Friday, January 31, 2014

My husband fraudulently conveyed property that I had purchased into his company's name. I am going through a divorce now, and just found thi...


My husband fraudulently conveyed property that I had purchased into his company's name. I am going through a divorce now, and just found this out for sure. What is my best remedy.


Since you are in a divorce, you need to ask your lawyer. If you don't have one, you desperately need one. Otherwise, we don't know what he did or how he did it.

What is the average rate a money market account makes?

What is the average rate a money market account makes?

How do you address multiple recipients in a business letter?

How do you address multiple recipients in a business letter?
Fred Josephs
Vice President
Big Widget Company
1234 Little St., Third floor
Skokie, IL 60606

Joe Fredericks
Mailroom Coordinator
Little Trinket Corp.
4321 Medium St., Third floor
Skokie, IL 60606

Dear Fred and Joe, [or Dear Mr. Josephs and Mr. Fredericks:]

Which group of people supported free market ideas of Adam Smith?

Which group of people supported free market ideas of Adam Smith?
When Adam Smith published his work "Wealth Of Nations" in 1776 it was revolutionary. Opponents of new economic ideas that Smith presented were outraged. Smith's work was the beginning of modern classical economics. He advocated economic liberalism to replace the economies of the day, namely Mercantilism.
Smith condemned unwarranted State control and monopoly and argued for competition, private enterprise, and free trade, as the best method for producing wealth and prosperity.
Smith's supporters were peoples who saw the evils of Mercantilism which was the economic system supporting imperialism and colonialism.
His supporters were people who disliked government's control of economies.
This group included businessmen and free thinkers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

If I make a motion for reconsideration, and it is denied, how long do I have to appeal the judge's ORIGINAL order that was made prior to the...


If I make a motion for reconsideration, and it is denied, how long do I have to appeal the judge's ORIGINAL order that was made prior to the motion for reconsideration?


Look at California Rules of Court, rule 8.108. There is a similar rule if it is a limited civil case, which is rule 8.823. You do not specify the underlying case or facts at all. Law and rules do not exist in a vacuum.

What are the release dates for The Cinema Snob - 2007 Bloodsucking Freaks 2-12?

What are the release dates for The Cinema Snob - 2007 Bloodsucking Freaks 2-12?
The Cinema Snob - 2007 Bloodsucking Freaks 2-12 was released on:

USA: 2 April 2010

What happens when you finish a job and they pay you and then 10 months down the road they are told by other contractors that the work needs to be done again even though there is nothing wrong with it?

What happens when you finish a job and they pay you and then 10 months down the road they are told by other contractors that the work needs to be done again even though there is nothing wrong with it?
This depends on if you guaranteed or gave a warranty for your work.You can't do anything about another contractor trying to takeadvantage of someone. You could report them to the better businessbureau or similar agency. If you guaranteed the work, you will needto fix it.

Is a signed Letter of Understanding and Retainer Agreement for the purpose of getting information from a company desiring to do engineering,...


Is a signed Letter of Understanding and Retainer Agreement for the purpose of getting information from a company desiring to do engineering, construction management, etc. considered a contract? This was to provide costs estimates, time lines, and required materials, etc. so that a proposal could be written for a future contract.

The actual proposal to do this work, if the contract was awarded was not signed.


Without reviewing the specific language of this document in its totality, I couldn't

venture an opinion on the matter.

2000 Honda civic check engine light?

2000 Honda civic check engine light?
Check the OXYGEN SENSORDo it yourself: $70.00Professional: $220.00Difficulty: Beginner

Is anyone from crossroads in Thomasville online?

Is anyone from crossroads in Thomasville online?
No they are not.

What is CAPA Certified?

What is CAPA Certified?
CAPA stands for Certified Automotive Parts Association. The following is an excerpt from their website:"The Certified Automotive Parts Association is a non-profit organization that certifies the quality of automotive parts used for collision repairs. CAPA oversees a testing and inspection program that certifies the quality of automotive parts used for collision repairs. CAPA ensures that parts meet quality standards for fit, component materials, and corrosion resistance."See for more information.

Is it fun to be naked outside?

Is it fun to be naked outside?
i guess if u enjoy being naked outside, than yes

How many icarly dvds are out there?

How many icarly dvds are out there?

How do you find out the year an apartment complex was built?

How do you find out the year an apartment complex was built?
You can check the tax office or ask a realtor to look up the tax records to see if it shows when the complex was built. Most of the time the tax records show it.

what, if any legal recourse do i have in the state of New York if i was in a 12 yr. domestic situation as roommates which the other party no...


what, if any legal recourse do i have in the state of New York if i was in a 12 yr. domestic situation as roommates which the other party not only walked out and left me holding the bag for everything financially. The bills in both our names,back debt,etc.. I was also physically injured as a direct and possibly intentional result of his actions. The person is on probation and drinking heavily. this person also has at least a 10yr. history of sexual compulsions and predatory behavior of poaching older women in difficult situations, and who must also have young girls in the home.I do have texts,witnesses,pictures,and some records that will show i am accurate in these statements.I am also disabled and have no idea if i even have any recourse or what my rights are or where to begin?


Hello - please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll-free at (800) 750-1828.Kind regards, RDM

Seat belt extender for 1997 range rover 4.6 hse?

Seat belt extender for 1997 range rover 4.6 hse?
at land rover shop

Monday, January 27, 2014

My husband and I are going through a custody battle in which temporay orders were passed in December. The orders are that we get my husband'...


My husband and I are going through a custody battle in which temporay orders were passed in December. The orders are that we get my husband's son (who is seven) on the 1st 3rd and 5th weekend of the month and that extends to a monday on legal holidays. The ex-girlfriend was originally going for one weekend a month. She does everything she possibly can to make sure that we get as little time with my husband's son (Jay) as possible. Every weekends that Jay has been with us since the orders were passed, she has tried to change the plans by wanting to pick him up a day early or by falsely stating that he is sick. She calls and calls him and brings the poor kid to tears nearly everytime she calls because she cries and says things like he doesn't love her and says that we are keeping him from his mother. She makes him believe he's going to be in trouble because he doesn't want to go back before he is supposed to. She even sent him with a cell phone that she said he had to have with him at all times so she can keep tabs on him. She calls and interrogates him in spanish so we cannot understand what shes asking him and saying against us. Jay tells us bits and pieces of what was said and she asks where he is, what he's doing, who he's with and if I'm with him. she tells him to stay away from me and she doesn't want him getting close to me. My husband and I told him that he needs to speak in english when he talks to her, one cuz it's rude, and two he ends up in tears, therefore we need to know what is going on and what is being said to him to upset him so much. She told him that we are discriminating against him and we are not allowed to tell him that. I would think that our rules apply in our own house not her rules, right? I mean, this can't be allowed, for her to keep harrassing him like this and ruin his whole weekend (which is what she is trying to do) can it?


Your husband is obliged to follow the orders. It's up to him to decide whether or not to grant the mother's requests that are outside the scope of the orders.

Your husband has control over whether or not he gives Jay back to his mother earlier than the court order requires. If your husband is capable of looking after Jay when he is sick then he should insist on doing so.

Some orders give definite times and conditions under which telephone contact will ocurr. Such an order is probably appropriate in your case and he should ask for one the next time he is in court on custody and visitation issues. If there is no order regarding telephone contact - your husband has complete control of how much telephone contact there is when Jay is in his custody and the mother has complete control of how much telephone contact there is when Jay is in her custody. The expectation is that both parties will be reasonable.

Requiring a child to keep a cell phone so that he can be tracked when in the other parents custody, would not be ordered by the court, as it is getting pretty close to stalking.

It does not make any difference what language mother and son communicate in, the court if asked, would rule to allow them privacy when talking on the phone. The same applies when Jay is at her house talking to Dad on the phone.

If I was your husband, I would try to learn Spanish - not to listen in to phone conversations but to be able to share more with his son.

If after attempting to make the current court orders work; the other party is still not complying with the orders, your husband should go back to court asking for more definitive orders and anything else that he would like to change about the current orders.

If you have signed a contract with a contractor, can they come back and change the price because "the cost of shingles has gone up"?


If you have signed a contract with a contractor, can they come back and change the price because "the cost of shingles has gone up"?



What part of the nervous system would be immediately activated if you were attacked?

What part of the nervous system would be immediately activated if you were attacked?

I'm In infancy of divorce. Provided evidence to judge that husband transferred a million dollars in hidden assets to his brother. Judge said...


I'm In infancy of divorce. Provided evidence to judge that husband transferred a million dollars in hidden assets to his brother. Judge said it was okay because he did it 3 days before I filed for divorce! (Denied without prejudice)

I am sure the money has been 'spent' already. I was married over 30 years!!!What can I do? And can I request a new judge? Please help.


There is law on this subject and a motion to reconsider may be the best option. You really should be discussing this with your lawyer and I am concerned that you are even on this website asking this question. Either you don't have one or you don't trust the one you have. Call me at 1-855-9JEFLAW to discuss further.

Can my employer force me to take a lie detector test. I work as a nurse in a nursing home and recently Fentanyl patches have come up missing.


Can my employer force me to take a lie detector test. I work as a nurse in a nursing home and recently Fentanyl patches have come up missing.


Pennsylvania is an at will state so they could just fire you if you didn't take the test. Could you sue them over that yes, However, it would be an expensive fight.



Type Your Question Here. In the State of Florida, Is it legal to print your own checks at home instead of using a check printing company?


Type Your Question Here. In the State of Florida, Is it legal to print your own checks at home instead of using a check printing company?


yes. There are several types of software that you can use and paper that has the security strips and protections. The setup can take be a little tedious but if you write a lot of checks it can be useful. Some of the software will link up to your accounting software and some accounting software has a check writing function built in.

I recommend you use a color laser printer for best quality.

Lawyer didn't go see defendant in jail because of heart condition where metal detector would cause harm to him. Filed change of plea with co...


Lawyer didn't go see defendant in jail because of heart condition where metal detector would cause harm to him. Filed change of plea with court and made defendant plea instead of go to trial. What can defendant do before sentencing hearing?


You're telling me that a defense attorney used the excuse that the metal detector at the jail would cause harm as the reason they didn't visit their client in jail?

Rubbish. Absolute nonsense.

Yes, jails have metal detectors, but they also have other ways of searching besides the metal detector. People go in with pacemakers, artificial hips... you name it.

This defendant better get a new, competent attorney immediately and look into a motion to withdraw the plea if that's what he wants to do.

I provide medical insurance to my soon to be ex wife through my employer. My question is, when my judgment is final, does her medical insura...


