Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What are hinders of employees motivation?

What are hinders of employees motivation?
Mostly, it is hindered by demotivating rules or actions by their bosses or companies. A few examples I have observed:
1. High-level executive is not allowed to buy as much as a stapler without his boss's approval.
2. People told the company has ethical standards and they are to take 2 weeks vacation. Then are told by their boss,"I don't care how you get it done, just get it done or you are fired". Leading to no vacations and frequent corners cut on ethics.
3. Outstanding teams must still cut "lower 10%" of employees, leading to teamwork being lower priority than grabbing individual credit.
4. Multi-million $ client is pleased with your work and asks for a CD to be burned with your final report. Admin tells you that if you buy a CD burner for $99 you will be fired.

The last 3 were at a single well-regarded company. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on.

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