Sunday, September 28, 2014

I have a very complex case involving an assault by an ex boyfriend in which I pressed charges. Can my civil lawyer advise me not to go to co...


I have a very complex case involving an assault by an ex boyfriend in which I pressed charges. Can my civil lawyer advise me not to go to court for the charges pressed, advising me that the court would be given a notice of why I would not be appearing? I have serious injuries that have worsened over time and I need Jaw surgery as a result. All of my depositions to this date have been postponed, without clear explanation why or by whom when consulting with my attorney regarding this matter. I feel i am not being taken seriously, and at times almost berated . How can I switch representation as this case is very in depth and I feel to this point I am not being represented appropriately?


Call me. I have handled cases like this for a very long time.

Robert Davies, Esq.

201 820 3460

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