Monday, June 30, 2014

What happened to the actor Clark Brandon?

What happened to the actor Clark Brandon?
He moved over to the writing and directing side of the film industry, although the last movie I can find him credited with came out in 1997. He wrote and directed that cool killer mosquito movie "Skeeter"

How much does a worker earn an hour if he earns 22000 per year?

How much does a worker earn an hour if he earns 22000 per year?
$10.58 assuming a 40 hours work week and no unpaid time off.22000 / 52 weeks / 40 hours per week = $10.58

How many millmeters are in 1 meter?

How many millmeters are in 1 meter?
one million millimeters are in a meter

admitted to taking gift cards, with small dollar amounts from my employer as well as taking money out of the customer lost and found. What c...


admitted to taking gift cards, with small dollar amounts from my employer as well as taking money out of the customer lost and found. What charges could be faced??


It is impossible to give complete list of possible crimes with so few facts. But, sounds like at least theft, fraud and embezzlement are possible. You might have civil liability too, and should consult directly with an attorney in your area. Allow them to have more of the facts that you couldn't provide here.

Good luck

After 8 years of marriage me and me wife separated but I just found out the witnesses was under 18 when they signed my marriage license and ...


After 8 years of marriage me and me wife separated but I just found out the witnesses was under 18 when they signed my marriage license and the preached never checked there id is this grounds for annulment in Florida


no. The errors you mentioned do not voice your marriage. File for divorce if you want.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My mother accidentally sent a copy of my green card (only the back side), instead of sending it to me. The person replied and said that he/s...


My mother accidentally sent a copy of my green card (only the back side), instead of sending it to me.

The person replied and said that he/she would delete the attachment, but the incident made me consider replacing my green card.

However, as replacing green card would cost me 450$, the price makes me hesitate.

The question is, is there any way for someone to misuse the information on the back side of my green card?

Should I replace it because there is some way of misusing the information?

For your information, the back side of the car has my date of birth, card number (assigned for my green card, not my SSN), A#, experiation date and a my photo.

Any advice would be truly appreciated.


$450 is a small price to pay for preventing identity theft issues.


Hello please call me at 2129688600. Thanks, RDM

how do i get information on a arrest ticket in the state of alabama


how do i get information on a arrest ticket in the state of alabama


You will need to know the county that the ticket was written and to contact the clerks office for that county. You can go to under member directory there will be courts and you can choice the county and get the proper number.

would you need a lawyer present at a hearing on a larc-petit theft 2nd degeer 1st offense


would you need a lawyer present at a hearing on a larc-petit theft 2nd degeer 1st offense


Allow me to ask you this question: do you need a doctor present to perform an operation? I suppose it could be done, but the reason that doctors and lawyers are professionals is that they went to school for 7-8 years to practice and take care of people in your situation. Even if you can't afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for a public defender.

Went on medical leave resulting in the need to leave company. Once better, I found out through co-workers and customers that the specifics f...


Went on medical leave resulting in the need to leave company. Once better, I found out through co-workers and customers that the specifics for my leave had defamed my character to my co-workers and customers impacting my professional career.


What do you suspect was the reason for the defamation?

Do you feel tat you were discriminated against based on your medical leave?


Is there a photo of Billy Hayes on the internet?

Is there a photo of Billy Hayes on the internet?
Is there a photo of Billy Hayes out there? He is the man portrayed in the movie Midnight Express.

What is the timeframe to get an emergency custody hearing after filing?


What is the timeframe to get an emergency custody hearing after filing?


Whenever the judge can do it. This varies county to county.

Can an oral agreement between a California corporation selling a "business opportunity" and an individual in New York be enforceable as a le...


Can an oral agreement between a California corporation selling a "business opportunity" and an individual in New York be enforceable as a legally binding contract?

Nothing at all was signed by the individual in New York.

The president of the California corporation insists this oral agreement is completely and totally legally binding regardless of not having a signed contract, and is still expecting to be paid $12000.

The NY individual gave a credit card number for a 20% down payment being told it would not be charged until the NY individual sent back a signed credit card authorization form.

The CA corporation immediately charged the credit card and does not want to refund the 20%, claiming they have an enforceable contract. They also want the 80% balance claiming the NY individual is in breach of contract.

How is a NY individual bound by CA law and what can be done?

Please help, this is an outrageous amount of money to be robbed of.


So, suffice it to say, you don't need a Q&A platform you need to consult a real lawyer and discuss all the facts and circumstances involved. An oral agreement can be enforceable, but not for all things. The other party would have to show in some way that you assented to the agreement and with no writing a contract concerning a business opportunity would be difficult it to enforce in court and not look like a scam artist if you get my gist.

Please reach out to a few lawyers and talk it over before you do anything else. If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.


Frank speaks sooth. Tell the credit card issuer to reverse the charges as unauthorized, and talk to a lawyer about suing those fraudmongers into oblivion. You can do good and do well at the same time. And mos likely they broke several federal laws as well as the NY General Business Law . Ka-chinggg!

if you evict someone how long to they have to get thier personal items out of the property?


if you evict someone how long to they have to get thier personal items out of the property?


If it is a legal "Notice to Vacate" it is usually 5-10 days.

If it is a court ordered eviction they must leave with their possession immediately or as ordered by the Judge. At this point you can also call a sheriff to assist you in vacating the property.

If they abandoned their personal items after you have given and executed legal notice, then you can take possession of their personal items as a result of abandonment.

Otherwise, you have the option to notify them of when to vacate or remove their property but it is only after you have given them a legal notice of eviction and order to vacate [leave the proprerty].

DO I LEGALLY HAVE TO TALK TO THE FATHER OF MY CHILD? He has only seen my son 3 times in the 2 years he has been alive. He is a 16 time felon...


DO I LEGALLY HAVE TO TALK TO THE FATHER OF MY CHILD? He has only seen my son 3 times in the 2 years he has been alive. He is a 16 time felon with a huge temper. We are going through child support and soon custody. But do I have to legally talk to him about my son outside of court?


He is the father of your child. You probably ought to talk. He has the right to be involved unless there is danger

Ok me and my kids father got into a domestic dispute and there was an activate restraining order. At the time I made the pressed charges I w...


Ok me and my kids father got into a domestic dispute and there was an activate restraining order. At the time I made the pressed charges I was really upset but now I don't want to proceed with them, But he has a hearing coming up and if I don't show up will there be a possibility they will throw the case out if they don't find reasonable cause for a felony?


If you are the only witness and you don't show up that could cause the judge to either continue the case or dimiss it. The prosecution could subpoena you to appear in which case you would have to appear or be in contempt.

If a graduate college increased tuition, due to promising to acquire a specific accreditation - but failed to do so - am I entitled to a ref...


If a graduate college increased tuition, due to promising to acquire a specific accreditation - but failed to do so - am I entitled to a refund?


Possibly. It is best to gather as many people as you can claiming reliance on promises to their detriment; a class action lawsuit, if you will.

Hi my grandmother passed away and her estate was not settles, my mother kind of took over paying the bills and the taxes then she passed a w...


Hi my grandmother passed away and her estate was not settles, my mother kind of took over paying the bills and the taxes then she passed a way now my father and brother and sister are living there. Everything is split into thirds, they each pay their portion of all utilities and the taxes now my sister has moved someone into the house without my brothers permission, this person has many issues and was just arrested my brother wants him out of the house can he legally have him removed?


This is a mess. However, I do not see how your brother has authority to have someone removed from the property if the person is a guest of another owner of the premises.

It is a bad bad idea when two or more people who are not married own land unless they can agree all the time on everything. If they cannot, the simple and more practical solution is that they all agree to sell the land and split the proceeds or else the person who wants it should buy out the share of the others. If no one is willing to buy out the other, then any of the owners of the property can force a sale in a process called partition. In partition, the court will order the land to be sold and the money will be divided among the property owners.

Your sister and brother need to each consult a real estate attorney about that.

Does Damon Albarn has a Twitter?

Does Damon Albarn has a Twitter?
Yes he does! Just type in Damon albarn twitter onto Google and click the first option.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Hi I'm an immigrant from El Salvador and I don't have driver license I was driving without it anyway and police just pulled me over in VA fo...


Hi I'm an immigrant from El Salvador and I don't have driver license I was driving without it anyway and police just pulled me over in VA for 5th time. I have to go to court in few months and I'm scared what can they do to me,can I go to jail or be deported? I don't have any other criminal records than driving without license. 5"thank you for your answers


Yes, it's possible that you could be spending some time in the local slammer (if convicted of this most recent charge) given your apparent record of previous convictions for NVOL, i.e., No Valid Operator's License. (This, of course, is my opinion.)

We live in NY state. We buy items (by lot) online or at auctions and sell them online by piece. Is going good and we want to open a business...


We live in NY state. We buy items (by lot) online or at auctions and sell them online by piece. Is going good and we want to open a business, but we have some questions.

1. Do we need to incorporate our business ( what type?) or just apply for a reseller license?

(note: we what to sell only online on ebay and make a website, no a local store. Also in a future we will need to hire some help. )

Thank you!


These are big questions and require a proper discussion to evaluate. So other than some rather broad generalities which will not be very helpful this forum is not a place to get this kind of specific advice.

You should take the time to call around to a few business lawyers and get a sense for what they suggest in your case. If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.


This is not a difficult or complicated question at all.

It is always best to incorporate to protect your personal assets from any potential financial liability. It is a small price to pay for peace of mind, especially if, as you say, the business is growing.

As far as LLC vs. Corporation, both will provide the proper protection. An LLC typically costs a bit more up front due to the required legal publishing, but will generally pay off in the long run with reduced operating requirements such as those required for corporations (i.e. required shareholders meetings, creating bylaws, keeping minutes, etc.). In zip code 14609, the legal publishing for the LLC should not cost much at all.

See? Quick and easy answers... no need to make things more difficult than they need to be.

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

I recently moved into an apartment complex in Anaheim California that features garages. Our garage is a shared garage with an automatic open...


