Monday, September 22, 2014

my son (9) was injured on someone else's property, can I file a claim?


my son (9) was injured on someone else's property, can I file a claim?


It depends on the facts of how he was injured. If there was negligence on the part of someone else, than you possibly have a claim. The other homeowner is not a guarantor of safety without some negligence or a duty that was breached. Some homeowner's policies have medical payment coverage available to pay for medical expenses up to a certain amount. Consult with an attorney.


To get a meaningful answer, you need to re-post your questions with details such as how your son was injured, the nature of his injuries, whether the injury occurred on private property, commercial property or governmental property and what you believe the property owner did wrong that caused your son's injury. Alternatively, you may just want to call a local personal injury attorney and explain the situation.

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