Saturday, May 31, 2014

My fiance was left a house from his father when he passed away and there is still 70,000$ still owed on the home and it was apprently set up...


My fiance was left a house from his father when he passed away and there is still 70,000$ still owed on the home and it was apprently set up in his name and his sisters name so now she wants half of 70,000$ in order for us to move in. I dont feel she is owed anything since there is money left. Please help.


Either one of these heirs, i.e., your fiance or her sister, if they're now

owners of this property, could move in and occupy it (and without

the other's permission--in my opinion).

Obviously, however, someone is going to have to continue to pay the mortgage still outstanding on this house, assuming it is not taken care of by the deceased father's estate assets.


Correction: line 1 of above answer should read "his" sister.

What do you do if there is greenish foam in the radiator?

What do you do if there is greenish foam in the radiator?
If your antifreeze is green and it's foaming then you are getting air into the system. It is coming in by way of the water pump or you have a cylinder head gasket leaking compression.

What woud someone get on a first time meth charge


What woud someone get on a first time meth charge


Many factors to consider. Felony or misdemeanor charge? Felonies require the application of sentencing guidelines that take into consideration the defendant's prior record and offense variables. Other factors include the Judge you pull, prosecutor etc...

If you, or someone you know needs an attorney feel free to contact me for more information.


Possession? Use? Possession with Intent to Deliver? Manufacturing? Which county? Which judge? What's the defendant's prior criminal history? Etc. As you can see, the answer to your simple question requires a lot more information.

My canadian step-father passed away. He never updated his beneficiary on his life insurance policy from over 20 years ago. His sister has cl...


My canadian step-father passed away. He never updated his beneficiary on his life insurance policy from over 20 years ago. His sister has claimed the insurance. Does my mom have any claim to the insurance as his wife?


If he was a Canadian citizen living there, Canadian law would apply. If he was s michigan resident, the contract would be valid. Ie- the sister gets it because he never changed the beneficiary.

My current employer provided false information to a background investigator in regards to my attendance. Not only did they violate their own...


My current employer provided false information to a background investigator in regards to my attendance. Not only did they violate their own employee privacy policy but they cost me a career as well.(I was applying to a sheriffs office-, according to their HR its improbable to get a second chance once info is out there even if I could produce proof) My employer utilizes stall tactics whenever I request to see my own attendance records and according to SEVERAL other employees this company has been negligent with their attendance as well. **This company says that they purge attendance every 6months, which is also a concern seeing how I've yet to see any physical proof on their behalf of statements made against me. This has to be illegal right? Is there anything I can do about this, short of quitting, I still have bills to pay? I have a copy of the over-the-phone interview with my jobs personnel office if that matters)


Who is the current employer? Maybe a lawyer letter will get them to send the matter over to their counsel and the issues could be hashed out.

Motor VehicleI was a passenger in a motor vehicle and was sideswiped when a person ran a stop sign. My back and neck were injrured. I did n...


Motor Vehicle

I was a passenger in a motor vehicle and was sideswiped when a person ran a stop sign. My back and neck were injrured. I did not get medical attention untill 4/11/07. the accident was 3/31/07. I am being told that since I waited soooo long that the injury is not serious. Also, back injury and neck injuries are not worth taking. I can tell you i am in alot of pain. I am currently getting chiropractic, physical therapy, and orthopedic care. Do I have a cse or not. WHat are my other options.?


Re: Motor Vehicle

I am confident I can help you with your matter. A gap in medical treatment is often easily explained and does not affect one's case. Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience.


Re: Motor Vehicle

The length of time you wait to seek medical treatment will be weighed by the defendant's insurance carrier in order to determine the possible value of your case. However, it certainly does not preclude you from bringing a lawsuit. If you do intend to sue, do not speak with anyone from the insurance company. I handle this type of case every day. It will cost you nothing until/unless the lawsuit is successful. Feel free to contact me to further discuss this matter.


Re: Motor Vehicle

I recommend you talk to David Woycik at the law firm of Sanders Block & Woycik at 100 Herricks Rd, Mineola, NY , 11501. Call 516.741.5252. They do alot of personal injury work and will give you a good assessment based on your medical records.


Re: Motor Vehicle

Serious injury is not determined by the time it takes to seek treatment, but rather by the nature and extent of injuries and the treatment medically necessary to treat them. Serious injury is a question that can only be answered by a review of medical records in light of the current state of the law in New York. Serious injury is defined for you in the "Insurance Law Section 5102(d)" Check it out on line. If you would like my help to find an attorney in your area, please let me know. I know some excellent attorney in queens that specialize in these types of cases. Feel free to call or write if you have further questions.



Re: Motor Vehicle

The delay is something the insurance company will try and use to lower your settlement. However, we deal with these issues day in and day out. You need MRIs to determine whether you have an injury that will meet the "serious injury" threshold set forth in the Insurance Law of NY. My firm handles lots of car accident cases and we have numerous local offices. Please feel free to check out our web site and contact me to discuss. Make sure you file your no-fault application within 30 days of the accident.


Re: Motor Vehicle

There needs to be a determination as to the full extent of your injuries. The fact that you waited to seek treatment will certainly be raised by the insurance company for the at-fault party, but that does not mean your injuries are not serious. You need to get an MRI to determine if there are injuries to your spine, and in particular whether you have any herniations. I would be pleased to speak to you further about this and discuss your options with you in greater detail. Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience so we can speak further.

can your boss change your job description at a moments notice? Also if you touch equipment in a mechanical way are you supposed to be paid h...


can your boss change your job description at a moments notice? Also if you touch equipment in a mechanical way are you supposed to be paid hourly?


Cannot answer this because of insf info and there would be too many variables to try to answer something on a board such as here. Part of what you are asking about involves "exempt" and "non-exempt" employee definitions but there is more than that. I would suggest speaking with a labor attorney.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I live in manhatten in am apartment building. My landlord is renting out over 7 apartments to people as hotel rooms. On a constant basis the...


I live in manhatten in am apartment building. My landlord is renting out over 7 apartments to people as hotel rooms. On a constant basis there are people coming and going. ive had packages stolen and someone tried breaking into my apartment as well. Its like living in a hostel here. And when I confronted him about it he told me to mind my own business and if i don't play nice with him he wont play nice with me. And if I want to renew my lease I better start being nice. I know what he doing is illegal but i don't know what my rights are in this situation.


This is grounds for war. Your rights include potentially taking control of the building. You should engage counsel now.

Who is the announcers for the wall street journal?

Who is the announcers for the wall street journal?
Assuming that this question was sent in by a child, let me answer kindly. Broadcast media (TV and Radio stations which "broadcast" their information over the air-waves) have what are commonly called "announcers." The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper. Newspapers have editors for their various sections, like the Opinions Section, the Business Section, and such. It also has a Managing Editor (or Executive Editor), who is responsible for final approval of each publication of the newspaper. So, here's the difference: Announcers just "announce" whatever news they are given to say in front of the camera (or microphone if it's a radio broadcast). Editors have final say on what is published in a given issue of a newspaper. The equivalent of an "announcer" in the newspaper publication business would be staff and free-lance writers.

My assumption that this question came from a child is based on the confusion of number between appositive and verb: an adult would say, "Who are the announcers....." Most adults would also understand the difference between the print media and the broadcast media.

What is the advantage of a MBA degree?

What is the advantage of a MBA degree?
You can enhance your skills and advance your career (and pay) with an MBA degree, especially if your bachelor's degree was not business related. Make sure the college you choose is accredited by the AACSB.

I have paid $143 for merchandise I charged using paypal and have been charged $103 in late charges.I have disputed the late fees with them b...


I have paid $143 for merchandise I charged using paypal and have been charged $103 in late charges.

I have disputed the late fees with them because my paypal account is linked to my VISA account which is how it usually gets paid. They are not forgiving the late fees because they sent email notices which I never opened--thinking they were not a bill and i get swamped with ads, etc for that sort of thing. It finally came to my attention when I got a bill in the mail.

I have excellent credit and am not too worried about $103 on my record, but will they continue to compound the interest on the late fee? Should I take the dispute further?


Further detail would need to be known in order for an attorney to provide you with sensible legal advice for the situation. Should you consider paying an attorney to provide you with formal legal counsel and legal advise, I urge you to be very much aware of the cost benefit ratio of the issue.

Who is ID0212086850?

Who is ID0212086850?

Hello, I am currently going through a divorce with one child. I have another child as well. I receive Social Security Disability Benefits an...


Hello, I am currently going through a divorce with one child. I have another child as well. I receive Social Security Disability Benefits and each of my children receive a payment each month as dependants. I am being told by my soon to be ex, that both the children's SSDI payments count as my income when calculating Child support. One of the payments goes directly to my ex for my son with her, the other does come to be, but is in my son's name. I was explained by social security that neither of the children's payments should count as income. Maybe I misunderstood? Please help me to clear this up. Thank you.


Florida Child Support law says the kids money counts as your income. See DOR v. Wallace, 774 So2d 804


I disagree with Mr. McCall. Depending on what circuit your case is in, many circuits do not attribute that income to you but instead count the children's dependent benefits as a credit against the child support owed.

Can someone write a conversation as though you were a European explorer trying to convince a monarch to fund your expedition?

Can someone write a conversation as though you were a European explorer trying to convince a monarch to fund your expedition?
The Queen of England: What do you want of us, you filthy rougue?
Explorer: Pardon your majesty and all that, but we was wonderin' if it might be possible that we could have a boat and some maps and biscuits, your lovliness.
The Q of E: Sod off!

I was the sole beneficiary of my fathers stuff. I paid my brother his portion as this was my fathers wishes. His ex wife is stating he owed ...


I was the sole beneficiary of my fathers stuff. I paid my brother his portion as this was my fathers wishes. His ex wife is stating he owed back child support can she come after me for anything?


