Friday, October 31, 2014

I live in Florida and my neighbor died with no will and had 2 sisters. One of the sisters is dieing and has a horrible husband who only stay...


I live in Florida and my neighbor died with no will and had 2 sisters. One of the sisters is dieing and has a horrible husband who only stayed around to get part of my neighbors estate the estate has not been liquidated yet. My question is when the sister dies does the estate automatically go to the surviving sister or is the husband entitled to her share?


It depends on whether he died with a will or without. Your neighbor relatives need legal counsel

How did artisans live?

How did artisans live?
They lived in cities and towns, the Bakufu referred to them as townspeople, they were the third last people on the feudal system. they contributed to society by making useful tools or decorations that people used for everday life.
Also, that Starbucks answer is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard! :P

A soft black substance made by burning all organic materials from twigs and sticks?

A soft black substance made by burning all organic materials from twigs and sticks?
charcoal = carbon

can a probate judge act as-competent witness of a will?


can a probate judge act as-competent witness of a will?


Theoretically yes. But, it would be improper for a Judge to participate in an estate that could come before their bench.

Good luck

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What are the release dates for Booty Dance - 2004?

What are the release dates for Booty Dance - 2004?
Booty Dance - 2004 was released on:
USA:12 June 2004 (New York Lesbian and Gay Film Festival)
USA:17 July 2004 (Los Angeles Outfest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
USA:21 July 2004 (Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)
USA:28 August 2004 (Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival)
Germany:17 October 2004 (Hamburg Lesbian and Gay Film Festival)
France:29 October 2004 (Paris Cineffable Film Festival)
Netherlands:11 December 2004 (Amsterdam Pink Film Days Gay and Lesbian Film Festival)

Why is there so much money in metal?

Why is there so much money in metal?
Metals are used in almost everything we use in our lives. So, with demand comes the price you are willing to pay for something. No demand, lower price. High demand higher price. Got it?

How old is Pam griers daughter?

How old is Pam griers daughter?
Pam Grier does not have nay children and she has never been married.

Who invented motor cars?

Who invented motor cars?
Automobiles - self-powered motorised vehicles - were invented by several people at various times in different parts of the world.

There are many names which can be cited. Here is just a very short list:

Trevethick (a Cornishman) who invented the first steam-powered vehicle

Benz and Daimler (both Germans) who invented cars powered by gasoline engines


Diesel (also a German) who invented the first vehicle powered by a type of fuel oil which soon became known as "Diesel".

Here is the short of it: I suffered a seizure in Penn station was accused of being drunk and brought to Bellvue. Where I was put in four poi...


Here is the short of it: I suffered a seizure in Penn station was accused of being drunk and brought to Bellvue. Where I was put in four point restraints and given no medical attention and treated as a drunk patient. I was kept against my will and am now suffering from lasting effects of this traumatic event please help.


Depending on the details of the events you describe you may have a legitimate action against the Hospital for failure to diagnose, and the police for potential civil rights violations and negligence. What happened next? You can either email me or call. My contact info is listed on the website.


Sounds interesting. Let's talk. Best, M.E. Zuller

jeff is my grandson. kristy is his wife. i want to turn over a house thats in my name to them. do i need to put it in both their names in ca...


jeff is my grandson. kristy is his wife. i want to turn over a house thats in my name to them. do i need to put it in both their names in case they should split up in the future? they have 2 sons. i live in north carolina.


This is bad. Better from a tax standpoint if you just leave it in your will to your grandson. Why include his wife? Just leave it to your grandson. Inheritances are separate property and if they split up this will not be subject to equitable distribution by the wife. If you add both names then it will be partly the wife's.

If you want to give it now to the grandson, there are repercussions for you. How old are you? How is your health? Are you going to still live in the home? Will you be needing Medicaid in the next 5 years if you had to go into a nursing home? Nursing home care is very expensive so how would you pay for it? If you are going to be living in the house then I suggest that you keep a life estate just for you. There are also tax consequences to giving property now and whether you give it outright or only a life estate. You can only gift up to $13,000 to any one person in one year. Gift taxes apply after that and are paid by the donor and also count against the lifetime exclusion.

I suggest before you do something that is going to cause a lot of headaches and complications that you sit down with an estate planning attorney to figure out the best way to benefit your grandson and his children. A more fundamental question you should ask is whether the grandson even wants your house. You might be surprised to learn that he may not. I don't know - I can tell you that estate planning clients of mine made one suggestion and after talking to their kids they came up with a totally different distribution scheme.

So this is something which you and your grandson should discuss and after doing so, if he has a need for the house now, then you need to get up with a real estate attorney. As I said, you also need to know if you will be staying in the home and its value. Perhaps he can "buy" the house from you and you can forgive $13,000 of the debt each year until it is all transferred and/or you can provide in your will that any remaining balance is forgiven upon your death. Or you can leave it to him in your will. If the latter, then you will want to see an estate planning attorney who can look at all your assets, debts, income and circumstances and come up with the best way to transfer the home. And by all means, do not add the wife's name to this.

My legal residence is in the state of Florida. I'm currently in the state of Tennessee where I was served with divorce papers. What are the ...


My legal residence is in the state of Florida. I'm currently in the state of Tennessee where I was served with divorce papers. What are the ramifications if I can't submit my response in the required 20 days?


If you do not timely respond to the court you may lose your case and your rights. See your attorney immediately.

What are the release dates for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 1.18?

What are the release dates for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 1.18?
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 1.18 was released on:

USA: 11 June 1967

Who is A Parisch?

Who is A Parisch?
A parisch is a local church community

In a Foreclosure case, I have copies of the Note and Mortgage that the bank filed with the court, at the bottom of the documents it says "IM...


In a Foreclosure case, I have copies of the Note and Mortgage that the bank filed with the court, at the bottom of the documents it says "IMAGE MADE FROM ORIGINAL DOCUMENT". My question is, who determines if the Document are Original or not, the Clerk?


The clerk will not typically make such a determination. Usually, such an assertion must be made in court.

Functions of financial management?

Functions of financial management?
In a business firm a financial manager has to take three importantdecisions viz
1) Investment decision
2) Financing decision
3) Dividend decision

Major causes of world war 1?

Major causes of world war 1?
A major cause of World War I was imperialism in which a countrywill increase their wealth and power by bringing in additionalterritories under their control. Another cause the assassination ofArchduke Franz Ferdinand.

I have a client that died and only his name is on title for his home. It was given to him by his parents. The mother is still alive but the...


I have a client that died and only his name is on title for his home. It was given to him by his parents. The mother is still alive but the father passed away. How do the get the title for the home transferred to his brothers and his mother


Since title was only in his name, the home is part of his "estate". If he has a will, it should cover who gets the home. If no will, it passes according to the law of "intestate succession". Assuming he has no heirs you did not mention (like a spouse or child), intestate succession provides for his entire estate to go to his mother. Of course she is free to do with it what she wants, once she gets it. "Probate" is the court process used to administer and distribute estates. Sometime probate may be avoided by a simpler procedure. For example, in this case, if the entire estate were worth less than $100,000.00, an affidavit procedure might be available.


I agree with the previous answer, except I'd say "If he has a will or trust......" Many people these days have their property in a living trust, with someone else taking over as trustee upon their death.