I provide medical insurance to my soon to be ex wife through my employer. My question is, when my judgment is final, does her medical insurance end? Please consider Obama's new insurance law in your answer. Thank you


When the judgment of dissolution is entered she ceases to be your spouse and her medical insurance ceases. She will need to get coverage through Obama Care.

I found out that my husband was cheating. When I confronted him and told him I wanted a divorce, he packed a bag and left in the middle of t...


I found out that my husband was cheating. When I confronted him and told him I wanted a divorce, he packed a bag and left in the middle of the night. I did not find out until late the next evening (via Facebook) that he had boarded a bus for the Hoh Rain Forest in Washington State and did not know when he would return. He has been gone for 5 days. How can I get him off my lease, so he is not able to waltz back in when he feels like if - if he decides to come back. The apartment management requires a written and signed approval from him, that I cannot obtain at this time. Is there any legal recourse I can take to remove him?


If you have decided you want a divorce, you can file for divorce, and request Temporary Orders. It is unlikely that a hearing will be held in less than two weeks - and it will be necessary to have him served. This are issues to discuss with an attorney in a confidential setting, as there may be other factors in the proceeding that you will need to address. Good luck.

I have a hidden camera at my dad's assisted living facility in Minnesota. My dad was sleeping in the other room and the camera caught one of...


I have a hidden camera at my dad's assisted living facility in Minnesota. My dad was sleeping in the other room and the camera caught one of the workers entering the apartment, picking up my dads wallet, looking threw it, then putting it down and not actually taking any money(Probably because there wasn't much in there). Is this still considered a crime?


First, I urge you to hire an attorney to provide you with a formal legal opinion as to you 'hiding a camera or cameras' in one or more places in which there is a normal expectation of privacy. Further details about what you are doing would need to be known to advise you appropriately.

As to whether or not a crime occurred, you may go to local police and show your video and make a report of the incident.

Tricia Dwyer Esq.

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

Minnesota Elder Law

Minnesota Criminal Law

Minnesota Privacy Law

ph 612-296-9666

If you do a college student's online work, are you breaking in any laws?


If you do a college student's online work, are you breaking in any laws?


Probably fraud, but it could just be with the school, but potentially state and federal laws depending on the facts of the case. You need to talk to an attorney in person to be sure.

What is transnational corporation?

What is transnational corporation?
is a big shop of gigilos

I was served a unlawful detainer. with my name and my fathers name on it. My father moved out 2 years ago when the lease was up. They know t...


I was served a unlawful detainer. with my name and my fathers name on it. My father moved out 2 years ago when the lease was up. They know this but made a mistake and should have put my boyfriends name. My fathers name is Charles Savage and my b-friends name is Charles Lutz. My question is, how do I fill out my answer? Leave out fathers name and insert b-friends or just my name?


It might not have been a mistake on the part of the landlord to include your father in the unlawful detainer complaint. If the lease or rental contract had your and your father's name on it would be one reason why the landlord would include him in the complaint.

When addressing the question of the response to the complaint, you need to assess what is the purpose in defending the action. Is it because you believe you have valid defenses to the complaint? Is it because you believe the landlord filed the complaint without merit and should be dismissed? Or are you just seeking extra time to locate replacement housing? Answering this question will give you a better idea of how you should handle your response to the unlawful detainer complaint.

You need to speak to an experienced attorney in the field of landlord-tenant and real estate law. One that will inform you of your rights in your particular matter and provide you with the personal attention you need. If you are interested in speaking to an attorney that will do just that, please call us for a no-obligation consultation with an attorney at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

My son's car was stolen and recovered totaled. The insurance company has taken forever to process this claim. Finally, they have agreed to p...


My son's car was stolen and recovered totaled. The insurance company has taken forever to process this claim. Finally, they have agreed to pay almost the amount that is owed on the car but they will not help with the rental car charges because rental was not in his coverage. Is there any way to make them pay for the rental charges?


Not if that coverage is not included in your contract. Only argument would be their delay

What is the machine name that makes dollars?

What is the machine name that makes dollars?
Money is printed on a press, using engraved steel plates, and special inks and papers.

I am in a same sex relationship to which we got married last Dec 23rd 2013 when it was legal here in Utah. The law went back and forth but I...


I am in a same sex relationship to which we got married last Dec 23rd 2013 when it was legal here in Utah. The law went back and forth but I am still not sure if people today can get married. Anyhow, I wanted to know if we can get an annulment as some of the statutes state same sex marriage qualified but can it now? We want to try for an annulment first before the divorce route?

Any info would be so helpful!


From what I understand, your marriage is valid and recognized as such by the State of Utah and yes, same sex couples can marry in Utah. As far as seeking an annulment, you would only be able to do that if same sex marriages were not valid when you entered into it. The only other real basis under which you would be able to get an annulment would be to have it based on fraud or misrepresentation and without knowing more information, it would be hard for me to render an opinion. Basically, you may end up having to follow through with doing a divorce if it's your intention to terminate your marital relationship with your spouse.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A woman is trying to establish paternity wanting to put me on child support after purposely wanting to get pregnant by poking holes in a p...


A woman is trying to establish paternity & wanting to put me on child support after purposely wanting to get pregnant by poking holes in a protective wear of sexual activities, I ended up taking a scholarship out of state to be a full time student & Athlete, I do not have much income & I feel trapped. What do I do?


You should consult directly with a family law attorney, in your area. If you aren't the father, you'll have little to worry about. If you could be, you need to be proactive. The best way to avoid paying support, can be to seek custody, and ask that the mother pay support to you. This is very general information based upon the limited information you provided. The attorney you consult with can give you specific advice.

Good luck

Factors that affect the academic performance of high school students?

Factors that affect the academic performance of high school students?
Parent pressure, peer pressure, social influence, mental strain(working too hard or relaxed too much), emotional strain (anger, annoyance, depression etc), stress (Parents: don't apply too much pressure or he may break down, also do no tell him about all your high expectations, just tell him to do and try his best.)
Or maybe a girlfriend or boyfriend. That ALWAYS muddles the mind of a teenager.

My husband somehow had our landlord take my name off the lease we both signed , he now kicks me and our children out of the house every time...


My husband somehow had our landlord take my name off the lease we both signed , he now kicks me and our children out of the house every time he is angry. Telling me I no right because he is responsible for the bills, I have 2 concerns one can they take my name off the lease without my constant and also he has said he will get custody of our children because we are homeless but he made no effort to keep them and he is the reason we are homeless


In Ohio, if you are under a lease agreement for a set period of time, during that period of time, one (or two if it is a three party lease) parties cannot unilaterally alter the lease without the consent of all parties. The original lease will still be effective. If he is to try to "kick you out" you should refuse to leave. Let him call the police. Then you can either show the police that you are on the original lease, or, if you cannot find the original lease, then you should tell the police that you have been living in the apartment under a lease you signed since [whatever date you moved in] and that if he wants you out he should file an eviction.

Call your landlord and ask for a copy of the original lease you signed.

If that lease agreement is up, and your husband and the landlord signed a new lease agreement without you, you should still examine your old lease agreement. Most of these state that unless one party gives the other party a certain number of days' notice (usually leases call for this to be in writing) before the end of the lease term, then the lease automatically renews either on a month to month basis or another year. Without any such notice to you, then any new lease signed by the landlord would be ineffective to strip you of your continuation rights under the old lease.

My ex girlfriend recently assaulted me and was arrested for assault 3, criminal mischief 4 and harassment 3. I know two of these are misdeme...


My ex girlfriend recently assaulted me and was arrested for assault 3, criminal mischief 4 and harassment 3. I know two of these are misdemeanors and one is a violation. This is her first offense and I know in most cases first time offenders can plea down from the initial chargers. She has been violent before and caused significant physical damage to my face and broke a pair of glasses. Is this a situation where she will be able plea out of the misdemeanors and have no criminal record or will she have at least one of the misdemeanors stay on her record from your experience. Thanks.


With a first offense, she might well be able to plead out of the case. If you are still concerned about her actions, you counld get a restraining order against her.

I live in Ohio. I had a ring valued at $5000 stolen from a safe at a jewelry store during an armed robbery. This happened in July and the ow...


I live in Ohio. I had a ring valued at $5000 stolen from a safe at a jewelry store during an armed robbery. This happened in July and the owner is stating that his insurance company has not paid him yet. My question is how do I find out who his insurance company is???


The identity of the insurance company for the jewelry store isn't relevant. The jewelry store is the entity owing you the money, and if their insurance company isn't going to cover the loss, then the jewelry store will have to.

You have a right at this point to sue the jewelry store. You may have claims for relief sounding in breach of contract, bailment, negligence, and possibly under the Consumer Sales Practices Act.

Why new products are important a company?

Why new products are important a company?
They are important to the company because it is a better product and it is updated.Lets say we have the PlayStation games console,now the latest one out the PS3 is important to them because it has better features.Now, the 1st one which came out was very important to the as no other company had made this kind of games console. Now it is useless as the new one has Internet wireless controllers, etc

How much was a car in 1980?

How much was a car in 1980?
2 cents

I was charged with falsely reporting a crime.What will be my penalty?


I was charged with falsely reporting a crime.

What will be my penalty?


Assuming you did this in Kansas, under KSA 21-3818, you can be charged with a class A nonperson misdemeanor. This can result in up to a year in jail and up to a $2500 fine. Do not plead guilty. I suggest you contact a lawyer to see what defenses you may have. Feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

If my car was repossed, can the finance company garnish my wages for the balance owed on the car


If my car was repossed, can the finance company garnish my wages for the balance owed on the car


Your question is disturbing because it tells us that you never bothered to read your car sales contract before you signed it and bought your car.

The answer is right there. After the repossession, the company usually will sell the car at a huge loss, then sue you for that loss, plus attorneys fees, repo fees, storage fees, ad fees, court costs, etc. Your wages and bank accounts can then be garnisheed, and any other assets you have (car, home, personal property) can be seized.

There is an important lesson here - never ever sign anything you have no read and understood. And if you don't understand something take it to a lawyer before signing.


Yes, if the car lender or its assignee gets a judgment against you.

Depending on when the car was repo'd and if the lender/its assignee has sued you, you may have some time. Start saving your funds now. Since the car was sold, the deficiency remaining is an unsescured debt and can be settled, but you need to start preparing.

If you are interested in protecting yourself and resolving your debts in a non-bankruptcy setting, please contact me at [email protected]/* */

Draw back of TDI engine over CRDI engine?

Draw back of TDI engine over CRDI engine?
I dnt thnk tht there is any draw back infact tdi engines are better than the crdi.

Can a teen be a spy?

Can a teen be a spy?
If they belong to BSI (Based for Secret Information). It's a teen spy agency, they need more recruits though. Go to the first website to see more about it or to join. If you want secret information then go to the second website that belongs to the BSI, post comment (to ask for secret information...not comments) to your country's or state's blog.

