Sunday, February 16, 2014

I am classified as an independent contractor for the company I work for where I am only paid 100 commission, however my peers either receiv...


I am classified as an independent contractor for the company I work for where I am only paid 100% commission, however my peers either receive a salary or hourly wage in addition to the exact same commission structure I am paid...I am the top producer for the company and when I requested to be classified as an employee no more no less than my colleagues I am being denied by my direct sales manager...any advice on what I should do?


Just because they call you an independent contractor does not make you one under the law. You may, or may not, already be properly considered an employee. You may also be entitled to overtime wages as an employee or employee benefits. This is somewhat complicated and very dependent upon the detailed facts of your situation. You might want to consult with an attorney about it. Feel free to call my office and visit my website,, for informationa and/or more detailed thoughts about your situation.

Leon Greenberg, Esq.


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