Sunday, September 21, 2014

Can an employer tell an employee how the employee can or cannot react to something they say or do? Basically, I was told that I was not allo...


Can an employer tell an employee how the employee can or cannot react to something they say or do? Basically, I was told that I was not allowed to have any adverse reaction to anything a member of management or a peer says or does to me. Is this legal? What about my freedom of speech? I am not disrespectful to anyone and I feel this is unfair. I was actually written up for another issue, but this was included.


The simple rule is that you are responsible for your words and actions. If your employer does not like your words and actions, whether or not you think it is fair or unfair, you risk termination. There is no general right or entitlement to a job (absent a contract). There is no "freedom of speech" in a private setting (and freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences). You did not share the details, so this is just general information.

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