I recently moved into an apartment complex in Anaheim California that features garages. Our garage is a shared garage with an automatic opener, of which was installed by a previous tenant. The opener is in need of repair, however we cannot turn it off in order to secure the garage as the onsite property manager does not possess any keys. We are being told that the repairs are solely the responsibility of the tenant. What should I do, what are my rights?


Sometimes garages have a manual door opener -- especially in California where there are earthquakes or high winds that can cause power outages. I would suggest getting an estimate from a reputable garage door place. Perhaps the problem is with the remote, rather than the opener. Those are easy to replace. If the opener is leaving the garage door open all day and night, that could be a problem. Check your rental agreement and see what it says about the garage and garage door opener. You might have to bite the bullet, though, if it's solely your responsibility.

Hi,I got married in India. Our son was born in USA and then we left USA two years back. My wife decided to stay in India and i came back to ...



I got married in India. Our son was born in USA and then we left USA two years back. My wife decided to stay in India and i came back to work. Now my wife is filling domestic violence case along with custody of our son (4.5 years old) in Court in India. Can i am apply for custody of son in US court since my son is US Citizen or do i have follow whatever decision is made by court in India?


You need to find an attorney who is familiar with international divorces. There is a Hague Convention on this issue but I do not practice in the area. I could not speculate as to which court has jurisdiction.

I am on probation for drug trafficking/possession w intent to distribute, in Roswell New Mexico. I have never been arrested or convicted of ...


I am on probation for drug trafficking/possession w intent to distribute, in Roswell New Mexico. I have never been arrested or convicted of a criminal crime before I was 56 years old. I was caught with 4/10 of a gram of meth. (two twenty's, that were not bagged). The court gave me 9 yrs in DOC, 5 years probation. The sentence was suspended. I have been on probation for a little over 3 years now of the 5 years imposed. I have no violations. I have paid all fines, and done all requirements as stated in my J&S. I want to ask for a early release from probation. My probation officers say they will recommend that I am released. I have letters of recommendations from upstanding citizens. My felony is a 2nd degree felony, which I understand makes my case harder. I do not know the procedure or the forms to file. I have no money to hire an attorney. What can I do?


Write a letter to the sentencing judge requesting an early discharge from probation. In the letter ask that s/he treat your letter as a Motion because you are pro bono. Copy the DA's office (most important.) State you would like a hearing to present your evidence, as stated in your question, and the opportunity to present witnesses such as those who support you and your PO. Be respectful; be patient; be persistent. Good luck.

I rented my house out to a friend-of-a-friend. It has turned out to be a not-so-good situation and now they have not paid rent this month. R...


I rented my house out to a friend-of-a-friend. It has turned out to be a not-so-good situation and now they have not paid rent this month. Rent is due on the 5th. I already sent a 3-Day Late Notice which expires 1/15.

Because it was a friend, I did not have them complete an application. Can I file a civil suit without social security numbers?

They deposit the rent money at my bank. If they do not pay by the end of the day tomorrow (1/15), can I refuse their rent and ask them to move? But, how would I refuse the rent since they deposit it at my bank?


You can file without social security numbers. You can only pursue eviction for non payment if less than full rent remains unpaid. If they pay all the rent you cannot get rid of them for the non payment alone

To begin, we (the father/his girlfriend/kids) live in California, and the mother lives in Nevada. We have primary physical custody and joint...


To begin, we (the father/his girlfriend/kids) live in California, and the mother lives in Nevada. We have primary physical custody and joint legal custody. The kids skype with their mother every week. Occasionally, there are phone calls between the mother and the kids. The mother has just claimed in an email to us that she video records the skype conversations when she talks to the kids and voice records phone conversations with them as well.

Is she legally allowed to voice/video record conversations with her kids without notifications/consents obtained from them/us first? Please keep in mind that when she video records skype conversations, we (the father, the girlfriend, and our daughter) are all in the background, either talking or occasionally appearing on video.


It is a crime in CA to record telecommunications without notice and consent of all participants.

Does a federal saving association have to register a fictitious name in California?If so where does it have to be registered?...


Does a federal saving association have to register a fictitious name in California?

If so where does it have to be registered?


It doesn't have to register a fictitious name at all unless it is using a name different from its federal chartered name.

is it legal in NY state to kick an 18 year old if they are attending high school still?


is it legal in NY state to kick an 18 year old if they are attending high school still?


There are very few situations in which it is legal to kick anyone. Unless the person consented to be kicked, e.g. in a karate tournament, the incident would likely constitute battery, which is both a crime and a tort giving rise to civil liability.

A business owner died and didn't have any will, he has two children respectively 19 and 27. Is it legal and safe to buy the business from th...


A business owner died and didn't have any will, he has two children respectively 19 and 27. Is it legal and safe to buy the business from the children.


The business owner's estate would likely need to go through Probate and the Administrator of the Estate may need to seek permission from the court to sell the business. However, there are many variables that could affect the proper answer. What type of business entity is it? (LLC, INC, Sole Proprietorship, etc) How was the ownership interest held? Was the business owner married? Was there a business continuation plan to allow for the transfer of the business in the event of the death of the owner?

The list of questions that need to be answered goes on much longer than this. So I would say the simple answer is that before you buy the business from the children you should do a lot of due diligence to find out what you are buying, who you are buying it from and whether you can buy it.

A consultation with a business attorney and maybe even a probate attorney seems like a good idea. If you are preparing to spend money on buying a business, you should figure in some legal fees into your budget.

Good luck.

I was on the F1 visa status and now I have changed my status to H4. I have studied in Boston MA during 2011-2013 and I have MA drivers licen...


I was on the F1 visa status and now I have changed my status to H4. I have studied in Boston MA during 2011-2013 and I have MA drivers license which is valid until 2017. I moved to Virginia since 2013 but I never got chance to get VA drivers license. Will there be any problem because of this when I go for H4 visa stamping in my home country ?


I don't see why your driver's license would have any relevance to your visa issuance. Many non-immigrants don't have a driver's license or a State ID.


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

We sold a house 4 months ago that has a septic sys. Now the sys has failed and the owner wants us to pay for repairs. The plumbing contracto...


We sold a house 4 months ago that has a septic sys. Now the sys has failed and the owner wants us to pay for repairs. The plumbing contractor wants us to send him a ck to start repairs. No septic inspection was filed before the sale. How do we handle this?


Your obligation to pay for this repair depends in large measure on how you filled out the Seller's Disclosure Statement questions as to the septic system. There are blanks for the septic system in the very first section; question 5 of the second section also relates to the septic system. You should look at that form first before you respond. You should also review the Purchase Agreement to see if anything was stated about the septic system. Better yet, you should review these matters with an attorney before you respond.

Why are cars usually more gas efficient than trucks?

Why are cars usually more gas efficient than trucks?
Cars have a smaller engine than most trucks. Because of this fact, cars require less gasoline to power itself than a truck does. A truck, on the other hand, requires more fuel to power a larger vehicle.

My spouse and I are estranged but live in the same residence. We have not been intimate in 5 years. Can I file for divorce, given the fact t...


My spouse and I are estranged but live in the same residence. We have not been intimate in 5 years. Can I file for divorce, given the fact that we share the same address?


Yes, it may be possible if you can demonstrate that in fact you and

your spouse have in effect maintained separate households within

the same marital residence and therefore have as a practical matter

been living separate and apart for at least one year in order to meet

the requirements of Va. Code Sec. 20-91.


No social events together; no meals together; separate quarters within the household; AND demonstrated intent that the separation be permanent, leading to a divorce (telling family & others, etc.)

I was named as beneficiary but they said that me being beneficiary had expired what can I do


I was named as beneficiary but they said that me being beneficiary had expired what can I do


Ask for a copy of the trust and all of its amendments.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Does the tire size effect the speed of toy car?

Does the tire size effect the speed of toy car?
depends on the weight of the toy car and the traction of tire. I guess bigger tires cover more distance than little tires, if two are pushed with the same force, so it'll be faster

Is there a requirement for companies such as Pacific Power or ATT to include a return envelope with their bill?


Is there a requirement for companies such as Pacific Power or AT&T to include a return envelope with their bill?


Unless it's in your contract with them, or in some regulatory tariff on file with the CPUC (ha ha), no.


No. They do it because they want to make it as easy as possible to get their money.

I have 3 children who were placed with relatives when I was addicted to drugs. I have a child support order for the 2 oldest and no support ...


I have 3 children who were placed with relatives when I was addicted to drugs. I have a child support order for the 2 oldest and no support order for the youngest child. All 3 have been granted legal custody. The CSEA took $4977 from me this year and $2500 in 2013, plus I have been paying $60 a month(which I thought was only arrears) since August of 2013. I think I read that when legal custody is awarded in a matter like this, I shouldn't have a support order for none. Is this true


Mom and Dad are responsible to support their children until they reach 18 and are high school graduates, unless there is a different order by the court. You will need to review all of your court documents to see if any stopped or redirected your child support payments.

Can a 1990 Toyota Camry Wagon tow a Trail Manor popup camper?

Can a 1990 Toyota Camry Wagon tow a Trail Manor popup camper?
If you do you will need a power steering and automatic transmission oil coolers.

My sons biological father has had no contact or interaction with my 6 year old for 6 years. He contacted me last year which I gave him my nu...


My sons biological father has had no contact or interaction with my 6 year old for 6 years. He contacted me last year which I gave him my number and he still never contacted me or his son after that day until a year later when he now wants custody. He lives in FL and we live in PA does he have any rights?


Knowing where in PA would help. Under PA law he you have a duty as the primary custodial parent to foster a relationship to with the non-custodial parents. We care about PA law because he has to file for custody in the county where YOU live. That helps you. Further if he does file he has to prove the its in the best interest child. It's not a slam dunk you but the dad has a tought row to hoe.


Legal Question in Criminal Law in MissouriMy brother has been in county jail over a yr. The charge is receiving stolen prop. and possession ...