How old is yandel's wife?

How old is yandel's wife?
26 years old

Saturday, January 25, 2014

What season is how i met your mother up to?

What season is how i met your mother up to?
How I Met Your Mother Is Currently Up To Season 6 :)

Managemenet is an art?

Managemenet is an art?
Although management does require some skills which are not readily measurable, it is generally considered a science, and not an art. This is why an undergraduate degree in management is a Bachelor of Science, and not a Bachelor of Arts.

What was the Bengali date of Eid UL fitr in 1988 in Bangladesh?

What was the Bengali date of Eid UL fitr in 1988 in Bangladesh?

What are the four categories of human environmental hazards and give examples of each?

What are the four categories of human environmental hazards and give examples of each?
Chemical: Solvents, acids, pesticides

Biological: Bacteria, virus, molds

Physical: Temperature, noise/vibrations

Cultural: Diet/nutrition, lifestyle choices, crime

My kid's father and I split up 6 months ago when I finally got the courage to leave the abusive relationship. I then got an order of protect...


My kid's father and I split up 6 months ago when I finally got the courage to leave the abusive relationship. I then got an order of protection. Now his mother is harrassing me on the phone. Can I get a restraining order against her too? My kids still see their father and as much as i would love to have him out of my life completely, I know he loves my boys and they love him. i am trying to do the right thing for them, and i thought them having a relationship with their grandmother was the right thing, but i can't take it anymore. She talks bad about me to my kids, calling me a whore, saying that my sister is really my mother. God only knows what else. The other day she called me & said she called the police because I took them to see my family in Illinois for our Christmas party. I cleared it with their father first and we went for the weekend. While i was driving back i got 45 texts from her saying that dcfs was called, the police were called, she was getting custody of the kids,,,etc. Now my ex is saying that he never gave me permission to take the kids across the state line. (She is paying his bills so he won't go against her). i just want to get on with my life. I have very little money & the only people I know in IN are his family. Is there anything I can do to keep them from controlling me, while still letting my kids have a relationship with their father?


You might want to hire an attorney to send a cease and desist letter to the grandmother, outlining what is appropriate behavior. If that does not work, you may have grounds for a protective order.

was fired for engaging in unacceptable conduct toward a client. department of labor ruled that available facts did not show that I violated ...


was fired for engaging in unacceptable conduct toward a client. department of labor ruled that available facts did not show that I violated employer rules, or standards. former employer is making false accusations that I did to prospective employers causing me to not get a job. what are my options?


Assuming you just want to move on and get a new job, and have pretty good evidence that the former employer is making false accusations, you might start with paying a lawyer to write a letter saying if they don't stop you will file suit. You may not want to, but often they will stop. On the other hand, if it is just their opinion that you were a poor employee and not good with customers, they can say that. Whether or not the DOL found you did not violate rules was a decision on unemployment - not a trial on whether or not the employer is acting improperly.

Is my ex-attorney I terminated some time ago still obliged to answer questions regarding the case he represented me or can he say "do not ca...


Is my ex-attorney I terminated some time ago still obliged to answer questions regarding the case he represented me or can he say "do not call me. I am no longer your attorney"? Is there any professional code regarding attorney's duty to previous clients? BTW, the reason for the break up was about litigation strategy not about fees.


An attorney that was discharged from your case has no duty to answer any questions.


My fiance was with a girl about 9 months ago. She just had a baby last week. She knew he could have been the potential father but had the ot...


My fiance was with a girl about 9 months ago. She just had a baby last week. She knew he could have been the potential father but had the other potential father sign that he was father without dna test to give child up for adoption. Didn't she have to put him down as potential father so DNA test would be done? Now do I pay for dna test to see for sure who's it is? Or would a dna test have been done for the adoption and them just say their wasn't??....


If you think you are the biological father then you have to file a petition with the court to establish your parental rights.

Use of a lawyer is recommended.


File with the State of Florida a Putative Father's Statement - you will find it online. This way the child can not be adopted until it has been resolved that no other person claims a right to this child.

How do I get my ex to stop filing motion after motion just because she can. She is a legal secretary and the firm that she works for is repr...


How do I get my ex to stop filing motion after motion just because she can. She is a legal secretary and the firm that she works for is representing her as well. Stupid stuff like I didn't buy my daughter cell phone. She is only 10. She has change the final divorce creed about 4 times in 2 years and no one will help me.


You may have legal recourse to challenge the frivolous motions filed by your ex. Florida law strictly prohibits the use of frivolous motions, or motions intended solely for the purposes of delay or harassment. If you can prove the motions are either frivolous or solely for the purpose of delay or harassment you may be entitled to have your ex pay your legal fees for the defense of these motions. I suggest you contact a family law attorney in your area for help.

hola abogado me llamo adriana y soy de houston me gustaria k mediera un consejo mi hija fue detenida por unas horas en su escuela y despues ...

How many auto collisions occur?

How many auto collisions occur?
a lot

If I married in the Philippines and me being an american, and she being a Philippina, does the same laws for devorce change,


If I married in the Philippines and me being an american, and she being a Philippina, does the same laws for devorce change,


Not if you are divorcing in California.

Is modern ware fare kid friendly?

Is modern ware fare kid friendly?
Yea its pretty good for kids but just make sure you tur OFF the voice chat because theres some teens who have a "foul" mouth so i would turn the voice off

Is it legal for your suporviser to ask you to bring your personal bills from home for them to look over?


Is it legal for your suporviser to ask you to bring your personal bills from home for them to look over?


You do not live in Louisiana so I cannot answer your question.

I want to trademark a logo for a business corporation that I plan on starting upI then want to trademark a word/slogan for one of the produc...


I want to trademark a logo for a business corporation that I plan on starting up

I then want to trademark a word/slogan for one of the products we plan to market/sell from under the corporation

The question is

Should I have the corporation setup 1st then trademark the logo for it and then trademark the word/slogan for one of the many products we intend on marketing


The bigger issue is whether the trademark is presently in use in a related field. Although Trademarks are readily assignable, if you intend to register the business right away, you might consider doing that first, and then registering the Mark so as to save the cost of assigning the Mark from you personally to the business. ...I wouldn't delay registering your Mark for any reason, however.

How can you get enough information on the best business to go into?

How can you get enough information on the best business to go into?
You really can't, if you stare at it too long you will go into analysis paralysis. Poor stands for Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly.

Just stick with the basics: Is this business going to create a high value to the marketplace over a long period of time? Spend some money on a market research company, they will find the potential for your business and the best locations in your area to set up shop.

Some experts will tell you to look into the future. Energy shortage is a huge concern, focus on energy production, green energy, energy conservation.

Babyboomers are retiring by the thousands every day for the next 10 years. You can profit by finding safe returns for their 401 ks, find out where they are retiring to (like Florida) and find a way to profit from that market.

Pets: we spend so much money on our pets in the U.S. even in a down economy.

Housing: best time to buy housing is now. Foreclosures left and right because people can't afford their homes, banks take them over and now they are landlords when all they wanted was income on the loans. These people still have to live somewhere, find a solution to the problem, turn their liability into your asset and give them a place to live.

Food, the food we eat is poison, people are catching on. That is why you see organic this and that popping up everywhere, the problem is this stuff is flown in from all over the place using up our carbon based resources and causing more pollution. Surely there is a solution there (green house technology etc)

You have to open up your mind and see into the future. When recession happens it creates opportunity for the prepared. Recession is always followed by expansion.

Good Luck!

What are the release dates for National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Python vs. Gator - 20.17?

What are the release dates for National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Python vs. Gator - 20.17?
National Geographic Explorer - 1985 Python vs. Gator - 20.17 was released on:

USA: 16 August 2006
USA: 16 August 2006

In Illinois if a man signs a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity knowing he is not the biological father, what recourse does the real fath...


In Illinois if a man signs a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity knowing he is not the biological father, what recourse does the real father have to get his rights?


He has a two year period to seek a judicial determination that he is the father. If he can get a DNA test before the filing, it would be best.

I am filing a unlimited civil suit in Santa Clara county. The defendant (an individual), an American citizen, currently lives in China. I do...


I am filing a unlimited civil suit in Santa Clara county. The defendant (an individual), an American citizen, currently lives in China. I don't have his current address and he won't provide it to me. Per Hague Convention and the agreement between the Chinese and US government, the only option to serve an American citizen in China is to use the Central Authority method, which requires an accurate address. What option do I have if I cannot obtain defendant's address? Is there any provision that I can prove my diligence?


I suppose you could hire a private investigator in China to do a skip-trace. Whether this is possible or cost-effective for you I have no idea.

I have a friend who is locked up and has been given a bond. He is in the county and been in there for over 30 days. The crime happened in 20...


I have a friend who is locked up and has been given a bond. He is in the county and been in there for over 30 days. The crime happened in 2006 and he never reported back to court but got pulled over 30 days ago and never was offered a bond. Is this correct he also want to know do the 180 day rule applies to this case. This is a white collar crime it involves purchasing a car under a fake name can you please help me with this case.


You don't get a free pass under the 180 day rule for being on the lamb. I need information to assess his situation. Feel free to contact my office.


The 180 day rule isn't going to help. He needs to focus on getting a lawyer and any defenses he may have.

John E. Melton


I agree with the other lawyers. Your friend needs an experienced criminal defense attorney right away. You can read more here:

Improvised materials in art and crafts?

Improvised materials in art and crafts?
If you are in need of glue, you can make your own by mixing flour with water. Put some flour (about 1/2 cup) in a saucepan and mix in enough cold water until it is the consistency of thick cream. Heat to a simmer, and then let it simmer for five (5) minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool before using it. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

This glue will take a bit longer to dry when used.

My domestic partner and I both have out names on the home we purchased, can we homestead our home?


My domestic partner and I both have out names on the home we purchased, can we homestead our home?


Yes. Your attorney can explain further.

A lawyer has sent me a letter threatening to sue me for an assault on his client that I did not commit. He states in the letter that he has ...


A lawyer has sent me a letter threatening to sue me for an assault on his client that I did not commit. He states in the letter that he has eye witness testimony and a police report implicating me in the assault. I was not involved in the fight but my friend was. I was not even near the fight but I was stopped by the police and questioned about it. I was not arrested but now 10 months later they want to sue me? How can this be? Is this extortion? What if the police report is inaccurate and says I did beat someone up even though I didnt?


Get a copy of the police report. If there is nothing in the report indicating your involvement do not worry, ignore the letter.

Some attorneys threaten to sue every possible person they can in an attempt to get a settlement. The practice is not necessarily illegal because courts have ruled that people can settle out of court to avoid the cost of a lawsuit. However if the suit is frivolous you can counter sue.

