-father on other side is a repeat and persistent sex offender. Had 6 new charges in 2014. His bond was $250,000. Put up $5000 cas and got bondsman. Plead not guilty. Trial dates were set. I just status if case and those cases are gone but he has new case #s and says "Bond over to circ". Can you please tell me what this means as this man still out and around child. My g-children to this day. Can you please answer please help.?


In America a defendant u defendant presumed innocent until proven guilty. As criminal cases progress, the case number often changes. Sometimes just a suffix is added, like -01, -02, etc. The entire case how with the tagged case. Other times, indictments or cases brought by information only are replaced by new infirmation cases or new indictments, although the latter is rare. As long as he does not violate the terms of his bond, he will remain free through the trial.

Given the facts you described, it seems odd that no contact with children, wasn't a condition of his bond. I guess the gkids were not the alleged victims in his cases.

If you are concerned, their parents can hire counsel to add that condition, or just withhold contact until the trial is over. You could hire an attorney to do this, but you may put them unto foster care, as you would be alleging that your child and in-law are putting the children in a known danger.

This is just a general description if the process, based upon the few facts you provided. You need to consult directly with an attorney, that can have access to more facts before deciding what to do. It is good that you care about the safety if your descendants. It's surprising how many grandparents don't.

Good luck

Can a parent become an attorney adlitem for their minor child in New MexicoCan a custodial parent file to protect their minor childs civil r...


Can a parent become an attorney adlitem for their minor child in New Mexico

Can a custodial parent file to protect their minor childs civil rights in the parents divorceif the non custodial parent is not acting in the minors best interest


Only a licensed attorney can represent another in the courts of New Mexico. That includes relatives, spouses, children and others. If there has been a divorce, the court retains continuing jurisdiction over minor children, and can be petitioned to make changes to the Decree or issue other orders in the best interests of the child upon proper application by one authorized to do so. A party may file her/his own application for modification, which can include matters related to the child, but may not represent the child as an attorney.

Can the IRS charge a penalty for filing late 2 weeks on a s corp. They charged me 975.00 for the 2011 but 89.00 in 2009?

Can the IRS charge a penalty for filing late 2 weeks on a s corp. They charged me 975.00 for the 2011 but 89.00 in 2009?
Absolutely... request a copy of their calculations to determine the difference. It more likely than not has to do with the lateness of the returns - 2011 was probably filed much later than 2009.

A decent CPA should be able to get some of the penalties knocked down, if not abated, for you.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

My son and his girlfriend had a child together (one year old) She canceled the wedding and now wants to move out of state of Florida. What c...


My son and his girlfriend had a child together (one year old) She canceled the wedding and now wants to move out of state of Florida. What can we do to stop her from taking his son away.


You need to file a petition to enforce your rights as a father asap. Contact my office for free consultation 727-446-7659-


He sould immediately file a petition for paternity. She can move the child permanently without any consequence until he files. Once he files, she cannot move the child until a court orders it, and orders for relocation aren't given out easily. He needs a lawyer in his area immediately. He can call me at 813-443-5249.

I am an Indian citizen, i have an LLC in USA a Pvt Ltd organization in India, i want to collaborate both the companies to further be able ...


I am an Indian citizen, i have an LLC in USA & a Pvt Ltd organization in India, i want to collaborate both the companies to further be able to process an intra company transfer visa for myself & my employees in the future. Is that a possibility & if yes please provide me the brief details as to how i can proceed further.


This is posted in business law, but really you need an immigration lawyer to give a full answer. Briefly, there are a couple of visa categories that might fit your circumstances, but be aware that our immigration service has been tightening their examination -- years back, it was possible to establish essentially a self-employment structure, but now a more substantial company with US employees is required to support this kind of visa.

I am happy to refer you to qualified immigration counsel.

Best wishes,



Mr. Graves is correct, you need to speak to an immigration attorney. One of my partners is an immigration attorney and only represents businesses and its principals as opposed to individuals seeking student visas et cetera.

Please email me and I will make a referral so you can speak with her.

What is residential land use?

What is residential land use?
Residential land use means land which has had a dwelling erected upon it for human habitation. Zoning laws can restrict how many dwellings and how much land for each dwelling, and other criteria, and determine how many dwelling units (apartments) are allowed, and so forth.

I bought a business and didn't get what i payed for in 11 weeks and said i was done waiting


I bought a business and didn't get what i payed for in 11 weeks and said i was done waiting


While I can confirm for you that you may have a breach of contract action and the legal remedy may be a recission of the contract, or may be money damages to provide to you the value of what you should have received, it is not possible to address your post any further at this time without more specific facts as to the circumstances of the purchase and a review of the contract. I can be reached via my website if you'd like.

Is the Bank of Scotland or the Royal Bank of Scotland connected to the scotiabank?

Is the Bank of Scotland or the Royal Bank of Scotland connected to the scotiabank?
No Scotia Bank, formerly known as the Bank of Nova Scotia is a Canadian bank. Bank of Scotland was the first bank created in Scotland in 1695 by the Scottish Parliament and one of the oldest commercial banks in the world. The Royal Bank of Scotland was create in the century thereafter having been granted a Royal Charter to complete.

When filling a Government Claim form against a government-run hospital (example, UCLA Medical Center) for Medical Malpractice, can the dolla...


When filling a Government Claim form against a government-run hospital (example, UCLA Medical Center) for Medical Malpractice, can the dollar amount sought, be stated in the claim form? ..(I ask, because in Government Claim forms filed against the Court Personnel, the dollar amount cannot be stated, for some reason(s), per their internal codes/case law(s)).


Forms tend to vary from entity to entity, but most allow a statement of the amount being claimed which is then subject to interpretation as a "maximum" potential recovery.

Which form of business is mostly found in India?

Which form of business is mostly found in India?
Mutual banana consumption. This is known to cause hyperstrokes.

can someone take me to small claims court even though I have been making small payments?


can someone take me to small claims court even though I have been making small payments?


Anyone can take anyone to small claims court as long as the court fees are filed. You could be held liable, and a judgment can be entered against you, if the full amount is past due. If there is a formal contract stating that payments are acceptable, and you are not past due, then you probably have a valid defense.

When is the paperback of marshmallow skye by Cathy cassidy coming out?

When is the paperback of marshmallow skye by Cathy cassidy coming out?
The paper back of marshmallow skye by cathy cassidy will be released in april 2012, therefore, the origional paperback cover will hopefully be out before christmas :)

How long does it normaly take an uncontested will to be probated?


How long does it normaly take an uncontested will to be probated?


I handle uncontested divorces. They take a minimum of 61 days after the filing of the petition to finalize.

If you need a lawyer...I represent clients for a flat free of $975 (including filing fees).

Is it possible for a business to over segment its market?

Is it possible for a business to over segment its market?
Yes.  They can design products around too many segments and not have enough business in any of them to justify the costs of such a complex product line. 

Who is Lou visconto?

Who is Lou visconto?
Louis Tullius Joachim Visconti (February 11, 1791, Rome - December 29, 1853) was an Italian-born French architect anddesigner.
Son of the Italian archaeologist and art historian Ennio Quirino Visconti, Visconti designed many Parisian residences, public buildings and squares, including the Place Saint Sulpice and the overall design of the Fontaine Molire, and was the briefly official architect for the Louvre under Napoleon III. He is probably most famed for designing the 1842 tomb of Napoleon at Les Invalides. His students include Joseph Poelaert, designer of the Palais de justice de Bruxelles.

