Sunday, September 28, 2014

I have been divorced from my husband for 10-years. We have a 31 - year old disabled son who resides with me and collects SSI benefits of app...


I have been divorced from my husband for 10-years. We have a 31 - year old disabled son who resides with me and collects SSI benefits of approx. $800 per month. His father has remarried and he sees him about once a week. I recently had to purchase a new bedroom set for our son to replace the broken down one. I have requested my ex to pay for half the bill which amounts to $750.00 and he has refused claiming that he is not legally responsible. I feel that this is an extraordinary expense and that he should pay for half since he is also a parent. Should I take this to Small Claims Court or would it be a waste of time?


Unfortunately in the situation that you describe seeking a partial reimbursement in small claims court would be a waste of time, in my opinion.

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