Saturday, September 27, 2014

My landlord had my car towed stating that the tag that was on it wasn't registered to my car and the vin number was covered by mail on the d...


My landlord had my car towed stating that the tag that was on it wasn't registered to my car and the vin number was covered by mail on the dash. The police gained access to the inside of my car and saw pay receipts and registration for the car. The vin was ran and they claim the car wouldn't pull up as being registered in Mississippi. I called my landlord when the tow truck was parked outside her office to verify it was my vehicle and not stolen or anything, I was told I would get a call back and she never called. I attempted to call her 3 days later when I returned in town and the office was closed. After asking the repair man to call her she stated she would not talk to me about it until Monday (this was a Friday)... 315 has already accrued..i feel the manager should pay to have my vehicle released. what can I do?


First you need to clear up the registration issue with the police. That is the most important. As for the rest, that can work itself out once the main problem is cleared

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