Saturday, September 20, 2014

7 years ago I lost a property in a land contract forfeiture. The creditors got the property back. However, my lawyers failed to obtain from ...


7 years ago I lost a property in a land contract forfeiture. The creditors got the property back. However, my lawyers failed to obtain from the creditors and file a "satisfaction of judgement" document with the court. I have been trying to contact my lawyers in this case and they will not return my calls.

My credit has been severely damaged by this and I am unable to refinace my house because of this.

What can I do?


Did you pay your lawyers? If not, this is a good reason that they might not return your call. It sounds as if you forced the the contract holder to obtain a judgment against you instead of signing the property back over in an accord and settlement. Your credit was damaged because you promised to pay the contract, and then you failed or refused to pay. If you have proof that you forfeited the property, then you can show that the debt is no longer outstanding, but your breach of contract (and judgment for the breach) does not disappear with a satisfaction of judgment. Your current creditors must consider your past performance before they take a risk, and lend you more money, based on your promise to pay. What can you do? Improve your credit score by paying your bills on time and your accounts as promised. Eventually, your credit lapses will fade away.

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