We bought a building from a bank that has an existing tenant. On closing no Estoppell certificate was given to us , neither was a lease "ass...


We bought a building from a bank that has an existing tenant. On closing no Estoppell certificate was given to us , neither was a lease "assigned" to us. Is the contract in effect ?

The contract specifically says:

Transfers by Landlord. Landlord has unrestricted right to sell, assign, mortgage, encumber, or otherwise disposr of all pr any prt of the property therein. Upon sale or other disposition of the property, Landlorf will be released from all obligations and liabilities therafter accruing under this lease and tenant will attorn to Landlord's successor and look solely to such successor for performance of the lease theafter.


The bank could only sell subject to the rights of others in the property, including the tenant's leasehold interest. A more extensive answer would require review of the lease and sale documents.

Bank of America foreclosed on my home then sold it for an amount that covered my 1st and 2nd mortgage (both held by BOA). Then the put the 2...


Bank of America foreclosed on my home then sold it for an amount that covered my 1st and 2nd mortgage (both held by BOA). Then the put the 2nd mortgage as unpaid on my credit report. They say I still own this amount. What can I do?


Meet with a lawyer ASAP. It sounds like something is wrong. But I'd need to know more to really respond.

Can my employer go through my emails without letting me know first? I have never signed anything saying that they would or could do this.


Can my employer go through my emails without letting me know first? I have never signed anything saying that they would or could do this.


Yes if they are through a company email account. They own the account and the servers the emails are stored on.

How many rivers are in Michigan?

How many rivers are in Michigan?
There are 8 rivers in Michigan.

1. Tahquamenon river
2. Detroit river
3. Shiawassee river
4. Grand river
5. Pere Marquette river
6. Yellow Dog river
7. Ontonagon river
8. Clinton river

Can I have a banishment removed from a county after a plead?


Can I have a banishment removed from a county after a plead?



What vehicles does Avis offer?

What vehicles does Avis offer?
Avis offers a variety of vehicles. Avis Offers Compact, SUV, and economy vehicles. They offer all American makes, and some foreign. Avis is all around a good choice for your automobile rental.

What happens when your ID1368627649 makes funny laughing noises?

What happens when your ID1368627649 makes funny laughing noises?
It dont laugh it sequeks and it eats and runs on its wheel and climbs like a monkey

I had decelerations with labor. Doctor gave cervadil and pitocin. I arrived at the hospital on Sunday evening. Only dialated to 7 cm by Tues...


I had decelerations with labor. Doctor gave cervadil and pitocin. I arrived at the hospital on Sunday evening. Only dialated to 7 cm by Tuesday morning. Doctor finally ordered an emergency cesarean. There was terminal meconium at delivery. Initially she had trouble eating and had seizures later that night. She had significant apnea episodes. She also had cerebral edema. She was diagnosed with hie and pvl. Do I have a case.


You might have a case but the only way to know is to contact an experienced birth injury law firm and have your medical records reviewed by an expert. Feel free to call my office on Monday. I have a full time nurse on staff to assist.

Why the consumer behavior is dynamic?

Why the consumer behavior is dynamic?
Because needs od the customers are changing according to new development of that product ..

purchased a motorcycle, took it to the shop to get some repairs done to it and i paid out of pocket for it. 1 week later it rained really ba...


purchased a motorcycle, took it to the shop to get some repairs done to it and i paid out of pocket for it. 1 week later it rained really bad and there was floods all over louisianna. Ive been calling the shop and no answer for days. I received a call yesterday saying that the shop received flood damage and so did my bike, and they said i should call my insurance and claim it. what should i do


The shop is responsible to keep your car safe while it is in their possession. They are what is called a compensated depositary under Louisiana law.

Hi there, Recently my friend who is a medicinal marijuana patient was arrested for possession to sell and cultivation. The police came to hi...


Hi there,

Recently my friend who is a medicinal marijuana patient was arrested for possession to sell and cultivation. The police came to his house with a search warrant, but neglected to tell him why they had the warrant, and why he was being arrested. They seized all the equipment, and cut down all of the plants (They were following everything in legal limit, in no way, shape, or form were they breaking the law) Also they seized his laptop which is effecting his school work, and caused tremendous emotion stress- the entire reason he has a medical card is because of anxiety, he has an actual medical condition, but would rather not take valium because marijuana helps him. They put him in jail after finding a scale, and a piece of paper indicating that he was selling. However, he has evidence that has sold the medicine to medical clubs, and has receipts as evidence. And any medical patient is going to have a scale, I would think police can't go around arresting people based on heresay... I also believe they shouldn't be able to connect the firearm to him in court because it is one of your amendments that you have the right to bear arms. However, I am not sure if I am wrong and wondering from a legal stand point a lawyers opinion on the matter. Did they violate his miranda rights by not telling him why he was being arrested/the source of the warrant? Does he have standing to sue the city or the neighbors that might have complained and caused this entire ordeal? I would really appreciate your input. Thank you.


Your "friend" needs an attorney. If he cannot afford to hire an attorney, he should ask the court to appoint one for him from the public defender's office.

You have a lot of issues, that would be best cleared up by a private discussion between your friend and his lawyer. Miranda warnings are required to be given prior to custodial interrogation. Failure to give them does not invalidate an arrest, but rather would make any statements your friend gave while in custody inadmissible upon proper motion.

The Second Amendment is not a blanket right to do what you want with firearms. States have legitimate interests in regulating possession and sales of firearms.

The issues that you raise should be addressed by his attorney.

What are difference between an estate agent and an auctioneer?

What are difference between an estate agent and an auctioneer?
An estate agent is an agent who is in control or charge or theestate. The auctioneer is the one who is going to get the mostmoney they can from the estate and property.

Charge is attempting to obtain xanax by giving false information. Can I use first offender and stay out of jail,what should I expect?


Charge is attempting to obtain xanax by giving false information. Can I use first offender and stay out of jail,what should I expect?


Given the seriousness of that charge, you need a criminal attorney to guide you through that mine field Doing it alone can lead to unexpected consequences

Hire a criminal attorney immediately

Good luck,

Ralph (770.985.6773 - answered 24 x 7)


First offender does not keep you out of jail. It only keeps convictions off of your records.

My husband passed in December 2014. I have a written will. He has a workshop on our property which some of my girl had built for their dad. ...


My husband passed in December 2014. I have a written will. He has a workshop on our property which some of my girl had built for their dad. I am now told by a friend of his that John-My husband left his workshop and the tools to him. Is this binding


Unless he has a will that revokes yours, the statement is not binding. You need to probate the written will.


It depends on what your deceased husband's Will states. Hypothetically, if your husband left the property (workshop and the tools) to his friend in his Will, then, the workshop and the tools go to his friend, and if no title or deed is required to transfer the property, I would not suggest going through the Probate process. If the Will does not name the friend, and leaves everything to the family, then, I would say the friend is out of luck. Also, is the Will a valid Texas Holographic Will?

I would need to see the Will to advise further.

Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified probate attorneys, estate planning lawyers and Wills and Trusts attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

If a Specialist performs what is supposed to a routine but very sensitive procedure on me and end up multiple hospital stays and also now va...


