Friday, February 28, 2014

Over the past 2 years I have had nothing but issues with my local Wal-Mart. After I quit, I was being accused of stealing for months and man...


Over the past 2 years I have had nothing but issues with my local Wal-Mart. After I quit, I was being accused of stealing for months and management was constantly following me and got to the point where they had the police their ready to arrest me. Gave me trouble all the way up to the point to where I slept and fell on milk in the front of the store while 9 months pregnant. Causing contractions and I had to go to the ER. I filled out an incident report before going. Then I became homeless a couple months after and started staying with the other him less people sleeping in our vehicles in the very end of the parking lot. I was there for a whole month before someone new showed up and caused issues and the police got me on trespassing and now I'm not aloud back for a year. But didn't give either of the other people that have been staying there trespassing. I'm trying to find out if I'm able to sue them for pain and suffering and a slip and fall while pregnant on the employee error who New about the milk. Who which still has her job and did nothing about it.


Without a permanent injury and medical treatment, your claim wont be worth very much. Sorry for the unfortunately circumstances.

My employer has been deducting $15 per month from employee pay checks for employees who have company cell phones. They we told by the IRS to...


My employer has been deducting $15 per month from employee pay checks for employees who have company cell phones. They we told by the IRS to do this as a charge for personal use on the phones. Several people have and carry personal phones as well but they are still charged the $15 per month. Last year, the IRS reversed its decision on this and notified my company but the company continues to make the deductions. Is this legal? Was it legal to begin with? If it is not legal, what authority do I report this to, to get it corrected?


This appears to be an unlawful deduction and violates California law. You can file a complaint with the California Labor Commission, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or hire an employment lawyer to try to stop the practice and seek reimbursement of the money unlawfully deducted.

If I purchase an existing business in NH am I obligated to use the existing vendors? Once I purchase the business are the existing contracts...


If I purchase an existing business in NH am I obligated to use the existing vendors? Once I purchase the business are the existing contracts null and void?


Unfortunately, this is an "it depends" situation. Are you purchasing only assets or the business as an entity, as a going concern? Far more detail would be needed to provide an answer to your question. Meeting with your own attorney would be a good idea before making an investment of this type.

Mum and Dad are guarantors for my house. They have just purchased a new house and now my bank wants me to reapply for a new loan I want to know my rights and cannot find it in my contract please?

Mum and Dad are guarantors for my house. They have just purchased a new house and now my bank wants me to reapply for a new loan I want to know my rights and cannot find it in my contract please?

Is there going to be another RuneScape game?

Is there going to be another RuneScape game?
Yes there is going to be in a year or so, there calling it Runescape 2: secret of the runes.
Look on gamespy for the details.

force confession is it legal at any time before or after a conviction.


force confession is it legal at any time before or after a conviction.


The best time at which to challenge any manner of confession is before trial at what is called a Motion to Suppress. A Motion to Suppress is designed to permit the defense attorney to challenge the validity of any actions taken by the police or other law enforcement officers and to get evidence, like confessions, identifications, guns drugs or whatever ruled not admissible at trial.

At a Motion to Suppress, The Commonwealth through the assigned Prosecutor, must show that the actions taken by the police including getting a confession from a person was lawful/legal. If a confession is not challenged at the Motion to Suppress, the other way to challenge it is to argue to the fact finder, judge or jury that the confession was not a valid confession and that it, the confession was obtained in violation of the law. Hopefully this answer makes sense to you. Send me an email if you have further questions: [email protected]/* */

What has India contributed to the world?

What has India contributed to the world?

My daughters father took my daughter for a visit and refuses to send her back home what can I do to get her back?


My daughters father took my daughter for a visit and refuses to send her back home what can I do to get her back?


File a motion for contempt/enforcement.

Use of a lawyer is recommended.

There are four siblings in my family. Our father passed away many years ago and mother passed away last week. The youngest sibling was suppo...


There are four siblings in my family. Our father passed away many years ago and mother passed away last week. The youngest sibling was supposedly put in charge of a Trust of sometype and he is refusing to show his 3 siblings the contents of the trust. He simply states that "mom" gave everything to him. He took her car and moved into her house and apparently has access to all her finances. We were all close to mom and feel our brother is misleading us and possibly coerved her into a trust fund that excluded everyone but him. What rights do we 3 siblings have?


The probate laws have provisions for addressing this situation, You need an attorney to assist with the possible ways to address your valid concerns. Contact me if I can be of assistance.

in divorce agreement, husband was to pay house lien in 60 days. He is paying the IRS in monthly installments instead, and my name is still a...


in divorce agreement, husband was to pay house lien in 60 days. He is paying the IRS in monthly installments instead, and my name is still attached to the lien. The home is mine in the agreement, and I cannot refinance and have a poor credit record. I am unable to get any credit as well.

What is my best recourse?


Discuss a contempt action with your divorce lawyer. However, if it is true that he is to pay entire home loan off in 60 days, as indicated in your post, would he have that much money ?


It sounds from your post the lien is an IRS lien and not the mortgage. If that is correct, he would be required to make full payment to the IRS within the 60 day period. I assume he would not have agreed to pay within 60 days if he did not have the funds to do so. Your means of recourse is to file a contempt action. I suggest you speak with your attorney.

If you are stopped for shoplifting and the item it returned and not damaged are you still responsible for paying for that item?


If you are stopped for shoplifting and the item it returned and not damaged are you still responsible for paying for that item?


Was a civil penalty formally assessed by the store for this shoplifting offense which may have included a mandatory payment for the shoplifted item?

If so, the answer to this question must be, yes.

My 21-year-old daughter was recently sexually assaulted by a 50-something male (former friend of the family). He got caught short of interco...


My 21-year-old daughter was recently sexually assaulted by a 50-something male (former friend of the family). He got caught short of intercourse, but did everything else. My daughter is hesitant to file charges due to fear, and the prospect of having to face him again in court. Our family is shocked and confused and doesn't know what to do, especially if she decides to forego pressing charges. Do we have any other options?


If she does not want to face him in court, there is no legal recourse. She can press criminal charges or she can obtain a civil harassment restraining order. She could also probably sue for battery, and negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress. All of those, however, require facing him in court, and a civil suit for damages would require facing him in a deposition before trial as well, almost certainly.


There may be other civil options depending on where the assault took place. The facts surrounding what lead up to the encounter may also be relevant. Our firm often settles cases or files a civil complaint for money damages after a sexual assault. Whether the former family friend has money is an important factor. There is also the possibility that a third party could be help liable or that someone's insurance policy might cover your daughter's claim. Please contact me by email to discuss further.

[email protected]/* */

Thursday, February 27, 2014

By fla. law When you have a law suit. Can the lawyer make more than the client


By fla. law When you have a law suit. Can the lawyer make more than the client


The % in a contingency fee cannot exceed the amounts allowed by statute. The combination of cost reimbursements and fees can exceed the net recovery to a client.

Is an American website?

Is an American website?
Going by the information on, the website, is registered by an American Corporation known as Wal-Mart Stores Inc whose address on is recorded as 7000 Marina Blvd, Brisbane, 94005, CA, USA. Hence, can be described as an American Website.

If you locked the keys to your 2002 Mercedes C240 in your gastank which locks if the car is locked will you be able to get your keys from the gastank if the car is unlocked by a locksmith?

If you locked the keys to your 2002 Mercedes C240 in your gastank which locks if the car is locked will you be able to get your keys from the gastank if the car is unlocked by a locksmith?
On to of the fridgerator where you left them stupid!

What is the statute of limitations on a personal debt in Indiana?


What is the statute of limitations on a personal debt in Indiana?


Depends on what the basis of the debt is.

is one of the main purposes of the initial consultation (whether it be free or for a fee) with the prospective attorney is to discuss the ap...


is one of the main purposes of the initial consultation (whether it be free or for a fee) with the prospective attorney is to discuss the approximate amount of time the attorney will need to spend on the case and the approximate cost to the client for the attorney's services?


Not necessarily. The most important thing at the initial consultation is for the attorney to hear about the events, determine preliminarily whether there is something with which the lawyer might assist, determine whether the case is viable, and evaluate the client, as well. The attorney also must determine whether the attorney has sufficient time and staff to handle the case if it is very complicated, and other factors. Sometimes the attorney might also give the potential client some general advice, such as to gather various documents, not to speak to anyone else, write a history, etc. It might be difficult on the first visit to pin down the time it should take to complete the task because not all information is ever presented at that time, the attorney has not had sufficient time to consider what has been told about the case, investigation has not been conducted, the identity of opposing counsel is unknown, and other variables. It would be unfair to expect the attorney to give the potential client anything but a very broad estimate of time based upon the attorney's past experience. The attorney might tell the potential client his or her fees at that time, or leave it until later when the attorney has determined that he or she is willing to handle the case.

What are the release dates for The Land of Jazz - 1920?

What are the release dates for The Land of Jazz - 1920?
The Land of Jazz - 1920 was released on:

USA: December 1920

Where is the fuel pump relay in a 99 hundai elantra?

Where is the fuel pump relay in a 99 hundai elantra?
In a fuse box under hood

My daughter who lives in NY had to turn her Jeep Liberty back because couldn't make the payments around six years ago and she hasn't settled...


My daughter who lives in NY had to turn her Jeep Liberty back because couldn't make the payments around six years ago and she hasn't settled the debt. If she bought a piece of property to build a home on could the finance company that holds the debt seize the property for what she owes on the car?


Unless they already have a court judgment against her, I would think the Statute of Limitations to do so has run.

I just got my rap sheet back and they had to correct a case. My case was stricken from docket with leave to reinstate but its still on my ba...


I just got my rap sheet back and they had to correct a case. My case was stricken from docket with leave to reinstate but its still on my back ground as a conviction. Who do I talk to about this?


You will need to address this before a judge during an expungement petition. You will have to prove to the judge that the case was in fact dismissed and did not result in a conviction on your record. I have had this issue come up numerous times and understand how an incorrect rap sheet, especially one with a conviction, would cause problems in your personal and professional life.

Contact my office if you have any questions.


Purav Bhatt

I have bought a house after my divorce.does my ex wife and my kids have any rights on the house?


I have bought a house after my divorce.does my ex wife and my kids have any rights on the house?


Have the paperwork reviewed but generally no.

What are important qualities for a businessperson?