Legal Question in Criminal Law in Missouri

My brother has been in county jail over a yr. The charge is receiving stolen prop. and possession less than 35, container of drug stuff has girlfriends name on it. His girlfriend went to sheriff 2 wks prior and set this up to get him out of the place he was living. Home ownership also in dispute. On search warrant drugs is crossed out & initialed by judge. Has receipt for so called stolen property (he paid $250.00 for) that was never on prop report and supposedly given to who ever claimed they owned it. (There is no written documentation) The arrest was in 2013 but affidavit has 2010 The police allowed my brothers girlfriend and her mom in the house while waiting for warrant and they have taken everything he owned including his medications. Appreciate any advise we can get...


Get your brother an attorney as soon as you can.

Good luck

What percentage of the U S population are professional athletes?

What percentage of the U S population are professional athletes?
About 4.5 percent of the United States population are professionalathletes. The United States are known for the short races.

I bought a used car, 2006 Chevy Cobalt LS, from a car lot in 10/2014, I am not happy! It has been at the lot for 8 days now for repairs, whi...


I bought a used car, 2006 Chevy Cobalt LS, from a car lot in 10/2014, I am not happy! It has been at the lot for 8 days now for repairs, which have not even begun. I am without a ride. I just want to get out of my contract without it hurting me. PLEASE HELP!


Bad news. When you buy a used car you must ALWAYS get your own mechanic to look it over before you buy. The AS IS sticker in the window warned you that it could be a lemon, and when you buy a used car you buy its problems, unless you buy a warranty. Even then, you don't have the use of the car. Sadly this was your fault and there is no legal remedy. You must pay for the car, unless you want to be sued and trash your credit for 7 years and face garnishment, and you must also pay for any non-warranty repairs. Next used car purchase - have a mechanic look over the car first.

When is a physical inventory is usually taken?

When is a physical inventory is usually taken?
At the end of the company's fiscal year.

I rent a house. My year lease is going to expire . Does it automatically go to a month by month lesae or do I have to sign another year lease ?


I rent a house. My year lease is going to expire . Does it automatically go to a month by month lesae or do I have to sign another year lease ?


It automatically converts to month-to-month and either party may terminate with 30 days notice.

How do you calculate pie?

How do you calculate pie?
it is 3.14159

Who are the biggest music art in billboard history?

Who are the biggest music art in billboard history?
Michael Jackson , Beatles , Elvis , Etc etc!

Can a Plaintiff conduct discovery in much the same way as the standard Form Interrogatories and Special Interrogatories are done when defend...

My Fiance recently passed away and his mother took all his belongings and is now trying to take his class ring from high school which he gav...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In the state of Wisconsin, how often must State Troopers have their radars checked by a third party? Additional where is this regulation in ...


In the state of Wisconsin, how often must State Troopers have their radars checked by a third party? Additional where is this regulation in print?


I do not believe that there is any law which requires troopers to have radar inspected by a third party. However, as a matter of voluntary internal policy, the State Patrol usually requires them to check radar devices before and after every arrest, via a tuning fork which reproduces the same "sound," i.e., microwave signal, as doppler radar clocking a vehicle at a preset speed. For moving radar, the Hanson case also requires the additional step of verification of the radar device immediately after clocking any vehicle whose driver is arrested for speeding. This is done by clocking the ground beneath the police cruiser, which reflects the speed at which the squad car is moving. The officer then compares that reading to the speed noted on his certified speedometer and records the result. In the Hanson case, the WI Supreme Court required this extra step after it took judicial notice of the fact that moving radar is the least reliable type, therefore requiring this extra safeguard. However, the fact is that all radars are unreliable due to the fact that they do not clearly identify the object which being clocked, but instead, only clocks whatever object is reflecting a signal back from its beam, without providing the make, size, color, etc., of the vehicle which is supposedly being clocked. If any car is close to other vehicles when clocked, it is therefore often impossible to tell which vehicle is being clocked. Clocking some car or other object (i.e., aircraft, road signs, cornfields, etc.) other than the one which the officer is attempting to clock is a far more common cause of wrongful citations than any inaccuracies internal to the radar device itself. Some radars have a range of miles, so it is always possible for the officer to overshoot his intended target and instead clock some distant vehicle which is in line with the intended one. If you are serious about fighting any ticket, however (even valid ones), your odds of success are much better with an experienced traffic lawyer.

If any answer helps you, mine or someone else's, please mark it as "helpful" or "best answer" to help AVVO know which answers to show others. Answering this question does not make me your attorney, but you can post comments here for clarifications, etc. You can also see past answers to similar questions on AVVO at. View over fifteen years of past answers at See 15 years of past answers at http://www./answers/atty_profile/view_attorney_profile/jknixon . Answers may contain attorney advertising materials. .


I do not believe that there is any law which requires troopers to have radar inspected by a third party. However, as a matter of voluntary internal policy, the State Patrol usually requires them to check radar devices before and after every arrest, via a tuning fork which reproduces the same "sound," i.e., microwave signal, as doppler radar clocking a vehicle at a preset speed. For moving radar, the Hanson case also requires the additional step of verification of the radar device immediately after clocking any vehicle whose driver is arrested for speeding. This is done by clocking the ground beneath the police cruiser, which reflects the speed at which the squad car is moving. The officer then compares that reading to the speed noted on his certified speedometer and records the result. In the Hanson case, the WI Supreme Court required this extra step after it took judicial notice of the fact that moving radar is the least reliable type, therefore requiring this extra safeguard. However, the fact is that all radars are unreliable due to the fact that they do not clearly identify the object which being clocked, but instead, only clocks whatever object is reflecting a signal back from its beam, without providing the make, size, color, etc., of the vehicle which is supposedly being clocked. If any car is close to other vehicles when clocked, it is therefore often impossible to tell which vehicle is being clocked. Clocking some car or other object (i.e., aircraft, road signs, cornfields, etc.) other than the one which the officer is attempting to clock is a far more common cause of wrongful citations than any inaccuracies internal to the radar device itself. Some radars have a range of miles, so it is always possible for the officer to overshoot his intended target and instead clock some distant vehicle which is in line with the intended one. If you are serious about fighting any ticket, however (even valid ones), your odds of success are much better with an experienced traffic lawyer.

If any answer helps you, mine or someone else's, please mark it as "helpful" or "best answer" to help AVVO know which answers to show others. Answering this question does not make me your attorney, but you can post comments here for clarifications, etc. You can also see past answers to similar questions on AVVO at. View over fifteen years of past answers at See 15 years of past answers at http://www./answers/atty_profile/view_attorney_profile/jknixon . Answers may contain attorney advertising materials. ..

What is securities leadership?

What is securities leadership?
a leader p rovides a torough knowledge understanding and a good management

Is fencing a martial art?

Is fencing a martial art?

Is builders real estate funding available through

Is builders real estate funding available through
It depends what type of financing you qualify for. You can get aloan if it is an owner occupied residential home from your bank .if you need private financing you are probably looking at a rehabhard money loan. A direct lender like bridge loans lenders wouldwork.

My husband believes I cheated on him over 10 years ago before we were married. We were living together in TX under common law at that time. ...


My husband believes I cheated on him over 10 years ago before we were married. We were living together in TX under common law at that time. This month will be 7 yrs we've been married. Every time we argue he threatens divorce and brings this up.


I don't see where you ask a question requiring legal guidance. In Texas it doesn't matter if you did or not - except if a spouse wastes community assets on an extramarital relationship, then a party can ask that it be reimbursed. If you were informally married, then you were legally married. But again, I don't see where it matters.

I was let go from my job the day I reported back from Maternity leave on Oct, 6th, my actual last day of maternity leave was Oct 2, the reas...


I was let go from my job the day I reported back from Maternity leave on Oct, 6th, my actual last day of maternity leave was Oct 2, the reason I was let go cause I caused the company to lose money from 2013 billing. Do they have a right to do that after I came back from maternity leave. And especially when my ex employer made me think I still had a job when I went to see her the day before to speak to her about my work schedule. And on my exit interview she only out put Involuntary Termination! With no reason or explanation, she only told me verbally why she was letting me go and I was never written up for my mistakes!


An employer can terminate an employee for any reason or no reason, as long as it's not an unlawful reason. For you to have a case for wrongful termination, you need to show that you were terminated BECAUSE of your taking of maternity leave. One of the ways to do that is to demonstrate that the reason for your termination was pretextual--i.e. your 2013 billing mistake was simply an excuse for them terminating you. Please give me a call (213-381-6557) or send me an email ([email protected]/* */) if you would like to discuss your matter further.


Ari Leichter

My daughter has been injured by child abuse. She was her dad and his wife but they are trying to terminate my rights for something that I di...


My daughter has been injured by child abuse. She was her dad and his wife but they are trying to terminate my rights for something that I didnt do. Who do I need talk to too


You need to hire a lawyer. It matters. Do NOT wait until next week. Find one today.


Get an attorney. Termination of rights is not something you want to attempt on your own.

Can a judge deny my request to sign a time waiver


Can a judge deny my request to sign a time waiver


In Ohio, in criminal cases, the 6th Amendment and the Speedy Trial Act of 1974 set certain time limits by which a case must be brought to trial. It is true that a Defendant can waive these restrictions by signing off on a time waiver, but a Court has the inherent power to control its own docket, so it does not have to move events in the trial (such as hearings) if it does not want to.

I made a false statement to the police saying my boyfriend assaulted me he is now arrested what can I do so he won't get in trouble for some...


I made a false statement to the police saying my boyfriend assaulted me he is now arrested what can I do so he won't get in trouble for something he never did?


He needs a lawyer and quick. If you can, help get an experienced attorney signed on to defend him. Feel free to give me a call.

(651) 994-6744

[email protected]/* */


Your BF needs to be represented by an attorney at this time, imo, and you yourself ought separately confer privately with an experienced attorney at this time. Attorneys here are not to solicit clients. Tricia Dwyer Esq ph 612-296-9666 Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc MN Domestic Violence - Assault - Crime Victim - Witness - Criminal Defense Attorneys

What is marging money?