You may have to open a probate if there is no trust. If u need help or have more questions feel free to call me at 818 345 0123

How do you get a nonprofit an Org or an LLC started free or almost free Who do I talk to ie what are the links I do not currently have a business name attached to my websites how do I achieve this?

How do you get a nonprofit an Org or an LLC started free or almost free Who do I talk to ie what are the links I do not currently have a business name attached to my websites how do I achieve this?
Log into your state's Secretary of State's office web site or search for LLC on the state government site. Starting an LLC in two different states took less than a half hour and $80 each.

My ex wife had dental work done in January 2014 and we divorced in May 2014. Am i responsible for paying the dental bills because the benefi...


My ex wife had dental work done in January 2014 and we divorced in May 2014. Am i responsible for paying the dental bills because the benefits were in my name?


It depends on the language in prior orders or the divorce judgement. Usually, parties are responsible for their own uninsured medical expenses, but that's no always the case.

Hi I am a real estate agent. I have a client who's father passed away April 9th, 2015. The son and daughter--the only 2 living heirs, had a ...


Hi I am a real estate agent. I have a client who's father passed away April 9th, 2015. The son and daughter--the only 2 living heirs, had a notarized will signed prior to death. The house was all the father had of value, of which around $300,000 will be of profit. The property is now vacant, yet the son and daughter want to know which should be the next step to take--they live in Northern Ca., while the property is located in L.A. County. Any insight would be useful--Mike


A "notarized" will may not be valid. Whether it is or not, however, they must open a probate case and submit the will. If it is valid it will be used to conduct the probate. If not, the probate will proceed via intestate succession. Either way, unless the father had a living spouse or there were other children, the son and daughter will most likely be the recipients of the estate. They can either sell the house out of the probate or take title to it and sell it later, or whatever they want to do with it. But no matter what they must open a probate case in the county in which their father resided when he died. The property location doesn't matter.


It definitely sounds like a probate needs to be opened, as probate is the only way anyone has the legal right to manage, rent, sell, or distribute the property to the heirs. The probate will indeed take place in the county where the father lived before his passing.

I strongly suggest your clients meet with an attorney that handles probate matters. The first step is to see if the will meets all the formality requirements in order to be valid. This isn't necessarily a complicated question, but it requires a review of the will. Assuming there is no dispute among the heirs and a diligent probate attorney, the probate proceeding should go smoothly.

Attorney's fees for probate are capped by statute and are based on the value of the estate. You can try to negotiate a lower rate: some attorneys will do it, some won't. There may be additional fees involved due to the sale of the house or other complexity not revealed by your message. The important thing is that the clients find an attorney they trust and can work with, and that they really avoid trying to do this themselves.

You should be able to find a good probate lawyer here on Lawguru, or through the local bar association.


I'll just point out that your clients may as well see a lawyer up here, rather than in LA - most probate work is routine and doesn't involve lawyers appearing in court in person (or by phone). So if your clients get a lawyer in their community that lawyer can file for probate in Los Angeles County, or whatever county their father resided in at his death.

If a spouse purchased a home before marriage and does a refinance after being married is other spouse liable in case of foreclosure. NC.


If a spouse purchased a home before marriage and does a refinance after being married is other spouse liable in case of foreclosure. NC.


It depends. If the spouse signed on the note for the refinance loan, the spouse is liable. If the spouse only signed the mortgage (deed of trust) the spouse has no liability. (However, the spouse will be named in the foreclosure since a bank can't foreclose without the spouse being noticed. This does not make the spouse liable for anything).

What is example to show limitation of research?

What is example to show limitation of research?
writing by english languge is very defficult for me

We have an employee who is paid a flat rate (of $400 a week) IF he doesn't make more than that in billable hours. (We're in the automotive r...


We have an employee who is paid a flat rate (of $400 a week) IF he doesn't make more than that in billable hours. (We're in the automotive repair industry and he is a mechanic.)

When we pay him vacation/holiday pay, which rate should we use as a basis? The lower flat rate or an average of the higher billable hours?


Such benefits would normally be based upon his base pay.

Which of the following is an activity of the Asset Accounting sub-process?

Which of the following is an activity of the Asset Accounting sub-process?
Which of the following is an activity of the Asset Accountingsub-process

Monday, October 27, 2014

Is it a utilisation or an utilisation?

Is it a utilisation or an utilisation?
a utilization

I was involved in a car accident and left the scene because I had a warrant on the same city they want me to come in today what are my options


I was involved in a car accident and left the scene because I had a warrant on the same city they want me to come in today what are my options


Turn yourself in to the police but just don't make any comment at this time.

Call me directly if you want to talk. 216.952.1990

Who is the jassi gujral?

Who is the jassi gujral?
JASSI GUJRAL (BORN 29/12/1983)is anIndian billionaire and a major shareholder in JASSGEET GROUP
In 2010 his name will be added to the list of Indian Trillionaires (in terms of Indian Rupee).
Born - new delhi
Ethnicity - Punjabi khatri
Occupation Chairman,JASSGEET GROUP

Will a po460 code keep the car from running?

Will a po460 code keep the car from running?

Which is the best private university in Malaysia for Banking and Finance?

Which is the best private university in Malaysia for Banking and Finance?

How do you use worthwhile in a sentence?

How do you use worthwhile in a sentence?
Doing volunteer work to help others is truly worthwhile.

Is demurrage charge taxable?

Is demurrage charge taxable?
Type your answer here... no

Method that can be used to increase the magnitude of the fusing time of a fuse at the minimum fusing current without effecting the operation on large over current?

Method that can be used to increase the magnitude of the fusing time of a fuse at the minimum fusing current without effecting the operation on large over current?
If possible, select a time-delay (alternatively known as slow-blo or time-lag) type fuse-link. These are designed specifically to provide a slower response at low overload currents. They are intended to be used to protect inductive loads which tend to have a high switch-on surge current that would blow a normal fuse.

is it legal in florida to pay for an escort to do alunch date no sex involved?


is it legal in florida to pay for an escort to do alunch date no sex involved?


Yes, so long as there is nothing approaching sex, and no expectation of some sort of sexual relations


I agree with Mr. Epifanio. Lunch is fine, just no paid sexual contact.

Good luck,

How do you sign off hotmail?

How do you sign off hotmail?
you click the sign off button

How many camshafts does a 98 Corvette have?

How many camshafts does a 98 Corvette have?
it has 1, in the block.

An accepted or professed rule of action or conduct is?

An accepted or professed rule of action or conduct is?
A principle.

What happens when the speed sensor is bad?

What happens when the speed sensor is bad?
Speedometer either doesnt work, is erratic or works when it wants to.
This may also cause erratic shifting in the transmission or transmission to stay in 2nd gear when in drive.

i was assisting a client in paying her restaurant tab over a years time. I paid cash to the restaturant and received paymnet from the client...


i was assisting a client in paying her restaurant tab over a years time. I paid cash to the restaturant and received paymnet from the client who has a close friend who monitors her finces. i would notify the clients friend that i laid out the money a received reimbursement. I never profited from the relationship. Client and i would go to lunch etc she would pay/ i would pay in turn Help


I do not see a question. Did you forget to ask the question?

What words starts with r that is money related?

What words starts with r that is money related?

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Top 10 rich people?

