Sunday, September 28, 2014

I live in the state of New York. My father passed away in June, and his widow is acting as executrix of his estate. She and I are not on goo...


I live in the state of New York. My father passed away in June, and his widow is acting as executrix of his estate. She and I are not on good terms, but seeing as how I am named in my father's will, I am curious as to how long she has to distribute his bequests to the family, as she has failed to provide me with a copy of the will or notify me of its contents.


You should have received a Citation asking you to consent to the appointment and advice when the probate took place. I usually send a copy of the Will when the Executrix is appointed. Call the Surrogate to see that the appointment has been finalized and for a small fee you can get a copy of the Will submitted. If there are any problems, contact a local estate attorney. I do not know how complicated the estate is or if inheritance taxes are involved. These could prolong the distribution of the estate.This is a response to an Internet question and the reply is not intended to be legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship.

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