If you are not implicated in the police report, you can file a complaint with the Utah State Bar.

HOA foreclosed my home. They auction opening bid $6125. Wining bid $0. Owner- Bank.To get my home back I have to pay $6125 or did no one bye...


HOA foreclosed my home. They auction opening bid $6125. Wining bid $0. Owner- Bank.

To get my home back I have to pay $6125 or did no one bye the house. Was my mortgage paid off since some bought my house? I know CA has 3 months redemption period, What happens next?


Your post is confusing. That's because you state that the winning bid was zero, but the owner was the bank. You need to calm down, and sit down with an attorney and go over the facts.

What is LMFAO real names?

What is LMFAO real names?
sky blue and redfoo

Friday, January 24, 2014

What are germanys main industries?

What are germanys main industries?
guys proabaly beer making and also steel and other metal industry's

Are you required as an employee to do whatever your employer asks of you. For example, I run an Ins. agency for my boss that resides in FL 4...


Are you required as an employee to do whatever your employer asks of you. For example, I run an Ins. agency for my boss that resides in FL 4 months out of the year and in KY the remainder of the year. She asked me to come over to her home a few weeks ago for a "face to face", this is her term for the comings and goings of everyday business, for which she is totally out of touch. Anyway after our approx. hour long meeting, she then said, that she would like for me to "help" her clean her home. I was speechless, so I did as she asked, as she then went and got on the phone, and did nothing. I cleaned for approx. 3 hours, dusting, washing dishes, polishing all of her kitchen cabinets, etc. I have worked for her for 11 years, where I run a successful Ins agency. Please let me know where are the boundaries drawn legally?


It sounds like cleaning her home may be outside the scope of your employment, and you should have a conversation with her about it.


While strange I don't believe there is anything illegal about it. Your solution is to quit and find another job. However under these circumstances, I do believe you would be entitled to receive unemployment benefits if you quit. For more information, check out our employment law blog and

How many years did it take to create locking wheels and cabled cars?

How many years did it take to create locking wheels and cabled cars?
Unknown, the people who created locking wheels and cabled cars arenow very large companies.

I have a case a Judge ruled on in a civil case. My lawyer on another case said I needed council, it was very important. If someone could tak...


I have a case a Judge ruled on in a civil case. My lawyer on another case said I needed council, it was very important. If someone could take a look and see if they could help on contingency. Thank you


Depending on the nature and particulars of the case, it may be possible to provide assistance on a contingency basis. More information is necessary. What type of case is it? Did you receive a final judgment?

What do you when somebody has two different sets of charges?


What do you when somebody has two different sets of charges?


Not ebough information to answer other than to recommend consulting

a competent criminal defense counsel who practices in the court

in which the defendant has been charged.

What is initial credibility?

What is initial credibility?

I have got a green card through employment in Jan 31st 2012. Post that I got married to US Citizen in Feb. 2013. Now its been 18 months sinc...


I have got a green card through employment in Jan 31st 2012. Post that I got married to US Citizen in Feb. 2013. Now its been 18 months since I have a green card. Since I have got married to US citizen, can I apply for US citizenship at 36 months(3 years) of my US residency ? I had this question as my original green card is through employment and with employment green card, it needs 5 years of US residency. Kindly guide


Yes, you can apply after 3 yrs instead of 5 yrs.

What is the exclusive right to make use or sell an invention called?

What is the exclusive right to make use or sell an invention called?

I received a notice of motion to pay sanctions and admission of truth of facts be admitted from a debt collection lawyer. They said I never ...


I received a notice of motion to pay sanctions and admission of truth of facts be admitted from a debt collection lawyer. They said I never sent to them a requested Plantiff iterrogatories/demand of documents/ request for admissions. I never got this document. I asked them to send it again, but they never did, now the motion day in court is in four days! What do I do when I go to court?


The best bet is to respond to the requests for admissions attached to the plaintiff's motion within a couple of days before the hearing and have someone deliver the written responses (or e-mail/fax it) to plaintiff's attorney. File a declaration under penalty of perjury with the court telling the judge that you've served the responses to the plaintiff's attorney, and attach a copy along with the proof of service. In that way, you won't be deemed to have admitted facts that might not be true and lose the case.

Was sent by a women's wellness doctor to a chiropractor and was manipulated so bad that I have not been able to walk without crutches or a c...


Was sent by a women's wellness doctor to a chiropractor and was manipulated so bad that I have not been able to walk without crutches or a cane for over 4 months. I have been told by new Drs that it was directly caused by the manipulation. And that I'm looking at at least a year of PT before I can hopefully walk the same. Should I get a lawyer and if so where do I start? Our city is bigger but small enough everyone knows everyone and am worried about personal inference. Also our money is low due to lack of being able to work and need one that wouldn't charge unless they win. Any advice? Thanks


Medical malpractice case, including chiropractic malpractice cases, depend on the ability to find a competent expert who believes the injury was caused by the negligence of the medical treatment provider, It appears that you have sustained a significant injury. Additional facts must be known in order to determine whether you have a viable case. Contact an experienced malpractice lawyer, and remember that time limitations apply. Do not delay. We are here to help.

An automotive bolt has a designation of 12-13 unc auto technician a says the bolt is a coarse thread bolt auto technician b says the bolt has a diameter of 13millimeters which of the statements is co?

An automotive bolt has a designation of 12-13 unc auto technician a says the bolt is a coarse thread bolt auto technician b says the bolt has a diameter of 13millimeters which of the statements is co?
The first technician is correct, it is a coarse thread. I'm not sure there is a bolt called 12-13 so I am assuming you meant 1/2 - 13. Wich would be a bolt 1/2 inches long. The diameter of a #13 unc bolt would be ( 13 x .013in ) + .06 = .229 inches in diameter.

Can my husband whom I'm separated from force me to allow him at my prenatal visits?


Can my husband whom I'm separated from force me to allow him at my prenatal visits?


Not likely - I am unaware of a judge that would order it.

What is a typical penalty for keying a car in Arizona?


What is a typical penalty for keying a car in Arizona?


The penalty depends on whether it is charged as a felony or misdemeanor. The value of the repair of damage determines the degree of charge. Damage under $1,000 is a misdemeanor and over becomes a felony.

Typically most keying repairs are less than $1,000, and result in a misdemeanor charge with a fine as a penalty and restitution to the victim. A felony could lead to an additional two or three years of supervised probation for first time offenders. The penalty may increase to include incarceration for repeat felony offenders.

Whats a firefighters salary?

Whats a firefighters salary?
The Salary is $41,267 in The United States.

What products are released under Dolce Gabbana's Intimo line?

What products are released under Dolce Gabbana's Intimo line?
PCH: Lingerie

What is New Jersey offense NJAC 16:87-2.2 (axi) and does it go on your permanent record?


What is New Jersey offense NJAC 16:87-2.2 (axi) and does it go on your permanent record?


Violation of 16:87-2.2(a)1 occurs when any person uses or attempts to use rail passenger service or enters a pre-paid fare area and fails or refuse to pay the prescribed fare.

I am a small business owner since 2004. I enjoy my profession, electrical contracting. I've made some poor business/financial decisions resu...


I am a small business owner since 2004. I enjoy my profession, electrical contracting. I've made some poor business/financial decisions resulting in personal bankruptcy and serious cash flow issues with my business. How can I turn my financial situation around. Is there any hope? Thank you


From a lawyer's perspective, there is always hope: dum spiro spero: whilst I breathe I hope. But you don't really pose a legal question. What you need is business advice which you can obtain from some lawyers, some accountants, and some volunteer agencies, like the SCORE Association (which used to be the Service Corps of Retired Executives). The closest chapter to you in 10035 is at 26 Federal Plaza, (212) 264-4507. They can offer you a mentor and that mentor may suggest that you need a lawyer. I would not start with a lawyer, because (as I learned in medical school) when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. A SCORE mentor is not a hammer :--)And if you do need a lawyer, feel free to contact me.

Kevin J. Connolly

[email protected]/* */

What to do if I have renters insurance throw AAA insurance and my house was broken into and they're saying I'm not covered


What to do if I have renters insurance throw AAA insurance and my house was broken into and they're saying I'm not covered


That depends on why they say you are not covered.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is time limit for a beneficiary of a deceased estate? was a beneficiary from an estate and was going through some old paperwork found s...


What is time limit for a beneficiary of a deceased estate? was a beneficiary from an estate and was going through some old paperwork found some court documents that pertain to this case. Case was filed in dec 1983


Chances are, everything has been completed, but the only way to know is to review the court file, which is undoubtedly in storage at this point.

Several years ago I signed a lease. The lease asked for the name of any minor children that would be living in the apartment as well. I lost...


Several years ago I signed a lease. The lease asked for the name of any minor children that would be living in the apartment as well. I lost my job and fell behind on rent and was evicted. Now there is a Judgement on not only my credit report but my daughters credit report as well. She never signed the lease. Can the landlord ruin her credit?


When a landlord evicts he/she has to list anyone he/she knows lives in the dwelling in case the sheriff actually has to come out - especially with children. Sounds like you did not go to court with an attorney to get a protective order. Well, your daughter will have to send to the credit agencies a copy of the lease, judgment and a birth certificate to prove she wasn't on the lease and was a minor resident at the time. Welcome to our credit world.

Why did blue rhino have to revamp its system and business process?

Why did blue rhino have to revamp its system and business process?
Commercial, financial and industrial activity; production and manufacture, exchange and distribution of goods or commodities; management of money and other assets. Questions here are related to economy, investing, stock markets, and everything related to Business and Finance

Are forecasting and indexing used together?

Are forecasting and indexing used together?
Are forecasting and indexing ever used together

Why is a truck called a truck?

Why is a truck called a truck?
Because that's what we call it! In the UK trucks are called lorries. In French they're called camions. It's just a word, a collection of sounds like dog or sky. There's no real reason why!

Truck is a term used to "move" items, it was trucked from here to there. So the term stuck with these types of vehicles.

me and my ex have property as tenants in common. we were going thru a partition suit but his lawyer dropped the case so nothing has been don...


me and my ex have property as tenants in common. we were going thru a partition suit but his lawyer dropped the case so nothing has been done in over 2 years. my ex is now very ill. what would happen if he dies before the court case is finished. i can not get in touch with him.


You will have to deal with his estate.

What do you call someone who resembles a celebrity?

What do you call someone who resembles a celebrity?

What causes Go-cart engine surges at full throttle?

