Monday, August 25, 2014

I have a sole proprietorship in Los Angeles, CA with an EIN number through which I want all acting related income to be handled. Depending o...


I have a sole proprietorship in Los Angeles, CA with an EIN number through which I want all acting related income to be handled. Depending on the project, I'm given a W2 and W4 or an I099.

Is it possible to put the EIN number instead of my social on the W2 so it can be processed over the company. If yes - do I have to put my name or the company name and my address or the company's address on the W2 form?

Thank you tons!


This is a question better addressed to your accountant or tax preparer. It strikes me that the matter is tied too directly to your individual situation to be addressed here.

In general, however, I would put my EIN instead of my SSN on anything having to do with the business. The EIN almost certainly should go on the W2's, with the name the IRS has associated with the EIN. The same is true if you have a number from EDD.

Again, check with your accountant or tax preparer. This is NOT legal advice on which you can safely rely.

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