If a Specialist performs what is supposed to a routine but very sensitive procedure on me and end up multiple hospital stays and also now various pain reliving as added medical conditions, what would my approach be at compensation when Neurological doctors are baffled on treatment and longevity? I am the patient


Same answer - and posting again does not remove your personal information from the first post.

my father (state of residence Illinois) passed away in June 2014. His wife did not like me or my sisters. I got a letter in mid august from ...


my father (state of residence Illinois) passed away in June 2014. His wife did not like me or my sisters. I got a letter in mid august from my fathers attorney stating that me and my sisters were left 5K a piece in his will (which I have a copy of). I have heard nothing since. Is there something I should have done? Can my stepmother withhold the money? At the time of his will, his assets were listed at 450,000 debts not listed. this was about 1 year from the date of his death.


If you have questions concerning the handling of the estate, call the attorney who sent you the letter for a status update. The administration of an estate can be complicated, usually no payments are made to anyone until six months from the date the probate case was opened, if one was, to allow time for creditor's claims to surface. I'm sorry for your loss.

As of late, I have had some bad financial issues. Not overly bad, but enough to having me worried, losing sleep, depression, ect. I am physi...


As of late, I have had some bad financial issues. Not overly bad, but enough to having me worried, losing sleep, depression, ect. I am physically disabled, I have undergone 11 reconstructive knee procedures that has left me physically disabled the rest of my life at only the age of 27. I do have some credit card debt and do have a few questions/concerns:

Discover Card: $1,100 (charged off, but not sent to any collections).

Amazon/SYNCB: $2,200 (charged off, sent to collections. Although right before Christmas, I sent a debt validation letter certified, never got anything back).

CACH LCC: $950.00 (Sold from OC)

And a medical bill of $600.00 that I am applying for a waiver for.

Due to my disability, I live at home with my parents. My only income is Social Security in the amount of $790.00/month. So I am living month to month, at the end of the month I am lucky to have $20.00 in my checking. I do have a paid off truck that is 11 years old.

I have not paid on any accounts in 2 1/2 years. My state I live in is Pennsylvania. I am considering filling chapter 7 bankruptcy, is it worth filing that over the amount of debt I have? I can not afford a lawyer anyway. I am afraid of getting sued and having my truck taken away. I use that to get back and forth from my Orthopedic Appointments and Physical Therapy. That is all I have to my name.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I would be pleased to consult with you about these debts via email.

Whether you should file bankruptcy is up to you. Some of your debts are with junk debt buyers so that means they are seriously delinquent. In such case, your credit has already been harmed. You can file bankruptcy at any time; you do not need to rush out immediately and file.

Your income is exempt as long as you keep it in a bank account just in your name. You can never have assets in your name, at least until the statute of limitations expires; longer if there are judgments against you.

For these reasons, I would not file bankruptcy - I don't know what the going rate is in PA but it is about $2000 down here. This includes filing fees, attorney fees and any miscellaneous fees. While some of the fees can be waived, given the amount of debt you have it does not seem justified. My ballpark unscientific rule of thumb is that a client should have at least $10,000 in dischargeable debt before they file bankruptcy. You can have less but it should be enough to make it worthwhile.

Now let's look at your debts.

Discover: never sells the debt to a junk debt buyer. They can and will sue. They have a nasty law firm in PA. If you can get the funds before the debt goes to nasty law firm Discover will settle for between 30% and 40%. Given your circumstances, 30% is a possibility.

Amazon/Synchrony - Synchrony used to be GE. They do not usually sue (I have never seen them sue any of my PA clients) and sell to a junk debt buyer. Depends on who they sell to but these debts can be settled once they are with a junk debt buyer. Percentages may vary; my ballpark range is somewhere between 20% - 40% for pre-litigation accounts and 50% - 80% after litigation. These are just general estimates, but anything within this range is fair.

CACH - will sue but the amount is so small, its doubtful. CACH will settle.

Medical bill - probably will not sue you and its so small I would not worry about it.

Statute of limitations in PA is 4 years running from the date of your last payment of any kind. If 2 1/2 years have gone by, if any lawsuits are going to come, they will come in the next year. After that you will be just about home free.

There is no exemption in PA for motor vehicles so your truck is at risk of seizure if a creditor gets a judgment but what's it worth? An 11 year old vehicle cannot be worth very much. There are costs for a sheriff to sell a vehicle. These sales are not really advertised. So if a creditor is not going to walk away with anything then they may not even bother.

What I would do is, despite your meager means, is start saving what you can. When you have about 30% of the Discover debt saved, then I would try to resolve that first. Then you build up funds again and try and do the Synchrony debt if the statute of limitations has not expired. Once the statute runs, forget about it. There is no virtue in paying unless you are applying for a mortgage. Paying after the statute has run will not improve your credit any.

Under no circumstances should you make any kind of payment arrangements on your debt because it resets the statute of limitations. I have several articles about debts on my website at The only time when I would even consider it is after a judgment has been entered and a creditor is trying to execute. However, if you do as I say and get the Discover debt settled as soon as you can, then you may not have to worry too much. However, only make a payment arrangement after you have talked to a lawyer.

I charge reasonable rates to resolve debts. If you need more help, email me at [email protected]/* */


I'm going to respond in a similar fashion to Attorney Hunter. As far as bankruptcy goes, I must say that I am not a bankruptcy attorney. Having said that, you list less than $5000 in debt here. I would surmise that you are not a bankruptcy candidate for such a small amount.

Discover will sue you. They will either hire WWR or Pressler and Pressler to sue you. Both of those firms are very reasonable to work with.

Sync, the old GE bank, may sue you or may sell the debt. We see it as a 50/50 proposition, meaning they sell half of the time and they sue half of the time.

CACH will sue you, they are a junk debt buyer, even for such a small amount.

Having said all of that, you have referenced that you have no money whatsoever. To be frank, its really impossible to offer any advice under that situation. You need money to either settle, or defend.

The one thing that I will advise you to do is to save all collection letters that you receive on any of these accounts. Save the envelopes that they come in, too. Have a consumer attorney, whether its myself or another, review those letters and envelopes for FDCPA violations (violations of debt collection laws). That can change the game for you very quickly, if one of these collectors violates the law.

Is there a statue of limition on a crime commited in ga after you have been indited


Is there a statue of limition on a crime commited in ga after you have been indited


Did you file a speedy trial demand?

What was the date you were indicted?

Hire counsel ASAP

Good luck

Ralph (770.985.6773 -- answered 24 x 7)

An airline company is purchased by an electric company This purchase would be considered a merger?

An airline company is purchased by an electric company This purchase would be considered a merger?
If the electric company purchased the airline company than it is an acquisition by the electric company.

An issued warrant has wrong address is it void. what is the judicial wording to get it dismissed


An issued warrant has wrong address is it void. what is the judicial wording to get it dismissed


An arrest warrant with the wrong address is not necessarily void. Discuss that with the attorney that you should have already hired/

I was married to a man incarcerated in 1998. I supported him the entire time and upon his first release in 2001 I gave him housing, food, he...


I was married to a man incarcerated in 1998. I supported him the entire time and upon his first release in 2001 I gave him housing, food, health insurance, car, etc. He committed another crime and was sent back to prison in 2004. He filed divorce paperwork during his incarceration about 1 year ago. I completed my portions and mailed back. Now he's living with some female and has once again served me additional divorce papers out of yet another county where he resides. The paperwork was handed to my mother since I wasn't at home. Can he file twice? Or can we proceed with the first set of paperwork? Am I eligible for alimony since I supported him for years. He is making good money and I'm now disabled. Also, he stole $30,000 from me when we were married and promised to pay me back. Am I able to get that money? Many questions here!!


