Monday, September 22, 2014

we sue somebody and we won so we got the check and went to cash checking place and cashed it . after almost a month they called us and told ...


we sue somebody and we won so we got the check and went to cash checking place and cashed it . after almost a month they called us and told us the check wasn't good and we need to return the money. meanwhile who ever wrote the check to us contacted them and took full resposnibility and told them he will pay them. but he didn't so far. so am i responsible or the person who wrote the check is responsible if the cash checking place sue us.


I would have to see the written agreement between you and the check cashing business to state with certainty, but most likely, it provided that you would be responsible for refunding the money they provided you if it turns out the check was no good. However, if they sued you, you could still pursue the party that wrote the bad check to recover whatever money you have to repay the check cashing business. Hopefully, the defendant will re-pay the check cashing business and you will not get sued. If not, there is a risk that you will be liable and will have to re-pay the check cashing business and pursue the defendant for reimbursement.

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