Yes, if she properly and timely files a claim against your father's estate, and proves it.


You should seek legal representation. If he was not entitled to anything from the estate, then arguably your giving him a share was a gift and the child support remains a matter between your brother and his ex. He was not legally entitled to anything from the estate or from you. That said, you are suggesting (and posting) that you received the estate, arguably, to hold and distribute in keeping with your father's wishes. Theoretically, that may open up some arguments. In my view, the ex would be best advised to pursue your brother directly.

In that regard, perhaps you should approach your brother to suggest that it may be a good time to work with an attorney to resolve his defaults in providing for his child(ren). It is not clear what he has received, but perhaps legal fees can be saved and the children more promptly receive what is allocated for their benefit than if continued collection is forced in lieu of acting responsibly.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

when a sibling renounces rights to parents property such as homes and autos,does half of equity go to them


when a sibling renounces rights to parents property such as homes and autos,

does half of equity go to them


Your posting is a bit confusing. I assume by renounces, you mean disclaims. When one formally disclaims an inheritance, they are giving up all rights to the inheritance from that estate. In that case they would not get the uquity interest of any of the property of that estate.

Sometimes, a person dies.owing money on a note, mortgage, or deed of trust, on rel estate or an automobile. In that case, they can't pass clear title to any of their heirs or devisees. If the one to receive that item properly disclaims as to that item, the equity interest would not pass to them, although they might still get other property from the estate. This is most common where just one child of a decedent is to get the decedents equity in a home, and the other siblings get a disproportionate amount of other property to somewhat balance the value that each recieves from their patent's estate.

This is a very generalized description of inheritanceship, based upon the few facts you provided. You should consult directly with a probate attorney, in your area, before deciding what to do in your specific situation.

Good luck

do i need a permit for a vending machine on my own property


do i need a permit for a vending machine on my own property


Probably, but this may depend upon local law. I'd suggest checking with your city or county business licensing department.

What are the release dates for Joe Frazier vs. Buster Mathis - 1968?

What are the release dates for Joe Frazier vs. Buster Mathis - 1968?
Joe Frazier vs. Buster Mathis - 1968 was released on:

USA: 1968

I have a possession charge in Ohio but I live in Virginia, can Virginia charge me too?


I have a possession charge in Ohio but I live in Virginia, can Virginia charge me too?


No, not based upon the Ohio charge which will need to be addressed and disposed of by the criminal court(s) of that

particular state.

I have a 7 year old child who has lived with me (mom) since he was born. The father and I were never married and my son has my last name. Th...


I have a 7 year old child who has lived with me (mom) since he was born. The father and I were never married and my son has my last name. The father is however on the birth certificate-he was added to it after turning in an Affidavit of Paternity form. In the 7 years of his life his father has not supported financially or in any other way. He has gone years with no contact at all. My question is this, how do I go about getting sole legal custody (court ordered doc) so that I don't have to try to track down his father for things that may require both parents giving permission?


File request for order, FL-300, and check the box for child custody/visitation. State the details of your case in the declaration, file with the court, and serve the opposing party. That will put the issue in front of the court.


A request for order motion is only a starting point concerning this custody matter. If the father opposes the parenting plan and custody order that you propose, the matter may have to go before the court on a contested hearing. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options. Filing and serving a motion of this nature is not just "add water and stir" must understand and properly interpret the legal issues that are relevant to your case.

my father died and did not have a will, before he died he let his brother use his car because he was getting a new one, tell me how can I ge...


my father died and did not have a will, before he died he let his brother use his car because he was getting a new one, tell me how can I get the brother to return the car to me now that my father is dead.


This question would be more appropriate in the Probate categories. Did your father leave a will? Who is on the title to the car? From your description, it is not clear that you are entitled to ownership of the car. You may need to consult a probate attorney, with your documents, to determine who has the rights to the car.


You will need to hire an experienced probate lawyer and go through the Probate process - as your father died without a Will it will be intestate probate and you may be able to qualify for a small estate probate depending on the value left in your father's estate.

- Keep in mind that any debts your father owed will also need to go through probate or the lien holder can sue you personally as an heir to your father's estate.

- Your probate attorney will need to have you named the Executor, and get Letters Testamentary issued to you from the court judge.

Then, you will have the right to sue his brother for return of the car on behalf of your father's estate, and, so that the car goes to the rightful owners, which are his true heirs

- - usually 50% to his surviving wife (if he has one) and 50% to his children or 100% to his children if he has no wife.

- If your father had a wife who is still living, the wife should be the one filing for probate of your father's estate.

If you need legal assistance, our firm's information should post after my answer.

Legally the car cannot be transferred to him or anyone else without letters testamentary.

Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified probate attorneys, estate planning lawyers and Will & Trust attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

my friend and i were driving and was pulled over. The officier ask if he could search the car.i said okay. the officier found under the pass...


my friend and i were driving and was pulled over. The officier ask if he could search the car.i said okay. the officier found under the passeneger seat a wallet with a small amount of meth and a glass pipe. my friend was driving and his licence was suspended at the time. since the meth was under my seat he said that it was mine. we had borrowed the car from a friend that day so we could go to the casino. the casino was in another county than where we lived. the are charging me the passenger with transporting a controlled substance. the officer said it was our responcibility to inspect the car before we used it. can they charge me with this and if so why didnt they charge my friend the driver also


The officer could have charged both of you, as the criminal law definition of "possession", is the ability to have access or control over the item. However, unless the officer got a statement from you, where you acknowledged that you knew it was there, there is NO case against you. The officer knows that without an incriminating statement, no D.A will file that case. So, don't be surprised if you see a statement attributed to you, that you didn't make. Call me if you have any other questions.........David Wallin


In the future, don't talk to the police and don't consent to searches.

Will I be fingerprinted at court in va for a misdemeanor marijuana conviction? I was released on a summons when I was arrested


Will I be fingerprinted at court in va for a misdemeanor marijuana conviction? I was released on a summons when I was arrested


Yes, if you're convicted of the referenced offense (having been released on a summons), you'll likely be directed to report to the Sheriff's or police

department where the full so-called "booking" process can occur, which

may include making an official report of your arrest/conviction, fingerprinting,

and a mug shot, which will then be forwarded to the Virginia CCRE (Central Criminal Records Exchange) for processing into its database.

I just moved into an apartment with my husband and adult son. When we rented this place I told the landlord that I wanted to qualify for it ...


I just moved into an apartment with my husband and adult son. When we rented this place I told the landlord that I wanted to qualify for it just my husband and myself and my son as a occupant only. All said and done we signed a one year lease just my husband and myself. The landlord asked if she could mail us a copy after she made one in her office. I said sure no problem and thought nothing of it. Well we are living here almost a month now and I finally get it back with a note asking that my son sign for the liability also and she has added his name to it. She wants me to have him initial all and send back to her. I told her no I would not and that is not what we agreed. She very bluntly told me straight out that yes I was and there was not going to be any argument about it. I don't want him on the lease with any responsibility that is not what we agreed on what can I do. Can she evict us or if we refuse to have him sign the lease.


Your particular fact situation involves a potential 'contract dispute' between what you and the landlord understand is your landlord-tenant lease contract. It appears that you and your husband already signed a lease contract which the landlord presumably drafted and reviewed beforehand. At that time, the landlord knew about your adult son (as you indicated) occupying the premises and chose to rent to you and your husband without including your adult son as a party to the contract. If the landlord later, and after the contract was signed by you, decided that it was best for them to also include your adult son in the contract, then it appears that they are now trying to amend the lease contract that was already finalized. If that is the case, then it is your choice (obviously, as well as your adult son) whether you accept this proposed change to the contract. Your new landlord's proposed change to a final contract is not something you are obligated to accept, even if it comes at a threat of an eviction.

You need to talk to an attorney experienced in the area of real estate/evictions and contract law that can guide you in your particular issue with your new landlord. One that will give you the personal attention you need and inform you of your rights. If you are interested in speaking to an attorney that will do just that, contact us for a no-obligation consultation at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

Monday, May 26, 2014

I have two children. I signed temporary guardianship to their grandmother as I could take care of them following their mother and mine separ...


I have two children. I signed temporary guardianship to their grandmother as I could take care of them following their mother and mine separation. We are not legally separated and still legally married. It has been almost 4 years with no contact from their mother. My situation is improving and will eventually want to take back control of my children. How should I proceed when I can't afford a lawyer?


How you proceed depends on what you want to do and what resources you can bring to bear. Maybe you ought to file for dissolution with sole custody. But wait. You gave grandma guardianship. You do need an attorney to handle this tangled set of facts.

Hi : everyone here.My cousin want to access his bank account warning its said he must add his SS# to his bank account (join account with his...


Hi : everyone here.

My cousin want to access his bank account warning its said he must add his SS# to his bank account (join account with his mom for 20 years), and his mom pass away he did access it in the last 20 years only one time, after his mom pass(5 years ago), but he has very bad relationship with his wife. FFor the last 5 years he had to apply for medicaid for his 2 kids plus food stump,and he wants to cancel it now. But he cants,because he doesn't the requirement for that as (low income...).

So he cants access to the money in the bank, and the same time he cants cancel the medicaid.

Please help, thanks very kindly


Sorry but this does not make any legal sense. He needs to discuss the bank account issue with the bank. If he is on the account, he does need to provide his social security number. If he held it as a tenant in common his mom's estate may need to be probated it that was not done to clear the funds.

I did not file a reaffirm on my car but have continued to make payments on time. can they take my car because i didnt file a notice to reaffirm


I did not file a reaffirm on my car but have continued to make payments on time. can they take my car because i didnt file a notice to reaffirm


Legal Answers Not as long as you make every payment on time in the correct amount and you were current at the time you filed. Otherwise, falling behind or being late in any payments would be sufficient to allow them to pick it up without notice. That's the disadvantage of !reaffirmation.