What are important qualities for a businessperson?
Important qualities for a businessperson include:

Good listening skillsGood people skillsAbility to empathize with clients - when clients know you care, they will want to do business with you.Neatness - without that, you cannot keep a job and you may get less clients.Ability to fit into a corporate structurePunctuality - need to keep appointments and get to meetings on time.Leadership - that is how you sell products and/or get promoted.

What factors influence Alexandre Eiffel designs?

What factors influence Alexandre Eiffel designs?
Colour, Shape, Size.That's all I know.

What are the advantages of a company working with a union?

What are the advantages of a company working with a union?
First things first, most companies don't up and decide they want to work with a unionized labor force. The workers themselves unionize or join an existing union and the company has to go along with it or lose their entire workforce. It's less a matter of advantage than it is a matter of compulsion.

However, a company can benefit from working with a union. Morale problems and worker suggestions can be handled by the union leadership, which will then bring these concerns to the company and work towards a solution. This improves worker morale without forcing the company to handle every worker complaint directly. Also, knowing their wages and conditions are union-mandated helps workers come to terms with conditions that are less than ideal -- there is a standard for acceptable conditions, and workers may complain less if conditions fall within this standard.

For those of you whom are familiar with the PACER system in California, Just so you know, I had a person breach our contract because he said...


For those of you whom are familiar with the PACER system in California, Just so you know, I had a person breach our contract because he said that the information and court documents on PACER are not the same as the system at the courthouse, so (he is saying) I did not provide him with the court documents needed, so he breached the contract, and I swear that I gave him everything that was given to me from the PACER system. According to him, apparently the court slips in a few other documents relating to a case that offsets the PACER. I thought they were both the same system.

Not sure if this is clear or not.


No it's not clear. What contract? With whom? To do what? In my experience the PACER documents are the same documents on file at the federal courthouse.


Clear as mud. You'll need to give a clear statement of the facts and ask a specific question. Please repost.

Ruthenia was once a part of?

Ruthenia was once a part of?
is poland!NOOOOOOO its not the answer is Czechoslovakia

I was issued a warrant for arrest for a traffic ticket I never received. The traffic ticket is listed as being issued over 13 yers ago.


I was issued a warrant for arrest for a traffic ticket I never received. The traffic ticket is listed as being issued over 13 yers ago.


We could help you work this out. Call me at 1-855-9-JEFLAW to discuss

can my doctor deny me treatment on the subutex program all because i was going to be late for his appointment, and its the day after and im ...


can my doctor deny me treatment on the subutex program all because i was going to be late for his appointment, and its the day after and im due for medicine and i still cant get him to reschedule my appt.???


Yes, I would (probably) conclude that the doctor could do so, and with

imputinty in so doing, based upon what appears to be your purely speculative reason put forth of a so-called "subtex program" for which no credible evidence has been offered to support such speculation beyond your mere assertion (at least in my opinion).

I put a car in my name for a friend.,That put the down payment on the car. They lost there job and felt like I should have paid the note cau...


I put a car in my name for a friend.,That put the down payment on the car. They lost there job and felt like I should have paid the note cause I said I would.. Now they want to sue me for the car... Can they sue me?


You screwed up and unfortunately you don't know to tell us the important details. Who signed the note to pay for the car? That is who is responsible to the lender. Beyond that, since both of you likely violated a couple of laws with that scheme it probably is not a good idea for either of you to sue. Can the other person sue? Of course. Anyone can sue for anything.


If you signed the note, you participated in a fraud on the lender, and if you signed the note, you're liable. Quietly pay the entire car loan, and learn from this unfixable mistake, for which potentially you and your friend could have been prosecuted.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

When is the movie abduction coming out on DVD?

When is the movie abduction coming out on DVD?
I have heard that it came out September 23,2011

The house I was renting foreclosed and BofA offered 3,500.00 (cash for keys) to be out by July 5th and I signed the agreement. It has been a...


The house I was renting foreclosed and BofA offered 3,500.00 (cash for keys) to be out by July 5th and I signed the agreement. It has been almost 3 weeks and they have not sent the check to the realtor who is handling the inspection and release of the check. When I call the realtor he tells me that Bank of America is behind on issuing checks. I held up my end of the agreement but the bank has not, do I have any legal recourse?


I assume that you moved by July 5. It sounds like you might have a small claims case. Additionally if you can show pattern and practice, you might have other remedies such as a class action (although the Supreme Court's recent decision might make a class action pretty tough).

What happens in the car accident in Great Gatsby?

What happens in the car accident in Great Gatsby?
Due to the love affair between Tom Buchannan, and Myrtle Wilson, left Mrtyle dead. Daisy was driving Gatsby's car with him in the passenger seat, and Myrtle ran out in the road thinking it was Tom coming back for her and Daisy was engaged in a conversation with Gatsby therfor she didnt see Myrtle and she ran over her killing her instantly.

My fiancee pays pendente lite spousal support through Virginia Beach JDRC. After a long process, he was divorced in PA where we live. We hav...


My fiancee pays pendente lite spousal support through Virginia Beach JDRC. After a long process, he was divorced in PA where we live. We have a hearing in Virginia Beach to remove spousal support (APL). Will the judge remove pendente lite spousal support as of the date my fiancee filed to remove it (filed in 09/2014).


Normally, it should be the date the petition/motion was filed (if there's a decision

to remove it at all).

What did camille pissarro focus on?

What did camille pissarro focus on?
Camille Pissarro was a French Impressionist painter. His was focus was mostly nature.

Can you get admission in stouffville college toronto for acca with 5 band in ielts?

Can you get admission in stouffville college toronto for acca with 5 band in ielts?
yes yes yes

Give an example of a partnership business?

Give an example of a partnership business?

What is payroll taxes?

What is payroll taxes?
Payroll taxes are the taxes witheld by an employer from an employee's paycheck which covers the appropriate amount of federal and state taxes as well as FICA tax (also known as Social Security). These taxes are held in Trust and submited on behalf of the employee to the various entities on a quarterly basis. It is this amount that is determined by the amount of deductions an employee claims on their W-4 Form. If too much tax is collected from an employee they will receive a refund at the end of the year when they file a tax return. If not enough taxes are paid through this process there will be a debt owed to the IRS and/or state on the tax returns at the end of the year.

Im ordered to have a change in visitation with my child. My question is until the orders are signed by the judge am I allowed to continue wi...


Im ordered to have a change in visitation with my child. My question is until the orders are signed by the judge am I allowed to continue with the previous visitation schedule? Right now my ex is not allowing me to see my 2 1/2 year old daughter. So it's been 1 whole week already and by the time I receive the findings and orders after hearing from his attorney and then mail them back to her for her to send them back to the court for the judge to sign them which could take another week or maybe even two my daughter is being kept away from me by her father. Are those orders already in effect?


Yes. They are in effect now if the parties were present in court when they were ordered.


P.S., if things are this contested, you probably shouldn't be doing this without an attorney either representing you, or in the background at least under a limited scope representation.

What is the phone number for the UPS Ontario California?

What is the phone number for the UPS Ontario California?
UPS Ontario California1000 So. Etiwanda Avenue, Ontario, CA 91761Tel: 909-390-8370Fax: 909-390-8378Sales: 888-850-8726

What can you do with a 6yr girl 5yr boy that will tire them out and put them to sleep but is fun and has to be a game?

What can you do with a 6yr girl 5yr boy that will tire them out and put them to sleep but is fun and has to be a game?
hide and seek or Simon says

What are the bad things about globalisation?

What are the bad things about globalisation?
Diminished national sovereignty in all economic aspects.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We are selling our office condo in Florida. We are now 50/50 as to whether or not we want to sell. If someone comes in with a full offer, ca...


We are selling our office condo in Florida. We are now 50/50 as to whether or not we want to sell. If someone comes in with a full offer, can we decline the offer and pay the fee to terminate the contract or do we have to sell for the asking price. It is not mentioned in the contract.


I assume you are talking about a listing agreement with a broker. You need to have whatever contract you are trying to interpret reviewed by an attorney. Your summation is not likely accurate. If you are concerned about the status it is worth investing a little money to get a legal opinion. Why did you list it if you did not actually agree on sale?

My husband is moving forward with filing for divorce, I wish to mend the relationship and do not want the divorce. Can he legally force me t...


My husband is moving forward with filing for divorce, I wish to mend the relationship and do not want the divorce. Can he legally force me to sign anything?


No, he cannot make you sign anything. If you cannot come to an agreement regarding your divorce (an agreement would require your signature), your husband can proceed to a trial where a judge can decide all the terms of your divorce and finalize the divorce without your signature.


You can never be forced to sign anything. However, Minnesota is a "no fault" divorce state that requires only that one party believes that the marital relationship is irreparable. As a result, you cannot stop the divorce from proceeding if your spouse does not wish to reconcile. He may serve you with a Summons and Petition for Divorce where you have thirty (30) days to respond with a legal Answer to the Petition. If you do not do so, your spouse may seek to proceed with the divorce by default, which means it is treated as if it is uncontested. You should hire legal counsel.

Why is car rectangular in shape?

Why is car rectangular in shape?
Nissan Cube

I gave a check to someone for work that was done for me on a car and after I took position of the car I found out that they did not complete...


I gave a check to someone for work that was done for me on a car and after I took position of the car I found out that they did not complete the work and told me they did the work I confronted then in a text and after awhile they told me they did not do the work in a text so I stopped payment on the check , they took the check to a currency exchange 2 weeks after that knowing it had been a stop payment put on the check now the 3ed party is threatening me with a law suit under "holder in due course" do I have anything I can do not to pay this check.


The threat from the currency exchange is likely merely a threat; it will not

file a lawsuit unless the check is very large. They will also threaten the

person who cashed the check. Do not pay it. You have a defense regarding

the contention it is a payment in due course.

The ability of a good or service to satisfy a human need is called in marketing?

The ability of a good or service to satisfy a human need is called in marketing?

My husband and I had been renting a house. We knew we were going to leave so we did not re-sign the contract. We told him in November that w...


My husband and I had been renting a house. We knew we were going to leave so we did not re-sign the contract. We told him in November that we would be moving out before the end of the year. We moved out Dec. 6. He is now wanting rent for the month of December (rent was never due til the 5th of the month). Do we have to pay Decembers rent? Also we lived in the country and had to replace a mailbox that was damaged because the post office told us we had to. When we moved we took it with is and he is saying we have to pay him for that as well. Do we have to get a new one too? We paid a 250 deposit for damages when we moved in. Doesn't that take care of the mailbox. We also put a steel door on the house to replace the old wood door that was rotten.