Top 10 rich people?
The top 10 richest people in the world are
1.Carlos Slim(Mexico)-Telecommunications
3.Warren Buffett(USA)-Berkshire Hathway
4.Bernard Arnault(France)-
5.Larry Ellison(USA)-Oracle
6.Lakshmi Mittal(UK)-Arcelor Steel
7.Amancio Ortega(Spain)-Retail
8.Eika Batista(Brazil)-Oil and Mining
9.Mukesh Ambani(India)-Petrochemicals
10.Christy Walton(USA)-Walmart

First of all, context: Father has primary physical custody and joint legal custody. We have a court order that states any additional visitat...

Why sale price and cost price are different?

Why sale price and cost price are different?
Well technically cost price is the real price with no discounts and sale price is the cost price minus the discount (e.g. 20% offa $100 item would make the item cost $80)

How can you combine the names Layla rosar and bobi maynard?

How can you combine the names Layla rosar and bobi maynard?
Bobla Masyar

Can you give me an example of a private organisation?

Can you give me an example of a private organisation?
Any company that is not regulated by the government.
Such as:Wal-MartUPS

What is a clearing house and who controls it?

What is a clearing house and who controls it?
An agency or separate corporation of a futures exchange responsible for settling trading accounts, clearing trades, collecting and maintaining margin monies, regulating delivery and reporting trading data. Clearing houses act as third parties to all futures and options contracts - as a buyer to every clearing member seller and a seller to every clearing member buyer.

What is a grievance policy?

What is a grievance policy?
A grievance policy is a policy that describes how an organization will respond to a complaint by an employee or other interested person.

ex husband got visting rights to my kids well hes not picked them up on schedule time and now he has moved out of state and wanting to pick ...


ex husband got visting rights to my kids well hes not picked them up on schedule time and now he has moved out of state and wanting to pick kids up and take them out of state for summer


Isn't it a little early to take the kids for the Summer, especially if they're in school? The visiting schedule is already set. If this isn't his time, then it may not be advisable to allow them the go with him now. He could use it against you to get a Custody Order for himself. Consult directly with a family law attorney, in your area, before deciding. You need an attorney that has read your actual custody and visitation order.

Good luck

I have a 28yr old daughter and a 18 yr old daughter, my child support payments go to the state of illinois, but i live in florida, how do i ...


I have a 28yr old daughter and a 18 yr old daughter, my child support payments go to the state of illinois, but i live in florida, how do i go about petitioning the court for desolution of payments?


By a motion to the court that entered the support order.


If this was a Florida matter you could notify the Clerk of Court and it would be resolved. You indicate it was an Illinois court, you can try the Clerk of Court for the county where the DOM was granted or speak with an Illinois attorney.


file a motion and strighten it out with the originating state - most likely IL

Most prolific theater director of Delhi?

Most prolific theater director of Delhi?
Arvind Gaur of Asmita Theatre is known as Most prolific theatre director of Delhi.

What ever happened to actor randy Boone?

What ever happened to actor randy Boone?
he retiired from acting. is currently a country music singer and resides in Fayettville, NC

My divorce was filed in another state 13 years ago. i have been served with Order to Show Cause for contempt for failing to pay my portion o...


My divorce was filed in another state 13 years ago. i have been served with Order to Show Cause for contempt for failing to pay my portion of a consolidated student loan. Do I have to appear in court in person? I live over 1500 miles away and can't afford to travel


You should contact the court in question and arrange to appear telephonically. It's usually granted.

After a bankruptcy is discharged. If the Trustee receives a(payroll deduction)payment a week after being informed of the discharge. Is the T...


After a bankruptcy is discharged. If the Trustee receives a(payroll deduction)payment a week after being informed of the discharge. Is the Trustee allowed to send a payment to a creditor knowing the bankruptcy is no longer active?


My suggestion is that you call the Trustee and inquire of them. Bankruptcy trustees and the people that work for them are thoroughly schoolled in all of the legal requirements, duties, and responsibilities required of them and they are in the best place to answer your question. If they made a mistake, in all likelihood they will correct it.

What would happen if you put the wrong harmonic balancer on?

What would happen if you put the wrong harmonic balancer on?
If you put the wrong harmonic balancer on theres probly a 99%chance your going to damage the internal parts of your engine suchas bearings ect.. most harmonic blancers run around the 75 % markbrand new so its worth it to get a new one if yours is begging tofail

What are the release dates for Perfect Strangers - 1986 Tux for Two - 2.16?

What are the release dates for Perfect Strangers - 1986 Tux for Two - 2.16?
Perfect Strangers - 1986 Tux for Two - 2.16 was released on:

USA: 4 February 1987

My fiance and I have 3 children. I have a son he has 2 daughters. Neither have the same mother. We have my son 1 of his daughters on the...


My fiance and I have 3 children. I have a son & he has 2 daughters. Neither have the same mother. We have my son & 1 of his daughters on the same weekend. We are trying to get visitation set up for the other daughter. The mother doesn't want us to have her the same weekend we have the other 2 or says we need to change the other 2's weekends. Will a judge stick with her? This would not only effect our visitation & schedules but that of our childrens parents & significant others.


Is there a reason on the other parent's end that they can't switch? I assume you are offering her 2 weekends in a row in order to implement the schedule. A judge will try to put it all together after you are marrried, but it is difficult to do when you have all these folks involved, and won't even try to do it until you have permanent ties.

Can I sue my job for making me work too many hours?

What year did parmore start?

What year did parmore start?
2004 :D

Saturday, October 25, 2014

my husband and I are currently in adivorce in california. He has liquidated our assets and formed an LLC in florida and washington in order ...


my husband and I are currently in adivorce in california. He has liquidated our assets and formed an LLC in florida and washington in order to hide the money. How do i locate the names of his LLC's?


Proper use of discovery requests and motions would be the way to proceed.


Ms. Kock is correct. You may also need the help of a forensic accountant.

Have you seen the dark crystal?

Have you seen the dark crystal?
Yes I have. Its hilarious. we were making fun of the characters the whole time!

Howe much postage to send a postcard from US to Canada?

Howe much postage to send a postcard from US to Canada?
As of September 2014, it costs $1.15 to ship a post cardinternationally. If it exceeds 4 3/4 inches high or 9 1/4 incheslong, you will be charged the First Class Mail International price.

How do you fix your you i- pod every word is missing one or two letters?

How do you fix your you i- pod every word is missing one or two letters?
call a mechanic

My father passed away recently and we(my mother, half siblings, and I)are in the process of settling his affairs. He had many different asse...


My father passed away recently and we(my mother, half siblings, and I)are in the process of settling his affairs. He had many different assets, one of which is a safety deposit box in which we believe he put his living trust. My mother came across a draft of his living trust in which she is named the beneficiary of many of the assests, but of course we are unable to find the official living trust to verify, leading us to believe it may be in the safe. My father used to always mention "everything you need is in the safe", and we assumed he meant the personal safe kept in the house until we discovered he had a safety deposit box after his death.

We went to the bank, but were told because my father did not name my mother as a beneficiary on the deposit box, we would have to wait 40 days for it to be unclaimed. Then we were told we must go to court to get a court order naming her as the executor of the state.

The question is: are we able to get that document and will it be an easy process such as going to the court and requesting it same day, or will we have to make an appointment and experience a waiting period for the document? Also, since the living trust draft is inadmissable, if someone wants to claim the executorship or a percentage of it(say a greedy sibling), what would be our options.?


