Friday, September 19, 2014

What is the meaning of development administration?

What is the meaning of development administration?
action oriented
goal oriented
change oriented effort is development administration

Development administration is concerned with plans, policies, programmes and projects which focuses on nation building and socio-economic development. It aims to achieve socio-economic goals through the talents and expertise of bureaucrats.

Development administration focuses on the results to be achieved rather than the traditionalist view of strict adherence to rules and hierarchy. Strict adherence to rules creates rigidness, delay and procrastination.Development per se is oriented towards change in a destined direction. Thus, development administration is change oriented and rejects status quo.Every development functions have a goal to be achieved. i.e Economic Development has the goal to improve the quality of life such as better literacy rate, life expectancy and reduction in poverty rates.For the goals to be achieved, to relate the means to ends, planning and temporal dimension is a salient feature. Planning aids in deciding the resource required for the goal, the time in which it needs to achieve.Development administration has an innovative dimension, it is flexible enough to design new methods, procedures, policies which would save time, increase effectiveness and quality.Administrators under this concept are required to be committed to the policies, plans and programmes. The commitment is not necessarily to the political parties, who enacts the policies but to the values that an administrator should upheld in his/her profession.Development is ultimately aimed to the people, hence it should accord primacy to the public the administration should be client oriented. For the development functions to be effective and for it to be people oriented, participation of people is emphasized in formulating plans, implementation and sharing the benefits deriv ed. Thus Development administration should focus on "planning with people" rather than "planning for people". It should be people centered rather than production centered. i.e not in maximizing production, goods and services but to address the needs of people, empower people.
Development administration has two concepts administration of development and administrative development. Administrative development is increasing and improving the capabilities of administrative system. It involves modernization of administrative structure, capabilities of personnel, attitudinal and behavioral changes among the administrators.

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