What causes Go-cart engine surges at full throttle?
I suppose it could be a couple of things. But my guess is your fuel to air ratio. Either too much air and not enough fuel which is too lean. Or too much fuel and not enough air in which case your mixture is too rich. Either way, the fuel/air mixture in the cylinders is not burning correctly and thus the engine is not creating enough power.Needless to say I would check your carburetur or your fuel injection system. Something could be clogged, or if you have modified any parts of the intake or exhaust you may need to retune your carburetor.

What do people in Vietnam do for fun?

What do people in Vietnam do for fun?
they play soccor, or futball as they call it

I am 15 and having trouble at home. I want to leave but I don't want to go live with my father. I have a job. What are my legal rights? Can ...


I am 15 and having trouble at home. I want to leave but I don't want to go live with my father. I have a job. What are my legal rights? Can I live somewhere else?


In the State of Texas, you are a minor child.

You have no legal rights until you are 18.

You cannot do anything unless your parents (or legal guardian) give you permission.

In fact, even the money you earn technically belongs to your parents. Scary - right!

Everything you have - your clothes, your phone, your computer, etc. belong to parents (or legal guardian). Unless you inherit it or it was gifted to you, you have nothing.

And, for criminal purposes, you are an adult at the age of 17 -- but for civil purposes you are not an adult until 18.

Talk to a school counselor, minister, your doctor, school nurse, or someone you trust about your troubles. Get some counseling. Do good in school so that you can get a good job when you graduate from high school.

Good luck.

What are the release dates for JustKiddingFilms - 2007 Gun Fu Trailer - 8.3?

What are the release dates for JustKiddingFilms - 2007 Gun Fu Trailer - 8.3?
JustKiddingFilms - 2007 Gun Fu Trailer - 8.3 was released on:

USA: 19 January 2014

my grandson got in trouble when he was 16 now 20 he has been in jail all this time today he went to court and they gave him life because of ...


my grandson got in trouble when he was 16 now 20 he has been in jail all this time today he went to court and they gave him life because of the PRR act who do i speak to about this?


You speak to his attorney. If he doesn't have one, you hire an attorney to fight this as his sentence MIGHT be illegal.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What are the advantages of HEVs as compared to conventional vehicles?

What are the advantages of HEVs as compared to conventional vehicles?
A hybrid-electric produces less emissions from its engine than a comparably-sized gasoline car, as an HEV's gasoline engine is usually smaller than a pure fossil-fuel vehicle, and if not used to directly drive the car, can be geared to run at maximum efficiency, further improving fuel economy.

Is the sending unit towards the bottom and front?

Is the sending unit towards the bottom and front?
sending unit for what,
kind of car
what sending unit

How do you change a spedometer needle?

How do you change a spedometer needle?
You have to take the dashboard off

I am in the beginning of a divorce with my husband. We have been separated and shared custody of our daughter for a few years. I recently ha...


I am in the beginning of a divorce with my husband. We have been separated and shared custody of our daughter for a few years. I recently had an order of protection put against him because he forced his way into my home, and assaulted a friend of mine(1yr. ago). Two months ago I agreed to let him take our daughter to see his family in Colombia, South America. A few days ago he pushed his way into my home again. I have since retracted my approval that she go with him on the trip. It is my understanding that it is necessary that he have a notarized letter with my approval. I have not made one. The Order of Protection judge said that my husband is allowed to take her on the trip. If I do not sign a letter of approval will the stop him from being able to take her? Am i legally required to sign one and give him her passport?


You are required to follow court orders. If you think the judge is wrong after a decision was made and an order is in place then you can ask for a reconsideration or appeal the decision. If you do neither and you refuse to follow the court order then it could be you that becomes the one who is in trouble. If you don't have an attorney then you should consider getting one as soon as possible.

Good luck.

Law Guru

Who played Sean Connery's Nemisis in the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?

Who played Sean Connery's Nemisis in the movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
Sean Connery's nemesis in LXG is played by Richard Roxburgh.

How can critical and creative thinking contribute towards political development in Kenya?

How can critical and creative thinking contribute towards political development in Kenya?
Critical thinking is necessary to separate what is relevent, necessary, important, etc. from all the things that do not meet such criteria.
Creative thinking involves finding more things you can do with what you already have.

I am not from Kenya, but I do hear that there is a dominant tribe there that pretty much runs everything.

What is a period of robust economic growth and high employment indicating that businesses are capitalizing on new market opportunities?

What is a period of robust economic growth and high employment indicating that businesses are capitalizing on new market opportunities?

When you file a criminal appeal, and petitioner does NOT raise issue of double jeopardy, is the state allowed to raise it on their own?


When you file a criminal appeal, and petitioner does NOT raise issue of double jeopardy, is the state allowed to raise it on their own?


The appellee can raise any issue.

How do you define a farm?

How do you define a farm?
A farm is an open area of land for human cultivation with itsadjacent buildings and equipment.

What resources and services are needed for a car plant?

What resources and services are needed for a car plant?
Car seeds and lots of unleaded petrol

What were some major accomplishments for vasco nunez de balboa?

What were some major accomplishments for vasco nunez de balboa?
it was being the first to sight the northeastern part of the Atlantic ocean

What are the release dates for It's a Brad Brad World - 2012 The Motherload 1-3?

What are the release dates for It's a Brad Brad World - 2012 The Motherload 1-3?
It's a Brad Brad World - 2012 The Motherload 1-3 was released on:

USA: 16 January 2012

My ex who lives in Iowa is currently going through his second divorce and the soon to be exwife has claimed that her daughter (age 7) was mo...


My ex who lives in Iowa is currently going through his second divorce and the soon to be exwife has claimed that her daughter (age 7) was molested by my sons starting when she was age 4. My boys were 14 and 10 at the time. My older boy only lived in the home for a year and then moved out of state to live with me. My younger son still lives with his father in Iowa. Both boys deny the claims and are very hurt by the accusations. My question is how do I go forward to protect my sons from his vindictive ex?


Are your sons adults??? If so, why are they not asking their lawyers?


Hire an attorney/attorneys IMMEDIATELY!#!

Tell your sons to talk to NO ONE except their own attorney from this time forward

Good luck

Ralph (770.985.6773 -- answered 24 x 7)

What are the release dates for Under the Fiddler's Elm - 1915?

What are the release dates for Under the Fiddler's Elm - 1915?
Under the Fiddler's Elm - 1915 was released on:

USA: 26 August 1915

My girlfriends daughters father has visitation custody every other weekend and rotating holidays. However, he always shows up 1 to 2 hours l...


My girlfriends daughters father has visitation custody every other weekend and rotating holidays. However, he always shows up 1 to 2 hours late. If he shows up at all. On Holidays when he is supposed to have her an entire week he will only keep her for maybe a day or two at a time. drops her back off and then later asks to pick her back up. Lately, she has been becoming very agitated with this. I tell her to say no you dropped her off already she is staying here. She tells me she cannot say no because it is technically still his visitation time. My question is can she tell him no, since he dropped her back off on his own accord? If anymore information is needed I can provide.


I would have to read the actual decree to give you legal advice.

Generally, a person has to wait 30 minutes for the other parent to show up to begin their visitation. After 30 minutes (unless the person calls and says I'm stuck in traffic, etc.) the visitation is forfeited for that entire period.

Additionally, if he returns the child early then the visit is over.

She probably needs to sit down with an attorney for an hour or two and discuss this matter. She is not a babysitter and she does not have to "jump" when he says "jump". It sounds like she is trying to keep him from "getting mad" or upset.

In most TX legal documents, it states that if the parents are in agreement they can do whatever they want to do and they don't have to follow the court ordered visitation arrangement unless they cannot agree. The court orders are the minimum amount of time the non-custodial parent is allowed to see the child - not the maximum.

Again, I highly recommend meeting with a family law attorney to discuss your options.

Look on this website and on for an attorney in your area.

Does anyone know the Probate Section dealing with. Preserving the estate which is real property. Heir maintaining estate and seeking reimbur...


Does anyone know the Probate Section dealing with. Preserving the estate which is real property. Heir maintaining estate and seeking reimbursement for repairs.


Just petition the Court for reimbursement in your petition for distribution. You will need to itemize and have receipts.

How much money does Egypt get from tourism?

How much money does Egypt get from tourism?

In Florida a man raped a woman, he took a plea of 10 years in prison. There was a child conceived by the rape. The rapist/father found out a...


In Florida a man raped a woman, he took a plea of 10 years in prison. There was a child conceived by the rape. The rapist/father found out about the child and has petitioned the court for paternity. The rape happened in Tallahassee Fla and the mother moved to Pensacola Fla. Which court has jurisdiction to hear the case? Can the mother be forced to take the child to the prison to see the rapist/father? can the mother be forced to reveal her address and phone number even though the man has been convicted of raping her? what case laws and statutes can I use to support the answers?


The court where the child has resided for the last 6 months has jurisdiction. Florida statutes 39.806(m) makes conception of a child as a result of sexual battery legal grounds for termination of parental rights.

In 2003, I entered into a Deed of Trust with another party, where I was the lender. The document has an omission of marital status for the d...


In 2003, I entered into a Deed of Trust with another party, where I was the lender. The document has an omission of marital status for the debtor. However, the debtor obtained a first mortgage on this property at the time our Deed of Trust was entered into. His mortgage filings show his marital status.

The debtor is now deceased and another party is attempting to obtain Quiet Title, deeming my DOT as invalid due to the simple omission.

The question I have is:

If the DOT is deemed invalid, who was the authority to do so and if granted, is the document invalid for all or just the parties listed. Meaning, I personally knew the debtor, who was single, and do not have any issue with the simple omission. Can a third party, except for a Judge, deem this complete document invalid for every intent and purposes.

Thank you for your valuable time.


You need to obtain counsel to represent your interests in the quiet title action. Since the debtor was single, and assuming you filed the dot with the County, you should prevail.

Good luck

Who are the Past miss New York?

Who are the Past miss New York?
where should we use how much is the salary of this Maya how can i find a job in this section

Is black a common colour for a car?

Is black a common colour for a car?
White is actually the most common color, followed by silver, and then black. Red, and blue follow this and then your oddball colors like yellow, orange, green, teal, etc. pull up the rear.
Fun fact though. Silver cars get into the most accidents because if you're distracted you can't tell them apart from the road.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I was fired after working for 25 years. I was never told I was fired instead learned from other employees. They are accusing me of situation...


I was fired after working for 25 years. I was never told I was fired instead learned from other employees. They are accusing me of situations I had nothing to do with. I was a supervisor and I was never really a proper office or space to workor plan ojt the schedule. Can they do this. They also cancelled my health benefits 2 days after they fired me and I still hhaven't received my last paycheck or unused vacation time.


thankfully..not only will u have access to affordable care health care..but even now..cobra gives you a right to insurance.but it sounds like slander or libel if false written accusations...consider filing with EEOC for age/etc discrimination...give me a call

Is R134 able to discharged in the air?