You can start the Probate process without waiting 40 days; however, it takes 30-45 days to get named as an administrator or executor of an Estate. You must publish Notice and the Petition itself must be in proper form. You will need to meet with an attorney to assist your family with this process.


Consider this - look at the draft documents you have. The attorney's name should be on there somewhere. Contact the attorney's office. If your father executed the documents then the attorney should have a signed copy in his or her file.

To get in the box, do a Small Estate Affidavit under Probate Code section 13101 (google it for the form). It can't be signed until 40 days after the death.

Also, under California Probate Code section 331 (google it, print it out and take it to the bank) you can get into the box under supervision for the purpose of looking for a will and/or trust documents, which can be copied for you.

Do I ask Family Law questions here?


Do I ask Family Law questions here?


For California, yes.

I lived with the mother of my boys for over 17 years. We recently broke up and I moved 2 hours south for work so I wasn't able to get my stu...


I lived with the mother of my boys for over 17 years. We recently broke up and I moved 2 hours south for work so I wasn't able to get my stuff out right away. She agreed to let me get it and after several attempts, she is now telling me I can not come on the property to get my things out. What can I do?


Who owns the real estate? Who is on the lease? What type of property are we talking about? Do you have a key? Go with a witness, calmly and ask for entry to get the property. In theory you could call the police and ask for their assistance. If she persists in the refusal, then you may have to file a law suit seeking the property.

I asked a question yesterday, is it to soon for an answer?


I asked a question yesterday, is it to soon for an answer?


LawGuru questions are answered by volunteer lawyers as a public service. Since they are posted anonymously there is no way for me to tell what question was yours. What I can tell you, however, is that I and most of the other attorneys pick and choose the questions we answer based on our own personal criteria. Some only answer questions that they think might lead to a client. Others, like myself answer those and other questions that seem to either allow us to give a clear and concise answer that will help someone, or that involve a topic that I think might be helpful to the public, since the questions and answers are public and searchable.

There are many questions, however, that I and others choose not to answer. They may be so badly worded that its impossible to make real sense about what the person needs to know. They may be about such trivial whiny things that they don't deserve an answer (seriously, someone once posted asking how to sue their brother for not returning a tool he borrowed). They may be too long and convoluted or so legally complex that they amount to trying to get legal advice they should pay for for free. You'd be surprised at how many we get that just read like a Google search, instead of a question. Many are posted in the wrong category so they go to lawyers who don't have the expertise to answer them. In short, there are lots of reasons a question is not appropriate for me to answer, and others who read it may think the same. There is no way for me to tell you what reason your question has not received an answer, but if you think you can improve it, you probably should do so and re-post it.

How long does it take to get a court date in San Mateo, California? Spouse has an old bench warrant from 2000 for a failure to appear on 1 g...


How long does it take to get a court date in San Mateo, California? Spouse has an old bench warrant from 2000 for a failure to appear on 1 gram of cocaine possesion. The case was going to be dismissed, but she did not appear for final court hearing. She is not a US citizen and wants to fix this problem. I was wondering how long it would take to get a court date once an attorney filed for a motion to quash the warrant.


You need to contact an attorney right away to make sure your spouse is not picked up by the local authorities on a bench warrant and she would have more problems to deal with.

If you are interested in speaking to an experienced criminal defense attorney that can inform you of your rights and can competently represent your spouse's interests, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

Can I leave state to work if on bench probation?


Can I leave state to work if on bench probation?


If the Probation Order did not address moving away, it us somewhat assumed that the probationer can move, so long as they comply with the requirements and lumitations if the Probation.

Good luck

A family member died intestate and the court appointed an administrator (a different family member). How can I found out if the administrato...


A family member died intestate and the court appointed an administrator (a different family member). How can I found out if the administrator filed a listing of estate assets with the court (required within six months of appointment as administrator)


Check with the Surrogate's Court in the county where your family member lived before he/she died.

Also licensed in New York.

What is the defect of budget?

What is the defect of budget?
Anything that might look like odd not in it proper place like casting nines a defect of currency with in the budget,

Friday, October 24, 2014

I am being told that i got a dui in Georgia and i did not. What do i do.


I am being told that i got a dui in Georgia and i did not. What do i do.


Contact an attorney in the area where the alleged DUI took place. It could be a number of things including identity theft so you need help on this right away.

I am trying to understand the extended summer visitation. It states he gets them for 42 days beginning no earlier then the day after school ...


I am trying to understand the extended summer visitation. It states he gets them for 42 days beginning no earlier then the day after school lets out and no later then 7 days before school resumes at the end of summer vacation. Not to be exercised in no more than two separate periods of at least 7 consecutive days. Does that mean he only gets them for 42 days? Because he is trying to get them from June 5th until August 3rd?


Subject to the parameters listed, he does get them for 42 days. There is probably a provision that allows you some weekend time, with notice. If you are still confused, you could consider asking an attorney in your area to review the decree, and explain it to you, for a reasonable fee. Good luck.

What is the song from the seat ibiza advert 2008?

What is the song from the seat ibiza advert 2008?
It's actually a specially commissioned piece of music called 'madhouse' that is not available to buy as it's not being released.

What are the causes for UK recession?

What are the causes for UK recession?
The recession originated in America where mortgage companies got into massive debt by giving out many subprime mortgages. They then bundled this debt on to other countries such as the UK by borrowing from abroad to finance this risky lending.
As UK banks began to struggle, the government allowed them to lend to each other to promote liquidity. Unfortunately, this resulted in more debt and tension between the banks. The negative publicity that Northern Rock brought caused panic to set in as consumers worried the banks would not be able to pay up. Consumer confidence was knocked greatly. Along with the overvalued housing market finally failing, consumption began to fall.
Once Northern Rock was bailed out, some banks thought they were too big to collapse and continued lending for subprime mortgages, which obviously worsened the situation.

We are going to build an attached in-law quarters onto my daughters home. We would like to have all our names on the deed in a way that none...


We are going to build an attached in-law quarters onto my daughters home. We would like to have all our names on the deed in a way that none of the parties can sell or convey any of the property without legal consent from all parties. My daughter and her husband currently own the home with a mortgage and the deed is a tenancy by the entirety. Can my wife and I be added to the deed? How would a possible divorce be handled in this situation if it were to occur?


Yes you could be added to the deed. However, the mortgage holder isn't going to be happy. Unless you ask them. Even then they may not want to allow it. Well they might if you sign on to the mortgage and promissory note. or maybe it's to much trouble. In that case you could look in to refinancing the property.



I agree with Mr. Davidson's suggestion. However for the complicated arrangement that you want, you'd be better off having a partnership agreement of some kind that spells out all of each person's rights and obligations to maintain the property, pay expenses, and also what will happen if any party wants to back out of the arrangement. It is important to provide for buy-outs and how to value the interests now, rather than having to go to court later, because that will be expensive and time-consuming.

Consult a local real estate lawyer to assist in preparing such an agreement. Each party should have separate legal counsel. This may seem expensive, but it will save money in the long run.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.


P.S. You will also have to get local municipal permits for such an addition. Don't forget to apply for the applicable zoning and building permits.

Are you a bankruptcy?

