Monday, August 25, 2014

(17 years old, Female) Arrested for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and drug related object back in December- on school campus...


(17 years old, Female) Arrested for possession of less than an ounce of marijuana and drug related object back in December- on school campus, was cooperative. Spent five days in jail, released on pretrial. Waived rights to attorney two weeks ago- court rescheduled for next month. What can be expected after waiving rights besides police using everything as evidence against you? (Cobb County, GA) Also, what charges can be expected? I've heard probation is most likely, but is diversion a likely possibility for first offense misdemeanor?


Waiver of attorney was probably for questioning by law enforcement NOT for hiring an attorney for case or trial

Hire an attorney ASAP

If you cannot afford to hire counsel, speak to a public defender's office in your county

Good luck

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