Thursday, September 25, 2014

Re my mom's conservator case, is there a lawyer who can work for proceeds from upcoming sale of my rental property? I need an attorney to he...


Re my mom's conservator case, is there a lawyer who can work for proceeds from upcoming sale of my rental property? I need an attorney to help me save my mom from financial/elder abuse. I've done much prep work & can provide a detailed list of evidence/testimony/info. The case was continued to 6/15/15 so I need lawyer who can act fast. Overview: In 2006 my mom (72 yrs old) married 35-yr-old to keep him in the country. From then thru 2011 divorce & thru present day, & thru her documented mental deterioration, he's stolen her money, coerced her to sell property, change her trust & POA, turned her against me. He's guilty of extreme elder abuse. Key evidence/facts include: 2013 police report indicating mom not mentally capable; account statements & cancelled checks showing ex-husband used her credit cards for his own purchases; June 2014 court investigator's report indicates ex- is abusing. 2015 court-ordered HAPS eval indicates she needs conservator. Timeline clearly established that she (coerced by him) made key decisions (trust, POA, property sales) that were invalid due to her mental state.


You first need to identify (a) what county this is in, and (b) what kind of hearing this is. Without that, no attorney is capable of deciding whether he or she can help you.

In addition to looking through profiles on LawGuru, you can contact the local bar association for assistance. You can also ask local senior centers if they have a referral panel. A search through your favorite search engine should reveal attorneys who practice in the field of elder law.

Only with a better description of what the case is about and what needs to be done can an attorney tell you what your fees may cost you. There are also rules of ethics about taking liens on client property for the payment of fees. These, however, you can discuss with the attorneys who are interested in your case.

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