Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How is a car made to move?

How is a car made to move?
gas is put into a tank. fuel injection sprays it into thecylinder or on an older car the carborator dumps fuel into thecylinder. the piston goes down and that triggers the gas spray. Thepiston goes up an compresses the gas an air mixture. the sparkplugignites this mixture creating combustion this kicks the piston downagain starting the process over again. in a diesel a glow plugheats the gas and the piston itself ignites it
the piston turns the flywheel which toturns the axle. spinning thewheels+++Let's tidy that lot up & correct the errors!Start with petrol - or gasoline in the US - and acarburettor-fitted engine. The piston on descending in theinduction stroke draws in air, and with it petrol vapour inducedthrough the carburettor. (The carburettor does not "dump" anythinganywhere!) The piston then rises, in response to crankshaftrotation, compressing the air/vapour mixture: compression stroke.At the top of the stroke (give or take a few degrees in enginetiming), the fuel is ignited by the spark-plug, starting the powerstroke. As the burning fuel produces gas at high pressure, thisforces the piston back down, rotating the crankshaft 180. Thepiston now rises again, on the exhaust stroke, expelling the burntgas out vi the exhaust valve.If the fuel is injected, this occurs just as the piston reachestop dead centre and the spark ignites it.Now Diesel, or compression-ignition, engines... Here thecompression stroke compresses the air to a higher pressure hencetemperature than in the corresponding stroke in a petrol engine;and that temperature is enough to ignite the fuel as it is sprayedinto the cylinder top by the injector pump and injector.The glow-pug is purely a cold-starting device. It is a smallheater in the inlet to the cylinder, to heat the initial charge ofair to help ignite the fuel. It is NOT an ignition device as thefirst answer suggests, and in fact is switched off just beforestarting the engine.The piston turns the crankshaft, via the connecting-rod. Theflywheel is an inertial aid to keep the engine turning smoothly;and its connection to the driving axle is via the clutch andgearbox (manual or automatic).

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