Because of the long term marriage it would suggest a right of support however, you lived separate and apart for prolonged periods of time while your husband was imprisoned and your question narrative is unclear as to the level of support you provided to him while He was incarcerated. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options in this regard.

As to your divorce jurisdiction, it would seem sensible to proceed on the original divorce action however this could shorten your period of time that would be considered for calculating spousal support.

Should I have an attorney present when I go to speak with a detective about a fraudulent activity I supposedly committed


Should I have an attorney present when I go to speak with a detective about a fraudulent activity I supposedly committed


In a word: absolutely. Speak with an attorney right away and get a legal consultation to discuss what you know about the alleged fraud or fraudulent activity. Do not speak to anyone about this matter until and unless you speak with an attorney first. The attorney may recommend that you do not speak with the police in order to preserve your rights or give you other advice. Bottom line on this situation: Get a lawyer immediately. Good Luck!

I have been married for 36 years leaving in CaliforniaI want to know how much marital essets do I own My husband says he owns everything so ...


I have been married for 36 years leaving in California

I want to know how much marital essets do I own

My husband says he owns everything so he can make all the financial decisions himself


Absent any written agreement that would be upheld by the court, any earnings acquired during the course of the marriage is community. Any assets acquired with those earnings would also be community property. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

If a person is terminated, does he/she have a right to get a copy of their HR file?


If a person is terminated, does he/she have a right to get a copy of their HR file?


You are free to ask. They are free to say no.

Hello! I attended a workshop for a company I freelance for. During this workshop, I came up with (and was praised for) many valuable ideas. ...


Hello! I attended a workshop for a company I freelance for. During this workshop, I came up with (and was praised for) many valuable ideas. *After* the workshop, the company offered to pay me for my time. I'm wondering if they offered to pay because if they pay me for my time, they can claim part ownership of my ideas. I'm just curious about this.

I have signed no contract, agreement, or paperwork or any kind with this company. Thanks for your help!


Ideas are not legally protectable in and of themselves. Hence, if you disclose your idea to someone, they are generally free to use it absent a contract stating otherwise or possibly a fiduciary relationship.

Credit Card Judgment was entered in State of Michigan two years ago. How long will this remain on my record.


Credit Card Judgment was entered in State of Michigan two years ago. How long will this remain on my record.


In Michigan a judgment is good for ten years but can be renewed at least once for another ten years if it is motioned prior to the date of expiration. This time period can also be extended under certain circumstances one for example if a judge issues an installment payment order.

I was the passenger in a car yesterday and we were t boned and pushed into a yard and tree she hit my door the driver of the car I was in ha...


I was the passenger in a car yesterday and we were t boned and pushed into a yard and tree she hit my door the driver of the car I was in had no license or insurance what are my options


Did police arrive? Do you know if the driver who T-boned you had insurance? Do you have auto insurance? If yes to either insurance question, you have options for making a personal injury claim for your medical bills and pain and suffering.

Hello,- I was riding my bicycle and was struck by a car from behind. - An ambulance rushed me to the hospital fractured wrist, major cuts a...



- I was riding my bicycle and was struck by a car from behind.

- An ambulance rushed me to the hospital; fractured wrist, major cuts and possible head trauma.

- Police Report states the street has "no cycling" signs posted. ( Don't remember seeing any cycling signs).

- The individuals insurance company wants to settle the case.

- I am not interested in settling the case, I would like to move forward with a personal injury case in court.

Thank You in advance for your time,




Thank you for reaching our in regards to your case. Bicycle accident, unlike many other personal injury cases require the correct review of your medical treatment and injuries. It is important that you seek proper medical attention for your damages, to make sure you are properly compensated.

In most cases insurance companies will try and settle your case for pennies on the dollar. They usually try and get to you before you reach an attorney so that they can settle the claim for a fraction of its value.

I am happy to meet and discuss wit you further. Remember, if we decide to accept your case we will handle the doctor appointments and make sure you see the very best specialist for your case. That way we can build a better picture of your injuries so that we can present a solid case and receive the maximum amount for your damages. Do you have a number where we can reach you? Or you can contact our offices direct at 310-770-7309 to discuss. I look forward to hearing from you.

Farid Y. Esq.

No Recovery No Fee


You are right with regards to going forward. Make sure to not give any recorded statements without first getting your own lawyer. Also, make sure to check the lawyer's rating and qualifications before you hire one. Many lawyers claim to be competent but have never done a jury trial. Lastly, these cases are handled on a contingency basis. Meaning you don't pay attorney fees until you win, and then you only pay a percentage from your winnings.

Get better soon and good luck. If you need a free consultation feel free to contact my office.



If you are interested in speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney that can provide you with the personal attention and can assist you in getting the best possible compensation you deserve in your injury matter, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

Our office works on contingency - which means that if there is no recovery from the party at-fault for your injury, you don't pay a fee.

my ex boyfriend and I are residing in separate states. We met and conceived in Philadelphia and I'm delivering our baby in Philadelphia this...


my ex boyfriend and I are residing in separate states. We met and conceived in Philadelphia and I'm delivering our baby in Philadelphia this summer 2015. If we are not together, how does interstate custody work and who is responsible to pay expenses?


Thank you for your question.

In situations where the parents of a child are not married, both parents have an equal right to custody. If the parents live in two different states, a Complaint/Petition for Custody must be filed in the State in which the child has lived during the immediately preceding 6 months.

If the parents have come to an Agreement on custody and visitation, you can submit the Agreement and ask that the Court enter it as an Order of the Court, so that if either parent breaches the Agreement, the other parent can file a Petition for Contempt of Court.

Kindest Regards,


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

what is the sentence for a second offense protitution charge?


what is the sentence for a second offense protitution charge?


Class A misdemeanor so up to 1 year in jail.

My son was arrested for probation violation and is currently incarcerated. He has no bond and was suppose to go to court on Dec 20 and it go...


My son was arrested for probation violation and is currently incarcerated. He has no bond and was suppose to go to court on Dec 20 and it got postponed till Jan 20. In the same jail guys are getting bonds for the same charge. One offender even got a bond while in jail for manslaughter. My son was arrested because he did not complete community service and they act like he killed someone he is suppose to take medication every day and they wont give it to him and he has lost 30 pounds in a month. I hired an attorney for his case and he has done nothing. My question is, how to I get a bond for him and how do I get my money back from this attorney because he is worthless. I don't have the funds to retain another attorney I gave the attorney the last 700 dollars I had and all he has done is contact the judge about a bond and the judge supposedly wrote back and said no bond but coming from this attorney I don't believe he has done anything


1. Your son can fire the attorney at any time. He may be eligible then for a public defender, and should ask for one. The PD can then take care of your son's criminal issues.

2. Raise any questions with the attorney in writing. If you are not satisfied, you may report the behavior to the disciplinary commission. Keep in mind that just because you do not personally observe the work does not mean that work is not happening.

At what age can you minor work and receive pay in New Mexico?

At what age can you minor work and receive pay in New Mexico?
The minimum age requirement to work in New Mexico is 14. Workersshould also provide a work permit until the age of 16.

What is height and weight measurement?

What is height and weight measurement?
height is BY FOOT and weight is BY KGS

How much is 500 pounds in dollars?

How much is 500 pounds in dollars?
GBP/USD = 1.4474 so one pound equal 1.4474 $
So 500* 1.4474= 723.7$

How do you make a pet owner pay for cost of a dog bite?


How do you make a pet owner pay for cost of a dog bite?