Most of your questions should be answered based upon the wording if your lease agreement. If rent was due on the 5th, and you didn't leave til the 6th, you probably owe for December.

There aren't enough facts to determine if you're responsible for the mail box. If there was not an adequate one, you're probably dye some money, if the landlord wants to keep it. The steel door for wooden door issue, should be addressed in your keade agreement.

There isn't enough information to determine what is covered by your security deposit.

Perhaps you should consult directly with a civil practice attorney, in your area.

Good luck

I am at the trial stage of a modification hearing for child support. I have a 13 yr old daughter with someone to whom I was not married too ...


I am at the trial stage of a modification hearing for child support. I have a 13 yr old daughter with someone to whom I was not married too and has never had a relationship with her father other than once a year only by family members requests. I have not asked for a modification in this case, since the case was handled by CSE, in 99. I have filed with the respondent and with the court summons requesting modification, standarad interrogatories, pre se motion to compel financial disclosure, request to produce, certificate of compliance with mandatory disclosure, child support guidelines, financial affidavit, supervised parenting plan, we've been through mediation with no result, and I have filed a notice for trial. Does he have to comply with the paperwork I served him? Also can he in the middle of this case say that his income has went down over 500.00 without proof? Do I need a lawyer? He is active duty military. He has not disclosed any information for the documents I have served him other than the Family Law Affidavit and he also filed a deviation from the child support guidelines.


you pretty much answered your own question. Yes, you need an attorney.

I am in a rent to own content but the tenant has not paid on her promise to purchase portion of the agreement can i terminate this contract?


I am in a rent to own content but the tenant has not paid on her promise to purchase portion of the agreement can i terminate this contract?


There are as many varieties of "rent to own" real estate contracts as there are stars in the sky, so it is impossible to advise you on yours without actually reviewing yours. For example, they can create rights for the tenant/buyer which are similar in nature to a land contract home equity interest, which can require a foreclosure lawsuit in order to clear your title of the tenant's interest. Exiting from one can be difficult to get for a landlord, and can serve as a defense for the tenant to an eviction action if they are not properly drafted by an experienced real estate lawyer. Self help evictions are also illegal in WI, and can expose the landlord to counterclaims by the tenant which can feature steep penalties if the landlord does not properly go through the formal court process for tenants who refuse to leave on their own, Speak with a lawyer about this issue and bring a copy of the contract. Simply declaring one canceled may not successfully clear your title, nor remove the tenant in any lawful fashion.

Do not assume that I am your attorney because of my response here. You can post comments/clarification requests here or, for other past answers, go to However, I will not be taking any action on your case unless you make additional arrangements. Answers may contain attorney advertising materials..

How much is unleaded gas?

How much is unleaded gas?
I dont know look it up yourself what do you think im your servent or something?

Can the court keep my license if i am awaiting a dui trial and have not been convicted of any charges.


Can the court keep my license if i am awaiting a dui trial and have not been convicted of any charges.


The Court doe not keep your license. It sends it to PennDot and gives you credit from the date that it was surrendered. However, technically, you do not have to surrender your license until you are actually convicted of a DUI.


Monday, February 24, 2014

What are the release dates for Tiffany's - 2006 - V?

What are the release dates for Tiffany's - 2006 - V?
Tiffany's - 2006 - V was released on:

USA: 2006

What is a good list of things for a scavenger hunt in Washington DC?

What is a good list of things for a scavenger hunt in Washington DC?
DC Scavenger HuntA sign that says Metro Center - 5 pointSupreme Court - 5 pointsWith tourists in matching shirts, 5 points each The point where the four quadrants in DC originate - 25 pointsEating Route 11 Potato Chips - 5 points In an elevator - 5 pointsEating salty oat cookies at Teaism - 5 pointsWith three tourists doing the "Charlie's Angels" in front of the Spy Museum - 25 points The butcher's case at Eastern Market - 15 points Riding a pig statue - 15 points With a party animal - 5 points for an elephantWith a registered lobbyist - 10 pointsWearing matching shirts at Filene's Basement - 10 points A tourist with a fanny pack - 25 pointsWith six tourists giving the thumbs up - 20 points The lobby that 'lobbying' comes from (The Willard) - 20 pointsWith a uniformed MPD officer - 25 points On Einstein's lap - 15 pointsWith two tourists giving the peace sign at the Lincoln Memorial - 25 pointsDC War Veterans Memorial - 25 pointsA bust of JFK - 15 pointsAt a swimming pool - 10 points With a Monet - 15 pointsAn authentic Maoi statue - 20 pointsEating ice cream at Larry's Homemade - 5 pointsAt the Spanish steps - 10 points With Dorothy's ruby slippers - 15 pointsEmbassy of the Ivory Coast - 20 points With one foot in each hemisphere - 25 pointsStatue of Ghandi - 5 points Eating ice cream at Thomas Sweet - 25 points Francis Scott Key memorial - 30 pointsThurston Hall - 30 pointsGeorge Mason memorial - 20 points In the FDR Memorial's "bread line" - 20 pointsEating a cupcake at the Love Cafe - 10 pointsThe rooftop of the tallest residential apartment building in DC (the Cairo) - 15 pointsWith a uniformed USPS worker - 30 pointsCaps fan 10 pointsPerson reading on the metro 10 pointsStarbucks 5 points eachFBI building 5 points Fords Theatre 5 pointsFood vender 5 pointsA political shirt 5 pointsThe Newseum 5 pointsKicking over the Washington monument 10 pointsA patriotic tourist 10 pointsProtesting 5 pointsFriendship archway in Chinatown 5 pointsWith an octopus at the national aquarium 15 pointsGiving a peace sign in front of the Pandas at the National Zoo 80 pointsTomb of the Unknown Soldiers 40 pointsStreet musician playing a sax 10 pointsA bum 5 pointsSmithsonian elephant 10 pointsWith a tourist wearing an I <3 DC shirt/hat 20 pointsOrangutans on the O-Line - 100 PointsU.S. Senator 150 pointsThe snipers on the top of the white house 20 pointsThe Arlington Home - 5 pointsEternal Flame 40 points12 hands on one flag pole 10 pointsDeclaration of Independence 5 pointsMagna Carta 5 pointsThe spaceship challenger memorial 5 pointsThe last handwritten bible 10 points

How many cars can you sell a year without having license in the state of Mississippi


How many cars can you sell a year without having license in the state of Mississippi


Are you working at a lot? Are these your personal vehicles? There is not enough information to answer this question

Dear Sir,This going to be a long letter. I need to start from the begining so you get the full meaning of this. My mom got my daughter at th...


Dear Sir,

This going to be a long letter. I need to start from the begining so you get the full meaning of this. My mom got my daughter at the age of 3. My daughter is 37 now with a daughter of her own. I just found out on mothers day of some very bad things that has happened over the period of the last 2 years. My mom is 93 years old and lives by her self. Mom has raised her like she is her own daughter. Mom was inthe hospitol having surgery done and my daughter went to her house and took the money mom had hid in the deep freezer and in the table drawer. She then went to the bank and took all of her money totaling over $20000 and mom has not seen her again in 2 years or no where she lives.

That left her with no money and checks started to bounce. My mom has been paying my daughter's rent, eletric bill and buying her food. My daughter thinks she is to good to live in Pekin so she lives in Morton in some apartments that costs mom $1000 a month rent, electric, food and water. She also got tricked into buying her a $32,000 pickup truck.My daughter has a job but we cant figure out where her money goes. I told mom i think she is on meth. The last time i seen her she shows all the signs of a drug user.

Mom doesnt want to have her arrested because she is afraid of what will happen to kaylee(the grandaughter). I live in Arkansas and i am not able to be there to take care of mom.

My question is can she be arrested for her crimes with out mom filing charges. I know for sure my mom wont sign or tell anyone what is going on. Is it also possible to get a restraining order against her? It broke my heart to see my mom sitting there pennyless, why this piece of trash is living high on the hog. I think elderly abuse should also rank up there on charges as well of theft even though her name was on account. Mom's neighboors have been a God send. One of the neighboors has power of attourney and gives mom a allowance for the week. Is there any thing we can do to have my daughter arrested without mom's knowledge. I am sure the neighboors would be willing to tell you what has happened and this sweet woman has been manipulated into this. All of my daughters life mom has given her everything she wanted, this is the problem with her. Can the police pick her up without moms consent for theft and elderly abuse. I truely beleive will slip in mom's home some night and kill her just to get the house. My mom has been minipulated and brain washed so long by my daughter she just cant accept the fact my daughter is no good.

Please help me out, i am at the end of my rope trying to figure out what to do without hurting my mom and still see my daughter prosecuted.

Thank you for any help, Brad

my email is :[email protected]/* */


this is tragic. you should consider contacting catholic charities in the city your mother lives for further information.


I strongly recommend that you contact the appropriate local Elder Abuse agency. In Illinois, different agencies cover different geographic areas. You can find the appropriate agency, and a phone number for that agency, at this link:

In Illinois, you can file Elder Abuse reports with these agencies anonymously, and they do not charge for their involvement. I am very sorry to hear about all of this. I hope this resource can help you and your Mom.

Can I buy house for myself and my family and add them to the lease but be the only financial go to person?


Can I buy house for myself and my family and add them to the lease but be the only financial go to person?


Your question is unclear. You wish to buy a house, and rent to your family? In whose name do you wish title to the house?

Hello. My ex had my 10 year old daughter yesterday between 9:30 am and 330 pm, and despite her asking for a slice of Pizza 4 times, he refu...


Hello. My ex had my 10 year old daughter yesterday between 9:30 am and 3;30 pm, and despite her asking for a slice of Pizza 4 times, he refuses, as the restaurants in that area were not Kosher. After ending their activity, around 3:30 pm, he suggests to now take her to a Kosher restaurant, which she refuses and asked to be brought to my home.

By the time I finished my teaching session and took her out to feed, it was 6:30 pm, and she had gone all day with a few teaspoons of cereal that she had in the morning.

Can I do anything to prevent this? We have previous court order telling him to not push religion on her, and let her choose how religious she wants to be when she grows up.


