Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My wife had cancer and it has taken a toll on her immune system and now she has shingles as a result of that. She has missed some work from ...


My wife had cancer and it has taken a toll on her immune system and now she has shingles as a result of that. She has missed some work from these conditions but has had doctors notes for every day that she has missed. Her boss has recently suspended her for 3 weeks for missing work and said since she is part time her doctor notes don't apply to her. What type of lawyer should we consult or do we even have a case?


Certain medical conditions are considered "disabilities" under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under the ADA, a disabled employee is entitled to a reaosnable accommodation, whether the employee is full or part time. A rasonable accommodation includes but is not limited to: a reduced work schedule, a modified work schedule, unpaid time off, reassignment, etc. Suspending a disabled employee who takkes time off (calls in sick) because of their disability could be a violation of the ADA. We routinely represent employees in these types of matters. Please call us for a complimentary case evaluation.

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