Is R134 able to discharged in the air?
Although less ozone depleting than r12, it's still illegal to discharge r134 into the atmosphere.

Is there a grace period on car stickers?

Is there a grace period on car stickers?
yes you have a ten day grace period on a car sticker

What is the meaning of womens improvement program?

What is the meaning of womens improvement program?
To enable women, especially African American women in mid -life (40-70), to improve their emotional, physical and spiritual health through lifestyle changes and thus reduce premature and preventable deaths.

To enable women, especially African American women, to improve the health of their minds, bodies, and spirits.

To create a revolutionary change in knowledge, attitude and behavior through targeted knowledge, strategies and motivational approaches to improve health outcomes. This will be accomplished through the provision of published information, lectures, workshops, and the development of Prime Time Sister Circles.WHAT DOES THE CENTER DO?
The Center is a non-profit service organization that provides information, materials, workshops, expertise, and personal/professional health development programs, which are customized to meet the needs of individuals, families, companies, organizations and communities.

How can i remove or redefine the Restrictions of Use from my shopping center CCR? I am one of the parcel owners in a shopping center which ...


How can i remove or redefine the Restrictions of Use from my shopping center CC&R? I am one of the parcel owners in a shopping center which has 2 other voting members. My building has been vacant for years, the use for my parcel doesn't allow gym, entertainment, auto sales, or recreational uses. How can I amend this, the 2 other voting members don't want to help out. I feel that if i amend this, it will help my chances in getting the space leased out after years of vacancy. Can a court somehow rule on this to amend the CC&R?


The CC&R's usually include reqirements for amendment or approval. If not, you need the consents of all owners in the area restricted. Review the CC&R's carefully first to see if yor answer is there. You can always go to court in a quiet title action, but this is problematic. You also need to see if the elimination of the restrictions, will not help you because of zoning restrictions applicable to the property. I would reccomend your consulting a real estate attorney providing him or her with all the relevant materials.

Dividing Assets of a Defunct Business: Due to irreconcilable differences, I've recently decided to step down as co-founder from an LLC that ...

I have my own question my husband had gotten arrested on an old charge in Tennessee that was from 2009. He supposed to have missed court in ...


I have my own question my husband had gotten arrested on an old charge in Tennessee that was from 2009. He supposed to have missed court in Tennessee so they put a capias warrant out on him in 2009. He has not gotten any other charges and we have been pulled over before they ran his name and nothing came up. So one day we were in Iowa and I got pulled over because the police officer could not see my drive out tag so the officer of course ran everybody's name in the car. When my husband's name came back it said he had a warrant In Tennessee but it was none extraditable but they arrested him anyways. He is setting in jail with no bond right now and refusing to sign the extradition papers so how long can they make him wait in jail before they have to let him out. If you need to know it's an old burglary charge that he served time for and got let out by the judge. But they are saying he missed court on which I don't understand since he served time and was let out. Yeah if anyone knows Iowa law how long will they hold him for?


That's really a problem for the people in Tennessee-and your husband- to decide. If he missed a court date then he missed a court date and a warrant was issued. He can refuse to sign anything and it won't make a lick of difference. If Tennessee wants him what will happen is they'll get a governor's warrant and off he will go. If they don't want him they may take their own sweet time about saying they won't extradite. Maybe you need an attorney to sort of move the process along.

Verbal agreements can be binding, does it apply in this situation? I was slated to go to New Orleans with two friends, me being the outsider...


Verbal agreements can be binding, does it apply in this situation? I was slated to go to New Orleans with two friends, me being the outsider. The girl who charged the room said we couldn't get our money back once the room was charged to her card, my name is NOT on the reservation or ROOM, I was squeezed in. She was paid by money order. Since then, the girl and I have had words. She became very condescending, enough to make me uncomfortable enough NOT to attend this trip and I cant see myself donating $343 to their trip. When I asked for my money back she told me to ask the hotel for a refund. Unfortunately this all happened two and a half weeks prior to the trip date. Does she have a legal right to withhold my money? Karen from California


Yes, you had a binding verbal agreement.

What is the difference between public sector and non-governmental organizations?

What is the difference between public sector and non-governmental organizations?
You need to be more specific in regard to the organisation you refer to, NGO's are very different to one another, however the most pertenant answer would be that non-governmental, in most examples I can think of, (the commonwealth, IMF, UN, OCE, EBRD etc) they serve multiple countries.

my x and his wife are verbally abusing my 10 and 4 year old kids.... what can i do?


my x and his wife are verbally abusing my 10 and 4 year old kids.... what can i do?


who has primary custody? If you have primary custody of the children, then file for immediate modification of visitation - requesting the court to have supervised visits with their dad. Have the court appoint a guardian ad litem for the children so that they can speak to the judge on their behalf and confirm what is going on when they visit their father.

Hello,My employer X sold the "staffing division" to Y company in Jan 2014. I did not join the Y company and relieved from X company with a w...



My employer X sold the "staffing division" to Y company in Jan 2014. I did not join the Y company and relieved from X company with a waiver that I can solicit all employees of X Company except non-staffing employees of X company.

Now, I am working for a different company and Y company sends "cease and desist letter " saying that I am soliciting X company's employees who are now part of Y company as per agreement singed in 2012 with X company. But X company gave me waiver which supersedes all my earlier agreements with X company.

I need legal help to send a reply to Y company saying that do not have any legal basis for their claims.

I am Tracy, CA and interested to meet someone who is local and help me.

Thanks in advance.


If X sold the staffing division, it sold the full bundle of rights it had in its staffing division, including any contractual rights. Therefore any waiver X gave you after it sold the staffing division to Y, no waiver of rights regarding the staffing division is valid. It would be no different than me giving you a waiver. Neither X nor I have any rights to waive at that point.

Monday, January 20, 2014

What date did z cars theme tune appear in top ten charts?

What date did z cars theme tune appear in top ten charts?
Johnny Todd, the theme music from the TV series Z-Cars, was based on a traditional folk song and was arranged by Fritz Spiegl and performed by John Keating and his Orchestra. The single reached number 5 in the UK singles chart in April 1962.

How come idea in your mind?

How come idea in your mind?

What is Wu maame?

What is Wu maame?
no u

What style of art is the 'Weeping Woman'?

What style of art is the 'Weeping Woman'?
The style is Picasso's own. The nearest equivalent might be expressionism.

Hello,My father and I took out loans to help pay off my college education. We have since then defaulted on these loans. We were also sent to...



My father and I took out loans to help pay off my college education. We have since then defaulted on these loans. We were also sent to collections. We cannot afford to pay the full amount as this is what they are asking from us. We have recently received a letter in the mail saying they are suing us. What kind of lawyer do we need to represent us? What should we do? Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.


What you should do will depend in part on what kind of loans, whether they are federally guaranteed.

You will need to file an Answer fighting the lawsuit.

I can help you with this. Give me a call, make an appointment to come see me, and let's get moving on this for you. No charge for the telephone call and no charge for the first office visit.

Robert Davies, Esq. 201-820-3460

The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

45 Essex Street, Suite 3 West

Hackensack New Jersey 07601

Phone: 201-820-3459

Fax: 201-820-3461

Email: [email protected]/* */


I have taken care of a boyfriend for a few years, because he had afelony DUI. It was somewhat without my desire but he needed help. I was ho...


I have taken care of a boyfriend for a few years, because he had afelony DUI. It was somewhat without my desire but he needed help. I was hoping to get my money back once he started working. His family helped very little. He has said that he will repay me but we dont have a written agreement. During fighting once he pushed me and something cracked in my lower back. It always hurt after that.After working like crazy to pay the bills that must have caused more problems and now I have inflammated sciatic nerve ,a broken vertebrae and som misalignment. I should stop doing physical work in order this to heal . that's why I asked for some of my money that this man owes me. He still doens't have a stable income, but his mom could get some secong mortgage. They refused and everything became one bid yielling.

Can I get my money back somehow? Especially now when I am in trouble I really need it.

Thank you from Illinois


Many people would consider your helping him to be gifts. Unless you have a written agreement with him that he will repay you so amount, what proof do you have that he owes you any money. Moreover his family has no obligation whatsoever to pay you anything. Sometimes being a nice, good person is not to your benefit.

Where can I get a advanced directive done for free in the state of Virginia?


Where can I get a advanced directive done for free in the state of Virginia?


Check out the above website, it might lead you to your answers.

Best wishes! I'm a strong advocate for advanced directives!


My father got injured at work this past Tuesday, the company is private and does not carry workers compensation, he is wanting to know if he...


My father got injured at work this past Tuesday, the company is private and does not carry workers compensation, he is wanting to know if he would get 100% of his pay while he is off work due to this injury?


It depends on the situation. Some of these companies that don't have real workers' compensation insurance have some other insurance plan that sometimes pays benefits. Other companies have nothing at all, and then it is really just whether the company wants to pay or not. In those circumstances, the lost wages can be built in to a future settlement agreement, but nothing comes in when you are out of work and actually need it. Give me a call if you would like to discuss this further.

What is publice sector and private sector organisation?

What is publice sector and private sector organisation?
The public sector is a part of the state that deals with the delivery of goods and services by and for the government, whether national, regional or local/municipal.Examples of public sector activity range from delivering social security, administering urban planning and organizing national defenses. In economics, the private sector is that part of the economy which is both run for private profit and is not controlled by the state. By contrast, enterprises that are part of the state are part of the public sector; private, non-profit organizations are regarded as part of the voluntary sector.

Hello, and thanks in advance. My question: Can a criminal misdemeanor for a battery/bodily harm case in Illinois be expunged or sealed if th...


Hello, and thanks in advance. My question: Can a criminal misdemeanor for a battery/bodily harm case in Illinois be expunged or sealed if the defendant's criminal disposition is guilty and sentenced to a fine?


No. You have to do a clemency petition. If you need help, I can be reached at 312-3725600.

Hello, I am an Automotive technician and while working for Kia I presented an idea to solve a problem they were having with a vehicle, the i...


Hello, I am an Automotive technician and while working for Kia I presented an idea to solve a problem they were having with a vehicle, the idea was passed on to a manufacturing facility and turned into an applicable repair without any consent or notification, do I have any legal rights to ask for compensation?


You can ask, but doubt you will receive any compensation. You should look at the employee handbook to see if there is a mechanism for compensation for profitable ideas submitted by employees. However, if there is there is likely a specific procedure to be followed in order to qualify.

In most cases, employee ideas that become incorporated into the business model or that turn a profit are generally the "property" of the employer. Some companies are more generous with compensation than others when this occurs.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I am behind on my rent 13 days and have submitted a request to the owner to allow me to pay half the rent this month because I lost my job a...