I agree with Mr. Anderson. I would add, though, your account with the finance company or bank is now red-flagged as a bankrupt account, which means that they cannot send you new coupons if you pay by coupon book. I tell my clients to photocopy their last coupon before sending it in and send in the photocopied coupon month after month as they continue to pay the loan.

I stress, with Mr. Anderson: do NOT fall behind in these payments if you want to keep the car; even a day late can trigger a repossession without a reaffirmation agreement.


Why is it important for managers to understand the environment in which their business operates?

Why is it important for managers to understand the environment in which their business operates?
why is it important for managers to understand the environment in which their business operates?

Are you required to do a Notice to Consumers before settling a Trust? If so, what happens if you don't?


Are you required to do a Notice to Consumers before settling a Trust? If so, what happens if you don't?


You mean a Notice to Creditors, which is mandatory in probate. There is no mandatory Notice to Creditors for trust administration, but there is an optional procedure if the trustee determines it necessary.

How long must a couple live together in Florida to be considered married?


How long must a couple live together in Florida to be considered married?


Living together never equals a marriage. We have no common law marriage in Florida. To be "married" in Florida you must have a marriage license and it must be signed by a personal authorized to perform a marriage ceremony.


A couple will not be considered married in Florida without a marriage license, regardless of how long they have lived together. To get a divorce in Florida at least one of the parties must reside in Florida for at least 6 months.

I am unsure how law works since I'm new to united states and i have not talked a united states lawyer before but i will in a couple days , b...


I am unsure how law works since I'm new to united states and i have not talked a united states lawyer before but i will in a couple days , but can i have the Right to a Speedy Trial? for victim rights, how does that work in the united states?


I do not have enough information to answer this question. Is it a criminal law question or a civil law question? In any case it is not an administrative law question and it should be asked on the appropriate page identifying the type off case

Why is technology called a catalyst for change?

Why is technology called a catalyst for change?
why is technology called a catalyst foor change?

Is Walmart open on Canada Day?

Is Walmart open on Canada Day?
Yes, Walmart is open 365 days a year.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Best quality of life which country?

Best quality of life which country?
Switzerland has the best quality of life.

My child was conceived in Blakley, Georgia but was born and resides in Florida Does Georgia have jurisdiction over this case if the child ne...


My child was conceived in Blakley, Georgia but was born and resides in Florida

Does Georgia have jurisdiction over this case if the child never lived there and the parents were never married?

Also please note the father was born in Florida but moved to Georgia after medical school.


It appears a case is pending in Georgia, but you failed to state what type of case. If you were never married, I will assume it is a legitimation action. If so, if the mother resides out of state, the father can file a Petition in the county of his residence or the residence of the child if the child is in this State. If a mother resides in the State of Georgia, it must be filed in the county of her residence.

In a heated discussion with my boyfriend, i threw a vase on the ground. Then I called the police and they charged me with criminal damage, b...


In a heated discussion with my boyfriend, i threw a vase on the ground. Then I called the police and they charged me with criminal damage, but they told me if i go to court and he doesnt, the case will be dismissed. Im wondering if this is true or not?


The purpose of going to court is to answer the allegations against you. You only have two choices, one plead guilty or two plead not guilty.

Criminal damage requires that you damage property belonging to another. The controlling question is who owns the vase. Married couples in community property states such as Arizona are presumed that the property is owned jointly therefore, if you break it you can be convicted of criminal damage.

If the property is owned solely by you then you cannot be convicted of breaking your own property.

What the police are probably referring to is a trial after the not guilty plea. Someone charged with a crime has a constitutional right to confront witnesses against him. In your case the witness against you is your boyfriend. If he fails to appear for trial the court might dismiss the case. This I believe is what the police were talking about.

My ex husband's employer takes child support out but doesn't send it to the agency for deposit for over a week- therefore I am not getting c...


My ex husband's employer takes child support out but doesn't send it to the agency for deposit for over a week- therefore I am not getting child support for weeks at a time. Is there legal action I can take against the employer?


Check with your local child support agency first. They can pursue a contempt action against the employer if the employer is not complying with the order for withholding. I don't see why you couldn't pursue your own contempt action, but the CSEA is probably the best route to take. If they will take it. The CSEA may also tell you why it takes so long for the deposit to get to them.

Does foster care reimbursement qualify as income when calculating child and spousal support in the state of Virginia?


Does foster care reimbursement qualify as income when calculating child and spousal support in the state of Virginia?


Almost certainly, but it likely allows the recipient to claim support for other children living with the payor, which reduces the payor's other child support obligation.

I recently asked my mortgage company for a payoff balance. The payoff balance they gave me is the same as the balance on my mortgage. Should...


I recently asked my mortgage company for a payoff balance. The payoff balance they gave me is the same as the balance on my mortgage. Shouldn't they subtract the remaining interest on my payoff balance if I pay it off early ?


Hard to understand your questions. The principal balance is the payoff balance on your mortgage. You don't get to subtract the yet unearned or unincurred interest. If they are including the future interest in the payoff, is there a prepayment penalty of some sort that is being assessed. I suggest you discuss it with the bank.

I'm in Mississippi, got a teaching job(knowing I hate teaching) a month ago because husband demanded.. Now he's leaving me.. Should I quit i...


I'm in Mississippi, got a teaching job(knowing I hate teaching) a month ago because husband demanded.. Now he's leaving me.. Should I quit it or keep it? Will it hurt me financially to keep the job?


How can it hurt you financially to have income? Division of marital property follows many factors. Since you are experiencing a separation, I strongly encourage you to seek counsel immediately

My husband is currently incarcerated for non payment of child support. Purge amount was set but is an unrealistic amount so is the bail amou...


My husband is currently incarcerated for non payment of child support. Purge amount was set but is an unrealistic amount so is the bail amount. What are his options to be released from jail? I'm a disabled veteran and he is the sole provider for our family with 4 small children.


Not much, unfortunately.

I was involved in an auto accident where both parties were injured,no citations were given. Police officer states in accident report "can no...


I was involved in an auto accident where both parties were injured,no citations were given. Police officer states in accident report "can not determine who is at fault". Does it matter who was listed as driver 1 or 2 in the police accident report in determining who was at fault by insurance companies,injury compensation;etc...? I was stated as driver 1.


No. And you should have already retained a lawyer and should not say a word to either insurance company without counsel.


Glen is absolutely correct

Talk to no one

Hire an attorney ASAP

Happy New Year

Ralph (770.985.6773)

I filed for contempt of custody because my sons Mother drove him to the exchange location in Pa. and would not tell him to come to NJ twice....


I filed for contempt of custody because my sons Mother drove him to the exchange location in Pa. and would not tell him to come to NJ twice. She was found in contept for the 2nd but she lied on the stand and said we had switched weekends and that is why she was not there for the 1st weekend. The Judge ruled there was not sufficient evidence to eastablish what happenend on the 1st weekend.Since then I have found video evidence that she was at the 1st exchange and lied on the stand and she has committed miltiple custody contempts. My question is 1. do I file for an appeal for the perjury? or 2. file contempt of custody for the other offenses and bring up the video then? or 3. both?


Your best bet is 2. Even district attorneys don't file perjury charges in criminal cases.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

My neighbor built his dock 4 feet off what is permitted by the county. Now he is trying to get a waiver letter from me to be aproved by the ...


My neighbor built his dock 4 feet off what is permitted by the county. Now he is trying to get a waiver letter from me to be aproved by the county since the county came and did a check on the dock and realized it is placed 4 feet off when it is supposed to be. However, the neighbor came with this letter and said that he is only off 8 inches. I called the orange county in Florida and asked what a the regulations, and they explained them to me, so considering that the neighbor got the permit to biuld the dock beyond its space limits I asked how he got that permit. It ended up that he at that time got a waiver from me, which from I remember he did not named as a waiver letter but just a letter that i had ti sign to say that I was ok with the dock. Therefore, at the time it was easy for me to say that my son would sign that letter since I dont live there but my son does. So today the county send me a copay of that waiver letter and it is signed and notarized but it is not my handwriting


Ok, first, this is why you should always know what you are signing before you sign it. Second, if your son had a Power of Attorney that allowed him to sign on your behalf then the document is probably binding if he is the one who signed it. Third, you indicate the dock is off by 4 feet. Is it intruding into your property or right of way? If it is intruding into your right of way or property then you may have some cause for concern. If the waiver signed at the beginning of the process is deemed to be valid, you may not have much of a claim against him, unless you can prove he forged your name, or fraudulently induced you to agree.

You need to contact an attorney with experience in waterway rights of way and perhaps land-use. If the waterway is a navigable waterway there are more than just local permits that need to be addressed.

Good luck. Waterway rights cases are generally not easy, but they can be worked out if the parties act rationally.

I am considering a voluntary repo on a vehicle I cannot afford - (going through divorce) when the loan was processed they used my credit sco...


I am considering a voluntary repo on a vehicle I cannot afford - (going through divorce) when the loan was processed they used my credit score listed me as homemaker and used my ex husbands income - is there any way I can get out of paying them after it goes to auction -?


There are several ways to avoid PAYING a debt, however, based on the limited information provided, it's unclear whether you can legally cancel the debt. If you qualify for bankruptcy, you can legally avoid paying the debt and not have to worry about any future attempts at recovery.

I fired my attorney before the judge in a criminal case. My (former) representative immediately went over to discuss my case with the DA. Si...


I fired my attorney before the judge in a criminal case. My (former) representative immediately went over to discuss my case with the DA. Since I had dismissed the attorney before he counseled with the DA, I wish to know whether this is appropriate?


Probably. It could depend on the conversation. It was likely just administrative discussion; returning copies of reports, arranging transfer to another lawyer, that kind of thing. The attorney still must maintain your confidential information, and can't negotiate the case on your behalf.