The practical answer to this question depends on how bad the bite is and the result. Do you have a small finger cut from a little chow or severe lacerations from a Rottweiler attack? A serious injury from a dog bite is commonly the topic of many personal injury cases. Typically, an injured person is trying to make a claim against the owner's homeowner's policy, if the dog owner owns a home.

What to do in event of intrusion?

What to do in event of intrusion?
In the event of an intrusion, the best thing to do is to stay calm and if possible alert the security agencies to help you out of the situation.

I've worked for my employer as an IT consultant since last year in November. I was given and filled out a W-4 upon starting then received a ...


I've worked for my employer as an IT consultant since last year in November. I was given and filled out a W-4 upon starting then received a 1099 showing me as a non-employee contractor with no withholding as I requested for taxes. I'm angry in that I have to pony up the withholding. My boss says this is their 90-day review process, and everyone goes through it at the company before having taxes withheld and my rate renegotiated. I get asked to work much overtime without pay. Is this legal?


So were you working as an "independent contractor" only for 90 days or for an entire year? Classifying you as a 1099 worker for a 90 day probationary period does not sound legally sustainable especially since they then turned around and treated you as an employee. Illinois has a very stringent test for determining if a worker is an independent contractor. Consider consulting with a qualified employment attorney.

I live in California where I bought my primary residence a couple of years ago. A website run by a real-estate company on the East-Coast fre...


I live in California where I bought my primary residence a couple of years ago. A website run by a real-estate company on the East-Coast freely discloses a list of recent transactions to the public. That list includes my name and the address of the property I bought, which happens to be my residential address.

I emailed them requesting that they remove the personal information but they replied that they obtained the information from Public Records and so, they are within their rights to make that information freely available.

When I bought my primary residence, I never agreed to forgo my rights to a private home. What are my options in this case?


Information that is in the deed and other papers recorded at the time of your purchase are publicly available. People have no legally recognized privacy interest in the information in those papers.

If the information published is indeed in the public record, there is no recourse.

What could be a possible outcome with a petty theft and drug equip or use charge for a minor who has already done the diversion program with...


What could be a possible outcome with a petty theft and drug equip or use charge for a minor who has already done the diversion program with a passed felony charge? She was recommended a rehabilitation program (level 4) spent 60 days and we discharged her. The program is initially a 4-6 month program; However she is sober and doing all the right things. Will they suspend her license? This is in the state of Florida. (The petty theft was stealing cough suppressants). She was only "recomended" by Southwest Florida Addiction Services but not ordered. We put her in there voluntarily. What could be a possible outcome? Please no critisism I am taking all measures to help my daughter. Thankyou.

She also has an aggravated stalking charge for a 3rd degree felony in the passed that made worldwide media attention. She got a slap on the wrist with a diversion program thank god, and the charges were not brough upon. She is now being charged with the petty theft/ drug equip or use.


Your post is somewhat confusing in that I'm not sure what she has pending. The petit theft charge is usually a misdemeanor unless she has 2 priors. But the drug charge could be a felony or misdemeanor depending on the specific charge. If you mean a drug paraphernalia charge, that is one thing, but possession of most drugs (except small amounts of marijuana) are all felonies. So I can't properly answer your question without more information. You should contact an attorney in the area where this happened, give more details to them, and then you will have a better idea of the outcome.

Is it illegal to take someone's DNA with out their consent


Is it illegal to take someone's DNA with out their consent


This is not an easy question to answer as there are many scenarios. For example, if you pick up a piece of hair off the ground, then probably not illegal. If you pluck a hair from their head or take a swab of their cheek, then probably illegal. Lots of gray area, so I suggest you contact an attorney to give them more specifics and explain if any of your actions were illegal or not.

I recieved a Warranty Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure from my time share, the last time they sent me it was like 3 paragraphs that did not menti...


I recieved a Warranty Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure from my time share, the last time they sent me it was like 3 paragraphs that did not mentioned processing fees. This time they quoted $2500 Processing fees (respond within 7 days and you MAY quality for a discounted rate). By taking advantage of these options (i) account will not be submitted for foreclosure (ii) released from any past deliquency and penalties and (iii) prevent any negative reporting to the various credit agencies.

I onced checked on WDIL and it said it was better than a Foreclosure but its reported to credit agencies still. Is this true? No we do not wish to keep the Time Share, too much of finacial drain and people around me says its hard to get rid of it now that we have it. Bankruptcy? WDIL? Foreclosure? Which would be the best option? (time $$$ and sanity)


I think this is a scam. Contact an attorney and get this done correctly.

A high school best friend of mine (Nikki) fell on hard times a couple of years ago. She ended up with a drug habit and resorted to prostitut...


A high school best friend of mine (Nikki) fell on hard times a couple of years ago. She ended up with a drug habit and resorted to prostitution on the streets of Detroit. On more than one occasion she was issued a citation and gave the officer my name, my DOB and a false arrest. When she failed to appear in court a warrant was issued for her arrest. I have not spoken to this person for 12 years. But when i tried to get my drivers license renewed in the State of NH (where I have lived for 10 years) the NH DMV said that there were warrants for my arrest outstanding in Detroit, MI. I obviously was not in Detroit during any of these incidents and have been living and working in NH for the last 10 years. How do I clear my name? I want to travel, move to different states but have this hanging over my head and do not know how to proceed. I can't believe that just because some criminal gives my name and dob that the Detroit Police Dept now have this on the National Crime DB.


You need to hire a michigan attorney. Feel free to contact me I've have handled similar identity issues in the past.

is a writ of coram nobis still an avenue to attack a past conviction in mo


is a writ of coram nobis still an avenue to attack a past conviction in mo


That term is seldom used anymore. But, if a defendant was I'll, or someone else committed fraud that led the trial court do disallow dispositive evidence, that was offered as evidence at trial, the trial court can set aside a conviction. The Court of Appeals can reverse a conviction for the same reasons.

If you or a loved one were convicted due to fraud or excuseable neglect, you or they should consult directly with counsel soon.

Good luck

I bought my girlfriend a car and it was in her name she resently passed away and left the car to me in her will. Her daughter is the executo...


I bought my girlfriend a car and it was in her name she resently passed away and left the car to me in her will. Her daughter is the executor of the estate and she took the car to her house and won't give it to me what can I do. I live in north Carolina thank you


I do not care where you live. What is important is where the girlfriend lived at prior to her death. Is that in NC?

The fact that your girlfriend had a will is good. But that does not mean you can just take the car. An estate first has to be probated for your deceased girlfriend. Has that been done? Who is the executor?

The executor's job is to gather and inventory assets, figure out what the deceased owned and owed, pay off any just debts, and then distribute what is left to the named beneficiaries.

The executor has to have things (like cars and land) appraised. The executor has to make sure that there is enough money in the estate to pay any debts. If need be, the car can be sold and the proceeds used to pay debts. If there is enough money in the estate to pay any bills, then the executor can, if she/he so chooses, make an early distribution to you of the car. However, you do not have a right to demand the car now and will have to wait until a final accounting is filed (most estates take 1-2 years to administer and you do not indicate when girlfriend died).

Now, assuming that an estate has been probated and administration is complete and that sale of the car was not necessary, then the executor is required by law to distribute the car to you.

If you do not know if an estate is pending for your deceased girlfriend, then check with the probate court in the county where your girlfriend lived prior to her death. How long has it been since the girlfriend died? You should wait at least 30 days after death. If 6 months have passed and daughter has not probated an estate, then you can request that a public administrator be appointed or you can do the job yourself. You can also compel production of the will into court.

