Saturday, August 23, 2014

I am a college student in California living in the dorms on-campus. There are two locks to our dorm rooms one is an automatic button lock an...


I am a college student in California living in the dorms on-campus. There are two locks to our dorm rooms one is an automatic button lock and the other is a bolt lock. The bolt lock for my room has been broken for about 6 months now, and I have brought the problem to the attention of the housing coordinator and 2 of his student assistants, still nothing has been done.

In the past there have been cases where people have taken a wire coat hanger and were able to pick the automatic button lock.

Given that my safety has been put in jeopardy and I haven't been granted the same safety other students have been given. Do I have a strong case that would hold up in court?


I see nothing that would constitute a court case. You have not suffered any physical or monetary injury, and thus do not have any cognizable damages. You also have no ability to sue to force the repair of the locks.

Will your dorm allow you to repair the lock on your own?


Strong case for what exactly? If you have a contract that obligates them to maintain your door locks in good working order, and they have proper notice to fix it, but have failed to do so, you can get the lock repaired or changed and ask for reimbursement. Should they refuse to reimburse you for the lock, you can file a small claims action for the price of the repair or the new lock. However, I strongly recommend you read your contract first before you take any action.

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