Saturday, September 27, 2014

What are the disadvantages of film industry?

What are the disadvantages of film industry?
The hours are probably the worst part of working in the film industry. The standard is supposed to be 12 hour camera days but that can easily turn into 14-15 hours after wrapping up and going home. Some departments including locations and transport can be working up to 20 hours a day and may get fewer than nine hours turnaround time before they have to be back at work for the next day.

Another disadvantage is that you work with some miserable people who hate their lives and jobs and just make the day harder to get through. You also deal with a lot of sexism, homophobia, and harassment from certain departments with very few consequences because if you complain, then you will not be hired again. Also, many people are trying to get out of the film industry for these reasons but are trapped because they don't have any transferable skills or they have families and need the income which is generally better than most labor jobs.

I hope this answers your question.

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