But certainly nothing you have said suggests anything inappropriate was taking place.

Whats the fsatest car in the world?

Whats the fsatest car in the world?
ultimate aero ssc over 259 mph

If a deceased spouse had delinquent child care responsibilities for children from former marriages, is the widow responsible to make these p...


If a deceased spouse had delinquent child care responsibilities for children from former marriages, is the widow responsible to make these payments even though the children are not hers?


No obligation at all. Read more at:

my neighbor believes that I've called the cops on his loud, drunken, excessive parties and has pulled business from my hotel. The local poli...


my neighbor believes that I've called the cops on his loud, drunken, excessive parties and has pulled business from my hotel. The local police have explained to him it wasn't me who complained and that many neighbors have filed reports against him. He sent emails to my employer, coworkers and competition saying he'll never send me business because he blames me for the cops being called. I have copies of the emails and he refuses to send a retraction. He's already cancelled business and has said he's telling anyone associated with him not to do business with me. Is this a case for defamation by libel?


Your question is a little hard to follow, but it seems very unlikely you will have any claim against your neighbor. You may want to look up the elements involved in a defamation claim and run your facts through it. As a side note, if someone came to me and said, "don't do business with that person because he reported me to the police for having loud, drunken, excessive parties," I would think that someone was off his rocker and I would probably do the opposite of anything he advised.


The difficulty of a slander case (libel is in writing, slander is verbal) is that you have to prove damages. So, you have to prove 1) he lied; 2) people believed him and thought poorly of you as a result; and 3) these people caused you injury in reliance on this false belief by, in your case, not sending you business that you would have gotten otherwise. The 3rd requirement in your case is speculative - even if you have a loss of business it may be because of any of a number of other factors such as the economy, etc.

Also, if you sue your neighbor to try to shut him up, you are inviting the "Streisand Effect" - look it up.

Am I entitled to the money that a company took out of my paycheck for items I never recieved?


Am I entitled to the money that a company took out of my paycheck for items I never recieved?


Most likely yes but you need to act quickly because the time frame to file certain types of wage claims is short. Contact an employment attorney in your area about your potential claims.

What do you call the expenses incurred by a business in transporting materials from a supplier to the place of business and which is always part of the cost of the goods which are carried?

What do you call the expenses incurred by a business in transporting materials from a supplier to the place of business and which is always part of the cost of the goods which are carried?

I was convicted of penal code 245 in 1994 and I was wondering if I am able to expunge that or reduce it from a felony to a misdemeanor


I was convicted of penal code 245 in 1994 and I was wondering if I am able to expunge that or reduce it from a felony to a misdemeanor


I am not sure what the law was in 1994 but under the current law it would depend upon what subsection of section 245 as to whether you can reduce the conviction to a misdemeanor. ,If you were not sent to state prison, you can file for what is called an expungement under Section 1203.4. It is not a true expungement but if it is granted you can say that you have not been convicted on a job application. You should meet with an experienced criminal defense attorney and go over what are the requirements to reduce the conviction to a misdemeanor and to file a 1203.4 petition.

What is the purpose of the American Jobs Act?

What is the purpose of the American Jobs Act?
To put more people back to work, and put more money in the pockets of those who are working.

What are the typical examples of financing decisions regarding the wrong source of finance to the wrong business expense?

What are the typical examples of financing decisions regarding the wrong source of finance to the wrong business expense?
Typical examples of financing decisions regarding the wrong sourceof finance to the wrong business expense include spending moneymeant for education programs on road infrastructure.

Friday, May 23, 2014

What is a good vision for an organization?

What is a good vision for an organization?
Good vision means having a plan that allows both employees andclients of a company to benefit from their transactions. It alsomeans having a plan for the future.

A customer gives my company a personal check for a deposit, or even a down payment for their lease or purchase of a product. If the check ca...


A customer gives my company a personal check for a deposit, or even a down payment for their lease or purchase of a product. If the check came back for "non-sufficient funds", and the customer didn't repay us in a timely manner, or not respond back to us at all yet, can a company representative fax, post or publish that customers 'personal check' for everyone to see in order to try and get their attention, and / or embarrass them too? Is it illegal?


It is certainly ill advised and unnecessary, given your other potential remedies. Presumably, and based on your message, you still hold out hope for payment. With proper notice and a lawsuit you can proceed with a much more effective remedy in court, unless the unpaid amount is just too small to warrant such action.

You can contact me through our web site at to learn more.

This message is information only and not legal advice.

my mother had 5 children when she married my stepdad. They had 3 children together. Mother passed away and my stepdad received her estate. S...


my mother had 5 children when she married my stepdad. They had 3 children together. Mother passed away and my stepdad received her estate. She had inherited mineral rights from her parents in OK. these paid out substantially for many years. They had bought property and invested most of her assets. My stepdad remarried and drew up a will (gave me a copy so we would know his wishes. It had 50% of his estate going to his three natural children. 50% going to all eight of us. (mom's). When my stepdad passed away we assumed that this would go to probate and all would be done. His three children informed us that another will was written 6 weeks prior his death. (he had terminal cancer) Lots of medication and was very ill. They received everything. including all our mothers assets that were mingled with his. I have a copy of his first will and just received copy of his second will. there is no mention in the second will of him ever being married to our mother and no mention that he has 5 step children. only his three. This will is in probate in Washington State. Cowlitz County. Can we contest this new will? My 1/2 sibling would not give any information to us prior to it being filed. we all live out of state but my brother went to the courthouse and got a copy of the will. they would not answer any questions and are being very hateful.


The time allowed for contesting a will is limited and if the challenge is not properly filed within the time allowed, it will be denied without the court's consideration on the merits.

Challenges to wills are also limited based on their subject matter and a the challenge to a will is not made based on an allowed legal foundation or basis, the challenge cannot prevail.

Immediately gather all facts and all information related to the situation and immediately seek legal advice.

Charles Cruikshank, Lawyer since 1975.

I'm a bartender and was fired because I sustained a sudden nerve injury, which affected my hand/wrist. My boss said it was from lack of prod...


I'm a bartender and was fired because I sustained a sudden nerve injury, which affected my hand/wrist. My boss said it was from lack of production because of the injury. What are my legal rights?


You have a worker's compensation claim. Call me for a free consultation. 267-210-8752

What are the working business hours of BMO?

What are the working business hours of BMO?
bmo hours of operation 24612

Is Kerry Washington blind?

Is Kerry Washington blind?
people go back on your questions and think about it she is not blind ok put
your head on

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I ordered flowers and fruit from a well-known website for a former co-worker I'd lost a bet to. My wife saw the order and assumed the worst....


I ordered flowers and fruit from a well-known website for a former co-worker I'd lost a bet to. My wife saw the order and assumed the worst. She then called the company and they gave her all the information of the recipient including name, phone number, and address. This caused all sorts of problem ultimately leading to a Order of Protection being filed. Do I have any recourse?


Your recourse is to deal with the real issues - with your wife. Get a lawyer and deal with it. Protective orders are not entered because the company gave the info to your wife. The company did not cause all the other problems, and they are not responsible for whatever did lead to it. It is not reasonable to believe they did. It does no good to try to find someone else to blame for the problems you and your wife face.


If you want help from a lawyer, don't make up a story (or leave out details as you did, which is about the same). Protective orders are issued for domestic violence, not flower orders. Get a lawyer, tell him about the actual behavior on your part (when you hit or threatened her, and what the police did), and then you can get legal help.

I have been making payments on a mobile home for 3 years. In these three years the owner of mobile home park and mobile home refuses to give...


I have been making payments on a mobile home for 3 years. In these three years the owner of mobile home park and mobile home refuses to give me a price on mobile home and contract


This is more a matter of sensible action than a legal matter. You either need to get them to get something done or consider cutting your losses. As it is, you have put three years, both payments and time, into something you thought you were going to own and, now, if you can't work out the details it is unlikely you will be able to pursue any legal action that would be worth the cost, risk and trouble. You could have been paying on something elsewhere and now three years later you may be at square one.

How do you conduct research for start a new ice cream business in urban city?

How do you conduct research for start a new ice cream business in urban city?
To start any retail business it is important to look at the following factors:
1) Competitors - Who is located around you, are there any competitors within walking distance to your location. If so, are your competitors successful
2) Foot traffic - retail businesses highly depend on foot traffic, how many people walk by your location on any given day.
a. In terms of an ice cream parlor - are there substitute locations around your location that will help drive traffic. Example - is there a nice restaurant close by that will force desert traffic to you after their initial meal. Example 2- is there a part or school near by?
3) Community Developments - Check with the city to see If anyone is applying for permits or starting developments on: Community Centers, Schools, Large Condo Complexes, or any other traffic driving locations
4) Community Habits - is the surrounding community willing to go out and spend money on an ice cream parlor or are they going outside of the community.
a. If your community travels a distance of over 2 miles for food or entertainment it is likely that they will purchase desert in similar locations.

If my team age daughter is pregnant do I still have to pay child support after she has the baby? She is 15.


If my team age daughter is pregnant do I still have to pay child support after she has the baby? She is 15.



How much in expenses do over the road owner operator truck driver have?

How much in expenses do over the road owner operator truck driver have?
In 1976, leased on with Bekins Van Lines, I grossed just over $120,000. In today's rate, (1=3.80)that would be about $460,000. After paying for insurance, taxes, fuel and maintenance and a $600 truck payment, I netted around 31,000 bucks. And the rent and groceries and other personal expenses came out of that. With a wife and five kids, it didn't go very far.

What is 100 times 2?

What is 100 times 2?
100 * 2 = 200

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Why does Bryan have a bid head?

Why does Bryan have a bid head?

How tall is Bernie Maddof?

