Saturday, September 27, 2014

i received a proposal for work on my house. The proposal included a scope of work, pricing schedule and an acceptance signature line. I verb...


i received a proposal for work on my house. The proposal included a scope of work, pricing schedule and an acceptance signature line. I verbally told the contractor that we accepted and asked him to send me a new version that included a start date for me to sign. Did I "orally agree" to his proposal such that it is now a contract?


Generally speaking, two parties may create a verbal contract. However, in Pennsylvania, contractors who work with homeowners are required to comply with a statute referred to as HICPA. There is a requirement that contracts be in writing, and that both the homeowner and the contractor sign the document. As a practical matter, you may still avoid signing the written contract by informing the contractor that you are no longer interested in accepting the proposal. Even if you signed the written contract and everything was in order, under HICPA you would still have the right to rescind the agreement up to 3 days after it was signed.

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