Monday, August 25, 2014

What are the advantages or early marriage?

What are the advantages or early marriage?
Advantages of early marriage use to be that you would have children before you died since the average life expectancy was only 35-45 years. Other advantages use to be having workers for whatever sort of trade your family was involved in. Today advantages of early marriage are consummating your relationship (if you have not already), showing him/her you want to take it to the next level, and also being married brings in a whole new and challenging lifestyle. Basically the only thing I will say is don't take marriage to lightly, it takes two dedicated people to truly make it work and another thing to keep in mind is making a relationship work is a choice. Ask yourself are you ready to do whatever it takes to make your significant other feel happy, loved, and secure? If the answer is no to any of those questions give it some more time. Also talk about it with him/her, you might find they have some input as well. Keep in mind we do live in a material society and you will need money for the house/apartment, cars, food, bills, etc. Money can cause huge issues in a marriage so if you are not financially set, get to that point and then take a stab at marriage.

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