How tall is Bernie Maddof?
very tall

Hello,Could you please explain this case to me.Case SummaryJOHN DOE. - DECEDENTFiling Date: 10/21/2011Case Type: Letters Special Administrat...



Could you please explain this case to me.

Case Summary


Filing Date: 10/21/2011

Case Type: Letters Special Administration (General Jurisdiction)

Status: Pending


CITIBANK NA - Claimant


John Doe - Subject Person

FISHER SCOTT D. ESQ. - Attorney for Petitioner






Documents Filed

04/30/2014 Declaration - Probate

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

04/01/2014 Notice-Hearing (Probate)

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

01/29/2014 Notice-Hearing (Probate)

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: $21,546.40 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (WEST ASSET MGT, INC )

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: 12,608.10 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: $7,653.31 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ:$15,462.59 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: $8,525.71 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: $21,782.02 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: 38,501.99 )

Filed by Claimant

01/14/2014 Allow or Rejctn of Creditor's CL (REJ: $17,209.77 )

Filed by Claimant

08/28/2013 Notice - Probate

Filed by Surety Company

07/26/2013 Stipulation to Court Commissioner

Filed by Clerk

07/24/2013 Terminate Proceedings

07/24/2013 Inventory & Appraisement-Final ($ 0.00 )

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

07/24/2013 Declaration - Probate

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

07/24/2013 Notice of Change of Address

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

07/19/2013 Ltr-Administration-IAEA

Filed by Attorney for Administrator

07/18/2013 Duties & Liabilities-Pers Rep Fld

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

07/18/2013 Ord-Appt Administrator/IAEA/Bond (BOND $250,000.00 )

Filed by Attorney for Administrator


Filed by Surety Company

06/18/2013 Citation-Consorship-Proof of Svc.

Filed by Court

06/18/2013 Citation-Probate (Scott D. Fisher )

Filed by Court

06/18/2013 Citation-Probate (Conrad Germain )

Filed by Court

06/18/2013 Citation Issued (CITEE: SCOTT D. FISHER )

Filed by Court

06/18/2013 Citation Issued (CITEE: CONRAD GERMAIN )

Filed by Court


Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

10/02/2012 Determine Ownership (PC 850)

10/02/2012 Summons - Probate

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

03/12/2012 Creditor's Claim ($38,501.99 )

Filed by Claimant

03/12/2012 Creditor's Claim ($17,209.77 )

Filed by Claimant

02/28/2012 Stipulation to Court Commissioner

Filed by Clerk

02/14/2012 Notice-Petn To Administer Estate

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

01/26/2012 Supplement (DECLARATION, ETC. )

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($15,462.59 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($7,653.31 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($430 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($13,396.67 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($12,608.10 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

01/11/2012 Creditor's Claim ($21,546.40 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

12/13/2011 Proof-Publication

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

12/05/2011 Notice-Petn To Administer Estate

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

12/02/2011 Creditor's Claim ($21,782.02 )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

12/02/2011 Creditor's Claim ( [ #8,525.71 ] )

Filed by Real Party in Interest

11/30/2011 Letters of Administration/IAEA

10/21/2011 Certificate of Assignment

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

10/21/2011 Ex-Parte Application (LTRS OF SPEC ADMIN - DWOP )

Filed by Attorney for Petitioner

Proceedings Held (Proceeding dates listed in descending order)

05/01/2014 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Maria E. Stratton, Presiding


02/27/2014 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


01/16/2014 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


11/14/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


09/26/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding

TERMINATE PROCEEDINGS (R/A) - Matter continued

08/29/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


07/26/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


06/14/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - PROBATE - Matter continued

05/03/2013 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


11/06/2012 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding

DETERMINE OWNERSHIP (PC 850) - Denied without prejudice

04/03/2012 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


02/28/2012 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


01/31/2012 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding


01/03/2012 at 08:30 am in Department 5, Mitchell L. Beckloff, Presiding



No, other than to say that this appears to be a probate that was terminated by the court for some reason or another. It would be necessary to review the actual documents filed with the court to really understand what happened.

If my mother that is a citizen filled a petition for me how long until i can visit the states with my tourist visa and change status?38 year...


If my mother that is a citizen filled a petition for me how long until i can visit the states with my tourist visa and change status?

38 years. Dominican republic


Are you married or single? If you're in DR, then it's better to get your green card through Consular Processing at the U.S. Embassy. You're not supposed to come on a tourist visa then adjust to LPR status here in the U.S. If you need representation, call my law office at 813-888-6700.


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828.Kind regards, RDM

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I filed a trust petition that was set for trial. In exchanging expert witnesses, the trustee stated he did not intend to present an expert w...


I filed a trust petition that was set for trial. In exchanging expert witnesses, the trustee stated he did not intend to present an expert witness. The matter was then consolidated with the trustee's accounting and a new trial date set. The trustee has now disclosed an expert witness. Is this allowable since the case was consolidated, or is he bound by his initial disclosure that there is no expert witness.


Unfortunately, this is a very technical procedural question and it is impossible to answer without reviewing the file, the applicable Local Rules and any Trial rules for the judge assigned to your case. The question is whether in assigning a new trial date the judge re-opened the window for expert disclosure.

Can a judgement be placed in my credit without me being served?


Can a judgement be placed in my credit without me being served?


No, not legally, if you were never properly served with the court paperwork which

resulted in this particular judgment.

How can you get a protective order rescinded or modified if the time frame for appeal has passed if you are the respondent and you have proo...


How can you get a protective order rescinded or modified if the time frame for appeal has passed if you are the respondent and you have proof that the petitioner lied?

Also if there is an existing custody and access order in place thru the circuit court does a distinct court judge have jurisdiction to modify custody or access.

Please include any case law or supporting info if possible. Thank you.


If you failed to file a timely appeal about all you can do is file a motion for reconsideration with the court that instituted the order. You would have to show that the "new evidence" was unavailable to you at the time of the original hearing. As to your second question, a protective order can certainly supersede a previously entered custody/access order, since it is designed to protect a victim from actual or potential violence that occurred after the earlier order was put in place. But the protective order has an expiration date, at which time the original order would resume.

I'm in the state of Florida and my rights were terminated for my first child not because I was unfit , but because his father was very abusi...


I'm in the state of Florida and my rights were terminated for my first child not because I was unfit , but because his father was very abusive, He was in foster care for a year by the time I got my stuff together with my job and housing , it was too late, I still visits with my first son because he stays with his grandparents. I'm pregnant again and I'm wondering if I take parenting and domestic violence classes ,before my second baby is born, will they be able to take my new baby when it's born? I'm pregnant by a new man and he has two jobs , and we have our own apartment . Please I need an answer.


Too many variables to give a yes/no answer. You need to have a face to face meeting with an attorney.

Who recorded on the wings of a snow white dove list all artists?

Who recorded on the wings of a snow white dove list all artists?
Ferlin Husky.

i was in a fantasy baseball league for 20 years after winning the league for the past 2 out of 3 years the commissioner kicked me out of a p...


i was in a fantasy baseball league for 20 years after winning the league for the past 2 out of 3 years the commissioner kicked me out of a private league that I have spent over 6000 over the past 20 years can he do this ? There are nothing in the bylaws that says the commissionaire can do this


If your reading of the By-Laws is correct, your rights may have been violated. A lawyer in the Pasadena area may charge you a nominal sum to review the By-Laws and send a letter to the Fantasy League threatening to take them to Court if you are not reinstated.

To take them to Court could cost you $10K or more to prove the point. It would be a lot less expensive for you to just join another fantasy league...

Walter Laake


What are the release dates for Napoleon - 1913?

What are the release dates for Napoleon - 1913?
Napoleon - 1913 was released on:

USA: 5 March 1913

Were do I go online to find forms to print out to get emancipated?


Were do I go online to find forms to print out to get emancipated?


It is not available online, but you can go to the courthouse law library and the librarian will direct you to the correct books to draft your pleadings and your order.

How do you find the value of producer surplus under a single price monopoly?

How do you find the value of producer surplus under a single price monopoly?
jkhjk jtyij56j gjujju46uhj6hu6hu

How does Budgets influence an employee?

How does Budgets influence an employee?
they dont re re re

if I had a child with a woman and we are no longer together and we weren't married who gets custody without going to court? also if she with...


if I had a child with a woman and we are no longer together and we weren't married who gets custody without going to court? also if she withholds him from me is that illegal?


When a child is born to parents who are not married, the mother is considered to have sole custody of the child. If the father wants time-sharing with the child, he will need to go to court to legally establish his paternity. Once that has been done, the court can order a Parenting Plan that includes time-sharing for both parents with the child.

Monday, May 19, 2014

My ex is ordered to drop off our daughter Mondays for homework. The last 3 weeks she has had her brother pick her up from her private school...


My ex is ordered to drop off our daughter Mondays for homework. The last 3 weeks she has had her brother pick her up from her private school, to which I am not on the pickup list, and asked me to meet him up the road at Walgreens to get my daughter. Is there any way I can bring this up in court that she hasn't been fulfilling the drop off obligation and be able to pick up my daughter from school instead of her playing middle man to be in control? Also, her boyfriend with whom she's had 2 babies in 2 years is the one who picks my daughter up Tuesday through Friday and I am not comfortable with this.


The answer to your question is to file a motion in the case you have with court. The motion will be called "motion to modify parenting plan." There is a self help center in the Court house down town. They will help you put your motion together. Bring your other paper work with you when you go.

Good Luck.

Law Guru

Musical plays or films about fitness gyms?

Musical plays or films about fitness gyms?
'Dodgeball' :D

What natwest branch has the sort code 60-12-35?

What natwest branch has the sort code 60-12-35?
For security reasons contact Natwest locally as they have the relevant information

What agency provides a tax clearance receipt in the sale of a business?