Are you a bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is when a person or a firm thinks that they are infinancial crisis, they go out for filing bankruptcy in relatedcourt.

I have got road traffic violation ticket. If I go to court, how should i defend myself?


I have got road traffic violation ticket. If I go to court, how should i defend myself?


Hire a criminal attorney

Good luck

How long can car sit before you buy them?

How long can car sit before you buy them?

I filed for disability and was told i met the medical requirements and was considered disabled as of 3/3/11. But they also said they still h...


I filed for disability and was told i met the medical requirements and was considered disabled as of 3/3/11. But they also said they still haven't made a decision on whether I meet the non-medical requirements. What are the chances I will be approved if I have no income, no assets and havent't worked for almost 2 years. And I have worked 40 quarters of my short lifetime. So, it seems as though I would qualify for both SSI and SSDI.


You should not have to wait as long as you have. You should speak to an attorney. We have offices in Charlotte, Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Please call to schedule a time to speak with Ms. Cini in our office to learn what your rights are.

Total no of UK websites?

Total no of UK websites?
The total number of UK websites on the web at this time is over 10 million encounting

If a debt collector operating on behalf of a company to whom a debt is owed, violates the fair debt collection act, who is potentially liabl...


If a debt collector operating on behalf of a company to whom a debt is owed, violates the fair debt collection act, who is potentially liable for the violation? Is the debt collecting firm solely liable for the violation or does the company whom the debt collector is representing also have some liability?


The debt collector. The creditor does not necessarily assume that its debt collector will attempt to collect debts in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. However, if there is some independent basis of negligence by the creditor, then perhaps there may be some liability. I have not undertaken to research this issue.

While I am sure that violations of the law occur, they are seldom actionable unless they are really egregious. Also, just because the debt collector violated the law does not mean that you don't owe the debt. If the debt is small and the violation clear, then perhaps that fact can be used to negotiate the debt in whole or in part. If you have a $20,000 debt and only one violation, the most you can recover under the act is $1000 unless you establish actual damages (most people can't.) Of course, that is $1000 per violation so you would need more than one if you really wanted to make an impact. Lawyers love the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act though because they can recover attorney fees.

Before you get all sue happy, why don't you run your case by a lawyer who specializes in the litigation of FDCPA claims? I am not a litigation attorney and I focus on resolving the debts rather than suing debt collectors for missteps. Here is one place:

There are other FDCPA lawyers in Atlanta I am sure. Know that Georgia is a very creditor friendly place though and its not very likely that a case will exist unless there is really clear conduct. But get a free case evaluation before you conclude otherwise.

What is a prime directive?

What is a prime directive?
Prime Directive; An order or instruction of the utmost importance, issued by the highest ranking central authority.

My co signer paid off my loan without telling me. I was making on time payments. Am I responsible for paying him back? My name is first on t...


My co signer paid off my loan without telling me. I was making on time payments. Am I responsible for paying him back? My name is first on the loan and the only one on the title.


A first question is this: What agreement did you make with the person kind enough to co-sign on a loan with you?

Tricia Dwyer Esq

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

ph 612-296-9666

Minnesota Attorneys at Law

We are Joint Managing Conservators. I'm the primary custodian. I always let the non-custodian parent know about upcoming medical appointment...

I was convicted in Harris county for theft, which to my understanding it was 1,500.00 but less than 20,000. I plead guilty and was sentenced...


I was convicted in Harris county for theft, which to my understanding it was 1,500.00 but less than 20,000. I plead guilty and was sentenced to 90 days in county jail serving 22 days. In court I plead the 1244a. I am not sure what this actually means. The debt was paid off, and I want to know if I can have this either concealed or expunged? I do work in the medical field and I am looking to continue my career in this field and this could be a hinderance. Would there be any resolution to this situation? I have not had any other troubles before nor after this. Please help me to understand what has and is happening.


Please check where you posted and post again. There is no Harris County in Indiana.

How do proportions work?

How do proportions work?
proportions are used in calculations to help in the division of parts into units for effective distribution.

Errors of original entry?

Errors of original entry?
When a wrong figure is entered in the two books of account.

My wife an i are still married but are about to divorce but her an her parents constantly denie me visiting an there has not been one thing ...


My wife an i are still married but are about to divorce but her an her parents constantly denie me visiting an there has not been one thing ever court order or anything stating im not aloud. Is it against a law or whats the guidelines


In Ohio, until there is a court order with regard to visitation, there isn't much you can do to enforce your right to see the children. File for divorce or dissolution or separation and you can get temporary orders going regarding your right to visit with the children. If she does not follow the court order on visitation, you can ask the court that she be held in contempt and then she could possibly go to jail and/or pay fines.

Is the Hershey chocolate company moving?

Is the Hershey chocolate company moving?
Shame on you. Closing American plants to move to Mexico to save 10%....10%? Another short sighted profit driven corporate decision with no regard for American workers. Congratulations Hershey. You have just joined the ranks of all too many other companies without the sense to realize what they're doing to the next generations of Americans. I am ashamed for you , as you obviously don't have the integrity to feel that way for yourself. I have just thrown away every Hershey product in my home and even after enjoying your prodects my whole life, I will never...ever purchase another Hershey product. Wake up America...boycott companies like this. There are thousands of chocolatiers, with frankly a better product, worthy of your buying dollars.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Illustrate the jus in personam and jus in rem?

Illustrate the jus in personam and jus in rem?
The law of contract is different from other branches of law. It does not lay down any rights and duties that the law will enforce. It contains the limiting principles on the basis of which the parties can create there own rights and duties which the law will up hold. Law of contract creates jus in personam and not jus in rem. Here jus in rem means the right against a thing at large and jus in personam means the right against a specific person.

Let us see what happened in the following illustration:

Mr. A owes an amount of Rs.10,000 to Mr. B. Here Mr. B has the right to recover this amount from Mr. A and only from Mr. A and not from anybody else. This right is known as jus in personam.

To understand the Jus in rem let us see the following example:

Mr. X owns 10 acres of land. Here Mr. X is having the full liberty to enjoy the land against every members of the public. Likewise every members of the public is having an obligation that they should not disturb the right of Mr. X. This right of Mr.X is known as Jus in rem.

Who was first head of the securities and exchange commission?

Who was first head of the securities and exchange commission?
Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr.

How are ancient civilizations similar to today's civilization?

How are ancient civilizations similar to today's civilization?
In almost all ways: food, sports, entertaiment , society etc

Can a cop run a license plate without probable cause?


Can a cop run a license plate without probable cause?


Yes. Your license plate is a matter of public record.

What is the desired yield?

What is the desired yield?

How many nickles are 2 dollars?

How many nickles are 2 dollars?

How many cement industry in himachal pardesh?

How many cement industry in himachal pardesh?

What are the 4 main business types?

What are the 4 main business types?
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Sole Proprietorship

What is the consequence if tax is not deducted at source in contracts?

What is the consequence if tax is not deducted at source in contracts?
The one failing to withhold becomes liable for any loss of revenue to the government. They are subject to rather substantial fines and penalties...and likely serious audit too. If done intentionally, it can be criminal disregard of the law. It's a pretty bad thing.

failure to display a county decal in virginia, is that a state violation,or county ordiance violation,and is it a moving violation?


failure to display a county decal in virginia, is that a state violation,or county ordiance violation,and is it a moving violation?


