Wednesday, September 24, 2014

If someone who is on parole in the state of texas and violates by having a dirty urine test. What can happen to the parolee?


If someone who is on parole in the state of texas and violates by having a dirty urine test. What can happen to the parolee?


To respond hypothetically as I do not have this person's complete file .... if their PO decides to violate parole, which they don't have to - based on one bad UA - but they can, and if the DA files a new case against you based on that parole violation;


The person will be re-arrested; may not have bond available; will have a new criminal case filed against them, and more-than-likely, they will have to go back into custody for all or part of their sentence and they may not be eligible for parole again. It will all depend on how the new case is negotiated.


And, as I stated above, I would need to see the complete file in order to answer this question.


I would tell this person to retain a good criminal attorney to assist them NOW in order to see what can be done with the PO to try to avoid and before the new case is filed, and also to assist and defend the person, if the DA does file to violate their parole.


Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified defense attorneys and criminal defense lawyers and criminal attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

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