What is marging money?
The amount of equity contributed by a customer as a percentage of the current market value of the securities held in a margin account.

I have a sister that's elderly she recently broke her collar bone , she has a boyfriend who takes not so good care of her but that's what sh...


I have a sister that's elderly she recently broke her collar bone , she has a boyfriend who takes not so good care of her but that's what she wants, now he's trying to take her to chicago to live with his family only to get her ssi, he has medical problems of his own how can I stop her from leaving, and she is partial blind. Can you help


People are entitled to do dumb things, as along as they have the ability to make decisions. So, if she wants to go do Chicago, you can't stop her unless she's incapacitate and you are appointed as the conservator of her person with the authority to choose where she gets to live. And this can be an uphill battle, as the court investigator will interview her and she will be able to express her wishes and even get a court appointed attorney to represent her interests.

As an aside, if your sister is eligible for SSI, then applying for benefits is a good idea, will boost her income, and will also grant her automatic eligibility for Medicaid benefits (Medi-Cal in California).

I submitted my first invoice to a large ad agency in February (others followed). I still have not been paid. My partner was paid on time (af...


I submitted my first invoice to a large ad agency in February (others followed). I still have not been paid. My partner was paid on time (after a lengthy 52 day pay cycle) and my check is apparently not being MAILED until May 29th. I can't get answers. I've asked for the first invoice to be wired as it's overdue. What action can I take? Thank you


Do you want to work with them again or cut your losses? If latter, small claims court is your best bet. First, send a certified mail letter, RRR, demanding money and advising of inititation of law suit upon non-compliance. Initiate action after thirty days if no response.


This is common. Many companies will push the limits knowing that it is not going to be worth it for you to sue over especially if you ever want to do business with them again. If in fact they are sincere regards to when payment is expected I would wait it out. Starting any legal action at this point even if only in small claims will certainly take longer than your expected payment to arrive.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

does changing the statement!! cough syncope is usually associated with severe and prolonged coughing to cough syncope IS CAUSED FROM change ...


does changing the statement!! cough syncope is usually associated with severe and prolonged coughing to cough syncope IS CAUSED FROM change the statement to an emphatic statement as opposed to one that could and does have other causes


I don't see this as a legal question at all. If you're looking for grammar help, there are boards for that.

Where the place that car are kept?

Where the place that car are kept?
A garage

What are the black dots on a dice called?

What are the black dots on a dice called?
they are called dicetsum i would guess they're called black dots cuz well...they're black & they're dots...idk. y is that important in any way? get a life :D jk...i'm sure there's many other stupid questions on here. lol.

Type Your Question Here...My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses...


Type Your Question Here...My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses because he was on prescribed medications and crashed my car and called the cops.... both times... probation was up this month. We lived in Lancaster so they were monitoring him and he had no violations. Our landlord sold his house so we had to move and moved out of the county approved by Lancaster. They sent my husband back to Dauphin and Dauphin says he violated probation due to moving and not reporting it. I called his old po and his new po a month after moving and never heard back from his new PO. His new PO said he was having his office changed. I had our mail address forwarded so if they ever sent anything it should have come here no matter what and it did not. Also since my husband is on SSI we have no money for a lawyer or fines. How long does this usually take to find him guilty or not and if found guilty what would his punishments most likely be. What can I do as his wife to help if anything.


My husband was on probation for one year and had 30days house arrest by dauphin county due to two DUI 1st offenses because he was on prescribed medications

Ok did the meds come with a warning? I can see the first accident might be due to ignorance how the drugs might affect his driving. There is no excuse for the second offense.

Just because the landlord sold the house us no reason to make you move. Unless there was a provision in the lease saying so the lease gets assigned to the new owner.

Why are you talking to anybody? You aren't his lawyer. I'm surprised his PO gave you the time of day.

As his wife you can do nothing.


I want to marry a Russian woman that is here on a tourist visa with children. Should we make application before it expires or does she have ...

my fiance's son (19) intended to harm me last night with a brassnuckles. We called the police and got arrested at his house. What can we do ...


my fiance's son (19) intended to harm me last night with a brassnuckles. We called the police and got arrested at his house. What can we do if we do not want to proceed? his charges are PC245(a)(1) and PC182(a)(1) bail set at 50k and court schedule on Thursday April 2nd


hire counsel.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I was out of town and represented by an attorney, he had power of attorney over my affairs and was paying my rent. One the apartment manager...


I was out of town and represented by an attorney, he had power of attorney over my affairs and was paying my rent. One the apartment manager learned I wasn't in a position to defend myself he stopped accepting rent checks, changed the locks & sold my belongings on the street. The Los Angeles Housing authority is unable to help, the police won't file a report so I can at least get my renters insurance involved. The management co told the police they have a letter from a family member giving them permission. This family member is not on the lease and did not have power attorney over any of my affairs. I am trying to get this magical letter from them & unsure how to word this letter so the police will take action. My possessions total more than 40k, at least that is the amount I can prove was lost. This was a rent controlled building where I resided for more than 15 years.


You need to sue them for damages.

How tall can an alpine rose grow?

How tall can an alpine rose grow?
about 20 - 25 cm fae lee mcintosh

What are the release dates for America's Test Kitchen - 2000 Easy Skillet Suppers - 8.22?

What are the release dates for America's Test Kitchen - 2000 Easy Skillet Suppers - 8.22?
America's Test Kitchen - 2000 Easy Skillet Suppers - 8.22 was released on:

USA: 31 May 2008

What are the release dates for Animal Rescue with Alex Paen - 2007 2012-04-09?

What are the release dates for Animal Rescue with Alex Paen - 2007 2012-04-09?
Animal Rescue with Alex Paen - 2007 2012-04-09 was released on:

USA: 9 April 2012

Did Buddha know kungfu?

Did Buddha know kungfu?
No. Actually based from what I read when I was still a kid, Buddha had spread peace quietly and without use of any weapons or KungFu or anything. He only spread is positive views about life. :)

In my grandmothers will it states . "If any said beneficiaries shall predecease me, his or her share thereof shall pass equally to his or he...


In my grandmothers will it states . "If any said beneficiaries shall predecease me, his or her share thereof shall pass equally to his or her lineal descendants if any, and if none, equally to the remaining beneficiaries." My mother that is listed as a beneficiary had passed before 1 year before my grandmother. The executor of the will is telling me that my mothers shares legally go to the other siblings & I will not be getting anything.


On these facts, that conclusion sounds wrong. It appears your mother's share passes equally to her lineal descendants, which would be you. If no lineal descendants than the other beneficiaries would receive her share. This assumes you are, in fact, a lineal descendant of your mother. Seek some legal help.


You would be entitled to a share of what you mother would have received.


With the wording that your have given, you are a direct lineal descendant - you need to have a lawyer protect your interest ASAP. Sadly when someone dies the walls begin to shed the worms. Your assets may be lost and not recoverable if you don't assert your claim now. Good luck and God Bless. So sorry for your loss.

I bought some undeveloped hunting property as an investment for my kids. Would my property be protected from a forced sale if something wou...


I bought some undeveloped hunting property as an investment for my kids. Would my property be protected from a forced sale if something would happen to my wife and I and we would need extended health care example nursing homes and all other assets were diminished? Thank you very much


If you own the land in your own name, it might be subject to execution. But, there may be steps that you and your attorney can take to protect the asset.

Good luck

My husband and I applied for our 3rd EAD extension 120 days before the expiry. My husband's EAD got approved yesterday, but I got an RFE. I ...


My husband and I applied for our 3rd EAD extension 120 days before the expiry. My husband's EAD got approved yesterday, but I got an RFE. I do not know yet what is that RFE for. But looks like I may not be able to get the new card before it expires on 02/28.

I understand that I cant work with out the valid EAD card in hand. But what are my options now? Can I go on unpaid vacation until I get my new card or do I need to be terminated and rehired?


You need to retain counsel. If you were legally eligible to have your residency in the US, based on your marriage, if you are married to a USC, in most cases, I would have had your conditional residency card issued three months after I filed your interview ready package, which I charge an hourly rate to prepare. Also, as for the RFE your wife or you received, I would retain a lawyer to respond to that RFE.

Further, why you still have an EAD card is something that an experienced Immigration attorney will need to research, because you should not be on EAD for that length of time, unless there is an issue in your filings, or your evidence, or you don't qualify to adjust in the US. And, if you entered he US illegally, you are not authorized or eligible for an EAD, unless you received DACA, USCIS may have just caught the error. Again, you will need to retain a qualified Immigration attorney who knows the law, the regulations and procedure and bring them your complete file so that they can research your issue and advise as to a game plan going forward.

Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified immigration attorneys, deportation lawyers and immigration appellate attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

My husband is a physician, who is currently on J1 status until June 30, 2015. Starting July 1, he will be working for Hospital A, he will b...


My husband is a physician, who is currently on J1 status until June 30, 2015. Starting July 1, he will be working for Hospital A, he will be on H1b status, and he will be on a Conrad 30 waiver at the same time.

I am currently on J2 visa and I get to work because of EAD. Since starting July 1, I will be on H4 visa, my EAD cannot be renewed unless we have an approved I-140, as per the new ruling.

My question is, can Hospital A file I-140 as early as now, even if he will not be starting employment with them until July 1 and we're still on J visa, although my husband got approved with H1b visa too a week ago for his employment with Hospital A?

The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm hoping that we can have an approved I-140 before May 26 (through Premium Processing) and then when EAD for H4 application opens on May 26, I can apply for renewal for EAD so that I will not have a gap time with my employment.


Hello - please call me at 2129688600. RDM

My business merged with another business in 2010.There were crimes committed, I represented my self in court as a plaintiff and settled with...


My business merged with another business in 2010.

There were crimes committed, I represented my self in court as a plaintiff and settled with the defendants.

My business was never a part of the complaint, I was.

My questions is:

Can my company litigate against the defendants, with the same causes of action as the first case, since the company was never a part of the first case and its settlement agreement?


