Friday, September 5, 2014

If a single mother is baker acted in the middle of the night due to false accusations and while sheriff's and mother are still present at th...


If a single mother is baker acted in the middle of the night due to false accusations and while sheriff's and mother are still present at the home and two neighbors try to come and get the 4 children that are in the home get told to get off the property of they will be arrested, and the other has been locked in the back of a sheriff's car for hours without being told so much as to why she is hand cuffed in a sheriff's car let alone given the opportunity to call anyone to come watch the children can the mother have her children taken by dcf due to abandonment? Mother spent less than 24 hours in the hospital before seeing a doctor and being deemed fit to go home hour after the emergency permency hearing that was held on Saturday March 15th at 730 am .....I just need my babies and my life back these animals are being allowed to destroy my children and my lives Like some sick joke... How did I abandon them when I had no choice in the matter and there was no need for me to be taken to the hospital ?


DCF has Gestapo powers. You need a local attorney on your side ASAP. You might contact your county Legal Aid Office

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