I am behind on my rent 13 days and have submitted a request to the owner to allow me to pay half the rent this month because I lost my job a month ago but have since been re-employed. He has refused and is adamant that we stick to the terms of the lease. I am nine months into a two year lease and have never been late. Can he serve me with a 3-day notice to pay right now or does he have to wait until I'm actually 30 days late. What can he legally do and how long does he have to wait? Thanks!!


The landlord can serve a three day notice to pay or quit for all rent past due and proceed with an eviction if the rent is not paid within the notice period. If rent is due on the first, it is late in the second. There is no requirement that the landlord wait until the rent is over 30 days late.

You can request that the landlord work with you but he does not have to do so if he does not want to. The fact that rent has been paid on time in the past is not relevant to the landlord's right to insist on future rent being paid on time.

I purchased two tax lien certificates from a New Jersey Municipality. The Certificates show the property owner as Mary A. Propertyowner (not...


I purchased two tax lien certificates from a New Jersey Municipality. The Certificates show the property owner as Mary A. Propertyowner (not property owners name). I learned that the property owner was dead and informed the Municipality.

Pursuant to, NJSA 54:5-86.1: One acquiring title may request municipality to foreclose tax sale certificate as against omitted party. If the information contained within a Tax Lien Certificate is false is the Municipality responsible and should they foreclose against omitted parties?


The Municipality will not foreclose. You must continue to pay the taxes for 2 years then start an In Rem Foreclosure. Such actions typically cost $3k to $5k depending upon the number of defendants and whether there is an answer filed.

I hope this helps!

Ron Cappuccio

What are the release dates for Big Bob - 1913?

What are the release dates for Big Bob - 1913?
Big Bob - 1913 was released on:

USA: 5 March 1913

i am in a divorce that is in its forth year and i was just about to file a motion of contempt when i received a letter from my wifes new att...


i am in a divorce that is in its forth year and i was just about to file a motion of contempt when i received a letter from my wifes new atty. she got him after she tried to get child support from a man she had a child with after we split and couldnt due to us being married. he has filed to bifurcate based only on her name change. my question is if this is granted and we our divorced can i still get a hearing for the contempt. basically i found out about an abnormal amount of domestic violence that has happened and i wasnt aware. also my wife refuses to follow our parent plan and i cant afford a atty however there has to be some way i can get answers. its been 21 weeks since ive seen my child and only spoke to her 4 times in that time..after pulling the court records i now no why she didnt want me to see my child. i dnt know what to do and i only have till the 11th to see what my rites are as the atty also filed a default to obtain a fast court date..


You need to discuss this with your attorney. As a general rule you may file a Contempt Motion unless the issue has been resolved by the Judge.

In Turkey is there a good place that sells promotional products?

In Turkey is there a good place that sells promotional products?
As far as I know Promotive Promosyon is the biggest and cheapest.

Did Michael Jackson do hes first moonwalk in Australia?

Did Michael Jackson do hes first moonwalk in Australia?
no he didnt

How many parts does a car body consist of?

How many parts does a car body consist of?
It depends which type of car. Many cars have such parts like:
hood and trunk lid, right and left front and rear fenders, front and rear bumpers, roof, two or four doors, and some other parts on the sides or pillars next to the wildshield that are separate

Who is the oldest movie star alive?

Who is the oldest movie star alive?
The oldest major movie star is Olivia de Havilland, who willcelebrate her 99th birthday on July 1, 2015. She won Best Actressawards for "To Each His Own" (1946) and "The Heiress" (1949).De Havilland replaced Luise Rainer as the oldest-living majorAcademy Award winner. Rainer, the German-born star, died December30, 2014 -- two weeks shy of what would have been her 105thbirthday on January 12, 2015. Rainer received back-to-back BestActress awards for "The Great Ziegfeld" (1936) and "The Good Earth"(1937).

My 82 year old grandmother's husband of 27 years died in 2011 and his family did not want her involved in any of the arrangements for his fu...


My 82 year old grandmother's husband of 27 years died in 2011 and his family did not want her involved in any of the arrangements for his funeral. They had removed him from the home where they both lived some months before his death. They did not even call to tell her he died. She had suffered terribly since and they even buried him in another state so she could not visit the gravesite. Grandma died June 28th and I am wondering if there is any recourse for mental anguish on her behalf and mine since she lived with me and this also caused me much distress to see her suffer. She was old school and would not let me pursue the issue while she was alive.


I would honor your grandmother's wishes.

How do you culculate the gross spread ratio of a bank?

How do you culculate the gross spread ratio of a bank?
Gross Spread for Banks = (Net Markup Income/Gross Income)

Last week the linden nj police pulled me over for careless driving the gave me a sobriety test outside of my car which i passed, then they m...

We filled Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2007 in the state of WI. We have a motorcycle that has not been repossessed by the creditor. Is there a st...


We filled Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2007 in the state of WI. We have a motorcycle that has not been repossessed by the creditor. Is there a statue of limitations for the creditor to repossess the property before we can petition for the title?


No; unfortunately, title liens never expire (at least not until the vehicle itself expires), since they are a form of quasi-ownership, which is potentially superior to that of the borrower, any time after the borrower defaults on the loan. However, I am only guessing that you are referring to a perfected title lien here. Some other types of liens or rights might expire, depending upon what type of creditor you are referring to..

If any answer on AVVO helps you, mine or someone else's, please mark it as "helpful" or "best answer" to help AVVO know which answers to show others. Answering this question does not make me your attorney, but you can post comments here for clarifications, etc. You can also see past answers to similar questions on AVVO at. View over fifteen years of past answers at See 15 years of past answers at http://www./answers/atty_profile/view_attorney_profile/jknixon . Answers may contain attorney advertising materials.

Mother set up her son to get arrested for drugs, after arrested he called her from the jail inmate phone, she admitted setting him up and sa...


Mother set up her son to get arrested for drugs, after arrested he called her from the jail inmate phone, she admitted setting him up and said she did it for him. Will it have any bearing on his case?


If the Son did not do what he is accused of, there may be defenses beyond the Mother's participation. If he did, her activity may not provide any defense. He should consult with a criminal defense attorney very soon.

Good luck

I purchased a gift certificate for a friend for two days of a Ferrari rental. He didn't us the gift certificate and eventually returned the ...


I purchased a gift certificate for a friend for two days of a Ferrari rental. He didn't us the gift certificate and eventually returned the it. We tried to return it to the rental company but were told they did not give money back on gift certificates. We set up a date months in advance to use the car ourselves which coincided with reservations at a hotel in Palm Springs. I contacted them today to confirm picking up the car and I am being told that all of their care are out of service and I need to select another date. do you think I have a small claims case against them?


YOu have to read the contract and you are stuck with what the contract says.

I have been arestid for arson charges and have my go preleminary hearing coming up was woundering what are some good thigs to bring up


I have been arestid for arson charges and have my go preleminary hearing coming up was woundering what are some good thigs to bring up


You need to consult directly with an attorney. If you do not have funds to hire one, ask the judge to account counsel for you.

Good luck

Which is the main occupation of nagaland?

Which is the main occupation of nagaland?
main occupation of nagaland population

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What is the minimum age to drive in Barbados?

What is the minimum age to drive in Barbados?

How do you rephrase Ability to-work well with others and deal with customers?

How do you rephrase Ability to-work well with others and deal with customers?
how to deal with bad customer at work

We are looking to purchase a home and need to get 2 judgments off of our credit. Both are from Wisconsin (we now live in Florida). The first...


We are looking to purchase a home and need to get 2 judgments off of our credit. Both are from Wisconsin (we now live in Florida). The first is for $1,750 from an Electric Company. We have tried to settle, but they said they do not. The second is a medical judgment that is with an attorney. It was for $3,001, but with interest, it is now almost $4,500. We have tried to discuss the account with them in the past and didn't enjoy our experience. So, we are looking to see what our possible options are for reducing the debt and paying it off with the help of an attorney. Both of these are over 4 years old.

Can an attorney assist with this? Is it a flat fee? We are just trying to see if this is financially a better option.


Yes we created the under one roof program for this. We are going to have to settle or get them removed depending on the age

Why art is important?

Why art is important?
because without art, everything would just be plain. Art, is a creative way of expresing yourself.

What happens to a car engine in freezing temperatures when there's no antifreeze?

What happens to a car engine in freezing temperatures when there's no antifreeze?
If you have water instead of antifreeze in your cooling system, it will freeze! You won't be able to start the car, because the engine is connected to the water pump (which won't be able to move).If you have nothing in your cooling system (no water, no antifreeze, nothing else), then you need your head checked. Your car won't start either.

Does map sensor help car crank?

Does map sensor help car crank?
The starter motor, battery, battery cables, and ignition switch are all that is required.
This will make the motor spin.

The map sensor IS required to make the engine fire up, however.

I was on intermittent fmla from 2/9/12- 5-9-12 and the paper that i received showing the approval said the leave was expected to last for ap...


I was on intermittent fmla from 2/9/12- 5-9-12 and the paper that i received showing the approval said the leave was expected to last for approximately 3 - 6 months and I was advised at the time it had to be approved in 12 week increments. My doctor sent the paper in for 5-9-12 through 8-9-12 and I received paper in the mail dated May 23, 2012 stating that I was approved for intermittent fmla through 8-9-12. On June 26th my manager came and got me said I had a conference call in the office and it was the head of the HR dept and she told me that my Dr had only wrote for me to miss 10 mins every 6 months and my Dr is now out on maternity leave and when they attempted to contact her she was not available so I was told as of June 26 I no longer had fmla until I went to another Dr and the paper was sent back in for the fmla. I do not have the funds to go to another Dr at this time. My question is can they take my fmla after sending me the paper showing approved as needed through August 9. Thank you


Why not ask HR for a copy of what your doctor supposedly wrote to them

which hardly makes any sense at all, i.e., 10 minutes every six months?

(It would seem that someone, somewhere must be quite confused regarding

this issue.)

And, no, if in fact your employer is now denying your request for intermittent

FMLA leave, you could risk termination by proceeding as if such had

been approved.

What can i do when same one wan to kill me? i have my ex girlfriend boyfriend paid same to kill me i not know what to do


What can i do when same one wan to kill me? i have my ex girlfriend boyfriend paid same to kill me i not know what to do


Try calling the police.


Go to the police and tell your story, asap.

How many locations does Mr Cars Auto Sales have?

How many locations does Mr Cars Auto Sales have?
Mr Cars Auto Sales currently only has one active location. This location is located at 74-33 Queens Blvd. Elmhurst, NY 11373. This company has been in business for many years and will sell you an excellent car.

How old is Sarah Brightman?

How old is Sarah Brightman?
Sarah Brightman is 51 years old (birthdate: August 14, 1960).

