Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I fell in a store and went to the urgent care later that night because my back was sore. Can I get the store where I fell to pay for the visit.


I fell in a store and went to the urgent care later that night because my back was sore. Can I get the store where I fell to pay for the visit.


It depends on the facts of the fall and any negligence was evident by the store owner. Please call me if you want to discuss. 404-459-0000


The short answer is: Yes. Most businesses have a liability insurance policy that includes "med-pay" (medical payments) coverage that pays for medical bills incurred by a person lawfully on the property who is injured there--regardless of fault. The limit of such "med-pay" coverage is usually around $5,000 but I have seen higher. You should contact the store manager to get the paperwork to make such a "med-pay" claim. That said, if you suffered more than just minor injuries and wish to make a claim under the liability coverage afforded by the store policy I strongly recommend that you get a lawyer and do not make any statements to the store without your lawyer being present. You will need to establish negligence on the store to recover on a liability claim. The liability claim does not pre-empt the "med-pay" claim, though. You can still make both. Lawyers will usually charge a percentage of the recovery for representing you in the liability claim but should not for submitting a med-pay claim for you. That is just filling out a few forms and submitting them along with the medical bills.

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