Your question is a little vague and more facts would be needed to give you a definitive answer. Here is some general information:

Generally, if the business were a corporation or some other "stand alone" entity, it may have the right to bring a separate suit incorporating the same causes of action. The defendants would probably claim that the company is your alter-ego and is therefore estopped from raising the issues again. Whether they succeed depends on the facts and circumstances of your business.

Another consideration is the statute of limitations for the causes of action you wish to bring. It is possible that too much time has passed to bring a complaint for something that happened in 2010.

Also, you say that the company was not part of the settlement agreement, but it is possible that the company's right to sue was waived as part of that agreement. Again, without seeing the agreement and the original pleadings, it would be impossible to answer your question with any certainty.

Before you take any legal action, you should consult with an attorney who practices in the area of law that your case concerns. He/she would be able to review your documents and tell you whether you have a case.

how long do law enforcement have to send you a traffic violation ticket


how long do law enforcement have to send you a traffic violation ticket


Lots of rules to deal with here, but in general, they have up to 180 days to serve you. For more specifics as related to your situation, you need to contact an attorney in person.

What is the benefit of having a trademark registered at the federal level? Will this allow protection over the entire country? Can i registe...


What is the benefit of having a trademark registered at the federal level? Will this allow protection over the entire country? Can i register it at the state level and have protection in other states?


Yes, a federally registered trademark gives you protection in all 50 states, regardless of whether you are doing business in that state. If you only register it at the state level, that only covers that state and uses in any other state will have to rely on common law trademark protections, which are limited.

Robert A. Gurr

Patent Attorney


what is an inactive felony


what is an inactive felony


There is no such thing. You are probably looking on the ndcourts website and it likely means there is a felony warrant.

We purchased a lot from an individual that has gopher tortoises on it. This will cost us about $4000 to $5000 to relocate this endangered sp...


We purchased a lot from an individual that has gopher tortoises on it. This will cost us about $4000 to $5000 to relocate this endangered species. Do we have any recourse regarding seller not disclosing this fact?


You may be able to recoup depending on the contract and disclosure made. Did you inspect the property before buying and see the animals?


The contract you signed controls. You need to have it reviewed by an attorney.

My attorneys postponed my trial 6 months ago and now say bc of a death of someone on the defence side my trial in 2 weeks is off. I don't ha...


My attorneys postponed my trial 6 months ago and now say bc of a death of someone on the defence side my trial in 2 weeks is off. I don't have clear answers to why the 1st was put or how long my trial date will be postponed bc of this death. I'm frustrated and don't know what to do. I can not get clear ans. from the attorneys.

Accident happened 4 yrs ago- had 7 operations, won disability case, 3 yrs PT. Never been told potential value.

Thank you


There is no such thing as a definite trial date; every trial attorney is at the mercy of the trial jury part and individual judge's rules; witness availabilties; trial counsel schedule, etc., etc.,

Any attorney who provides you with a value to your case should be reprimanded for chicanery.

There are so many variables that bogle the mind. It is only after a reasonable offer has been made on your case that true negotiations begin to take shape. Sometimes, the judge's input will make all the difference. Other times, you will just have to try your case. Be patient, and do not destroy your case by negative input and second guessing your attorney on timing issues.

Monday, June 23, 2014

My ex and I are currently divorcing, and have an appointment for mediation and custody scheduled, beginning in November. We have three child...


My ex and I are currently divorcing, and have an appointment for mediation and custody scheduled, beginning in November. We have three children, 2, 4, and 7. He has kept my son, Nicolas (7) from me for almost 2 months and our younger children Audrianna(4) and Joseph (2) from me for nearly a month. He enrolled our son in a new school, and refused to divulge the information until I filed an order for temporary custody pending a hearing, which was not granted based on the fact that the children were not in any physical danger. He also switched their healthcare provider without my permission, the insurance is under my name he is in no way authorized to make changes. He refuses to return my children to me because I work; stating he does not approve of their grandmother providing childcare and would return them on the weekend, he has not returned them at all; for reasons such as I did not provide him with my schedule, they do not want to come home, etc. He has not shown a consistent interest in our children until the beginning of this year, and I have always been their primary parent. I am devastated. I am fearful that his actions will permanently damage my relationship with my children. Does this fall under a violation of the CA penal code for deprivation of custody? Or any other for that matter? What can be done on my part?


When a parent starts playing games like this, it is a huge mistake to continue to be self-represented. You need a lawyer.


Mr. McCormick's advice is right on point. You need the advice of an experienced family law attorney in your area. You need to beg and borrow the money to hire such an attorney.

HiMy case 290. B -212(a)(6)(c)(i) I was apply to (AAO) office in October 2014Before my 1-140 was approved but I deinal 601 viewer that's I w...



My case 290. B -212(a)(6)(c)(i)

I was apply to (AAO) office in October 2014

Before my 1-140 was approved but I deinal 601 viewer that's I was apply 290. B

Today I have checked my case stats

Case transferred another office for proeessing and send you notice. Mean?


Hello - please call me at 2129688600. Kind regards, RDM


You need the assistance of a competent immigration that can provide with the personal attention you need and near you.

Contact our office for a no-obligation consultation with an attorney near you (Anaheim, CA) at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

I am currently employed Full time at Joann Fabrics. I have been for several months. I am sic months pregnant and have been having a difficul...


I am currently employed Full time at Joann Fabrics. I have been for several months. I am sic months pregnant and have been having a difficult pregnancy that has resulted in 7 trips to the ER for dehydration and anemia.. My store is changing locations on Feb 1st, and my boss just informed me that i will be bumped down to part time as of that date, therefore losing my health coverage 6 weeks before my due date. All of my ER trips are documented. They are claiming that I am unreliable.. while I suspect that this is just their way of cutting health coverage for me and my baby before i went on Maternity leave. Is it legal to punish me for being legitimately ill?


It may well be a violation of a few laws. Contact me to discuss further. Tim Klisz

Can my daughters father and grandmother keep information from me regaurding counseling names and numbers and scheduled app.


Can my daughters father and grandmother keep information from me regaurding counseling names and numbers and scheduled app.


Under most circumstances the court will order that you receive that information.


A careful review of your existing parenting orders is required. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to assess your situation.

If a wife is a borrower on a mortgage loan and the husband the co-borrower who owns the property and whose name will appear on the title whe...


If a wife is a borrower on a mortgage loan and the husband the co-borrower who owns the property and whose name will appear on the title when mortgage loan paid off.


A property bought by a married couple during the marriage is owned by the husband and wife as tenants of the rntirety. Paying of the mortgage doesn't change the title. A certigficate of satisfaction which removes the mortgagre.


Yes ! I reside in apartments been living here for over 3 1/2 years. I have never had a problem with bed bugs till now. So I informed my resi...


Yes ! I reside in apartments been living here for over 3 1/2 years. I have never had a problem with bed bugs till now. So I informed my resident manager, and they informed me that I would have to pay for these services. Do I have to? I am not a nasty person, my apartment is very clean, even though of course it can get junky, and I have boys, but we are very clean people.


You didn't tell us the most important detail -- what does the lease say about pest control services? However, if you google "how bed bugs spread" (yes, lawyers use google a lot) most of the sources say it is brought in by people -- clothing, backpacks, luggage, furniture, etc. It doesn't matter that your apartment and family are clean. The management may stand firm that you or your family or guests brought them in. The most important thing is getting the apartment treated now. Health first, and arguing over money later.

My ex wife and I have been divorced for 3 years. We both moved from WV to Md following the divorce. We started seeing each other and have no...


My ex wife and I have been divorced for 3 years. We both moved from WV to Md following the divorce. We started seeing each other and have not been back to court or requested a transfer. I know in Md child support is much higher than WV. Would I owe her back pay for the last 3 years difference if she went to have it adjusted? Also I have been giving her extra money each month in a check form as well as paying to help out with several things. We are still dating. Thank you.


Maryland law permits retroactive child support only back to the date of filing a motion to change it. Unless and until your ex-wife files a motion to modify child support, you're safe paying what you've already been ordered to pay by the WV court. It's good you're doing the right thing by your child in paying over what you've been ordered to pay, just make sure you keep a careful record of what you've paid.

I have an employee that keeps making the same mistake, she gets paid regular pay, overtime and commission. As an employer, can I deduct the ...


I have an employee that keeps making the same mistake, she gets paid regular pay, overtime and commission. As an employer, can I deduct the money I lost from her last mistake from her commission?


It is hard to say without more details. It is generally not a good idea to take money out of en employee's check without their prior consent. Why not suspend the employee for a day and give their shift to another employee?


In general, employees are not allowed to take money from an employee's earned wages in order to receive compensation for employee errors. The employee may be disciplined for repeated errors, or even terminated, but employer self-help for errors by taking money out of earned wages is almost certainly not permitted.

You may want to speak briefly to an employer-side labor lawyer about this issue. Errors in handling employee pay can lead to real problems.

My grandfather passed in 2009 and was taken to an attorney to have a ailldrawn. At that time he was diagnosed with dimensia and his mental c...


My grandfather passed in 2009 and was taken to an attorney to have a ailldrawn. At that time he was diagnosed with dimensia and his mental capacity was compromised. There was over 200,000 in an account that he had at that time as well as property. In addition there was a deed of gift drawn 3 years after the will. My mother who was his daughter is deceased and in the will it stated that her share was to be divided amount her siblings. In the deed of gift,made3 years later did not deigate her share to her siblings. What should I do?


Is there a valid will or not and if so, where is it or who has it and what are its

most important provisions (aside from its alleged bequest to your deceased mother)?

Without knowing the answers to the foregoing, I don't see how

a reliable opinion could be offered here (in my opinion).

My husband file for divorce and I do not agree with the petition on why he wants a divorce. He also do not want to pay any maintenance and I...


My husband file for divorce and I do not agree with the petition on why he wants a divorce. He also do not want to pay any maintenance and I learned today that the car he gave me for my birthday he took back to the dealer. So now I do not have any transportation or a place to live because he have ban me from our martial home. I have a disability that unable me to work full time and am on disability right now. I want to contest it but what do I ask for.