What agency provides a tax clearance receipt in the sale of a business?
Board of Equalization

daughter filing chapter 13, what is our responsibility on her loans that we cosigned?


daughter filing chapter 13, what is our responsibility on her loans that we cosigned?


Your end of it should be dischargeable in your own bankruptcy as a parent loan where you didn't receive the money directly


You should consider chapter 7, where most people pay nothing, rather than chapter 13, where you might still need to pay a percentage of the obligation (anywhere from 5% to 100%, depending upon your income). Failing that step, the creditor will certainly come after you, unless your daughter reinstates the loan and does everything which she is supposed to do in the chapter 13. If she has already lost the collateral for the loan (i.e., a car or a house), however, her chapter 13 plan might pay little or none of it, increasing the amount of your responsibility. You need to consult with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer right away, since time limits are short for filing claims, etc.,in you daughter's bankruptcy case, regardless of whether you want to file or not.

My answer does not automatically make me your attorney, so you need to consult with your own attorney before acting upon any of my comments and may contact my office at 333 Main St, Racine, WI 53403, 262-633-3090, during business hours, or see me on the web at or past online answers at the following links: http://www./answers/atty_profile/view_attorney_profile/jknixonAttorney or at . Answers may contain advertising materials.

What are the steps in human resource process?

What are the steps in human resource process?
Human resources, defined as individuals who make up the workforceof a company or business sector. Its process starts withidentifying the objectives of human resource, then analysis ofmanpower resource and lastly appraises human resource plan.

Why do I have to sign anything to do with probate if I don't have anything to gain by doing so, but me and my siblings are mentioned in my D...


Why do I have to sign anything to do with probate if I don't have anything to gain by doing so, but me and my siblings are mentioned in my Daddy's will . My Fathers wife (step-mother) sent me the forms and said just sign them and send them back, why should I do this ? Just to let you know the forms were sent from Georgia.


First, where did your Daddy live? If he lived in Georgia then his estate is going to be probated in Georgia. An estate must be probated if a dead person has probate assets. The job of the personal representative of your daddy's estate is to oversee the orderly winding up of affairs for your daddy by paying any just debts and seeing that his assets transfer to those named in his will.

I assume that ee-ville step mother is the primary personal representative. If she lives in Georgia, you have to be notified of the probate petition and can file written objections thereto for her appointment as personal representative if you have a mind to do so. The requirement by law is that all beneficiaries under the will as those who would inherit under the intestacy laws be notified.

Now, without actually looking at the documents you received, this would be my initial guess but you would have to have the paperwork reviewed by a licensed GA attorney to see what you have. Ideally, you should have the papers reviewed by a probate attorney who practices in the county in Georgia where the estate for your father is pending. If you want me to review the papers, I will be happy to do so for a reasonable fee. Please email me at [email protected]/* */ if interested.

How does falsifying your CV jeopardize your chances of getting a job?

How does falsifying your CV jeopardize your chances of getting a job?
As an iterviewer I would use the CV to validate what the applicanthas done, achieved and experiened and how those skills will betransferable to my company, what knolwdge tey had that would alowme to select the right person to minimise many of the retrainingneeds and how quickly the applicant will dovetail in to the rolland be an effective part of the "machine".

During the interview I would make the point that the informationprovided forms part of the applicants contract of emplyment. Thismeans that within a contract of employment there would be a aclause about honesty. This will normally fall into the grossmisconduct category.

If it were found that there were points that were deliberatleyfalsified to gain advantage prior to employment being offered thenthe interviewee would not be offered the post. If it transpiredthat after the emplyment was offered that there was clear attemptsto hide important issues or there was false information built in tothe CV to gain teh role then this again would cause the person tobe dismissed.

It must be noted. It does depend on what the information is. I.e.pretending exam results were better that disclosed, jobs stated asbeing undertaken previous were infact not true etc. Everyone showsthe best side in a CV (resume) but there are some areas such assecurity, qualifications t do the role and past employment that cancause the loss of employment offers.

How And Where Do I Register My Small Business?

How And Where Do I Register My Small Business?
The way youregister your company is dependent on which kind of business youselect and just what activity you will be concerned in. If youchoose to incorporate or be a limited partnership or perhaps a LLC,you will have to register that entity using the Bureau ofBusinesses in the office from the Secretary of State.

when re-entering the U.S being a green card holder, can someone get arrested because of a warrant in a county?


when re-entering the U.S being a green card holder, can someone get arrested because of a warrant in a county?


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828.Kind regards, RDM

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Should you refinance your car loans before or after you buy a home?

Should you refinance your car loans before or after you buy a home?
There is no set rule on whether or not you should refinance yourcar loans before or after buying a house. This is your choice.

I am a green card holder and my girlfriend who I will marry this month is here in the US and she came here legally but is not out of status....


I am a green card holder and my girlfriend who I will marry this month is here in the US and she came here legally but is not out of status.. Does she have to go back to here country of origin or she can adjust status here in the US? she is 51 yrs old. I have been here for almost 28 yrs but had not file my citizenship.


How the process proceeds is determined on what type of visa she used and when you can naturalize (i.e. how long you've had your green card and if you're otherwise eligible). Best to hire a lawyer to coordinate all of this and provide you with legal counsel throughout.


Until & unless you become a U.S. citizen, she will not be able to adjust status (with unlawful presence) based on marriage to a LPR.


Hello please call me at 2129688600. Thanks, RDM

can a plaintiff who is represented by a lawyer file a motion of their own?


can a plaintiff who is represented by a lawyer file a motion of their own?


No. The court will reject (or if they are being careful about following the rules at least should reject) any filing not made by the attorney of record if there is an attorney of record.

With that said one has to wonder why anyone would want to do that. If you want to save attorneys fees, find an attorney who will let you do your own legal work and only work up the final product into a form that is proper and valid. If you want that kind of attorney and don't have one, and can't convince the one you have to let you be your own, in essence, paralegal, then find another attorney or substitute yourself pro se in place of the attorney.. There is no reason to be playing games trying to file papers behind your attorney's back.

car taking too long for repairs. nothing big few dings and dents. been longer than 2 months and still no progress. insurance already paid fu...


car taking too long for repairs. nothing big few dings and dents. been longer than 2 months and still no progress. insurance already paid full amount for work. what do I do?


You might contact your insurance carrier. It might intervene on your behalf or somehow reverse the payment and permit you to take your car to a reputable repair shop. You might also go down to the shop and see what state of (dis)repair it might be. Finally, you might also want to contact the California Dept. of Consumer Affairs/Bureau of Automotive Repair at (866) 799-3811 or to file a complaint.

I filled i-130 for brother in 2011 and just received the letter that I am missing copies of birth certificate. does it mean my application i...


I filled i-130 for brother in 2011 and just received the letter that I am missing copies of birth certificate. does it mean my application is open case will be done in year or so. I live in tucson, az


The case will be "open" until the priority date becomes current, at which time the NVC will contact your brother with instructions for paying the fees & filing the necessary forms for his immigrant visa case. So, not only should you submit whatever documents they are asking for, but you should also make sure they have your & your brother's current address, phone number & email address.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I filed a disclaimer in NJ that I thought would accelerate trust distributions which will be mandatory after my death. The trustee's lawyer ...


I filed a disclaimer in NJ that I thought would accelerate trust distributions which will be mandatory after my death. The trustee's lawyer spoke to me and tried to convince me to drop the matter. He explained why he believes the trustee is likely to win. I told him how I would respond, and he replied that while the judge might accept my approach and rule in favor of the beneficiaries, the case could drag out for years at the expense of the trust. Traveling for all the court appearances would be impractical for me and the beneficiaries because we live abroad. This threat is designed to prevent the beneficiaries from presenting what I believe is a very good case. As far as I can see, this is a straightforward technical question that should be ruled on in a non-adversarial way. Is there any way I can make an inexpensive motion and request a binding ruling on whether the disclaimer will trigger the trust distributions that are supposed to happen after my death. Can the person discliaming or a beneficiary file a "Complaint for Advice and Direction", or only the trustee could do it? Would this kind of motion or something similar prevent a long drawn out legal battle?


This answer honestly would require an attorney to review the trust and your disclaimer. It is possible that you are in the right. It would also be helpful to know what the trust's attorney told you.

You should consider asking for the trustee's response in writing.

Kevin A. Pollock, J.D., LL.M.

P: (609) 818-1555

Licensed to practice law in Florida, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

Also, visit my blog at:


It's impossible to really answer the question without more facts and a complete review of the documents involved.

That said, assuming an executed disclaimer is valid under state law, I'm not sure what would be up for debate. The person making the disclaimer is deemed to have predeceased the decedent and the document is then read in that light...If there was a trust created for your benefit, with the remainder passing to your children upon your death, then your intervening life interest would be terminated by the disclaimer, and the trust interest would pass to the remaindermen. Unless I'm missing some important fact, I don't see what would be up for debate or interpretation.


I agree that more facts need to be provided, as a valid and timely disclaimer should have resolved the issue. A disclaimer, in itself, might not accelerate the distribution, if the trust agreement contained language deferring a distribution. For example, presume the trust provided that upon your death, your share would go to your children and the document also provided that a distributee must attain a certain age to receive a distribution. By disclaiming your interest, your share would go to your children, but if they are not yet at the age of distribution the would not receive anything until they were of the distribution age, even if you were older and could get the distribution now if you had not disclaimed. Many trusts have multiple ages for periodic distributions, but allow a distribution to be made earlier in the discretion of the trustee. What does the agreement provide? If you can get me a copy, I would be happy to review it at no charge.

I have a gripe with my current lawyer. Kind of at a loss. I understand they know best, but.. I have a pending civil personal injury lawsuit ...


