Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What are all the major difference between product markting and service markting?

What are all the major difference between product markting and service markting?
Products and services require two very different marketing strategies to succeed. Consumers depend on consistency and branding to recognize a trusted product or service.

The most obvious difference is that one is a tangible object and the other is not. It is relatively easy to maintain consistency in marketing a product, whereas maintaining consistency in marketing a service can be extremely difficult. Consumers can easily place competing products next to each other for comparison while competing services cannot be directly compared. And let's not forget that services are nonreturnable

Generally with products you only need to consider the perceived value, price, sales location, and advertising. With services you need to consider the perceived value, price, process, people, advertising, and proof.

Advertising - advertising should be consistent with both products and services. When advertising a service its important to demonstrate your process and proof through testimonials or other sources to build reasonable expectations in your customer. These expectations will be what the consumer uses to determine the perceived value of your product or service.

Perceived value - This is the value you build in your product or service through your advertising. This is what a consumer would expect to pay for your product before they see the actual price. Your actual price needs to be lower than this amount on average.
To build perceived value in a product you can demonstrate the product and explain features and benefits. To build perceived value in a service you need to show proof.

Price - This is the actual price of your product or service. Pricing for products will include the cost of materials, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution for the product. The service price in some situations may include a small amount for some off site manufacturing but in general the pricing for a service is mostly profit. This low cost for providing a service comes in handy as you will be spending more money to advertise the service.

Location - location for products or services can both be stationary and/or portable. The location of your product or service may or may not be important depending on the type of item you're selling. If you run a retail location with many types of items you need a stable location with a lot of walk by or drive by traffic. Niche items and services do not require as stable of a location as they are "destination" locations. In other words, people do not need to know where your service is located unless they specifically need the one service you provide.

Process - This is the way your service operates. This is one variable that consumers could place side by side to your competitors and compare. Use your advertising and presentation to explain why your process is better than the competition.

People - These are the people that "deliver" your service. People are the most difficult part of maintaining consistency in marketing. With a service you're dependent on people to offer the best customer service to each customer. If a consumer buys a product then tells a friend about it, the friend can rest assured that if they buy the same product they will have the same result. Services do not operate this way. The trust consumers have in a persons ability to execute the same level of customer service day in and day out is nonexistent and for good reason. People are inconsistent creatures and that's why service marketers are burdened with showing proof not once, but several times that their service will leave the customer happy.

Proof - this is the proof that your service or product is worthy of purchase. Products seldom need proof because they are tangible and returnable. Proof for services may include testimonials, photos, audio, video, sales vs return data, or other.

As you can see, marketing a start up service poses the chicken or egg problem. You will need proof to gain new customers but you cannot get proof until you have new customers. This brings us once again to being thankful that it costs little or nothing to provide a service. With a little wiggle room in your service budget you can afford to give some serious discounts to jump start your business.

Expect slower growth with a service but higher profits.
hope this helps

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