If you are still having problems, then I suggest hiring your own probate attorney; you should get one who practices in the county/state where the estate for your deceased girlfriend is or will be probated.

Hello, I would like to know my rights as a tenant. I have lived at same house in multnomah county for over 5 years. I have no written contra...


Hello, I would like to know my rights as a tenant. I have lived at same house in multnomah county for over 5 years. I have no written contract but when I moved in I paid first and last months rent of which I still have those receipts. I found a new place to live and am unable to give 30 notice and pay rent at this home any longer. My landlord said he was going to give me 72 hour eviction notice. Can he legally do this and if so how much time would this actually give me to move?


If you can't pay your rent, your landlord can evict you. Not being able to afford your rent is not a defense to a 72-hour notice, nor is the fact that you plan to move out.

While an eviction can take 3 to 4 weeks, you'd probably rather not have that on your rental record. You should probably work out a settlement plan with your landlord, and if you haven't already provided a 30-days notice, you need to do that now.

If you can't get this settled, you need to move out before the 72-hour notice expires. If an eviction is filed, you need to consult with an attorney and attend any court appearances. You should do this even if you've already moved out or you think you have an agreement with your landlord.

I'm a father going through a divorce. We separated almost 2 years ago. Since then we verbally agreed that I would get my son (now 5) Thursda...


I'm a father going through a divorce. We separated almost 2 years ago. Since then we verbally agreed that I would get my son (now 5) Thursday-Saturday nights. She would get him Sunday-Wednesday nights. This has worked for us up until now because my wife's days off work are Sunday and Mondays and mine has been Friday-Saturdays. I recently found out that my days off are going to be changing to Sunday & Mondays off same as my wife. My off days will be switching on May 1st. We are now filing for divorce, my wife wants to keep the same visitation schedule. I want a rotating schedule to where I will have my son at least every other weekend. I am wanting 50/50 custody and a 50/50 rotating visitation schedule. I was wanting 1 week on/off and possibly a mid week overnight. BUT she doesn't want to give up any of her days off work that she has with him. If she gets that then I would never get my son on my days off work. She is basically saying too bad too sad I shouldn't have let my company change my days off. My question is what are my chances to a judge in CA awarding us some kind of 50/50 rotating schedule to where I can get my son on half of my days off?


Your chances are pretty good. It is very common in your kind of situation to have some kind of rotating schedule. With a child that young a very common schedule when both parents can get the child to school is a two-week rotation something like this:







Who funds the county extension service in your area?

Who funds the county extension service in your area?
loveis popidk

I have a creditor's judgment in Virginia and need to file the same judgment in MD and DC. How do I go about that? Thank youMy judgment is fr...


I have a creditor's judgment in Virginia and need to file the same judgment in MD and DC. How do I go about that? Thank you

My judgment is from Fairfax County Court, Please advise.



Take a certified copy of the Virginia judgment to the clerk's office

of each court in DC and MD where you wish to register this judgment,

and ask them to explain how you go about doing it in each jurisdiction.

My company eliminated my management job and offered a new management job with a salary cut. I accepted to make the job search process easy b...


My company eliminated my management job and offered a new management job with a salary cut. I accepted to make the job search process easy but in the last few months my GM is asking me to do some of my old duties with no extra compensation. On top of it my new job is being changed to non-exempt and they want me to sign a paper where the new management position turns to be hourly forcing me to work 50 hours but the way they are calculating my hourly rate will make it look like they are paying me OT over the 40 hours but the salary I signed for is not changing. I will really get OT paid if I worked over 50 hours. If I work less than 50 hours expected I they will deduct the hours not worked and they will not fulfill the commitment of the job offer. Is this legal?


I assume you are an at-will employee, and that there is no collective bargaining agreement or other employment contract at issue.

Under these assumptions, an employer can reduce an employee's pay at will, so long as there is compliance with minimum wage requirements. An employer can also legally ask an employee to take on new duties without additional compensation. I cannot comment on whether the reclassification as non-exempt is proper. So long as minimum wage laws are respected, an employer can cut an employee's salary, so that it would take ten hours of overtime to reach the equivalent of the prior salary.

If two people with pending felony charges in the state of virginia get married prior to any conviction, does the law regarding felons not be...


If two people with pending felony charges in the state of virginia get married prior to any conviction, does the law regarding felons not being allowed together still apply these charges are totally unrelated.


Would likely depend on what the specific pretrial conditions of these two have to say in regard to this particular issue (if anything). If the latter, then there should be no legal bar to their marrying (in my opinion).

What is deadlock pressure?

What is deadlock pressure?
dead line

As part of a strict diet to support an intense period of working out, I used products from a franchised chain that published its products to...

My dad and mom have a irrevocable living trust with all of their assets in it. My dad mentioned that an atty in Ohio told him it would be be...


My dad and mom have a irrevocable living trust with all of their assets in it. My dad mentioned that an atty in Ohio told him it would be better to keep their home outside the trust vs putting it into the trust. Can you think of a good reason for that? The house is listed in his will and would be distributed 1/3 each to the kids but i want to avoid probate and it seems as if it's left out of the trust that it would be required to go through the probate process. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!


Is the house in Florida? If so, and it is titled as "husband and wife", it would have an automatic right of survivorship, meaning that if if your father died first then your mother would get the house without the need for probate (and if your mom died first, then your dad would get the house). Inspection of the title would need to be done to verify that this is the case. Additionally, if the house is homesteaded, by putting it in the trust (if not done properly) could risk losing the homestead status. I'm not sure about Ohio law (in the event that the house is in Ohio), but I believe Ohio is a community property state and there may be reasons why one would not want to put the house in the trust. Also, are you sure the living trust is irrevocable, and not revocable? Lastly, even with a trust, it is important to have a will (commonly referred as a "pour-over will") to account for property not in the trust as people often purchase additional assets and don't have a chance to transfer the assets into the trust.

Is it safe to send checks by mail?

Is it safe to send checks by mail?
It's safer than sending cash, but not 100% safe...there's always the chance of your mail being intercepted. A cashier's check or money order would probably be best.

My wife has legal guardianship of two of our grandkids in Missouri. We are wanting to add me to it for medical and legal reasons and can't f...


My wife has legal guardianship of two of our grandkids in Missouri. We are wanting to add me to it for medical and legal reasons and can't find any answers as to how to accomplish this


It is unclear what legal reason, you would want your wife to become your guardian, if you are able to make decisions for yourself. Most medical providers will allow a spouse to make medical decisions, if the patient cannot. Perhaps you meant that you want to become a Coguardian of the grandkids. But, there also seems to be no legal necessity of doing this either. I am not a doctor, but it isn't apparent what medical reason there would be to add or change guardians, if your wife is still willing and able to serve. Perhaps you should seek assistance from the attorney that told you have a legal reason to have the guardianship modified.

Good luck

What are examples of examples of business-to-business exhibitions?

What are examples of examples of business-to-business exhibitions?
Examples of business-to-business exhibitions are those in the areas of health care, computer products, electronics, advertising specialties, heavy equipment, agriculture, fashions, furniture, and toys.

My grandmothers ex boyfriend tried to sell me a motorcycle before moving to Hawaii, he told me there was nothing wrong with it and just had ...