I think you are trying to manufacture a religion issue where there really is not one. I doubt that a judge would want to entertain a hearing based on the facts you presented. You could have provided a more substantial breakfast before she left. I assume the "few teaspoons of cereal" were when she was with you. She could have gone to the restaurant suggested by her father if she was that hungry, but she declined. You could have provided her something to eat when she was returned to your care @ 3:30. The father should not be at fault because of your teaching schedule. In a nutshell, a ten year-old should be able to make it six hours without eating. Obviously, the father would not look good if he absolutely denied her food during this period, but he did not. I apologize for being so blunt.

my concession trailer was damaged by the defendant they have admitted liability to the damage but the amount for loss profit is in dispute.m...


my concession trailer was damaged by the defendant they have admitted liability to the damage but the amount for loss profit is in lawyer said the defendant will file a motion that might limit the amount of time for loss of use because of my duty to midigate my damages it has been over two years and I did not have the money to have the repairs done. discovery closed at the end of the year and there has not been depositions taken from either side or any real investigation the trial is set for 2/17/15 this seems strange what is my position as the plaintiff



Since you have an attorney, we are barred from giving you advice about the litigation.

Good luck at trial

What was the price of a loaf of bread in 1946?

What was the price of a loaf of bread in 1946?
In 1946 a loaf of bread cost only ten cents. The average workeronly brought home $3,000 in 1946 and minimum wage was 40 cents anhours.

wife has sexual extramarital affaires. what are my choices?


wife has sexual extramarital affaires. what are my choices?


Extramarital affairs have legal relevance in California and have not since the late 1950's or early 1960's. So your choices are personal, not legal. The only legal choice to be made is filing for divorce or not.


Your choice is to temporarily separate until your wife changes (if you want to work this out and still love one another or want to remain married for other reasons) or contact a divorce attorney A.S.A.P. and serve divorce paper's on your wife.


Your choices can be either legal, interpersonal or both.

If you wish to try and work on the relationship, your best bet is to go with your spouse to a qualified marriage counselor to address these concerns. You should also find out if your spouse had unprotected sex. If she did,you should test for sexually transmitted diseases.

If you believe your relationship is irretrievably broken, then meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

Protections orders who would brake an order


Protections orders who would brake an order


The defendant in a protection from abuse action is the only individual that can be charged with violating a protective order. The Order is not in effect until signed by the Court and served on the defendant.

I lived in Seattle with my husband. We separated 15 months ago and I moved to AZ with my parents and he moved to CT. I started the divorces ...


I lived in Seattle with my husband. We separated 15 months ago and I moved to AZ with my parents and he moved to CT. I started the divorces process in AZ but he hasn't been served yet. I plan on moving to NJ in a few weeks with seven year old son. My question is. How will my planned move effect my divorce filling? Can my husband prevent me from moving to NJ being that I am requesting alimony and child supports.


Please refer to my AVVO response.

One of our attorneys can explain the issues and procedures better in person. As you can imagine, there is too much to cover via email. We offer free 1/2 hour consultations, in which we can discuss your matter in detail.

Please call us directly to discuss the specifics of your matter, or contact my assistant Katie or my paralegal Jennifer to schedule your free 1/2 hour consultation.

/s/Rich J. Peters

Attorney at Law

1422 N. 2nd Street Suite 100

Phoenix, Arizona 85004


Fax (602)254-1229


Just because you filed in Arizona does not mean you have to continue living in Arizona to finalize your divorce here. All you have to do is meet the definition of "domicile" when you file; that is, that you or your spouse has lived in Arizona for at least 90 days immediately preceding the filing. Of course, attending hearings and the like will be quite a bit more challenging with neither of you living here, but you both still have the right to reside wherever you want at this point in the process. That being said, where children are involved, location certainly can be an issue. If you are planning on taking the children with you to NJ and having them live there with you primarily, husband can object on both a temporary basis (pending the divorce) and a permanent basis (post-decree). Jurisdiction for child custody matters generally takes six months to attach, so if your divorce is still pending at that point, the AZ judge will probably say he or she no longer has the authority to determine child custody. It might be easier to transfer the entire case to NJ at this point. I can't see why father would object as you would be much closer to one another between CT and NJ vs. CT and AZ. If you stated in Arizona and got the court to issue child custody orders here, your only issue would be post-divorce if either of you moves farther than 100 miles away from your present home or outside the state of Arizona. Then certain notice requirements have to be made (60 days' advance written, mailed notice, etc.). Best of luck to you!

Detective came to my house asking if I would answer a few questions about an adoption scam. No money has ever exchanged was an e...


Detective came to my house asking if I would answer a few questions about an adoption scam. No money has ever exchanged was an emotional scam. Is that a crime. They have the only evidence there was which wouldn't implicate anything except emotional. They say there's a investigation and there sure i will be contacted again


Its impossible to answer your question from just a few sentences anonymously on this website. You need to sit down with an attorney experienced in criminal defense and explain the entire situation.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where can I get free downloads of solution or manuals of financial management and policy by James C Van Horne?

Where can I get free downloads of solution or manuals of financial management and policy by James C Van Horne?

In the state of Pennsylvania can PHEAA garnish my wages without a court order?


In the state of Pennsylvania can PHEAA garnish my wages without a court order?


If its a federal student loan, then yes. Although its PHEAA, it probably is a federal loan through the USDoE. For a private student loan, like through a bank, the answer is no; they would need a court order.

Garnishment is usually about 15%. You get notified you can request an administrative hearing.

I hired a licensed contractor to do a job for $6500. We paid $2500 and he had his guy work for a while , then asked for more money ($2000) f...


I hired a licensed contractor to do a job for $6500. We paid $2500 and he had his guy work for a while , then asked for more money ($2000) for materials. He then didn't buy materials, didn't return to work and is avoiding phone calls. He also had his guy collect tools, and then set up but missed 3 meetings. I told him I will sue but he doesn't seem to care. I found out that he has no bond and his license is suspended. I asked if he is planning to finish the job and he says yes (by text), but won't say when and won't meet me. There was no written contract.

I don't know if I will be successful by suing him or if he cares if I file a complaint with the state license board. Also I don't know if it is considered abandonment if he says he will finish but won't say when or meet me.


The guy has no license and no bond, is unreliable, and not too concerned about you or your job. Why would you want to continue doing business with him? Contracting without a license, or with a suspended license, is a crime. You could report him to the police - although they probably won't do much for you. You should file a complaint with the CSLB.

Since he is unlicensed, you can sue him for the full amount you paid, plus whatever it will take to complete the job over the original estimate.

Take him to small claims court.

Do not let him come back. Get a new contractor to finish the project.

How often should you run your car to keep the battery from going dead?

How often should you run your car to keep the battery from going dead?
Perhaps once per week for 15 minutes each time, also shift gears to keep the trans. seals from drying up.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Do your nentendodogs ever grow up?

Do your nentendodogs ever grow up?
No. Well not as far as i know :)

My ex (whom I'm not sure if I'm even legally divorced from) is trying to abruptly take 50 custody with no rhyme nor reason other than he wa...


My ex (whom I'm not sure if I'm even legally divorced from) is trying to abruptly take 50% custody with no rhyme nor reason other than he wants to. Do I need a lawyer? What should be my first move?


More information is needed about the procedural status of your family law case. If you have a pending case, you should file a request for order to set up a specific parenting plan so there's no confusion as to the timeshare. If you haven't filed anything with the court, and you need to start with filing your petition for divorce along with your request for order and serve those documents upon the other side.

Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.

would I be liable for any bills from an id theft


would I be liable for any bills from an id theft


No, but you have to be able to prove it.

my friend and his twin 6 yr old kids and my other friend were all living together were all living together. yesterday the twins apparently t...


my friend and his twin 6 yr old kids and my other friend were all living together were all living together. yesterday the twins apparently told their dad that my friend had "touched them. as a result the apt door flew open and a guy weaing a ski mask came in and beat my friend with a baseball bat. i know he never would have touched those kids. would this be a criminal law matter? or a family law matter?? what should my friend do to clear his name of this?? any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. thanks


I am not sure that I understand your question. First, if your friend was assaulted, it is a criminal matter and should be reported to police. Second, if he is being investigated for impropriety with thechildren, he should make NO STATEMENTS to police or anyone else and should retain counsel.

What is TAT1?

What is TAT1?
TAT-1 (Transatlantic No. 1) was the first submarine transatlantic telephone cable system. It was laid betweenGallanach Bay, near Oban, Scotland and Clarenville, Newfoundland between 1955 and 1956. It wasinaugurated on September 25, 1956, initially carrying 36 telephonechannels.

Where can you find the answers to the Mistine Case 15?

Where can you find the answers to the Mistine Case 15?
which case?

I signed a quick claim title release at the bank so my ex husband could refinance our mortgage. He then did not refinance and filed the titl...


I signed a quick claim title release at the bank so my ex husband could refinance our mortgage. He then did not refinance and filed the title release removing me from the house but not the mortgage. I have since moved states from Indiana to Florida. This will cause me to not be able to obtain a mortgage. Can I take him to court to force him to refinance since that was the reason I signed the release in the first place?


If the property/mortgage is in Indiana you need to contact an attorney in that state. Florida courts have no legal interest in transactions in other states.

What is a lateral organization?

What is a lateral organization?
zeeshan khadim waqas alim

When are off peak hours for electricity?

When are off peak hours for electricity?
It varies much on your location and the period of the year, due to the type of devices consuming electricity; for example in the UAE and in India there are no off-peak hours for electricity. In the Canadian province of Ontario, off-peak hours range from 22:00 to 7:00, all days of the year.

I know this isnt the medium to look for a lawyer, so forgive me. This is my scenario. I broke my femur a couple of years back, they put hard...


I know this isnt the medium to look for a lawyer, so forgive me. This is my scenario. I broke my femur a couple of years back, they put hardware on the femur. About two months ago, I feel inside an MTA bus when the driver braked suddenly to avoid a running a red light. An ambulance was called and I was taken to the emergency room.

I am uninsured. I've had several doctor visits, and they have requested and MRI, and since I'm uninsured I cant get one so I went to the county. They put me on extensive physical therapy for the next six weeks to see if I will make any progress and then go from there.

