Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I live in Texas and I sold a Persian cat to a woman living in Pennsylvania. The cat was given a clean bill of health the day before he let m...


I live in Texas and I sold a Persian cat to a woman living in Pennsylvania. The cat was given a clean bill of health the day before he let my care from my vet that I sent with the cat to the new owner. Tr new owner is saying that the cat had to have nearly 1100.00 dollars in veterinary attention the day he arrived at her home. She contacted me and I told her to send their vets report to me so that I could see what was going on within 6 hours of leaving my care. She will not send the report but instead she is slandering me on the Internet and sending harassing emails to me saying she won't quit. I want to resolve this issue and could have done so had she sent the vets report. Instead she has served me with a civil suit for 12000.00. My question is can she sue me from PA when I live in Tx and expect me to fly to Texas over a 1000.00 cat? I am a senior citizen caring for an adult child with MS. I can't fly to Pa what do I do ?,she will not speak with me. I paid for a background check on her fearing for my safety and she has a laundry list of criminal offenses. I'm scared. Please help


This is way, way too complex of an issue to be addressed on a free forum. You need to talk to a lawyer. If suit has been filed against you and you have been served you probably need to file a response but the way you respond and what documents you send is very important to preserve your rights. You may also want to file a defamation, fraud, malicious prosecution or other counter-claims against the individual.


You need an attorney that practices in Pennsylvania and in Texas. That lawyer needs to review any written documentation of the sale.

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