A lawyer. Seriously this is something you really can not do alone. A contested divorce where you are seeking support is not something you can do alone. Try to find a lawyer in the area where you live.

Is jimmy conner gay?

Is jimmy conner gay?
jimmy conner is gay and that's a fact

Who is madame butterfly's lover?

Who is madame butterfly's lover?
Madam Butterfly's lover is B. F. Pinkerton. Pinkerton is a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy

My Doctor said I needed surgery. I signed paperwork. The surgery scheduler never submitted a claim to my insurance company, but she lied and...


My Doctor said I needed surgery. I signed paperwork. The surgery scheduler never submitted a claim to my insurance company, but she lied and said it had been denied. what should I do about this. It was in a lot of pain, and needed this surgery, I called my insurance company myself and they said there was no authorization needed for this surgery.


Unfortunately, failing to submit a claim alone does not constitute discrimination. You would need to show that this person failed to submit claims of people similar, in some way, to you.

Discrimination involves treating someone different based on their race, age, national origin, gender, disability, religion.

Is there a reason why you believe you were discriminated against?

What was England like in the 1680s?

What was England like in the 1680s?
In the 1680s England was not very different from the images that wesee today from the third world countries. There were no modernschools, hospitals, and infrastructure.

my mom has 4 rental houses and has put all the deeds in my brothers name under a life will to keep it out of probate and taxes is that legale


my mom has 4 rental houses and has put all the deeds in my brothers name under a life will to keep it out of probate and taxes is that legale


Yes it is legal. All property would pass to the remainderman, your brother, when the life estate holder passes away.

I'm currently an academic H1B holder. I'm wondering if I can work for a company based on my university's arrangement with this new company (...


I'm currently an academic H1B holder. I'm wondering if I can work for a company based on my university's arrangement with this new company (which is branching off from the university) while also receive stock options? In the meantime, the company will apply for the quota-based H1B visa for me. Would this arrangement work? How will this affect my future green card application?


Your H-1B is for specific employment with a specific employer. There are instances wherein you would not need a new petition to work with the new employer if there is a corporate merger, acquisition, or reorganization. We would need more information to give a definitive answer.

Vincent Martin

[email protected]/* */

Is it better to make accounts joint or have beneficiaries? Which would pay more taxes?


Is it better to make accounts joint or have beneficiaries? Which would pay more taxes?


That's not really the question.

Joint bank accounts are a great way to have a non-probate asset. But there are some other considerations - does any of the joint account holders get Social Security? Does one of the other joint account holders owe debts? If so, then having a joint account may not be the way to go.

Other than the person who now owns the account, how many beneficiaries would there be? Does the person who owns the account want to essentially make a gift of the account to one person?

Example: A has a bank account. A adds her daughter, B, to the account. A has 4 kids including B (B, C, D & E).

When A dies, all of the money in the account will go to B and C, D & E will not be entitled to the money. Is this what A wants? Also, B is not obligated to use any money inherited from A for any of A's final expenses - burial/funeral etc. Again, is this what A wants?

What other assets besides a bank account does A have? How many children/beneficiaries does A have? How does A want to leave her estate? Is A married at all?

I don't expect you to answer these questions. However, I pose them to make you realize that what you ask is not so simple a question and that there are many other factors which have to be considered other than simple taxation. PA has an inheritance tax which applies to all transfers of property made within a year of death and tax rates vary depending on the relationship of the beneficiary to the deceased. While I get that nobody likes paying taxes, the taxes will be a small part of the picture unless there is hundreds of thousands of dollars sitting in the bank (in which case - I would wonder why! A bank is not the best place to stash vast sums of wealth). So adding someone to an account and then having the primary account holder die may not necessarily be a tax avoidance technique.

A person needs to sit down with an experienced estate planning attorney to discuss and review all of their assets and goals and then come up with a plan for handling the estate and seeing to it that there is an orderly transfer of assets.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I received a seatbelt as the passenger in my brothers vehicle while visiting from out of state (we both were wearing our belts). My brother ...


I received a seatbelt as the passenger in my brothers vehicle while visiting from out of state (we both were wearing our belts). My brother went to court and the case was dismissed, I wasn't able to mage the court date. Now I keep getting letters from credit retrieval companies for the ticket. What do I do?


It sounds like you let the 30 day opportunity to pay it passed you by. You need to pay this off or else interest will keep accruing and your license will be suspended, if it isn't already.

a man name Philip Thomas called me from Monroe and Foster being very aggressive and saying that I had until 12:00 tonight to pay them $696 ...


a man name Philip Thomas called me from Monroe and Foster being very aggressive and saying that I had until 12:00 tonight to pay them $696 for a past due acct from 7-8 years ago. "If I didn't pay by midnight there would be a warrant issued for my arrest and I would be prosecuted for felony theft. And at my age could ruin my life." I was scared and didn't want to go to jail so I paid it. Now after doing research I am pretty sure it's a scam. I called my bank and cancelled my card and they said I have to open an investigation. What are the chances of me getting my money back? What do I do next?


I am sorry that you were subjected to such scare tactics and even sorrier that you believed the caller. For future reference, bill collectors are prohibited from using these tactics, or threatening a debtor with arrest or jail. Nobody can be arrested for a debt, and neither can they go to jail for a debt.

Nobody can give you odds on whether or not you will get your money back because you do not state how long ago this happened. You will have to call your credit card company and report this to the "Fraud Unit", not to dispute the debt.

You should also try to find out in what State the law firm is located, then report them to their State Attorney Disciplinary Board because what they are doing is contrary to law.

Kindest regards,


Can I serve as executor of my mothers estate in New Jersey if I live out of state?


Can I serve as executor of my mothers estate in New Jersey if I live out of state?


Yes. Where you live does not affect your eligibility to serve as executor.

Do I have to respond to an Indiana attorney general civil investigative demand if I live in Iowa and as an individual not a business?


Do I have to respond to an Indiana attorney general civil investigative demand if I live in Iowa and as an individual not a business?


It depends on the syubject matter and it is a job for an Indiana attorney to render an opinion.

As a partner in a company what rites do i have to see and have a copy of company finances


As a partner in a company what rites do i have to see and have a copy of company finances


What kind of entity is it? If it is a corporation or LLC, you should have an absolute right to see the books. If the other owners or shareholders refuse to allow access, you may have to sue and get a court order.

If for example after the janitorial services of a Company X was bid to replace the existing janitorial services after their contract is fini...


If for example after the janitorial services of a Company X was bid to replace the existing janitorial services after their contract is finished, is there a criminal violation if the company x ask the existing janitorial services to lower their existing contract cost as against the lowest bidder to retain their services.

Are those bidders can sue the company


As I understand your question, there nothing illegal about asking the current janitorial service provider to meet or beat the lowest bidder.

What are the release dates for The Daily Habit - 2005 Shane Dorian 1-150?

What are the release dates for The Daily Habit - 2005 Shane Dorian 1-150?
The Daily Habit - 2005 Shane Dorian 1-150 was released on:

USA: 28 April 2006

I signed a book contract they are doing a horrible job I would like to break and take back contracts


I signed a book contract they are doing a horrible job I would like to break and take back contracts


Without reviewing your contract and discussing the situation with you, it would be impossible to offer any suggestions. Take your contract to an intellectual property attorney in your area.

I have a J2 visa with 2 years Home residency requirement valid till Aug 2015. I also have a B1/B2 visa valid till 2018. Can I reneter USA on...


I have a J2 visa with 2 years Home residency requirement valid till Aug 2015. I also have a B1/B2 visa valid till 2018. Can I reneter USA on a B1/B2 and fulfill 2 years HRR at a later date?


Please call me at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

My friend lost her husband in January and her intended lost his wife six months ago. She is anxious to marry him. She will move into his hom...


My friend lost her husband in January and her intended lost his wife six months ago. She is anxious to marry him. She will move into his home. He does not want her to bring very much of her stuff into the house. He wants her to merge her finances with his. She received her husband's life insurance, his pension and social security. He wants her to sell her 18 acres of land. She is 73 and he is 80. How should she handle her finances and keep from being taken advantage of?


They should sign a prenuptial agreement. This is especially true if either of them has children. They also should not comingle their assets. They should keep their money separate and contribute equally to their living expenses, like food, utilities, etc.

Do all 3 owners of a real estate property need to be listed as sellers on the sales contract if the property is being sold to one of the own...


Do all 3 owners of a real estate property need to be listed as sellers on the sales contract if the property is being sold to one of the owners? Or does the sales contract list only the 2 original owners selling the property and the remaining original owner as the buyer? Is the sales price listed on the contract the price for the entire property or only for the partial amount (i.e.: Value of property $100, amount shown on sales contract $66 (2/3 * $100))?




You should hire an attorney to assist with purchase and sale so you get it right the first time

How long after verbal abuse stops can I still file an injunction?


How long after verbal abuse stops can I still file an injunction?


Not sure what you mean by "file an injunction." If you mean you wish to go to the Family Court in your area and file a family offense petition and secure an order of protection, there is no hard and fast deadline for time after the abuse stops, but common sense dictates that if a lot of time passes, you have no good reason to feel threatened and thus will have a hard time justifying your request for an order of protection. You should also be aware that not all "verbal abuse" would constitute a family offense under law.

i need to know an estate grandma has passed away and her estate is passed down to the, she has accrued 8...


i need to know an estate grandma has passed away and her estate is passed down to the, she has accrued 81,000 worth of debt through the state of selling her house and a lot of the proceeds are paying her and my fathers debt who has also passed away....there wont be enough money from the proceeds to cover the debt accrued by the state of oregon.....are they able to come after my own self and monies if this debt isnt satisfied....


The only way that the creditor could come after you is if you owed them money. For example if you guaranteed your grandmother's debt.

It is a good idea to retain an attorney to make sure that everything is done correctly so you don't do anything that would make you responsible for paying your grandmother's debts.