Of course, I want to sue them, and I want to get going with it even thought doctors are still waiting to see whats wrong. I filed a claim and they denied it and I know about the six month limit which ends in september.

I need a lawyer, please if interested, just reply to this message email [email protected]/* */ . I use this medium to avoid doing a bunch of cold calling.

I live in L.A, and the incident happened on a metro bus in L.A, in other words, MTA.


Call my office for a consultation. 323*782*0099


You and I spoke about this on the phone. Contact me when you are ready

What is c2c?

What is c2c?
Everybody! sorry bother your time a min,we are serious and professional jersey supplier,we can offer NFL,NHL,MLB,NBA,football jersey,the NFL jersey 18usd each,the NHL jersey 38USD each.MLB jersey 18usd each,NAB jersey 18usd each.we have many jerseys of other players, so please contact us for more information if you are interested in.
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Who is the first woman to be ceo of Hewlett Packard?

Who is the first woman to be ceo of Hewlett Packard?
Carly Fiorina

Friday, February 21, 2014

The mother of my child and I are not married. She is an officer in the Navy and I have found out if anything happens to her, she is trying t...


The mother of my child and I are not married. She is an officer in the Navy and I have found out if anything happens to her, she is trying to give her retirement benefits and death benefit to the child's grandfather. She is also trying to keep me from having custody of our child if anything happens to her. By law can she legally do that?


Sure, as long as you sit back and do nothing about it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open book contract terms?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of open book contract terms?
Open book contract terms are fully disclosed and above board. Thedisadvantage to this might be the unscrupulous person who looks forsuch an open contract to take advantage of.

What did the ancient Romans do for fun?

What did the ancient Romans do for fun?
They had a lot of games they played. There is one that is a game much like chess and checkers combined. They had races on foot, horse and chariot. Wrestling was also big in the Roman Empire. Gambling was another thing they liked, dancing, and having parties ( they were big party people). They also had gyms that they went to as well as baths. The bath was considered recreation. In places like the Colosseum they had sea battles, races, fights with man and animals as well as man against man.When they had a bath it wasn't a normal bath like it is now, it was a bath that men and woman went into that didn't even know each other, so i guess they didn't care about there stuff

My ex-wife and I recently divorced and agreed on joint custody with her having primary care of our son. I moved to Florida and she just rece...


My ex-wife and I recently divorced and agreed on joint custody with her having primary care of our son. I moved to Florida and she just recently moved to Washington D.C. We are currently in the process of working out a new visitation schelduel for my son due to the other one being created for when we both lived in Georgia. She is currently up in D.C. trying to get settled and find a place. She has chosen to have her parents watch my son while she is getting settled and is refusing to allow me to have in florida during this time. Am I legally allowed to pick up my son and bring him to Florida without her consent has long has I have him back when she is ready for him in D.C.?


"Pick up my son without her consent" = federal child abduction charges and an Amber Alert. You probably want to re-phrase that in the future. Beyond that, no one knows what your orders say (that should have been the first sentence), what the Judge will do, or the background facts so even if you want to do things correctly no one here is going to, or can, tell you what to do. Call your lawyer.

at what age does my child have to be before i can leave him home alone in allen parish louisiana?


at what age does my child have to be before i can leave him home alone in allen parish louisiana?


There is no particular age. However, 13 is a pretty standard age.

What are some companies that provide inkjet cartridges in UK?

What are some companies that provide inkjet cartridges in UK?
I do know that if you ask this company they will supply it anywhere.


Examples of management information system?

Examples of management information system?
Management information systems are systems that support businessprocesses within the firm. They may include the human resourceinformation system and the logistic information system.

Can you convert 110 drill motor to 240?

Can you convert 110 drill motor to 240?
no, but you can convert 240volts to 110 volts, thus powering your drill properly.
What that means is that, by using a power "Inverter'' you may Invert 240 to 110, thus not having to brake your head thinking about changing the motor of your drill.
( power converted)= fron 110 to 240 ( power inverter)= 240 to 110 I think I am right.

Does happy tree friends come on any more?

Does happy tree friends come on any more?
Happy Tree Friends might still show on television, but if you look for it on YouTube you can find it there. It's created by a company called MondoMedia. Whether they are going to make new episodes is unsure. There's a lot of talk whether the break they took from making HTF is over or if HTF is gone. But there is a break episode of happy tree friends where they're at a movie theater and on the screen for the last few seconds it says "Happy New Tree Friends Year". So the way I see it they are going to make new episodes. On television they show it late at night on some channel that I am unaware of at this time.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

My child custody Visitation agreement is now in a different city than where both my ex wife and I live, may I have the jurisdiction changed ...


My child custody Visitation agreement is now in a different city than where both my ex wife and I live, may I have the jurisdiction changed to the city we now reside? How do I get this changed? Thanks


File a proper motion for a change of venue with the appropriate court in the

city which now has jurisdiction (power) over the matter.

My father is getting on in years and had discussed signing his home and investments over to myself and my husband and then being able to dra...


My father is getting on in years and had discussed signing his home and investments over to myself and my husband and then being able to draw off of them as needed. We live in Colorado and he was told that the laws have changed and that he can no longer do this. Is that correct?


There are a number of issues that your father must be aware of prior to doing any of these transfers. He should be meeting with an attorney who specializes in estate planning matters for senior citizens. He should not take any actions based on anything you or he hears on the internet other than finding a qualified specialist.

Are jetta's supposed to be super safe cars?

Are jetta's supposed to be super safe cars?
They are more safe than the average car, seems to be a European thing.

a tenant damaged my car on the renatal property. can i use his security / cleaning deposits to pay for damages?Thanks,Ross Elkins email#16...


a tenant damaged my car on the renatal property. can i use his security / cleaning deposits to pay for damages?


Ross Elkins [email protected]/* */


No. You sue them in small claims if they don't pay. A security deposit is earmarked for the lease only.

Can I return a boat to seller if the boat is not operating like he says?


Can I return a boat to seller if the boat is not operating like he says?


Probably not. There is a possibility that you might successful in a lawsuit against him if you can prove you were defrauded and suffered damages as a result. Such cases are difficult to prove, and then, even if you win, it is up to you to collect. You should discuss the specifics of your case with an attorney.

17yo friend wants to move out of parents household. I have read somewhere that you can legally leave household at 17 in MO. but i didn't kno...


17yo friend wants to move out of parents household. I have read somewhere that you can legally leave household at 17 in MO. but i didn't know if there were specifications to that or not. Her parents are abusive, I have not seen physically but have been told it has happened. Personally, I have seen verbal and emotional abuse. They cant afford to keep power on in the house or even buy food. She should be a junior in highschool, but they have not let her go since she was a freshman, nor let her do anything to even get a GED. Which I do know is against the law also. How can i help and what exactly is true or not?


Based upon the few facts you provided, your friend would not be.considered a runaway if she lives. She can seek employment, or put herself into the.foster care system. She can try to enroll herself in high school, but may have trouble complying with some of the paperwork requirements. She can sign herself up for a GED program.

Good luck, and thank you for.being a good friend.

My former employer, of where I resigned in Sept 2014, (Pickens County Board of Education, Georgia) recently sent me a check for $225, statin...


My former employer, of where I resigned in Sept 2014, (Pickens County Board of Education, Georgia) recently sent me a check for $225, stating that is was a "refund deduction" from my VALIC account...from approximately two years ago! I took a hardship withdrawal from the account in September of 2012, almost depleting it, although it's still "active", but only with approx $2 remaining, according to the quarterly statements I receive by email.

The letter accompanying this check instructs me that: "It is a counter check due to it being a refund from a prior year. Please cash or deposit this as soon as possible" (this is the exact wording).

The mere fact that the employer held on to my funds, after VALIC returned the three separate contributions, in three separate checks, infuriates me. They held on to my money for approximately two years, with no explanation during that time.

I feel that their actions show retaliatory motives, due to the fact that I lead a lawsuit against the school district, for unfair wage practices. The suit remained in litigation for approximately three years, and recently ended with the court siding with my employer's defense of sovereign immunity. That was my que to resign, as it was made obvious that continued employment would be difficult to bare.

My question to this forum is: What kind of damages may I seek for this very unprofessional action? I made a copy of the check, and have the accompanying letter, but deposited the check this morning. My former employer seems to be trying to sweep this under the rug.


You can spend significant time and money and if you win you might get a few dollars for the interest on $225. This is not a battle to take on.


My first question was how did a county school board escape liability under the Fair Labor Standards Act under sovereign immunity. That applies only to state institutions, not county or municipal ones.

Anyway, I doubt that you have a winnable case for retaliation. There are too many other plausible explanations for their failure to pay the funds to you. Moreover, the amount in controversy is just too small to warrant a lawsuit.

Michael Caldwell

my son is in jail I have power of attorney over him does this give me any rights to see my grandchild?


my son is in jail I have power of attorney over him does this give me any rights to see my grandchild?


No. You may have rights as a grandparent, however, and should see an attorney in your community about that possibility.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What are the words to the new geico pig commercial?

What are the words to the new geico pig commercial?
When he passes by the other guy on the zip line he says Pure. Adrenaline.

What country has the highest rate of passenger cars per 1000 people?

What country has the highest rate of passenger cars per 1000 people?

What are the negative consequences of using physical resources?

What are the negative consequences of using physical resources?

Hi, I receive child support and the past two weeks the amount has changed. Can the amount change without notifying me?


Hi, I receive child support and the past two weeks the amount has changed. Can the amount change without notifying me?


Not ordinarily, except for an increase due to a cost of living adjustment.

My 17yr wants to live with my mom, I have custody of him although she petitioned the court to have temp custody and was granted what are my ...


My 17yr wants to live with my mom, I have custody of him although she petitioned the court to have temp custody and was granted what are my rights


I do not understand this question, please resubmit with details. It sounds like your mother was granted temporary custody of your son. It sounds like a deprivation case instead of a custody case. I need to know what court it is (juvenile or superior), what kind of case it is (deprivation or custody) and exactly what rights you are talking about.

My Brother was on my fathers bank accounts. My father died and I want to know if my fathers bank accounts now belong to my brother. I know t...


My Brother was on my fathers bank accounts. My father died and I want to know if my fathers bank accounts now belong to my brother. I know that is not what my father wanted. H left a will that stated all assets be divided between all my brothers and sisters. My brother said someone told him that the money is his now because his name was on the account. He never contributed any money to these accounts. He and I are executors of his will.