It's a local ordinance violation and is not a moving violation.

What is importance of chemistry in marine engineer?

What is importance of chemistry in marine engineer?
Chemistry is an important subject in Marine Engineer because it allows you to carry out the various job roles as a Marine Engineer; it gives you the knowledge to identify the many chemical problems in engineering (specifically for marine engineers: Corrosion, Pollution, etc). By understanding how to combine many different elements would lead to a longer endurance and life to the material.

Do you have to file state taxes if no state taxes were with held?

Do you have to file state taxes if no state taxes were with held?
The general answer is "no" but you should double check your states website just to be sure.

Abbreviation of associates?

Abbreviation of associates?

What does RPI stand for?

What does RPI stand for?
in a sport like basketball it is ratings percentage index.

Can you put a company on COD after receiving a chapter 11 notice?

Can you put a company on COD after receiving a chapter 11 notice?
The best way to place a business on COD is to make sure that yougive the business a 30 day notice. You don't want to lose acustomer because you failed to properly notify them of the change.

Is it wrong to jizz at your own reflection?

Is it wrong to jizz at your own reflection?
No it happens with me on a daily basis.

What are the characteristics of services that will be most appropriate for Internet delivery?

What are the characteristics of services that will be most appropriate for Internet delivery?
Internet service can be provided through telephone lines .Internetconnection speed can generally be divided into two categories:dialup and broadband
Characteristics of the Internet:
The characteristics of the Internet that affect its usefulness inservice can be divided broadly into Information and Connectivity."The advantages arise from the Internet's enormous capacity to linkparticipants with information and with each other.
The Information and Connectivity of the Internet have uniquecharacteristics:
Information on the Internet is multimedia--capable of havingcoloured images, sound and video. These can be expensive toproduce, but increasingly there are open sources of these types ofcontent that are free of charge. Once produced, the price ofdistribution of the information is nominal compared to that ofproducing hard-copy books, CDs and films.

Information on the Internet can be hyperlinked. This permits bothtutors and learners to assemble large bodies of information from awide variety of sources without actually having to store theinformation in one place; e.g., on paper or a hard disk. Hyperlinkswithin information on the Internet enables users to find or citeadditional sources of pertinent information.

Information on the Internet is searchable. Search engines such asGoogle enable users to find information on every imaginable topic.

Intelligent agents can be programmed to search the Internet forparticular information and inform the user of the existence andlocation of that information. In fact, these agents can harvestpertinent information and deliver it to the user's desktop.

Information on the Internet originates from world-wide sources.Users are no longer limited to the library, gallery, museum orvideo or record store in their locale.

Can you consider franchisee as owned?

Can you consider franchisee as owned?
Yes - but not completely. One of the advantages (and sometimes disadvantages) of franchising is the fact that "you are not alone". That is, if the franchisor is doing its job, as a franchisee, you are acquiring rights to and, presumably, should be benefiting from an existing system for conducting your franchised business. As a franchisee your will "own" your own store (i.e., you, most likely will have rights to your leased business location and own the furniture and fixtures of your business) but your rights in and to your own store will also be subject to and governed by the terms and conditions of your franchise agreement. That is, your business franchised business must be operated within the terms of your franchise agreement that, typically, will dictate and regulate (a) hours of operation, (b) the products that your may sell or the services that your may offer, (c) the trademarks that will be used to identify your business and other systems and requirements respecting the operation of your business. Like a traditional "non-franchised" business, in most cases, you will possess the right to sell your franchise but, typically, you will require the approval of the franchisor.

How many governors are there in the United States?

How many governors are there in the United States?

What significance does human resources have in creating goods and services?

What significance does human resources have in creating goods and services?
Human resources (that is people!) are needed to make most productsand bring them to market for purchase by other humans.

When i start my car when its cold outside I always smell gas?

When i start my car when its cold outside I always smell gas?
Smelling a gasoline smell when the weather is cold could mean thatthe gas is set too rich. It would also be possible that thecarburetor needs to be checked for a fuel leak.

Who sold the most rock albums in history?

Who sold the most rock albums in history?

What is the average credit score by age group?

What is the average credit score by age group?
The average credit score is charted showing the relationship between age and the average credit scores. Younger people have lower credit scores than older people.

Home invasion, shot in the stomach. Taken to hospital and had surgery. Have a colostomy bag. Now the hospital will not take the colostomy ba...


Home invasion, shot in the stomach. Taken to hospital and had surgery. Have a colostomy bag. Now the hospital will not take the colostomy bag out because i do not have insurance. Is this right? I didn't ask to be shot. They also left half the bullet in me.


Facts in medical malpractice cases can be very specific in determining whether or not you have a claim. Go and sit down with a malpractice attorney to discuss obtaining your medical records. There may also be issues with the treatment in terms of whether or not stabilizing you was within the standard of care, and whether or not they actually had any obligation beyond that.

The answer to this questions is informational only, and it is not intended to be legal advise. Only an attorney who has met with you and gone over all of the specific facts of your case can give you legal advice upon which you should rely. Follow up questions are welcome via the email below, and our firm offers free consultations via phone or in person. We have convenient offices in Winder, Jefferson, and Gainesville Georgia, and you should feel free to contact our office at (770) 307-4899, via email at [email protected]/* */, or through our website:

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On april 7th 2014 my husband committed suicide while taking chantix. the dr giving him the medicine was also prescribing anti anxity and ant...


On april 7th 2014 my husband committed suicide while taking chantix. the dr giving him the medicine was also prescribing anti anxity and anti depressents. On top of all this my stepsons suicide me for the estate. While waiting mediation i was locked out of my home. The security company was suppose to be neutral during this time and even after i was given the home. The security company allowed people unsupervised on to my property where they stoled 60 bales of hay propane tanks a canoe amongst other things. When i question the people who took the hay. they told me that they had permission form the security company this is false. they had no legal right.. this seems like dereliction of duty do i have a case.


Your case is not a guaranteed win, but you do have an arguable claim against the security company, especially if the people who took things are willing to testify that they were given permission to do so by the security company's employees. I would pursue the claim, because there may be some value there, even if it is only for the nuisance value.

Who originate steel band?

Who originate steel band?
Steel bands originated in Jamaica and most of the Carribean.

I signed up online to vote in my area/district. I have just received notice from Planned Parenthood saying "Earlier this year, you registere...


I signed up online to vote in my area/district. I have just received notice from Planned Parenthood saying "Earlier this year, you registered to vote, so now you are able to vote in the upcoming November election."

Is it legal to sell my private information to these people? Had I known that the voter's rights of privacy are being sold or given away I would have NEVER signed up to vote. I am 55 years old, I don't need planned parenthood and am very mad about my information given out like this!


Voter registrants are public record. You have no claims against anyone.

Purpose of a light table in graphic arts?

Purpose of a light table in graphic arts?
A light table is usually referred to as a table with a slightly transparent top with a light source underneath.This table is used to view photographic slides, photographic transparencies, film negatives and film positives to check color, quality and registration.You can also use it to trace other images onto paper or film.Before the advent of computers to set-up pages (layouts) for printing, light tables were used to layout typesetting and artwork onto "flats" prior to making negatives used to "burn" printing plates. The light tables allowed artists to see through the thin typesetting which was placed on the layout sheets that were prepared with faint blue lines to allow the type to be positioned easily.