I have a gripe with my current lawyer. Kind of at a loss. I understand they know best, but.. I have a pending civil personal injury lawsuit involving casino security asaulting me a few years ago. It is near trial date, and I just received and email from my lawyer stating how my medical bills only total $XX,XXX (Under 50k) and how I could "possibly" get around $150,000 with punitive damages but not guaranteed, which is understandable. But my lawyer tells me that is the max I would receive at trial if everything goes my way. I do not agree with my lawyer, and I emailed back asking but have yet to receive an answer so I am on here trying to get some sort of insight. My gripe is..I am not only suing for medical costs. I am also suing for a slew of other things including false imprisonment, negligence, negligent hiring, assault, battery, tresspass to chattels, emotional distress, intentional infliction to cause harm, breach of contract, defemation.. With all that why is my lawyer saying I could "possibly" get only $150,000 with punitive damages. I am not only suing for my medical costs..??? Why is my lawyer not factoring in these other complaints that we made in the complaint letter for my personal injury lawsuit?


I really don't think anyone here could answer your question with any certainty. Without a thorough review of all your medical records, the details of your pain and suffering, as well as the various other categories of damages you list, nobody could begin to guess what your case is likely to be worth to a Washoe County jury. A key component in a case like yours would be the egregiousness of the security officers' conduct and the degree of lack of management and supervision. I certainly hope you retained skilled counsel to represent you, and I think it important that you place your trust in his judgment about the valuation of your claims.

In the modern world, for a plaintiff to reach an out-of-court settlement in excess of 3x medical bills is pretty darned good in the absence of broken bones, joint dislocations, sever lacerations or closed head trauma. You don't mention psycho-therapy or long-term counseling or pharmaceuticals to deal with severe emotional trauma. We cannot guess what your injuries consisted of, what medical therapies you have undergone, or how much work and social life you have lost as a result of the incident. Neither can we assess how blameworthy the defendants are, or whether you contributed in some fashion to your own injuries.

It sounds to me that you need to have a heart-to-heart with your attorney to figure out what went into his calculation of the value of your suit. If you do not find him credible or you have some additional info to share to further enlighten him about your damages, by all means present that and make your case about your case! You need to be candid and honest with your lawyer if you expect him to fully understand how you feel. Don't assume he knows all the facts as well as you do (I am sure you are not his only client and he cannot possibly retain every fact about every file he is working), and don't just conclude that he is basing his decision on full information if you discover he has overlooked something. Sit down and talk! Remember, his license in Nevada says "Attorney and COUNSELOR At Law." Give him opportunity to counsel you about your case and fill in any blanks you detect he may have in data about you, your injuries, the defendants' conduct and all the damages you have suffered.

Difference between profit and profitability?

Difference between profit and profitability?
Profit means actually money left over after expenses and costs.Profitability is a calculation that predicts the ability of abusiness to turn a profit.

How e business is helpful for human being?

How e business is helpful for human being?
e business means e commerce or mail order business.
there are advantages for the seller and customers.
advantages to the seller
they can buy goods in bulk quantities and enjoy discount. they can locate their businesses where wages and rentals are lower. there is no need to employ qualified sales staff. they can widen their market through advertising and agents. online business is possible through internet
advantages to the buyer.
the customer can buy goods without visiting the shop. they can save time, money(traveling expenses) and energy by shopping through post. they can buy goods which are not available in the market. they get credit facility. they may return unwanted goods.

Money in excess of 20,000.00 owed. does this have to be filed in the county of the debtor? and would you recommend using an attorney?

How many companies use manual filing systems?

How many companies use manual filing systems?
One person companies can use manual filling system. When a company grows too large to use simple / manual filling is up to the person who runs the company

I got into some trouble a while back. I am on probation and asked the courts to allow me to convert my fines to community service hours. the...


I got into some trouble a while back. I am on probation and asked the courts to allow me to convert my fines to community service hours. they set a court date which i did not show up for. what will happen next? am i in trouble for not showing up? will i be able to get another court date?


If it was just a motion filed by you that you did not attend, then the most likely result is that the court simply took no action on the motion. You should be able to file it again, but you should be aware that there are only a few circumstances where they can allow community service to reduce amounts owed.


In all likelihood your motion was denied and you aren't in any trouble for not showing up. You could try to reschedule another hearing.

What Is The Less Expensive Checking Account For A Small Company?

What Is The Less Expensive Checking Account For A Small Company?
I'ddetermine what community banks and lending institutions areavailable in your area. You'll find better customer support anditems whenever you search for a more compact bank. At this timearound, I'm not conscious of a web-based bank that gives smallcompany checking accounts so you have to look for a physical bankfor the time being.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Hi. My parents bought a property in Yucca Valley, Ca and both the seller and real estate agent did not disclose many existing issues with th...


Hi. My parents bought a property in Yucca Valley, Ca and both the seller and real estate agent did not disclose many existing issues with the property. On top of that, the real estate agent convinced my mom to use the (current) hope inspections as a way to save $, since both my parents are retired and on a limited income. My question is, since my mom didn't hite a home inspector herself, does she have any chance at getting the seller to cover the expenses on the issues with the major property?


It looks like the answer is Yes. The seller and the seller's agent had a clear duty to disclose all obvious defects or problems as well as all known material problems and defects with the property. I'd like to look the case over more carefully, but this appears to be a failure to disclose or purposeful concealment situation that the courts find results in clear liability on the sellers for all reasonable repairs. I'm a licensed Real Estate Broker and an seasoned Attorney with over 17 years of complex litigation experience -- I'm probably a perfect for your case and can get you what you need and want as well or better than anyone. I do like to help people and resolve injustice... and your parents appear to be the victims. Contact me if you feel the same. Sincerely,

Christopher Brainard, Esq.


I got job offer from new company, but I do not resign current company yet, Can I take vacation and got to work with new company, the send re...


I got job offer from new company, but I do not resign current company yet, Can I take vacation and got to work with new company, the send resign notice to my current company.


You can't do that without legal risks, but why would you want to anyway? Your current employer has to pay you for accrued and unused vacation when you quit anyway. You don't have to pretend to go on vacation to collect it. And you are not legally required to give any particular amount of notice before you quit either, although you have to give 72 hours notice if you want to make your employer legally obligated to have your final paycheck ready on your last day.

How do websites with no advertisements or adsense make money off the traffic they receive Example an information or entertainment blog. The site I have in mind makes 1000's a month what's the secret?

How do websites with no advertisements or adsense make money off the traffic they receive Example an information or entertainment blog. The site I have in mind makes 1000's a month what's the secret?
The site could be owned by a major company (eg. Club Penguin is owned by Disney)Or the site could get funds from site memberships or something like that!

My father just passed away. He had a will saying everything was to be split 50/50- but after his death- I find that she manipulated him in t...


My father just passed away. He had a will saying everything was to be split 50/50- but after his death- I find that she manipulated him in to putting her POD on everything - including his 250,000 house. She is now telling me that the 40,000 in his personal checkbook will be used to pay bills- his funeral is paid for and he had no other bills- do I have the legal right to look at bank transactions and do I have any legal rights with the house and a million dollars worth of land that was POD to her, as well?


I am very sirry to hear of your lisd. You have my condolences.

If you act quickly, you may he able to save assets. But, you don't likely be able to do it on your own. Consult directly with a probate attorney in your area, very soon. Give them the details tgatbyou weren't able to here. It matter who "she" is, spouse, xhikd, nurse, etc.

There isn't time to waste, so consult with someone soon.

Good luck

Where company used the decision support system?

Where company used the decision support system?
Companies use decision support system when solving problems ormaking important decisions. A DSS is used to compile data,knowledge and documents in order to make informed decisions.

So I just received a summons notice for theft that took place over 2 months ago. It's states that the amount I stole was 1000 to 10,000 but ...


So I just received a summons notice for theft that took place over 2 months ago. It's states that the amount I stole was 1000 to 10,000 but that impossible because I only took two things. I have a clean record and I've never in my life been convicted of any other crimes I was just stupid and showing off for my friends. Also I'm 19 so I'm concerned about going to jail. I'm not sure what it shows on camera but I would really like to know exactly what I should do. Also my friend was with me who also stole but stole at least 20 items. But they do not have her information so I'm worried her activities will also affect my sentence please help and tell me what I should do.


What you need to do is talk to a criminal trial lawyer, not the police. The lawyer can advise you on your next step.


Seek a confidential consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer immediately. If you cannot afford to hire one, then apply to the Office of the Public Defender for an appointed one.

My wife handled the bills for years and discretely made investments in her name only. I am considering divorce and a 50-50 split of all asse...


My wife handled the bills for years and discretely made investments in her name only. I am considering divorce and a 50-50 split of all assets and investments. She has lied under oath before. How can I be certain that she will divulge all of her investments for an equal distribution?


You can't. So play it smart, and before you leave make sure to find out all investments she has made. Do whatever you have to do, go through papers, files, drawers, computers, or hire a p.i. if you need to. Once you split, it will be harder to prove and if she is going to lie chances are there are assets you will never find out about.

Hi, I am trying for a new job from last 9 months. I have rich work experience in my field. But due to having H1b visa not a green card ( o...


Hi, I am trying for a new job from last 9 months. I have rich work experience in my field. But due to having H1b visa & not a green card ( or citizenship), all employers are denying to give job. Even I offered for paying all amount for visa processing. This sounds like racism or separation for me. Means I have capabilities but no chance to survive here as I am not a citizen. And without job I can't get citizenship. Please guide me to handle this situation.


Although an employer cannot discriminate against a person based on their immigration status, this is a civil matter, not an immigration law matter.

Your situation is a difficult one. Please keep in mind that if you fall out of status (by not working for the employer on which your H-1B visa is based), then USCIS might not grant you a "change of employer & extension of stay" if you eventually find a new employer to petition you. (You might get a "change of employer" approved if you are not out of status that long, but USCIS could still make you go home & obtain the new visa before you could re-enter).