First of all, if you are an executor, you should NOT be online. You should not have done anything until you retained a lawyer.

The joint bank accounts, if they are in fact joint (and not just an additional signature) have ALWAYS belonged to your brother. In setting them up, your father signed papers to that effect and knew that. He made a deliberate (and common) decision to take that asset out of his estate and give it to your brother before he died. While you may not believe that's fair, it is the legal decision your father made, and as executor you have a duty to enforvce it (and you violate your legal duty when you question it).

Do NOT do anything until you hire an estate lawyer. That means do not carry the will to court, distribute anything, etc.


The rule regarding joint bank accounts generally is that money in the account when one person dies goes to the other person. The exception might be where there is not enough money in the estate to pay creditors. In such casee, the money in the account goes back to the estate. Otherwise, your brother gets the funds.

You don't know what your father wanted. You also did not do anything special to earn the money so there is no reason why you or your siblings should get it rather than your brother. It may be that he helped your father pay bills and it was done for this reason. Or maybe your father and brother had other reasons. They did not have to convey them to you.

I don't know when your father died, but if you and your brother are co-executors, then you had best get along and both decide on a probate lawyer in the county/state where your father resided at time of death and have the lawyer assist in probating the estate.

What is Balloon Payment Calculator?

What is Balloon Payment Calculator?
The Balloon Payment Calculator is a very fast and flexible loan calculator which also handles
balloon payments.

does a realtor has to provide a list of potential buyers to the seller after the listing contract expires


does a realtor has to provide a list of potential buyers to the seller after the listing contract expires


No they don't unless the contract provides for that. It does not mean you should not be able to ask for it though. owing a broker a fee may be more complicated than just having a list of potential buyers though, so be careful

There are 4 houses on this gravel road,we all signed a servitude right of way. I live at the end of the road, do they have the right to say ...


There are 4 houses on this gravel road,we all signed a servitude right of way. I live at the end of the road, do they have the right to say they own the right of road in front of my house?


Whoever owns the land, owns the land. The deeds will state who owns the property under the right of way.

how do file a criminal threat of violence against a minor


how do file a criminal threat of violence against a minor


Call the police.

What are the nature of small scale enterprise?

What are the nature of small scale enterprise?
They are labor intensive
Mostly depend on local resources
They require less capital

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We have a family company. We are general contractor. 2 people have ownership, but 1 and wife control all paperwork and accounts. Is other ow...


We have a family company. We are general contractor. 2 people have ownership, but 1 and wife control all paperwork and accounts. Is other owner entitle to have access to accounts and paperwork? If so how can we go about doing so?


All owners are entitled to view paperwork and records. If the possessor refuses, send a written demand. If still no response, you may have to get legal assistance.

My daughter's father has been continually threatening to take our 1 yr old daughter from me and saying I will never see her again, bashing m...


My daughter's father has been continually threatening to take our 1 yr old daughter from me and saying I will never see her again, bashing me on Facebook and causing friction,and drama with me and others? What can I do about all,of this?


You can seek help from the court that granted you custody. Also, it is a good idea to stay off of social media when it is upsetting to you. "Causing friction and drama" are not by themselves issues until your daughter is aware of it.

What are the release dates for Opportunity Knocks - 2008 The Gutierrez Family - 1.1?

What are the release dates for Opportunity Knocks - 2008 The Gutierrez Family - 1.1?
Opportunity Knocks - 2008 The Gutierrez Family - 1.1 was released on:

USA: 23 September 2008
USA: 23 September 2008

What you need to do if you want to put your car on your brothers name?

What you need to do if you want to put your car on your brothers name?
Ask your brother to do it for you.

I am scheduled for a final divorce proceeding in 2 weeks in Florida. A part of the final ruling is my request to relocate to Georgia with my...


I am scheduled for a final divorce proceeding in 2 weeks in Florida. A part of the final ruling is my request to relocate to Georgia with my children. I relocated to Georgia with my employer and to be near immediate family. I was recently terminated from my employer and want to know how this termination impacts my request. Thank you.


How your living in GA without a job is in the best interests of your children is the issue.


Having immediate family will resolve any issues.

Monday, February 17, 2014

question is this : I had a vehicle which I did not own a title to because the vehicle was not paid off yet. The car was in an accident, and ...


question is this : I had a vehicle which I did not own a title to because the vehicle was not paid off yet. The car was in an accident, and has been totaled. Besides the DMV paperwork I filled out with a local wrecking company to remove the vehicle from my apartment parking lot what else do I legally have to do to release myself from the liability of this vehicle ?

is Chapter 13 an option to protect myself ?


You may not have had title, but if you were on record as the registered owner of the car, you can secure a lien release as part of a sale of the vehicle. If you were the registered owner, but not the driver in your accident, your potential liability is limited by statute. Chapter 13 is an option, but an extreme and probably unnecessary one. If you are contemplating bankruptcy you really need to consult a lawyer.

What fabric is used to make suitcases?

What fabric is used to make suitcases?
mostly leather and vinyl

My husband moved out and left me with our four kids. Can I move out of state with them?


My husband moved out and left me with our four kids. Can I move out of state with them?


It would be beyond simplistic to say... yes, but technically you could, as you would not be breaking the law. However, I wouldn't suggest it at this juncture. Your situation is one where you would be best served by getting an attorney, quickly, and get your custodial rights tightened down with a custodial order that would not only make your relocation easier in the long run, but would also prevent your husband from taking them away from you.

Best regards,

My grandmother passed away. Her will states the beneficiaries are her living sons, as it was constructed in 1973. My father passed away prio...


My grandmother passed away. Her will states the beneficiaries are her living sons, as it was constructed in 1973. My father passed away prior to her. As a grandson do I have any rights to my fathers share of the estate or decisions of it? Thank you.


To properly answer your question, we would like to provide you with a free telephone consultation. Please call our law firm at 1-888-534-4850 and ask for James Luna. You can also email James at [email protected]/* */

He will connect you with one of our attorneys who will discuss this issue with you, answer your questions and provide you with guidance. We look forward to your call!

Yours Truly,

Jim Slater, Slater & Zurz LLP

What are the release dates for Scenes in Manila - 1913?

What are the release dates for Scenes in Manila - 1913?
Scenes in Manila - 1913 was released on:

USA: 29 May 1913

What is the most populated county in California?

What is the most populated county in California?
Los Angeles County

My husband and I have an nco from 2013. I have appealed it four times been before the judge once and each time been denied. How can we get t...


My husband and I have an nco from 2013. I have appealed it four times been before the judge once and each time been denied. How can we get this dropped


Every case is a little different, and every judge is a little different. Can you talk to the lawyer who represented whichever one of you has the order restricting them?

Most judges want to see the underlying case resolved, and the person in treatment, before they will modify an order. Most courts have a written policy about when and why they will modify orders; take a look at that and make sure you have done everything.

Finally, if you can't talk to the original lawyer, contact another one that practices in that court. He or she will be able to give you some insight about the process.

Are there any connections between McKinsey and Scientology?

Are there any connections between McKinsey and Scientology?
There is no known connections between McKinsey and Scientology.McKinsey is no a public company.

I bought a trailer house recently. Before buying I talked with the trailer park owner, they verbally gave me the okay to live at the park. (...


I bought a trailer house recently. Before buying I talked with the trailer park owner, they verbally gave me the okay to live at the park. ( I do have a text message from the owner of the trailer of me telling her I spoke w the trailer park owner and was good to go.) I gave money to the trailer owner. I also called the park owner and let her know I had officially bought the trailer. A couple days latter the trailer park owner stopped at my home and told me I could not live at that park. I asked what my options were and she told me I could sell or move the trailer. About a two weeks later she offered to buy the trailer for what I paid for it. My question is could I sue her to pay for the cost of moving the trailer. As I would not have bought it if she had not told me I was okay to live there.


Hello. I myself would want to confer with you regarding the full details of this matter prior to providing legal advice tailored to your needs, which obviously are money damages.The amount of money involved is an issue. Whether you want to keep that trailer is an issue. Some oral agreements may be enforceable. Some attorneys, myself included, will provide a no charge, free consultation. Some attorneys, myself included, will provide a reduced fee for legal work based on your hardship need. All the best.

A few months ago, I received a notice from the IRS that they were auditing my 2012 particular they were inquiring about business ...


A few months ago, I received a notice from the IRS that they were auditing my 2012 particular they were inquiring about business expenses taken on Schedule C. I wasn't to alarmed by the audit because I am a real estate agent/small business and more importantly I could substantiate all deductions.

Upon receiving the notification, I contacted my neighbor who is a CPA. He agreed to help me with the audit for a fee. He had not "officially" prepared my taxes but had often answered questions and reviewed them for me for a nominal charge.

I informed the auditor via telephone that I had enlisted the services of a CPA who would be handling the audit for me henceforth. She was clearly pissed and informed me there was no reason to involve a CPA.

Subsequently, I received a notice from the auditor that she had filed a subpoena to obtain my 2011 and 2012 bank statements from BOA as well as investment statements from TDA. The CPA call to ask her why she had subpoena the records: a) the letter stated she was auditing 2012 only; b) the letter specifically asked for documents supporting the expenses pertaining to Schedule C which were provided to her; and c) among the documentation provided to the auditor was the 1099 from my real estate broker and the 1099-B from my investment broker. She responded "just in case she needed them".

In any case, I provided him with the requested documents in the initial letter from the auditor. He forwarded the documents along with a completed Form 2848. A few days later, he and I both received an acknowledgement from the IRS regarding receipt of the POA form and the requested documentation.

Several weeks went by, neither my CPA nor I received any further communication from the IRS auditor. My CPA contacted the auditor last week and was informed she had finalized/submitted her audit of 2011, 2012 and 2013 taxes.

She provided a copy of the final audit. That was two weeks ago.... I have yet to receive any communication from the auditor or a copy of the audit report.

Upon review of the copy provided to my CPA, the auditor had eliminated a few nit picky deductions on Schedule C but also denied other deductions such as disallowing all medical expenses, partial child care deductions and interest on raw land on which I allow people to store equipment for a fee.

The reason stated for EVERY denied deduction was: "No documentation was forthcoming from the taxpayer ". However, neither I nor my CPA were EVER ASKED to provide verification of medical or child care expenses. An interest statement was provided for the land along with the other documentation requested for schedule C.