My grandmothers ex boyfriend tried to sell me a motorcycle before moving to Hawaii, he told me there was nothing wrong with it and just had a bunch of work done to it. He said besides minor cosmetic dammage it runs great. As soon as I have it in my possession and he is long gone to Hawaii I find out there's all kinds of problems with it, like it had been very over filled with motor oil, slipping clutch, damaged front rim, the list goes on with smaller issues.. I did not sign a title, start paying for, or even sign any kind of bill of sale towards this bike because of this issue. He's insisted that I try to sell it for him and there's no title, we are in the process of trying to get it. He owns another house pretty close to me, that is still in his name and he owns, which the motorcycle is registered to and everything. However his friend is renting it out from him, but considering he lied to me I feel like just taking the motorcycle back to his place which its registered to and completely dropping the situation. Because his friend is renting the place, would it be illegal to just drop it back off there even though the bike is registered to that place and it would have been there anyways had I not tried to buy it?


You could do that, but I would suggest you write him a letter advising him that you rescind any agreement to purchase based on the misrepresentations he has made. You will be redelivering the bike to his home at location and assume you will no longer be responsible for anything related to the bike.

What does Pals from the cox commercial mean?

What does Pals from the cox commercial mean?

My daughter had her children taken by division of family services she went to court and the judge ordered no visitation and severed parental...


My daughter had her children taken by division of family services she went to court and the judge ordered no visitation and severed parental rights dfs wants her to go into inpatient Durga treatment she took a Durga test and passed dose she at this point have to do what dfs tells her . We never got to tell our side to the judge


Your daughter needs to hire counsel, or ask the Court to appointments BT one very soon. You need to get separate counsel.

Good luck

What is the value of one apaxme?

What is the value of one apaxme?
I'm assuming that apaxme is another way (perhaps Spanish?) to refer to the Greek Drachma: . Pardon me if I am mistaken.On January 1 2002, the cash drachma was replaced by the Euro. One drachma equalled 340.75 Euros.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Can a employer after making a formal written offer resind the offer.


Can a employer after making a formal written offer resind the offer.


The general rule is that any written offer can be rescinded before it is accepted, regardless of whether the person making the offer is an employer. There may be exceptions based on special circumstances, but they are exceptions and not the rule.


Unless the offer was for a specified term, and accepted, the employer is free to fire the person as an at-will employee, so whether it is treated as a firing or rescinding the offer is basically irrelevant.

The only exception is that there is a code section in the Labor Code that makes the employer liable for certain compensation if the employee or prospective employee has to relocate to take the offer. Again, though, that only applies after the offer has been accepted and the employee has incurred the relocation expenses. As Mr. Perry notes, an unaccepted offer can always be rescinded unless there is an agreement to keep it open for a specified time.

Nature and role of financial institution and financial market?

Nature and role of financial institution and financial market?
nature of financial institution

I live in Scranton PA. I pled guilty to theft from a motor vehicle receiving stolen property and conspiracy to do so. I completed ARD and ha...


I live in Scranton PA. I pled guilty to theft from a motor vehicle receiving stolen property and conspiracy to do so. I completed ARD and had my record expunged. Now, 5 years later I am trying to purchase a hand gun. My background check went into "research" My question is will I be able to pass the gun permit background check?


You either plead guilty or had ARD. ARD is not a finding of guilt. So both things you said cannot be true. If you plead guilty you cannot possess a firearm. If it was ARD then you should pass the screening. However, if your record was expunged, there would be nothing to research. So I would guess it is not expunged.

The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 345 What is the measure of the smallest angle?

The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 345 What is the measure of the smallest angle?
The measurement of the smallest angle is 36.9 degrees. You find the answer by making sin theta equal to 3/5 or 0.6. The inverse sin of this is 36.9 degrees.

my lease will expire at the end of the month and I plan to move out do I still need to give notice although my lease will be expired


my lease will expire at the end of the month and I plan to move out do I still need to give notice although my lease will be expired


Most leases turn into holdover month to month leases with greater rental obligations if you don't give notice. Giving notice that you plan to move out is probably a good idea.

What are different between email fax and memo?

What are different between email fax and memo?
Email fax is a document or data contains information, while memo is a file or data that contains a reminder, a letter or schedules.

How do you make a easy and quick animation?

How do you make a easy and quick animation?
There are many types of animation. The quickest and easiest would be for you to make a pencil drawing.

Is it legal for broker to withhold a commission check to licensee and for how long?


Is it legal for broker to withhold a commission check to licensee and for how long?


Is the broker holding it for the funds to clear?

My husbands mother recently passed away. In her papers we have found a contract that she loaned one of her grandchildren $33,000 for student...


My husbands mother recently passed away. In her papers we have found a contract that she loaned one of her grandchildren $33,000 for student loans and a new car. The document is notarized but not signed by the grandchild. But the grandchild has made 1 payment but now says it was a gift not a loan. We are in Ohio, is there anything legally that the estate can do to make her pay this loan?


To properly answer all your questions, we would like to offer you a free consultation with the attorney in our office who has the most experience with your type of situation. Your free consultation can take place either over the telephone or in-person.

To schedule your free consultation, please contact James Luna in our office. You can reach James at 1-800-297-9191 or via email at [email protected]/* */

We look forward to hearing from you.

question, mother and father died several years ago, their estate is almost settled, if a child who stands to inherit and is named in the wil...


question, mother and father died several years ago, their estate is almost settled, if a child who stands to inherit and is named in the will, is adopted several years after the birth parents death yet prior to the estate being finalized, can that child's inheritance be challanged on the premise that a child adopted by others forfeits their right to inherit from their birth parents estate.


You asked "could the inheritance be challenged?"...Yes, someone could always file a lawsuit.

However, [on the limited facts provided] I would be surprised if a Judge would allow the child to be disinherited, since he/she presumably survived both of his/her birth parents. I would need to review a copy of the Will to give you a complete answer, but typically, survival is the only requirement for inheritance.

My parents are selling their house and signed a sellers agreement with an agent. The same agent showed them ONE house to purchase and got th...


My parents are selling their house and signed a sellers agreement with an agent. The same agent showed them ONE house to purchase and got them the disclosure information. They were not ready to buy as they needed to sell theirs first. They now have a contract on their home and want to make an offer on the ONE home they saw but with a different agent. The relationship with their current realtor has soured. They didn't sign a buyers agreement. And my husband will be purchasing the new house with my father (we are all going to live together) My husband has never met the agent or signed any agreements. can we use a new agent to buy the house without any recourse from the old agent?


It depends on the terms of the agreement with the broker. Have a local business or real estate attorney review it and advise.

How many times do you tear it in half if you are trashing an accounts document or similar at work?

How many times do you tear it in half if you are trashing an accounts document or similar at work?
You can buy shredders quite cheaply in office supply stores and I have even seen them in supermarkets (in UK). I bought one the other day for £11.99 which is about US$20. That was for home use. For office use buy a more powerful one, still not expensive in the great scheme of things.They are much more efficient, quicker and fun to use, a great job for the office junior or the work experience kid.If you shred the documents and then separate the pieces the identity thieves will move on to someone who is not so diligent. Answer I mainly tear up things at work by hand. The secret is to only tear two or three sheets up at a time. You can tear them in half three or four times quite easily and then tear off a small piece from the bundle, and continue tearing small pieces of the bundle until the bundle is itself a small piece. You can tear sheets 10 or 12 times like that and end up with pieces the size of postage stamps or smaller. It's as quick as a shredder if you don't have masses to do and much more fun! When you've finished doing a few sheets, mix all the little clumps of pieces round with your hand to break them all up. They'll be impossible to reconstruct after that. Hope it helps. Sara.

