Monday, August 11, 2014

A TRO turned into a civil action order. Although it doesnt state it specifically, its basically a no contact agreement signed by the plantif...


A TRO turned into a civil action order. Although it doesnt state it specifically, its basically a no contact agreement signed by the plantiff, the defendant and the defendants attorney. the judge said he couldnt sign it. The last stipulation of the agreement reads: Any future contact would be a violation of this order and could give rise to criminal charges as well as a new restraining order being filed"

There's no mention of an end date..does that mean this contract is forever?

Also, if the judge didn't sign it, and its not notarized how severe of a peice of paper is it?


you need to talk to a lawyer about this, and get some clear advice about what this all means.


As Mr. Davies said, you need to hire a lawyer and talk to them about this issue and all issues in this case. Call me at 732/773/2768 to discuss.

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