Of course the NET result of the audit is that IRS ,,,, I owe taxes plus P&I for 2011, 2012 and 2013.

My CPA is telling me not to worry. He says he is going to appeal the audit. He insists the auditor cannot arbitrarily audit 3 years without proper cause or notice when the initial audit notice was for one year. In addition, he insists I cannot be denied legitimate and documentable deductions..

BUT the fact is ... I am worried because clearly the IRS doesn't give a hoot about their own protocol let alone the rights of taxpayers. WORST... because of this bogus audit, I'm anticipating not receiving the much needed over payment I'm due for 2014.

In spite of the confidence I have in my neighbor/CPA, i think any one who trust the IRS to do the right thing is a fool's fool.

So at this point, I feel it is in my best interest to hire a HELL of a TAX attorney to straighten out this God-forsaken mess!!

Please advise...


You answered your own question (had you actually asked it). Get a good tax attorney.

What equipment do you need to start a bakery?

What equipment do you need to start a bakery?
Equipment that can produce Yeast which is needed for Bread

I live in Ohio. My landlady and her sisters own the house Im living in. They only have this property. Do they still have to go through the s...


I live in Ohio. My landlady and her sisters own the house Im living in. They only have this property. Do they still have to go through the same process a landlord with multiple properties does?


In Ohio, if the landlord only owns less that four rental units, then that landlord is exempted from the tenant's remedies under R.C. 5321.07 if and only if the landlord has disclosed in writing to the tenant that the landlord owns fewer than four rental units.

That is the only change between a landlord owning just one rental unit and a landlord holding thousands.

Can you find out someone's income?

Can you find out someone's income?
yes.make a list of economic activities of the invidual or entity . find out income generated for each type of activity on the average i the reference period . decide on units of activities . get the daily or monthly rates for each activity. find units of work done per day or month by recall method ordocuments . now income mayestimated.Only if employed.

Factors influencing financial planning?

Factors influencing financial planning?
1.Simplicity:The financial plan should be simple.It should contain simple financial structure that can be implemented & managed simply.
2.Long-term view:The financial plan should be formulated,keeping in view the long-term requirements.This is because generally financial a plans would continue to operate for a long time after the formation of the concern.

3.Flexibility:The financial plan should have flexibility.It means it can be changed according to the changing needs of the business with minimum possible delay.

4.Foresight:The financial plan must be visualized with much foresight and it should meet the present as well as future requirements of funds.

5.Optimum use:Financial plan should provide for the optimum use of funds.Funds should be used in proper balance is maximized the wealth of the organisation.Again they should see that the proper balance is maintained between long term & short-term funds.

6.Contingences:The financial plan should make adequate provision for funds for meeting the contingencies likely to arise in the future.

7.Liquidity:There should be adequate liquidity in the financial plan.The adequate liquidity wii act as a shock absorber in the event of business operations deviation from the normal course.

8.Economy:The financial should ensure economy.It should determine optimum and proper debt-equity mix in the capital structure in order to have minimum cost of capital.

9.It should facilitate for comparison.

10.The financial plan should be conservative.

11.It should be practically implemented.

12.It should facilitate for control of outflow of funds.

13.It should facilitate for cost reduction.

14.It should consider the risk factor involved in each financial alternative.

15.The other principles of financial plan are:

a)It should be uniform

b)It should be profitable

c)It should be practical

d)It should be suitable

e)It should consider the risk factor.

Is the Wm L Gilbert Clock Co still in business?

Is the Wm L Gilbert Clock Co still in business?
No Clock Co Gilbert ceased trading in 1964.

Plaintiff lives in Bibb County and has filed Petition for Modification of Child Custody in Cobb County (custodial parents residence). Origin...


Plaintiff lives in Bibb County and has filed Petition for Modification of Child Custody in Cobb County (custodial parents residence). Original court order is of Fulton County. Can contempt action be filed along with Answer when responding to Petitioner's Complaint in Cobb County? Or must Defendant file Contempt separately in Fulton County?


If a jurisdiction has the right to hear a modification, it has the right to hear contempt issues. Before filing an answer, I urge you to retain an attorney. Modifications and contempts are not simple procedures if you do not know the law.

What are the release dates for Spirit Art Show - 2013 2-2?

What are the release dates for Spirit Art Show - 2013 2-2?
Spirit Art Show - 2013 2-2 was released on:

USA: 15 January 2013

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What color hairspray goes best on black hair?

What color hairspray goes best on black hair?
bROWN i gUESS.........

I got caught by an undercover cop posing as a trick for solicitation of prostitution if I am found guilt in court what will happen it my fir...


I got caught by an undercover cop posing as a trick for solicitation of prostitution if I am found guilt in court what will happen it my first time getting a citation for solicitation of prostitution


This case is a misd, it is possible to get jail time.A plea of guilty will probably include probation,community service and/or fines.In addition there may be some type of probation approved classes.

What are the 10 largest banks in Hungary?

What are the 10 largest banks in Hungary?
Biggest Hungarian banks by assets value as of December 2009 (in EUR billion)
1.OTP Bank 36
2.MKB 11.5
3.K&H 11.3
4.Erste Bank Hungary 10.5
5.CIB 10.2
6.Raiffeisen Bank Hungary 8.8
7.UniCredit Bank Hungary 6.3


Who is the agency of record for Fred Meyers?

Who is the agency of record for Fred Meyers?
Fred Meyer is a subsidiary of Kroger, therefore MMI PR is their agency of record.

So my girlfriend and I walked into a store together, and only she had an ID with her. We go in, buy two cookies, a drink, and she asks for a...


So my girlfriend and I walked into a store together, and only she had an ID with her. We go in, buy two cookies, a drink, and she asks for a pack of cigarettes. The clerk denies selling her cigarettes because I dont have my ID. Is it even legal to do that?


The store is not obligated to sell to anyone. Not sure I follow the logic, but it is not illegal.

In ConnecticutI signed for a child at birth who I recently found out is not my child. I have been paying child support for this child for 6 ...


In Connecticut

I signed for a child at birth who I recently found out is not my child.

I have been paying child support for this child for 6 years. Because we've resided in different states ever since the child was two weeks old, I've only seen the child maybe 5 times in its lifetime; once that the child is old enough to remember. The last time I visited I did a DNA test that is not admissable in court but found out that she is not my child which I suspected for years after birth. There is another man that has been claiming the child as his own but it not willing to go to court.

How do I establish paternity through the court to get myself off of child support or relinquish all of my parental rights altogether?


Has any court ever issued a finding that you are the father? That usually occurs in conjunction with the establishment of a child support order. Is there a child support order from a court? If so, what state? If there's no court determination that you are the father, and no support order, then you can simply stop paying support and let her bring you to court where you can contest paternity. If there has been a determination, you're probably out of luck as so much time has passed and the appeal period has probably run.

If I was a passanger in an accident that ended up with me having 3 broken bones in my ankle and a broken bone in my back can I sue the Chevr...


If I was a passanger in an accident that ended up with me having 3 broken bones in my ankle and a broken bone in my back can I sue the Chevrolet company beciz the air bags didnt deploy or can I sue the driver who was my significant other even thow there was a no contact order in place the night of the axcident but that was removed the next morning in court????


I have written (blogged) extensively about this type of claim on my website. My opinion is that it is nearly impossible to prove why the airbag didn't deploy; if you don't have the car. Since most cars are destroyed (junked) when people come in asking about this type of claim, I tell them I have no way to prove the claim. Go the the Lombardi Law Firm webiste and do a search for airbag claims.

I borrowed a money from a friend last November 2014 worth $10,000and mode of payment is everyday I'll give him $400 for one monthbut I wasn'...


I borrowed a money from a friend last November 2014 worth $10,000

and mode of payment is everyday I'll give him $400 for one month

but I wasn't able to pay on daily basis instead

I'm paying him 1,000 a month up to now,

And He told me that I should pay $2,000 for the interest per month

plus another $2,000 for the payment itself,

I just wanna now what should be the ideal interest or should I refuse to pay the interest.

Please help, Thank You!


This is bad. Why would you even make a deal like this?

If he did not get you to sign a promissory note, then he cannot charge ANY interest at all. He is a fool for loaning this much.

If you decide to be a good friend anyway, then you and he need to sign a proper promissory note which provides for a REASONABLE rate of interest. Your friend is charging way too much in interest to the point where it is usurious under the law. The maximum lawful rate of interest is 16% per year! See And Research/Maximum_Rate_of_Interest.pdf

Your friend is charging way more than that - even at the maximum, the monthly amount would be something like $135.

I would not sign a promissory note if I were you and I would repay the $10,000 as you can - if you can afford $1000 a month then do it. Your "friend" may not like it but its his fault for not getting a signed promissory note.

Now if you already have a signed note and you are not abiding by it, that is different. In that case I would make a new note and expressly state therein that the old note is superceded and cancelled. In the new note I would specify how the loan is to be repaid and provide for a reasonable rate of interest, not to exceed 16% maximum - if I were you, shoot for as low as you can. Attach an amortization schedule - there are plenty of free calculators out there. Provide how the loan is to be repaid; the payments first go to interest and then principal.


I couldn't agree with Ms. Hunter more. At first, this seemed to be a good friend, but his payment terms are outrageous and unenforceable. At $400.00 a day you would have paid off the loan in less than a month...

Will my driver's license be suspended for a first time use of marihuana charge?


Will my driver's license be suspended for a first time use of marihuana charge?


Possibly. The right attorney is critical. Read more at:


Yes, unless you get a deferral sentence such as HYDRA or 7411. Retain an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help you attain this.

I am classified as an independent contractor for the company I work for where I am only paid 100 commission, however my peers either receiv...


I am classified as an independent contractor for the company I work for where I am only paid 100% commission, however my peers either receive a salary or hourly wage in addition to the exact same commission structure I am paid...I am the top producer for the company and when I requested to be classified as an employee no more no less than my colleagues I am being denied by my direct sales manager...any advice on what I should do?


Just because they call you an independent contractor does not make you one under the law. You may, or may not, already be properly considered an employee. You may also be entitled to overtime wages as an employee or employee benefits. This is somewhat complicated and very dependent upon the detailed facts of your situation. You might want to consult with an attorney about it. Feel free to call my office and visit my website,, for informationa and/or more detailed thoughts about your situation.