I was just written up by my supervisor because I refused to taste food because I was fasting. There are 5 other cooks in the kitchen other t...


I was just written up by my supervisor because I refused to taste food because I was fasting. There are 5 other cooks in the kitchen other then me. My supervisor knew I was fasting as it says in the write up and says I should put the food in my mouth to taste and then spit it out. This goes against my fasting principles. She consulted with HR and I was told to inform HR of my fasting days and accommodations would be made. If accommodations will be made what reason was there for the write up? This doesn't seem right, I am pretty much told I can't practice my faith, is this legal?


If you believe you did not receive a reasonable accomodation because of your religious faith, file a complaint with the Maryland. The website is -

You should consider scheduling an appointment to discuss the matter in an office visit with an experienced employment discrimination lawayer first.

Also licensed in Maryland.

What songs are on now 21?

What songs are on now 21?
There are two cd's. Disc 1 has 15 songs and Disc 2 has 17 songs
Disc 1:
Bohemian Rhaspsody by Queen
Goodnight Girl by Wet Wet Wet
Stay by Shakespears Sister
My Girl by The Temptations
Stars by Simply Red
Justified & Ancient (Stand by the jams) by The Klf
It must be love by Madness
I Can't Dance by Genesis
(Love moves) in mysterious ways by Julia Fordham
Weather with you (Radio Edit) by Crowded House
Deeply Dippy by Right Said Fred
To Be With You by Mr Big
Love is Strange by Everything but the Girl
Church of your Heart by Roxette
Driven by you by Brian May
Welcome to the Cheap Seats by The Wonderful Stuff
Far Gone and Out by The Jesus & Mary Chain
Born of Frustration by James
High by The Cure
CD 2:
I Love Your Smile (Driza Bone Remix) by Shanice
I'm doing fine now by Pasadenas
Give me just a little more time by Kylie Minogue
Ride like the wind by East Side Beat
Twilight Zone by 2 Unlimited
America: What time is love by The Klf
A Deeper Love by Civilles and Cole
It's a fine day by Opus III
Breath of Life by Erasure
Addams Groove by Hammer
Expression by Salt-n-Pepa
Wi got a love thang by Ce Ce Peniston
Vibeology by Paula Abdul
Make it on my own by Alison Limerick
Way of the World by Tina Turner
I wonder why by the Curtis Stingers
When you tell me that you love me by Diana Ross

How can I post a link in a question?

How can I post a link in a question?
You can't.

My mother in law wants to have our childrens social security numbers for her 401k, life insurance, and to set up accounts in their names. Ca...


My mother in law wants to have our childrens social security numbers for her 401k, life insurance, and to set up accounts in their names. Can she use her will to direct money from the life insurance, 401k, and any other monies she might want to give to them? I am hesitant to give out their personal information but she says she is required by all companies to include this information as there is no other way to distribute money to them after she dies.


Give her the children's social security numbers. I doubt that she wants to steal their identities.

How do you get legendary cars for free?

How do you get legendary cars for free?
theres no possible way unless you are friends with the person who owns the car

Does mack make a pickup truck?

Does mack make a pickup truck?

Some information about what cars looked like in the 1950's?

Some information about what cars looked like in the 1950's?
google it, round and fully beautiful!!!!

What to do with a check for 30 million?

What to do with a check for 30 million?

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What is an industry?

What is an industry?

An industry is described as a generic term for a distinct group of economic activities. Industries are described and classified by their primary activity or product.

What lenghts do they make in 1532 osb plywood?

What lenghts do they make in 1532 osb plywood?
OSB (oriented strand board) comes standard in 4' x 8' sheets, but you can order it in 10' and 12' lengths. You'll have to contact a supplier that caters to the commercial construction contractors. You're not going to find it in chain stores like Homie or Lowe's

The above is accurate but OSB is available from some manufacturers in some markets in other lengths up to 145 1/8"

How do you take professional photos?

How do you take professional photos?
Well, my friends and I like to do that sort of thing so first we choose a few outfits to where in them and get props (ex: fall-leaves, summer-beach towel, spring-umbrella, etc.) The possibilities are endless. Then just have a background, which is simpler then you'd think. Just go against a plain wall or if you have a blanket or a towel put it up against the wall (tacks, tape, etc). It's really fun! XD

My mother recently got a POA over my dad who recently had a mental breakdown and is now confined to a mental hospital. When she first mentio...


My mother recently got a POA over my dad who recently had a mental breakdown and is now confined to a mental hospital. When she first mentioned getting this, I begged for her not to and that we all as a family (myself, bro, mom) should make all decisions. I in no way believe she has my father's best interests at heart. She told me last Wednesday that she was going with her friend who happened to be a notary to get dad to sign the POA docs. When I spoke to her that night, she implied it was all done. Unfortunately she didn't flat out lie and say she got it...because she didn't. Last Saturday, she asked her friend the notary to come with us to the mental facility so she could get some papers signed. My mother told me the documents she was going to get dad to sign were only the ones to do with the stocks that my father for some reason had thought were lost. When my dad believed these stock certificates were lost (due to a break in at his storage unit), he asked me to sit with him while he called the stock companies and put a "Stop/Hold" on them. After all was said and done, we called them back to find out how to get the stop removed. They described the simple letter we need to write and that it needed to be signed and notarized...that's all I thought was going to be signed. When we got to the facility, I learned that particular day was family day, so more than 2 people could go in to see him. I walked briskly up to my mom to let her know this, but she said it would just upset him if I was there while he was signing these papers. I truly don't believe he knew he was signing for POA. The notary my mom got is a good friend of my mother. On the way to the facility, in the car, she said "we don't really have to tell him what he's signing, just that it's important." As we were walking up to the facility, she referred to one section of the document where my dad would need to initial. The notary said "well, if he doesn't do that you (my mom) can just put his initials in there for him." Last thing to do with the notary...when we first arrived at the facility, she said it would probably be best if she didn't take her notary stamp in with her and do the stamping there in front of my dad because it "might upset him." I can't see how this could possibly be legal. Before the ink was even dry on her POA, my mother started steps to get all of my dad's stocks in her name (jointly-there were sever in just my dad's name). After that, my dad had a storage unit where he was taking things he knew my mother was going to throw away. Again, before the ink was even dry, she's gone over to the storage unit, been given full access, and in only a week destroyed everything in there. My father, prior to being put in this facility, had begged me again and again to save certain things in that unit. There were very special books and antiques that meant a great deal to my dad. My mother really is a hateful person, so she's gotten her way to have power over absolutely everything (just like she likes). I need to know if there's anything I can do to fight her. I'm going to contact the city dump where she sent a large number of my dad's things and pray and pray and pray that I can somehow find something. Everything else was shredded on site yesterday, so very special letters to and from my dad that I would have loved to have had are gone. She seems to be doing everything she can to make him not exist. I'm so sorry for such a long 'question' I just couldn't think of just one small thing to ask without giving some background. Please help if you can!! I'm 41 and my dad's only 76. The nurses at the place he's being released from today even said he didn't belong there because he wasn't (and still isn't) crazy. Thank you!!!!! Amy Bond


I'm sorry all this is happening to your family. If you think your mother is not acting properly, you should consult with a probate/guardianship attorney to get a guardianship over the estate of your father while he is incapacitated. That would cut your mother out. Good luck!!