What does NCM fiscal classification mean?

What does NCM fiscal classification mean?
Nomeclatura Comum do Mercosul

What kind of expense is cartage?

What kind of expense is cartage?
Cartage generally refers to transportation costs. For example payments to haulers to deliver fuel from a terminal to customer site, service station, etc. Cartage costs are normally booked under Operating Expenses

What are the market entry barriers that MNE's are likely to encounter in doing business in botswana?

What are the market entry barriers that MNE's are likely to encounter in doing business in botswana?
What are market entry barrier mne likely to encounter in doingbusiness in botswana

What is a word that means fake the second letter is h?

What is a word that means fake the second letter is h?
Phony .

How do you do a cum shot?

How do you do a cum shot?
you masterbate

Will Facebook ban you if you buy Facebook likes?

Will Facebook ban you if you buy Facebook likes?
There is no issue in purchasing the Facebooklikes because the Social media has now become one of the mostwell-known techniques to market the business's trademark to theworld. Many businesses have discovered success and valued whenusing it to market their merchandise and services online. You willbe able to promote your business through Facebook. Over 1 billionusers are there on Facebook, so it will be easy for theentrepreneur to promote their business. To take on the advantage ofthe power of Facebook, one cannot simply just design a businesspage and expect people to see it. One needs to find ways tostimulate the right people to visit their page.

my neighbor across the street from my house parks her car in front of my house every day. she claims the street is public, but I am sick of ...


my neighbor across the street from my house parks her car in front of my house every day. she claims the street is public, but I am sick of it. what can I do legally?


She is correct. It may annoy you, but you don't own the street in front of your property, anyone can park there, it belongs to the city. This is happening to me too as my Syrian aviation mechanic neighbor refuses to use his 2 car garage, but I can't do anything either.


If it's a public street, there is nothing much you can do about it. If it is an easement, I suggest speaking to an attorney.

We have a quit claim deed to a home we own in FL. We would like to transfer the home to our uncle who lives in the home (homestead/tax purpo...


We have a quit claim deed to a home we own in FL. We would like to transfer the home to our uncle who lives in the home (homestead/tax purposes). Upon his death we want the home to be transferred back to us. How can this be worded and done in a quit claim deed?


You need to hire an attorney. You can transfer property to

A life estate with remainder back


You. There are implications for which you need to consult with an attorney

please i need an answer if someone have a problem with theft and the incident was less than 9.000 dollars can that person go to jail.ii was ...


please i need an answer if someone have a problem with theft and the incident was less than 9.000 dollars can that person go to jail.ii was in Ohio that inccident


If you're saying 9,000... Yes. Jail. If you meant 9.00 then ask for a diversion program or a lower charge.

I. I'm accused. Of robbing a woman but she never identified me as the person that did it to her only proof I'm seen 30 mins later tring to u...


I. I'm accused. Of robbing a woman but she never identified me as the person that did it to her only proof I'm seen 30 mins later tring to use a credit card that was taken from the same woman


You need to hire a good lawyer. This is a serious accusation and being in recent, unexplained possession of stolen property can be a real problem.

were hired as independent contractors in california as massage therapist.Can the owner charge us a monthly base rent???on top of the rent we...


were hired as independent contractors in california as massage therapist.Can the owner charge us a monthly base rent???on top of the rent we already pay(per client)???


Yes. It all depends on the lease agreement you agree too. In my opinion, I would find a new office and report this owner for gouging.

Report consumer fraud to the California Attorney General.

Report to the Better Business Bureau

Report to the California Department of Real Estate

Contact the California Housing and Community Development Department.


A business should have a written lease for its premises. If you do, read it carefully, or get a lawyer to interpret it for you. Whatever it says, that's your rent. If you don't have a written lease, get one, either from this landlord or, after you move, from your new landlord.

Nsa passport visa free to US?

Nsa passport visa free to US?
hello can u plz help me on this question,nsk passport visa free to usa or new zealand? hope to hear from u soon thxs.

Hi,im in question is on rent to own home..i put a down payment down on a home.moved in.great for three years.then i had a acciden...


Hi,im in question is on rent to own home..i put a down payment down on a home.moved in.great for three years.then i had a accident .lost my jobs was behind by half a month still paying.then. was served papers eviction notice in the middle of moving had a heart attack.went to court.they said i forfit the money put on the house and any money put into the house to make it water tank,new toilet,fix central ac unit.when at court found out this man didn't own the house its in a trust.who can i contact in a law that this was a scam?and i forfit my cash to fix up the place and down not the only one i know of two others who were in the same place..thank you..


Your written agreement would control your rights. Have that reviewed by an attorney.

My husband and I separated and I am selling the house. It is in my name only. Is he entitled to 50 equity if during our marriage he had no ...


My husband and I separated and I am selling the house. It is in my name only. Is he entitled to 50% equity if during our marriage he had no income and did not take care of the home ? I am in Pa


Hi, Thank you for your question. My name is Andrea and I have over 25 years experience in in all aspects of Family Law.

Under Pennsylvania Law, anything purchased, or acquired during the course of the marriage is considered Marital property, regardless of which spouse paid for it and regardless of which spouse's name is on the title. The only exception is property acquired by gift, bequest, or inheritance and these remain the sole, separate property of the recipient to which the other spouse has no claim or right.

Therefore, if the house was purchased during the course of the marriage, it is considered "Marital Property" to which your husband has a claim. The amount of the proceeds to which your husband is entitled will depend on what you and he agree. If you cannot agree on the percentage interest division between the two of you, then you would submit a Petition on equitable Distribution and the Court will decide the percentage that each spouse will receive in both the personal and real property that constitutes "Marital Property".

You would first have a hearing in front of the Divorce Administrator who would arrive at a decision. If either of you do not agree, you can appeal the decision of the Divorce Administrator and have a trial before a Common Pleas Judge. In each case, the division of marital property starts out at 50-50. The Divorce Administrator (or, Common Pleas Judge, if either of you Appeals), starts out at 50-50, then depending on the facts and taking into account the factors in the Divorce Code, the final division could be 50-50, 45%-55%, 40%-60%, etc.

I wish you the best,


If you have done excellent work in show business and have had the business consistently personally allude to you from childhood and throughout your life obviously in various productions what do you?

If you have done excellent work in show business and have had the business consistently personally allude to you from childhood and throughout your life obviously in various productions what do you?
See a psychiatrist.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How many marriages did miriam makeba have?

How many marriages did miriam makeba have?
It is said that she was married three times. The spouses are:
Stokely Carmichael (m. 1968-1978)
Hugh Masekela (m. 1964-1966)
Sonny Pilay (m. 1959-1959)

What does a RN make an hour in Florida?

What does a RN make an hour in Florida?
An RN in the state of Florida makes anywhere from $21.00 to $24.00per hour. However, this will vary greatly depending on theexperience level of the RN.

On Monday an attorney placed a "garnishment" hold on my joint (with uninjured spouse) checking account. This came out of the blue after not ...


On Monday an attorney placed a "garnishment" hold on my joint (with uninjured spouse) checking account. This came out of the blue after not hearing from him for FOUR years. No warning this was going to happen. The very next day, I filed emergency bankruptcy and I have a case number and a hearing date. Said lawyer is now refusing to remove the garnishment hold from my bank account stating he put the hold on before I filed bankruptcy. I thought I was under protection from continued attempts at collection. Is what he is doing legal?? How do I get the hold removed??