Leon Greenberg, Esq.


Can you cash a Bank of America check at any Bank of America?

Can you cash a Bank of America check at any Bank of America?
in the u.s.a

what if I do not show up for a civii court hearing in illinois


what if I do not show up for a civii court hearing in illinois


Hello. If you don't show up, a default judgment could be entered by the judge. What this means is that the other side will win and then it will be necessary to try to get the judgment set aside so that the case can start over.

What are the error of omission in auditing?

What are the error of omission in auditing?
An error of omission arises when any transection is left out to be recorded in the books of accounts either wholly or partially.When there is omission to record entries transection it becomes difficult to locate the errors since it will not affect the trial balance.

Who won the Deming prize for quality in year 2009?

Who won the Deming prize for quality in year 2009?
Niigata Diamond Electric Company from Japan, and
The Siam White Cement Company from Thailand

what happens if the court has my address wrong on a ticket and it goes to collections?


what happens if the court has my address wrong on a ticket and it goes to collections?


I'm not sure what you mean by "what happens?"

If you received a citation, and either didn't appear or didn't pay off finds it is connected to you irrespective of address. Your license can be suspended, additional civil assessment ($300 fine stacked on) will be added.

Now that your citation has been sent to collections, your license is also probably suspended for failing to pay the fine. The only way to get a hold lifted on your license from failing to pay is to go to court and pay off the entire amount of the fine.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

i live in NC, both maternal grandparents are deceased . my grandparents had.a joint will and left their 5 children and one grandchild (me) t...


i live in NC, both maternal grandparents are deceased . my grandparents had.a joint will and left their 5 children and one grandchild (me) the estate of roughly $500,000 at the time of my grandmothers death. now my grandpa has passed and a second will was presented at his death with the five children still inheriting the same as the joint will but said nothing of my (grandchild) inheritance that was left in joint will . can this be legal if all property is still to this day in both grandparents names or can my grandfather not abide by last wishes of grandmother and just leave my part of and dispose of it to other heirs ?


You don't post any relevant facts here. I don't know whether your grandparents in fact had a joint and mutual will. Assuming they did, then here is what would happen. When the first person died, the will would be probated and estate distributed. If the second spouse never changed their will and died the joint and mutual will would get probated again and assets distributed as per the will.

The problem with joint and mutual wills is that the surviving spouse is ALWAYS free to make a new will after the other spouse dies. So if that is what happened, the joint and mutual old will is no longer valid as to the surviving spouse.

You ask if its "legal." Anything not prohibited is legal. So unless you have evidence that someone forged a new will on behalf of your grandfather, then its legal. Is it valid? Maybe and maybe not, but you post no facts suggesting any fraud or undue influence or anything else affecting its validity so I cannot say.

Does your grandfather have to abide by the wishes set forth in your grandmother's joint and mutual will? No. He is free to dispose of his assets any way that he sees fit and he is not obligated to leave anything at all to either his children or grandchildren. Its his property. He could have left it all to his favorite charity if he wished and as long as he was of sound mind and there was no fraud/undue influence that would be perfectly valid. So while I understand your disappointment, do not act as though the grandchild had some sort of inviolable rights of inheritance here.

Where you live is NOT relevant. Its where your grandparents lived at the time of their deaths as that is where their estates will be probated. My answers are premised on NC law so I assume that your grandparents lived here as well.

Since you post no real useful information, I suggest that you get a copy of both your grandmother's and grandfather's wills and pay to have it reviewed by a probate lawyer who practices in the county/state where your grandparents each lived at the time of their deaths. You also need to make a list of all children and grandchildren, note whether any of them has died and when and you need to note when the second will was made by your grandfather. Was it recent? Or some years ago? What was his mental condition like at the time? Do you believe the second will was the product of fraud/undue influence by someone? Ask the lawyer if there are grounds for a will caveat and find out what it will cost. Is there any chance that the omission was due to error rather than deliberate? Even if you succeed in a will caveat, its not going to automatically revive your grandmother's will. If your grandfather's will is tossed out, then he will be deemed to have died without a will at all and the 5 children would inherit, but not any grandchild. The grandchildren would only inherit if their parent died and they would inherit their dead parent's share.

Would it be true that government at all levels employs the greatest percentage of people in and outside of the USA?

Would it be true that government at all levels employs the greatest percentage of people in and outside of the USA?

What are the release dates for Wagon Train - 1957 The Chalice - 4.34?

What are the release dates for Wagon Train - 1957 The Chalice - 4.34?
Wagon Train - 1957 The Chalice - 4.34 was released on:

USA: 24 May 1961

Who can help me with my lawyer that i paid $2000.00 and did not do nothing for me, he told me he could do but never did nothing. Was to take...


Who can help me with my lawyer that i paid

$2000.00 and did not do nothing for me, he told me he could do but never did nothing. Was to take of restrictions from parole to leave county for work.And nothing has been done almost a year. And i am requesting for a refund.


It depends on what your attorney actually did. If your attorney made appropriate efforts to remove the parole restrictions but was unable to resolve the issue in spite of his diligent efforts then you may just be out of luck. However, if the attorney did not act reasonably and professionally then it may be appropriate for you to pursue a refund. You should talk to your attorney about what is going on.

What problems can arise after the sale of tata nano?

What problems can arise after the sale of tata nano?
i guess....
hmm this is a hard one
this car is famous for being the cheapest in the world!
anything can happen

Hi! Thank you for your time.The opening line of my mother-in-law's will states, "I leave to Carl (my hubby) + Susan (hubby's sister) my home...

What kind of skills needed do you need to be a good team player?

What kind of skills needed do you need to be a good team player?
A team player forgets about the spot-light, and values
the opinions of others. Always, think before speaking,
even, when you are right.

It's a must to understand the team's, organization's, goal.
Your personal goals become one with the organization's
goal. Work with the team. Talk out disagreements,
and resolve them.

Don't allow a misunderstanding to interfere with the
team's work.

People have different approaches to the same problem,
be tolerant of others.

Share the successful moments with the team, and
do not claim all the credit.

In the course of paying a speeding ticket, the person that I was told I had to talk to at the court house to me that my city didn't offer an...


In the course of paying a speeding ticket, the person that I was told I had to talk to at the court house to me that my city didn't offer any type of traffic school or any type of recourse to remove or reduce points, she said I either pay or make a court date if I had sufficient evidence that the city was wrong in giving me a ticket. After paying the ticket I was talking to some people and they all agreed that the city did in fact offer traffic school, as they had all taken it. I went back to the courthouse and it was confirmed that the city offered it, but since I had already paid, that I technically had already plead guilty and I had no recourse in this matter. I live in St. George, Utah, and am only 20 years old, and the law here says that anyone under 21 who has 70 points has to have a hearing about having their license suspended/revoked. That one ticket gave me 35 points. What are my options?


Go back to the judge and ask the judge to set aside the conviction on the basis of mistake, and allow you to take driving school.

Yesterday at noon, I asked the mediator my wife and I have been using for our divorce to go ahead and file. The divorce is amicable and we h...


Yesterday at noon, I asked the mediator my wife and I have been using for our divorce to go ahead and file. The divorce is amicable and we have already agreed on our settlement, the kids, the pets, pretty much everything. So far, not even an argument over who gets what. at 3:30, my father called me and told me that he sold a property, and he wanted to give me $40,000 once the divorce is finalized. The papers are going to be filed with the courts this morning. Do I tell her, knowing it is my parent's money, and that she is not due any? Am I obligated to share this with her? What are my legal responsibilities?


The gift that your father intends to give to you is your separate property. Your wife is not entitled to any portion of those monies however, she's entitled to know about the money. You have a fiduciary responsibility to disclose both community and separate property as you go through this divorce process.

What is a quit claim filing ? My mom said my dad signed one for the house she's asking me to move out of?"


What is a quit claim filing ? My mom said my dad signed one for the house she's asking me to move out of?"


Quit claim deed conveys only the interest that the grantor has to the grantee. If your Dad "owned" the property via a "Grant Deed" or otherwise, such that he had full title, then your Mom received that via the quit claim deed. I'm a real estate broker in addition to being an attorney with 17 years of experience in all forms of dispute resolution and transactions.

My two siblings and I received a copy of my grandmother's will. We were not left anything. We were listed on the Petition of Will and for Le...


My two siblings and I received a copy of my grandmother's will. We were not left anything. We were listed on the Petition of Will and for Letters of Testamentary as heirs as our father (our grandmother's son) is deceased. We have been instructed to sign the Appearance on Proof of Will. Are we obligated to sign this?


You are not obligated to sign this, but if you do not have any basis to question the will then it will make the administration of your grandmother's estate slightly easier for those involved. It was up to your grandmother, provided she was competent when she prepared the will and was not unduly influenced, to dispose of her estate as she chose. If you do not have any intent to contest the will, then signing will just simplify the administration and distribution to those entitled to it, perhaps also saving the estate some expense. If you are uneasy or have more questions, then you should meet with an attorney.

If my spouse has unpaid debt owed to a loan will I be held responsible if we get married? And if he would pass away, would I then be respons...


If my spouse has unpaid debt owed to a loan will I be held responsible if we get married? And if he would pass away, would I then be responsible for all his debt?


No. Even if she dies its still not your debt,


Can one person own the land and another own the dwelling?


Can one person own the land and another own the dwelling?


Unless it is a mobile home, the general answer would be no.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I am a freelance artist, just starting to get major clients(government contracting, major corporations, etc). I just created a pattern for a...


I am a freelance artist, just starting to get major clients(government contracting, major corporations, etc). I just created a pattern for a client to use as a logo. A patter to be used as an in tact image.

The client(film production team) paid me for the single image and is now proposing to have another artist separate the individual parts comprising the pattern/logo, independently and profiting off of them separately as multiple, stand-alone pieces of art.

I continue to tell them that this is outside of our agreement, and definitely not what I was compensated for.

Where should I go from here? Any help is greatly appreciated!


Was the project a work-for-hire under a written agreement? If so, then the employer would own the copyright interest and would be otherwise free to do with the work as they wish which includes the making of derivative works and copying. If not, then they would not have the right to make derivative works and can only use the work in accordance with the implied license they received by operation of law through the transaction.

I believe you asked a similar question here as well. You really need to get specific legal advice.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.