Why was Blu-ray invented?

Why was Blu-ray invented?
To give people less crappy quality discs.

What does a secretary do?

What does a secretary do?
Takes meeting minutes co-ordinate final report to investors Chair meetings if CEO is absent Support the CEO Remind the company about chair meetings

How many points did the cowboys score in 2006?

How many points did the cowboys score in 2006?

Incident: I am 18 years old and was arrested the other day from shoplifting some jewelry and perfume from. The total was under 200$. Backgro...


Incident: I am 18 years old and was arrested the other day from shoplifting some jewelry and perfume from. The total was under 200$.

Background: This is my first offense ever; I have no record, not even parking tickets or speeding tickets. I am a college student, little scholarships, graduated from an esteemed high school, received an award for community service. Deeply involved in my community and overall never had any entanglements with anything / one ever.

I have yet to receive my court notice. But I need to know what to expect. I am not getting my parents involved in this whatsoever, so I'm on my own in this one, both emotionally and financially.

1) I need legal representation. I did seek out the Public Defender's office (and I still have to follow up and apply so I'm not entirely sure) but I feel like this may not work because I've never had a job or a credit card or a bank account so I have no assets and no paperwork to indicate this.

And my parents will not pay and I am 18 so I'm no longer their dependent.

How can I obtain legal rep?

2) If I cannot obtain legal rep, what should I do? Can I appeal to the court to provide me with one?

3) If I end up having to defend myself, what are my options, what should I do?

4) My goal is to get the lowest penalty possible and I am prepared to plead guilty if that is what it take. This is what I need: no jail time, I will do community service. I will pay whatever fine I need to. But I need this to be expunged. Preferably as little probationary time as possible. - Is this realistic? Will I need a lawyer to finagle this from the state's attorney? I DO NOT WANT THIS TO GO TO TRIAL. I want this over as quickly as possible.

5) I want the judge to decide because I think they would be more sympathetic. This is not a case based on human emotions, it is a moment of weakness of an 18-year-old and I think a seasoned judge would understand that.

6) Is a good idea for me to defend myself if, god forbid, I can't find anyone?


Unless you can pay to retain a lawyer privately, then one appointed by the Public Defender would be the way to have a lawyer represent you. Even if you are an adult, someone must be provding your room and board. OPD requires an affidavit of support, because you have to demonstrate eligibility.

If OPD denies representation, then you might ask the court to appoint counsel. However, you might be concerned about having an attorney for whom your case is all burden and no benefit protect your freedom and your future ability to obtain work, a place to live, or a loan. You might go to jail or prison for up to eighteen months and have a permanent guilty finding on your public record.

You may not expunge a guilty finding, and if you cannot afford a lawyer, you might not be able to pay the fine that the court imposes either. Depending on the person, some judges would be less sympathetic than prosecutors. The court might want to make an example out of you.

No one has to have a lawyer. Consider whether you are familiar enough with the law, criminal procedure, and the rules of evidence that you are willing to risk having a permanent criminal record and serving eighteen months in confinement.

Follow up with the public defender and perhaps get your parents involved before you regret not having done so.


If your case is in Montgomery County like you are, you may be offered diversion (community service for a dismissal). I can certainly help you get this done. Call me anytime.

How do I get someone to get their possessions out of my home?


How do I get someone to get their possessions out of my home?


That depends on how the possessions got there.

Who in nicleback just got engaged to who?

Who in nicleback just got engaged to who?
john Kruger is engaged with Avril lavigne

What gift does Odysseus take with him when he goes to see the Cyclops?

What gift does Odysseus take with him when he goes to see the Cyclops?

Friday, January 17, 2014

my son signed a condo lease but never move in - he gave a security deposit of $750. Subsequently, he got laid off from his job and so he nee...


my son signed a condo lease but never move in - he gave a security deposit of $750. Subsequently, he got laid off from his job and so he needs out of the lease. He is willing to give up the security deposit, but the landlord is demanding another 3 months rent or he says he will file a judgement. What are my son's options?


He should ignore these folks and wait to be sued (and he should stop talking to them). My guess is that they WON'T sue him.

They will probably put a negative report into his credit bureau file.

What is a Free Angela original button worth?

What is a Free Angela original button worth?

My new husband has recently been employed as a Physician in Indiana where he has a current medical license. We were married here in Arizona....


My new husband has recently been employed as a Physician in Indiana where he has a current medical license. We were married here in Arizona. Due to certain restrictions, he was unable to obtain a medical license in Arizona, therefore he went back to Indiana.

My kids and I live here in Arizona. Under ARS 25-408, I sent my ex-husband a certified letter notifying him of my intent to relocate to Indiana.

My ex-husband refused to sign the paperwork allowing me take them out of state, therefore I filed a modification through the courts and I am awaiting the trial.

Here's my question:

If we both have "joint custody" of the children, How likely is the court to allow me to move them out of state to join my husband? They are 5 and 8 years old. I am so worried I will be denied by the courts to take them with me. My husband has signed a contract and is unable to move back here at this time.


Relocation matters are some of the most difficult cases to prevail on. Especially if the father is involved, the court will expect you to convince him or her how the relocation would benefit the children, while allowing them to maintain a frequent and meaningful parenting time schedule with the other parent. With that being said, I have been very successful in these types of cases. I would need to know more about your case however before I tell you how I think you should proceed.

There are many things you should be doing now in preparation for your upcoming litigation.

We offer free phone and in person consultations if you have additional questions. I wish you the best,

Carlie Owsley Walker

How much does it cost to create a vacuum?

How much does it cost to create a vacuum?
You need to provide more info. What type of vacuum do you need and for what purpose?

There are many cheap vacuum pumps available form eBay or Coleparmer. The price increases depending on the amount of pressure the pump and handle, and it's speed.

Assume that a load extends 4 or more feet beyond the bed or body of a vehicle driven on the highway in the daytime How many flags must be used to mark it and what color should they be?

Assume that a load extends 4 or more feet beyond the bed or body of a vehicle driven on the highway in the daytime How many flags must be used to mark it and what color should they be?
This answer is DIRECTLY from the Florida Drivers Handbook:
In the day time,4 red flags at least 12 inches square must be placed on the projecting load where red lamps are used at night (extreme rear and sides)

NOTE: if the trailer or motor vehicle is transporting logs, long pulpwood, poles or posts that extend more than 4 feet beyond the rear of the load, then you must have one amber strobe-type lamp equipped, so that the lamp is visible from the rear and both sides of the projecting load. The lamp must be operational and seen any time of day or night.

>I hope this information was great use to you...GOOD LUCK on your exam! =D

I slashed my old co-worker's tires and I was spotted by a witness. Next day I went in for an interview at the police station and confessed. ...


I slashed my old co-worker's tires and I was spotted by a witness. Next day I went in for an interview at the police station and confessed. I did about 6 hours jail time and I have court in 1 month. The damage was 230$ for the tires. Will I get my license suspended? This is my first offense, and I am a student in college and I work, and I also was planning on volunteering at the children's hospital. I cant afford to get my license suspended.


As a Former Deputy District Attorney, and a Certified Criminal Law Specialist, I can tell you that you won't lose your license if you're not convicted. Many times, our office has been able to work out a diversion program, so you don't lose your license. Call our office and I can explain how that works. I wish you well....David Wallin. (661-267-1313).


The charge that you're describing is called vandalism or malicious mischief. In some cases, it does cause a suspension of your driver's license. Knowing that it is an issue for you, a resolution that doesn't cause a suspension would be a high priority. It is something that we lawyers deal with all the time. There can be no promises to you in advance, but knowing that your priorities will govern how the case resolves is important. If you'd like to talk to me further about this, don't hesitate to call me. Good luck. Steve Mandell 310 393 0639

Who is current delta airlines CEO?

Who is current delta airlines CEO?
Richard Anderson.

Where are the monster truck parts for lighting mcQueen in mater national for ps2?

Where are the monster truck parts for lighting mcQueen in mater national for ps2?
Tires are behind the courthouse (Red's place in the movie); the statue of Stanley is in front. The horn is lying in the street in front of the Casa della Tires. The last piece is on the dirt track that's to the west of the big radiator-cap rock out in the desert.

Why is the fan always running on the 220cdi?

Why is the fan always running on the 220cdi?
your fan relay maybe at fault causing this , they can short out , either not working or shorted in a way that they continuosly run , this relay maybe in the fuse block area under the hood probably pretty close to the battery , also i just seen sumone elses answer to sumones question i didnt think of , it also could be still running because the water/coolant hasn't cooled enough to satify the engines sensors so it will still run automatically as well , but if it steady runs after a short time then go back to my original answer at top..

What is the photocopier used for?

What is the photocopier used for?
The photocopier Is used to make copies of text, drawings or photographs. The machine makes it easy and inexpensive for anyone to make an essentially exact copy.

im in florida and have a x that is court ordered to keep health ins on both kids and he canceled it over two years ago and is behind on chil...


im in florida and have a x that is court ordered to keep health ins on both kids and he canceled it over two years ago and is behind on child support what do i need to do, Kim Zastrow


file a contempt/enforcement against him, set the hearing and let the judge have fun with him.

Which would be appropriate for a business letter?

Which would be appropriate for a business letter?
Thanking Someone (APEX)

Who invented or made the first football for the game of football?

Who invented or made the first football for the game of football?
depends what football you're referring to: soccer or American football?
depends what football you're referring to: soccer or American football?

What is the largest ammount of money left in a will?

What is the largest ammount of money left in a will?
3 million ?!

I am self-employed, and do not receive regular wages (if any), as I own an LLC in GA. However, I recently received a garnishment letter from...


I am self-employed, and do not receive regular wages (if any), as I own an LLC in GA. However, I recently received a garnishment letter from the company servicing my student loans, requesting my "employer", which is me, to garnish 15% of my wages. Now I haven't yet made it to a position where I can give myself regular wages, so I'm not sure how to handle this. Clearly the student loan company doesn't know that I'm self-employed. How can they garnish wages if there is nothing to garnish? What are their options in this case? What are my options?


They can't. There is nothing to garnish. Depends on what they want to do and how far they are willing to go - I guess they could get a charging order against the LLC and direct that any payments to you will be subject to garnishment and it may not be at 15%.

I suggest that you talk to a local lawyer who specializes in dealing with this to see exactly what kind of student loan debts you have and what your options are for dealing with it. Absent hardship, most student loans are not dischargeable in bankruptcy. For federal student loans, there is no statute of limitations so these have to be resolved. They are not going to get any smaller.

Your best bet, rather than garnishment, would be to work out some kind of voluntary arrangement consistent with your finances. The loan servicer probably will want a financial statement from you though.