What is the longest time Gerard way has gon with out a shower on tour?

What is the longest time Gerard way has gon with out a shower on tour?
I think in an interview he said about 2 weeks.

me and my children's father are no longer together since July of 2012. since then we have been through court many times due to, harassment, ...


me and my children's father are no longer together since July of 2012. since then we have been through court many times due to, harassment, custodial, and domestic related issues. at this current time we have joint custody of our children at the same time i am listed by judge primary care giver of our 2 kids. Today I appeared in court to modify parent agreement which is continued until next month because I needed to obtain legal consultation. the kids father has tired everything in his power to prevent himself from paying child support by requesting DNA which he still has not done since 2012 in which my child support case was suspended based off this allegation. yet in still he has not presented himself for such test which was not ordered by a judge. To furthermore keep himself from paying anything he has filed and been approved by SSI to receive funds for his imaginary disabilities. also during court he made remarks about my new male friend as far as him not wanting someone else raise his kids, in which now the judge has ordered my male friend to be present on the next court date. Now to my question, does he have the right to request my new male friend to be present in court for our custodial hearing ? my next question is how do I go about pursuing child support payments ? my last question would be what is this best legal advice for me andor what action should i take to avoid being constantly requested to appear in court for these matter ?


Does he have the right to request my new male friend to be present in court for our custodial hearing ?

If by 'he' you mean your ex then no. If by 'he' you mean the Judge then yes.

My next question is how do I go about pursuing child support payments ?

Easy - go to your local child support enforcement office and follow up frequently (the squeaky wheel gets the grease baby)

My last question would be what is this best legal advice for me andor what action should i take to avoid being constantly requested to appear in court for these matter ?

I'm not saying you are but the most common answer to this question is quit being a petty hater (aka a jerk). The second most common answer is to bite the bullet and hire an attorney to aggressively put your ex in his place.

My boyfriend has recently committed a battery, I was curious as to what exactly the statute of limitations would be for the victim to pursue...


My boyfriend has recently committed a battery, I was curious as to what exactly the statute of limitations would be for the victim to pursue charges?


It's not up to the victim to file charges. A misdemeanor battery has a 2-year statute of limitations, so the state has that long to bring charges. If you are the victim of a battery, then your first step is to contact the police to make a report. If it is within that 2 years then the state will decide whether to file charges.

I purchased a vehicle with cash from a dealership on May 6th. The vehicle died and I purchased a new battery on May 13th. On May 15th the ve...


I purchased a vehicle with cash from a dealership on May 6th. The vehicle died and I purchased a new battery on May 13th. On May 15th the vehicle was no longer drivable. I had it repaired at a reputable business today. They replaced the alternator and several belts at the cost of $579.22. No where in my paperwork does it state that I purchased the vehicle as is but that is what I was told at the time of purchase. Do I have any options to pursue the dealer in this matter for reimbursement or return of the vehicle?


The dealer was obligated to file an RD-108, Application for Title within 15 days of the sale. That document, a copy of which you are required to have been provided, will tell the details of the warranty, if any. Also, there should have been a Buyer's Guide, mandated by the Federal Trade Commission on the vehicle where it was advertised. That document is usually taped to a window or attached to the review mirror inside the car and tells the consumer whether a warranty is being offered or not. Most used car dealers do not offer warranties. Some will and some offer service contracts as well which are slightly different but in many ways the same as a warranty. The Application for Title also itemizes the amounts paid for any extra services (such as a warranty or service contract) that is being provided.

i'm USA citizen and i filed for my sister and my mom is green card holder. if i want to transfer my filed to mu mom. i can do that? because ...


i'm USA citizen and i filed for my sister and my mom is green card holder. if i want to transfer my filed to mu mom. i can do that? because some one told me that its faster if my mom filed for her. she is single 36 yrs.


You cannot "transfer" an I-130 petition. However, your mother could also file an I-130 petition for your sister, as long as your sister remains single.

2 years ago I hired a local construction company to repair my house after a hail storm. The repair contract Included repairing the roof, sid...


2 years ago I hired a local construction company to repair my house after a hail storm. The repair contract Included repairing the roof, siding and windows. They declared the payment amount for "insurance proceeds" which I was happy to pay them. After they finished the siding and roof I was unable to contact the company for 6 months. (I was not in a rush since the roof was fixed already) They did not seek payment or return any of my calls. After many months they are now seeking payment and are refusing to fix the windows. They are stating the "insurance proceeds" initially agreed upon does not provide them with enough payment to finish the windows. They are now suing me for the balance of work performed with a small $200 credit for their unwillingness to complete the windows.

I only want the company to finish the job. I am more than willing to pay once it is complete. Can they legally sue and win if they haven't completed or are unwilling to complete the job? It will cost me a lot more to finish the job since I have to hire another company. Thank you


If you have been sued, you probably should contact us to take a look at the legal paperwork right away. You only have 20 days to file an answer or the construction company will take a default against you. We would need to see a copy of the contract to determine whether Title 32 allows you to sue the contractor, make a construction claim with the governing agency for contractors and proceed against the contractors recovery fund. There is a 2 year cut off date on ROC claims... so you are in a bit of a time crunch. Call Stephanie Coulter of this office at 602 462 1004 to make arrangements to talk to me about this matter.

If a person flees The state of iowa with 2 mistimeters will they be extradyted back?


If a person flees The state of iowa with 2 mistimeters will they be extradyted back?


It depends upon whether the court has issued a nationwide arrest warrant and then upon whether the state is willing to pay for the costs of bringing the individual back to Iowa.

Is there an exemption for front license plate requirements in Texas?

Is there an exemption for front license plate requirements in Texas?
No. you have to have them both on the car or truck.

We filed Chapter 7 two years ago. We have since been paying our first mortgage. We have just been notified that our mortgage has been purcha...


We filed Chapter 7 two years ago. We have since been paying our first mortgage. We have just been notified that our mortgage has been purchased by a third party. Technically they don't have a mortgage to sell, do they?


Yes, they still have a lien on the property and if you do not pay the mortgage they can foreclose. The debt has been discharged as to you, not as to the property.

In MN Who governs MN Stat. 609.26Law Enforcement won't arrest for violation Of this stat.


In MN Who governs MN Stat. 609.26

Law Enforcement won't arrest for violation

Of this stat.


Police officers are peace officers. In other words, an important role of our law enforcement is to be makers of peace and keepers of the peace. Peace officers sometimes suggest persons involved in family law sorts of conflicts turn to the civil court. Whatever your personal issue, I suggest you confer privately at the time with an experienced and reputable family law and possibly criminal defense attorney. A very small subset of us practice both sorts of law. Tricia Dwyer Esq phone 612-296-9666, Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC, Minnesota Family Law Attorneys, Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorneys, 7 days for emergencies, til 6 pm daily.

My son was injured in a motorcycle accident in August. The man that hit him was cited for failure to yield the right of way causing serious ...


My son was injured in a motorcycle accident in August. The man that hit him was cited for failure to yield the right of way causing serious bodily injury and was taken to jail for suspended/expired drivers license. Later we found out the car he was driving belonged to his sister and was not insured. My son almost died, he had to be flown to the trauma center and had emergency surgery to control the bleeding. He has a long list of injuries. He has had multiple surgeries, spent a month in the hospital and is having more surgery this month. This happened five days after his 31st birthday. He has two rods, two plates and twenty seven screws holding him together. The only part of his body that did not have a broken bone was his left leg and is still in severe pain.

We are being told that since there was no insurance on the car and this is Texas there is nothing we can do. This guy deserves more than a $200. ticket.

Do we have any options?


Due to homestead laws, its hard to collect a judgment against the average individual who has no insurance. He would have to have substantial cash or assets to collect against, otherwise he may very well file bankruptcy and render any personal judgment worthless. Odds are, if he had money to protect, he would have been insured.

You should check to see if your son had any under insured motorist policies that covered him. Sometimes an under insured policy on another vehicle from the same household will provide coverage.

If there is no insurance coverage available, you will have a problem. Personal injury attorneys who work on a contingency fee are not likely to take a case where there is no coverage nor assets to collect against. Its just not a good investment of time or money when there is no realistic expectation of getting it back.

You could hire an attorney by the hour to pursue a judgment. But, if there is no expectation of recovery it wouldn't make alot of sense to spend that kind of money just to mess up someones credit.

Obviously, there are exceptions to every rule and I have not seen the file. You should have at least two attorneys look at the file and check to see if there is any insurance or assets to go after.

how much notice do you have to give your employer if you are resigning


how much notice do you have to give your employer if you are resigning


None is required by law but proper courtesy and to get a decent reference you should give two to three weeks depending on the type of business.

How do you start a game when error is coming?

How do you start a game when error is coming?
you can't. there is an error.

If you inherit unimproved property in a will jointly with a sibling and the sibling dies 5 years later, does the property become solely your...


If you inherit unimproved property in a will jointly with a sibling and the sibling dies 5 years later, does the property become solely yours or can the deceased sibling in turn will their half to another person?


It depends on how you and the sibling owned the property. Even though you inherited it, you could have made a new deed making you joint tenants with right of survivorship. If you did thism then the land would solely belong to you.

If you never got a new deed made and you and the sibling inherited, it was as tenants in common. That means if your sibling died, his/her share would pass to his/her estate and be distributed as per the siblings's will, if any, or via the intestacy laws of the state where the sibling lived at the time of his/her death.

If the latter situation applies and you want the land, then you will have to buy out the share of the beneficiary/heir of your deceased sibling.

See an experienced probate/real estate attorney to assist you. Ideally, you will need a real estate attorney where the land is located as that is the attorney who will have to prepare a new deed.

The lender is challenging the value of real property as part of opposition to a Motion to Avoid Lien under Section 506. The lender wants acc...


The lender is challenging the value of real property as part of opposition to a Motion to Avoid Lien under Section 506. The lender wants access to the property to do an appraisal. Is the debtor required to give access?