If you are out of status more than 180 days, then you will face a 3 ( & possibly 10) year bar to admission back into the U.S. if/when you depart the country.

Good luck.

When attempting to obtain my medical records - in preparation for a lawsuit - having both feet amputated do to malpractice/negligence - doct...


When attempting to obtain my medical records - in preparation for a lawsuit - having both feet amputated do to malpractice/negligence - doctor plays games and does not provide records from the time period in question - how is this best addressed ?


You can have an attorney contact him. Also you can contact medical organizations that issue his license.

State Board of Medicine

P.O. Box 2649, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649

Phone - (717) 783-1400

Fax - (717) 787-7769

[email protected]/* */

my friend is an illegal alien and in jail for $800 check forgery, his wife and kids just got here and are greencard holders, they were suppo...


my friend is an illegal alien and in jail for $800 check forgery, his wife and kids just got here and are greencard holders, they were supposed to get married, can they still bail him out? will his wife get in trouble w/ their citizenship application? if they get married will he still be deported? he entered usa legally, his working visa is expired


These are all great questions and unfortunately all too routine. I'd suggest having the "wife" (and I put that in quotes since you also state that "they were supposed to get married) contact counsel immediately as there does appear to be a path through this. It does, just from the bare bones facts presented, appear to be a naturalization matter, an adjustment of status case to be filed and possible with a waiver. As well, there appears to be work to be done in the removal case as well. Please have your friend contact counsel immediately.

How get the bba 1st sem model paper of vnsgu?

How get the bba 1st sem model paper of vnsgu?
I want to admission in Bba in every university of Pakistan.

You accepted a Third Party Check that then bounced Who is responsible the first or second party?

You accepted a Third Party Check that then bounced Who is responsible the first or second party?
The third-party would contact the second-party as it was that party that received the goods or services from the third-party.

The second-party would have recourse against the original issuer (first-party).

Me and my boyfriend of two years bought a house together, I'm the borrower and he is the co borrower, we are breaking up and both of us want...


Me and my boyfriend of two years bought a house together, I'm the borrower and he is the co borrower, we are breaking up and both of us wants to keep the house, is there anyway I can keep the house and make him leave?


No. It is sad that you didn't see a lawyer before making the mistake of a lifetime (never buy a house with a live-in paramour unless you have a contract to address this matter in advance). The few hundred dollars you saved by skipping that step will be very costly now. This is not fixable easily. Unless the two of you reach a compromise, you will need a lawyer, spend many thousands or more on a partition lawsuit, and the result will be a forced court sale at a discounted price where you and he split the profit or loss.


Unfortunately, you have made the mistake of entering into a mortgage with no safeguard in place on how to resolve this type of issue. I assume you are both on the title. Neither of you can make the other leave. You will either have to resolve the issue, and make sure it is in writing, or file the appropriate action and a Judge can tell you what to do. This will be costly. Keep in mind, even if a Judge allowed one of you to keep the house, that party would likely be required to buy out the other parties interest and do whatever is necessary to remove the other person from liability on the mortgage. If neither of you can refinance the mortgage in your name, it is likely the residence would have to be sold.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

im a resident in a nice quiet neighborhood for the past 15 years. Recently the village knocked the house down next to me and installed a hug...


im a resident in a nice quiet neighborhood for the past 15 years. Recently the village knocked the house down next to me and installed a huge playground. The noise from this playground is continuos and extremely disturbing. I cannot enjoy my home anymore. What are my options. Can I sue the village to have this shut down?


Without knowing the nature of the noise, it is difficult to offer any suggestions. If, for example, it is concerts that last late into the night, you might have some traction. If it is children making general child at a playground sounds, you may be in a tough spot. I can think of no legal theory that would result in what you suggest, particularly since government entities enjoy broad immunities. Perhaps you could sell the home, since many people would see this as a valuable amenity.

Are gays allowed to work?

Are gays allowed to work?
yes they are almost at all the places

i sent a letter yesterday and after reading it it could be confusing. Let's start over. i have worked for a beverage company for 34 years. i...


i sent a letter yesterday and after reading it it could be confusing. Let's start over. i have worked for a beverage company for 34 years. i am the branch manager and no where in my job description does is say i should do physical work. so for years i delivered kegs cases, loaded trucks, unloaded trucks drove trucks. kegs weigh 160 lbs and cases 20 on cans 30 on bottles. About 25 years ago i started having lower back issues but being a company man i worked through them. about 4 months ago i developed cervical back pain say a doctor and he recommended surgery for both the cervical an lumbar. i choose the cervical, surgery was fine and i was back at work in 7 working days. While this was going on we are merging with a larger company. the owner wanted a doctors excuse so they can issue a return to work letter. if they cut my pay or time or restrict me in anyway, would they not be liable for letting do work that was not stated in my job descrition?


You could have a non-subscriber worker's comp claim or possibly a disability claim against your employer. You should consult with an attorney to determine whether or not you can pursue a claim against your employer.


You need to consult with a specialist in worker's comp. Try Chad Lee in Austin.

My wife and I adopted my great niece nephew and we recieve adoption assistance.i would like to turn over temporary or permanent custody to...


My wife and I adopted my great niece & nephew and we recieve adoption assistance.

i would like to turn over temporary or permanent custody to my sister. Do i need a court order? What should my first step be?


The only person who can change custody is a judge. You definitely need to see a lawyer.


Wow. These poor children. Being adopted and now having another possible major change. This is a serious question and one which needs to be discussed with an attorney and not a posting on a website.

What is flexible style in decison making?

What is flexible style in decison making?
A flexible style in decision making is a style that leaves room forother peoples opinions and other ways of doing things. In otherwords, there is not a set protocol in the way decisions are made.

Types of taxes in Pakistan?

Types of taxes in Pakistan?
Pakistan actually has more than 70 types of taxes in a very complextax system. Some of the taxes are federal, duty, and inflation tax.

100 in 1924 is worth how much today?

100 in 1924 is worth how much today?
$100 in 1924 is worth $1,347.10 in July, 2014. This figure has beencomputed using an annual inflation of 2.93 percent. The totalinflation since 1924 to 2014 is 1247 percent.

What is arm's lenght?

What is arm's lenght?
In accounting, these are transactions which are accepted by both parties (e.g. buyer and seller) without the need of another agreement or condition.

I was prescribed oxamniquine when I was 3 weeks pregnant, but didn't know it yet. I specifically asked my doctor "what if I'm pregnant?", th...


I was prescribed oxamniquine when I was 3 weeks pregnant, but didn't know it yet. I specifically asked my doctor "what if I'm pregnant?", the response I received was to just come back in if I was late. I found out I was pregnant 3 weeks later and my son was born with a cleft lip and palate. Is this possible malpractice or something?


To properly answer all your questions, we would like to offer you a free, no obligation consultation. Your free consultation can take place either over the telephone or in-person.

To schedule your free consultation, please call our office at 1-800-297-9191 and ask to speak with James Luna. You can also email James at [email protected]/* */

We look forward to hearing from you.

What is th median of 44 45 47 48 63 68 85 88?

What is th median of 44 45 47 48 63 68 85 88?

Which hiding places is all the copycats in the bank?

Which hiding places is all the copycats in the bank?
some are up stairs some are down stairs

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is a noble women?

What is a noble women?
Noble women are women who are related to a royal family.

What is meant by payment term DDU?

What is meant by payment term DDU?
Delivered Duty Unpaid. This terms no longer exists in the latest version of Incoterms 2010

How do you convert the copper prices in COMEX to the Indian rupees?

How do you convert the copper prices in COMEX to the Indian rupees?
(internatinal price*usd to inr conversion)/1000

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mortgage in my ex-husband's name but the deed and debt are my responsibility. I have been paying the mortgage for over a year. I am selling ...


Mortgage in my ex-husband's name but the deed and debt are my responsibility. I have been paying the mortgage for over a year. I am selling and the bank has refused to give me any escrow or insurance refunds because I am not on the mortgage -- I just own the house. I already sent the ruling, decree, and deed. Can I get my money?


We don't have the documents you mention, and you did not provide any facts to support you getting the money.


The answer depends on the wording of the ruling and decree, which likely address such matters. Discuss them with the lawyer who handled your divorce and has seen the documents.

Benefits of a double crank press?

Benefits of a double crank press?
Ebanie amerikosi, nihuya ne znayut o krivoshipnih pressah. Huj najdesh dlya referata chto-libo. Pizdec. Ebal vseh v rot.

What are some big American brands that have failed?

What are some big American brands that have failed?

What is power trading?

What is power trading?
In economic terms, electricity (both power and energy) is a commodity capable of being bought, sold and traded. An electricity market is a system for effecting purchases, through bids to buy; sales, through offers to sell; and short-term trades, generally in the form of financial or obligation swaps. Bids and offers use supply and demand principles to set the price. Long-term trades are contracts similar to power purchase agreements and generally considered private bi-lateral transactions between counterparties.

The number 2000 can be written as 2000 equals 2m 5n what is the value of m?

The number 2000 can be written as 2000 equals 2m 5n what is the value of m?
divisable by

m= 1000 =2
n = 400 = 5
o = 200 = 10
p = 100 = 20

What is the formula for calculating wacc?

What is the formula for calculating wacc?
The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) reflects the average 'cost of financing' for a firm. Firms raise money in several ways, such as issuing equity, debt, and preferred stock. The WACC is calculated by taking the (after-tax) 'cost' of each of these forms of financing and multiplying it by the relative proportion of total financing represented by that form of financing.

The full formula for WACC is:

rD = The required return of the firm's Debt financing
(1-Tc) = The Tax adjustment for interest expense
(D/V) = (Debt/Total Value)
rE= the firm's cost of equity
(E/V) = (Equity/Total Value)
V = (D + E), ie Total Firm Value

To calculate the WACC for a publicly traded company, there is an online WACC Calculator available at http:/