I want to sue my bank


I want to sue my bank


I need some info on why? That way I can assess your situation better



I am involved in the most bizarre lawsuit I can imagine. I am being sued for something that I have offered to give the other side, in exactl...

Why do people love usher?

Why do people love usher?
Because they love his music and hes on the top of the pop charts!

i filed for a divorice in 2006 but i guess it wasent finished ? how do i know if im divorced or not


i filed for a divorice in 2006 but i guess it wasent finished ? how do i know if im divorced or not


If you are interested in having an in-office consultation with a family law attorney that can assist you with your particular matter, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at


You can check with the clerk's office.

I am my sewerage company (township supervisors) 750.00. I am disabled and finally qualified for medicare and cheap insurance. I told them I ...


I am my sewerage company (township supervisors) 750.00. I am disabled and finally qualified for medicare and cheap insurance. I told them I could now start paying on the past due bill, but they said they WILL NOT accept payments. That they will now shut my water off or put a lien against my property. Do I have any rights? I am living on disability. I already had paid them 140 but the bill they sent me says 856 and does not reflect my payments. I never received my money orders back.


Get a lawyer to intercede for you - try PA legal aid if you qualify. I don't understand why something cannot be worked out. Also, what grants, if any, might be available from the municipality - they have them for electric and gas so maybe there is for water/sewage for low income people. Failing that, sometimes churches or other charities will provide assistance up to a certain amount. Any amount here will help you. Good luck.

I have one property in Florida and I hold a balloon mortgage on a property in Florida but I live and work in Colorado. Do I need to have thi...


I have one property in Florida and I hold a balloon mortgage on a property in Florida but I live and work in Colorado. Do I need to have this will checked by a Colorado attorney?


Yes, and a potentially larger concern is a two state probate issue. Have this reviewed by a lawyer in Colorado who specializes in estate planning.

we moved into our present home last May 2014. the house was built in 2007. until 5 months ago there were empty lots on either side of the ho...


we moved into our present home last May 2014. the house was built in 2007. until 5 months ago there were empty lots on either side of the house. Sept. saw the start of one house then Jan. saw the start of the second house. the second house is the problem. we have been informed our propane tank (which was put in when the house was built) and the sprinkler system (also put in when the house was built) are over the property line. the propane tank is 12-16 inches over the line (depending on it's width (it is buried beneath the ground) and the sprinklers are right on the line----which the builder has already buried with dirt from the excavation. do we have to move the propane tank and/or sprinklers?? if so who pays? us, the realtors who sold us the house and led us to believe that the tank and sprinklers were on our property, or the builder? since the house is 8 years old does that enter into the matter?? the house has been occupied since it was built by different owners.


You pay. Had you checked out a survey at the time of sale this was avoidable.


Your house, so the 1st option for paying is you. You don't rely on real estate agents to determine property lines or the location of underground utilities, sprinklers, tanks, etc. -- even if they were your agent. The seller's agent has no duty to you at all. Did you inspect the sprinkler heads? How do you know the builder even installed them? Are they even still around? What about your sellers? Can you prove anyone intentionally misled you? These are just a few of the questions that would come up in a very expensive court case. Bottom line - your house, your problem.

I have a collection agency saying they will have papers delivered to appear in court if I don't pay them in full today. I don't have the mon...


I have a collection agency saying they will have papers delivered to appear in court if I don't pay them in full today. I don't have the money. Do I have to appear in court or will the court just judge against me? Or will I have a warrant against me? Thanks


Before you have to appear in court, a lawsuit has to be filed. After it has been filed, you must be served with a Summons and Complaint before the Court has jurisdiction over you, unless you voluntarily submit yourself to the Court's jurisdiction by filing an Appearance form even though you have not been served with the Summons and Complaint. No warrants are issued in civil court unless the court orders you to appear and you fail to appear.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

My son is a single dad of a 3 year old boy. I will be taking care of my grandson for a extended period of time. What kind of legal papers sh...


My son is a single dad of a 3 year old boy. I will be taking care of my grandson for a extended period of time. What kind of legal papers should I have?


Temporary Delegation of Parental Authority

ORS 109.056


I work at a u.s. Government owned facility that is ran by a private contractor. Safety concerns are everywhere. I will briefly describe the ...


I work at a u.s. Government owned facility that is ran by a private contractor. Safety concerns are everywhere. I will briefly describe the big ones.

==I was assigned to an area working directly with lead. I was not given a baseline lead test and am not being monitored for lead levels. Lead dust is all over the floor. Our restrooms are occasionally out of hand cleaner, once for over a week.

==condition of the factory is horrible. There are potholes in the floors that I trip over daily. Guarding is broken on machines. Wheels are falling off of transport containers used on the production floor. We have to push these with missing wheels.

==preventitative maintenance is either nonexistent or forged/ pencil whipped. I used a drum caddy the other day whose inspection due tag was three years overdue.

I could go on and on with examples, but my question is this: being a government facility, are they exempt from OSHA standards? Is there a legal liability case against the contractor?


Based upon the conditions you described, there may well be violations. You should report the lead exposure practices to the governmental agency that contracts with your employer (for example; dept.of interior, dept of defense, etc.) They may be able to investigate the possible contract breaches. In the mean time stop exposing yourself to the lead. Us any job worth risking your healrh? Since your employer is not actually a governmental entity, they are probably subject to OSHA regulations.

If you get sick or injured, you may petsonally have a claim. But, you did not describe being injured or harmed by the conditions you see. Being dusfysted or appalled is nit usually recoverable, unless you have psychiatric treatment records to substantiate your being injured by the poor working conditions.

Good luck

I was involved in an accident and I was at-fault. I was given a traffic citation for failure to yield. But in Georgia, most of the traffic v...


I was involved in an accident and I was at-fault. I was given a traffic citation for failure to yield. But in Georgia, most of the traffic violations are dealt in criminal court, so my case ended up being a "traffic misdemeanor". I was not arrested nor fingerprinted. There was no bodily injury in the accident, only property damage. I ended up paying the fine of $86 online (didn't even go to court).

I was too naive that time. I should have hired a lawyer to fight the ticket. But because I thought it was just $86 fine and I needed to drive 80 miles away during school days, I simply pleaded guilty and paid the fine!

I was wondering, if I should answer "yes" to this questions on I-485: "Have you ever been arrested, cited, charged, indicated, convicted, fined or imprisoned for violating any laws or ordinances, excluding traffic violations?"

I was confused because it says "excludes traffic violation", but my case was categorized as "traffic misdemeanor".

And if I should say yes, will this affect the approval of AOS? will it create any other trouble in terms of immigration?

Thank all of you in advance!


Hello - your complicated question requires a complicated answer. Please call me at (212) 968-8600 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM


It most likely is a traffic issue and doesn't have to be included on the AoS, however, my general advice to people in your situation is hire legal counsel to assist you in the preparation and submission of your AoS case and attend the interview with you. You're so close, why risk the chance of denial and try and do it on your own.

How much is the new 2009 Camero going to cost?

How much is the new 2009 Camero going to cost?
How much does a 2009 / 2010 Camero SS cost

Hi, I live in New York. My father and his wife lived in Florida. They had no children together. I am my father's only child and my father's ...


Hi, I live in New York. My father and his wife lived in Florida. They had no children together. I am my father's only child and my father's wife had no children. My father passed away in 2004 and his wife in September 2014. I have been informed that I was named in my father's wife revocable trust. I am writing today to ask if I am entitled to a copy of the trust and if so, can I request it and how long should it take to receive? Thank you.


Yes you are entitled to know the terms of the trust if you are a beneficiary. You should request that information in writing from the attorney for you father. It can take 30 days or so. If you don't get it in that time, I would follow up with another letter, certified. If no response thereafter, than hire an attorney to follow up for you.

What does skitta-marink-a-dink-a-dink mean?

What does skitta-marink-a-dink-a-dink mean?
Skitta-marink-a-dink-a-dink doesn't mean
anything. It is just a made up word/phrase to go
with the song so deal with it!

What happened in the news on April 29 1970?

What happened in the news on April 29 1970?
Nixon left office

How do you win at pinball?

How do you win at pinball?
anyone who listens...

My nephew is wanting to give me gudarianship of his 13 year old son. The mother of the child is in prison. Do we have to inform her or get h...


My nephew is wanting to give me gudarianship of his 13 year old son. The mother of the child is in prison. Do we have to inform her or get her sign off?


File and then serve her

I rent a cabin in Florida and have never been late on paying rent. Recently I was told by the"caretaker" that I have to move out by the firs...


I rent a cabin in Florida and have never been late on paying rent. Recently I was told by the"caretaker" that I have to move out by the first of June because he promised his daughter 2 years ago that she could rent the cabin whenever she was ready to. This was never disclosed to me at any time. I do not want to move and I certainly can't afford to move. There is no lease and I pay the rent to the"caretaker" by cash. Do I have a legal right to refuse to move?


Your lease can be terminated on appropriate statutory notice. If you pay monthly, you can be given 15 days notice to vacate.

When a client has signed an agreement that all her medical bills would be pay for can a lawyer make her pay out of her settlement?


When a client has signed an agreement that all her medical bills would be pay for can a lawyer make her pay out of her settlement?


That is typically how it works. Defendants typically pay a lump sum to the plaintiff's attorney. The plaintiff's attorney will then pay the medical bills, legal fees & costs, with the balance to the plaintiff.

Most developed state in India?

Most developed state in India?

My girlfriend's niece Trisha has lived with us since she was 4 months old, she is now 7 1/2. My girlfriend gained guardian ship of her 5 yea...


My girlfriend's niece Trisha has lived with us since she was 4 months old, she is now 7 1/2. My girlfriend gained guardian ship of her 5 years ago and has recently moved out about a month ago. What could I do to get my name on the guardian ship so I could have rights to see Trisha? Missouri


It is uncommon, but you could file a Motion to establish a visitation schedule. You may be able to file it to n the probate court that oversees the Guardianship. That could save you money over starting a new case in the circuit court.

Good luck