Talk to your bankruptcy attorney.

My ex-girlfriend attacked my sister in a car while I was in there we called the cops. She resisted arrest and got locked up. I did not hit h...

Which are the precautions you will take to avoid failures in strategies if you are the general maanger of a production unit?

Which are the precautions you will take to avoid failures in strategies if you are the general maanger of a production unit?
Which are the precautions you will take to avoid failures in strategies if you are the general maanger of a production unit?

We were given a legal document from Randall County clerks office saying we are being sued for a credit debt from 5 years ago. We need to kno...


We were given a legal document from Randall County clerks office saying we are being sued for a credit debt from 5 years ago. We need to know what rights we have and what actions we need to take? Help us please.


If you haven't made a payment in five years, you probably have a defense under the statute of limitations. You need to go see a lawyer.

"Civil demand to recover damages for... theft of personal property" second settlement offer. Unauthorized discounts in the amout of $50. Los...


"Civil demand to recover damages for... theft of personal property" second settlement offer. Unauthorized discounts in the amout of $50. Lost job and received letter. First demand was $250. Now $625. How/why? And does this go on a background check?


This makes no sense. Try taking 3 deep breaths, calm down and re-post your question with relevant facts.

There are no "civil demands" for theft. If there was theft of personal property, you would be charged with a crime and in that case you would need a criminal lawyer not a credit/debt/collections lawyer.

Second, if there was a theft and the person whose property was stolen sought restitution of the thing taken, they would not be giving "discounts." Injured/damaged people don't act this way.

Thirdly, damages do not magically increase. If you stole an article from me worth $500 then I am entitled to $500. I don't get more because you did not pay up - I still get $500.

So based on all of this, I suspect that what you have is either (a) a scam or (b) a payday loan which you defaulted on.

If a scam, then this can be tossed into the trash or used to line a birdcage. However, before I would officially give such advice I (or any attorney) would need to see the actual document. If its a payday loan gone bad, then please read the article on Georgia payday loans at my website:

If you wish me to look at the document or otherwise wish to discuss, please contact me at [email protected]/* */

well theres this girl that might be pregnant by me and if she is she said she wants a abortion and i have to pay for it all can she legally ...


well theres this girl that might be pregnant by me and if she is she said she wants a abortion and i have to pay for it all can she legally make me pay for the whole abortion not sure what area of lay to ask this question too


No. She cannot make you pay for the abortion. She can, however, make you pay 18 years of child support if she has the child.

What colors look good with red white and blue?

What colors look good with red white and blue?
Black, sliver, pink. They all coordinate! If it is for the Fourth of July, I would recomend sliver.


What is Porter five forces analysis of vodafone?

What is Porter five forces analysis of vodafone?
3.1. Power of Buyers

The power of buyers is low, due to the strong market presence in UK and internationally. Additionally, due to the complexity of the mobile market structure, products and services, it is difficult for buyers to implement backward integration. This suggests that the power of buyers is low.

3.2. Power of Suppliers

The power of suppliers is of medium strength. Vodafone has several main suppliers, with whom they tend to have long term relationships. Huawei is a one of Vodafone's official suppliers since 2005 (Huawei Official Website, 2012). However, as the market research demonstrates, there are a lot of suppliers in the mobile market, which may substitute Huawei.

3.3. Threat of New Entrants

Threat of new entrants is low. The barriers for new entrants are relatively high due to the complexity of the mobile market structure and a need for a high degree of investments. Furthermore, given the current poor economic conditions, the risk of new mobile players' entrance is decreased. It is also supported by the intense competition in UK mobile market, with such clear leaders as O2 and Vodafone (Independent, 2012).

3.4. Threat of Substitutes

Threat of substitutes is high. There are a lot of alternatives that may be utilized instead of the mobile phone, due to the rapid development of new technology, (Lane, 2010). The most popular are the landline phones and video conference. Additionally, VOIP services are quite popular now, due to the associated low costs of communication (i.e. Skype, Yahoo Messenger) (Tsai, Lo and Chou, 2009).

3.5. Degree of Rivalry

The degree of rivalry is high, since there are two mobile market leaders in UK, namely O2 and Vodafone. Additionally, the mobile companies tend to form the strategic alliances, as T-Mobile and Orange have done recently (BBC News, 2012). This, in turn, increases the competition.

The switching costs are low, especially on Pay as You Go basis, whereas the switching costs are more increased on a Pay Monthly contractual basis. It is further supported by the increased loyalty towards a particular mobile operator in case of the subscription to Pay Monthly contract.

The exit barriers are also high, due to the complexity of the mobile industry and its structure.

How much it cost to run a lemonade stand?

How much it cost to run a lemonade stand?
It doesn't cost anything to run a lemonade stand. Now, for supplies like paper cups, lemonade, and that sort of thing, it varies depending on what materials the stand is made out of, what store the lemonade and the paper cups were bought at, and so forth. Generally, it only costs under $10 (depending on where you buy the supplies) and a day's work, that is assuming the stand is made from things around the house, and not an actual wooden stand with all the fancy stuff. There are no finances because running a lemonade stand isn't actually a BUSINESS, but a fund raiser, which means that it costs below $10, give or take a couple dollars depending on where you buy the supplies.

Advantages in working in the hospitality industry?

Advantages in working in the hospitality industry?
There are many advantages, some of them are getting to know new people and great place to work at.

Ok my partner is facing 10 yrs, but instead got probation ,ok now a friend of his was in the vehicle with him as well, when the police searc...


Ok my partner is facing 10 yrs, but instead got probation ,ok now a friend of his was in the vehicle with him as well, when the police searched the car they found a firearm now he's facing more time in jail now,my partner had no knowledge that the firearm was in there but his friend is now stepping up to take he's charge that my partner is in for but the friend made a tape statement saying he didnt have the firearm in just played with it but the friend is now telling me he did have the firearm so I want to record him telling the truth ok where should I go from there should u get a lawyer


You need a lawyer.

Newspaper of general circulation in New Mexico?

Newspaper of general circulation in New Mexico?
The Albuquerque Journal is the largest newspaper in the state.
The Las Cruces Sun News.
The Santa Fe New Mexican.

What are the release dates for Real Brazilian Sisters 1 - 2008 V?

What are the release dates for Real Brazilian Sisters 1 - 2008 V?
Real Brazilian Sisters 1 - 2008 V was released on:

USA: 2008

What happens during Telophase II?

What happens during Telophase II?
A total of four daughter cells form.

Monday, October 20, 2014

i was hurt at work. i was allowed to go back to work on light duty work only. Due to this time of year work is slow and i am not getting any...


i was hurt at work. i was allowed to go back to work on light duty work only. Due to this time of year work is slow and i am not getting any hours. I do not qualify for unemployment, and cant find anther job being on light duty having a workers comp. claim. Is there any benefits i qualify for or whats my opions?


If you are on light duty you should get ttd or tpd benefits. Call us at 800-517-1614 and we will refer you to an attorney in your area that is experienced and can get benefits for you.

my ex girlfriend has abused the system as much as possible to obtain a permanant restraining order after 15 years of filing lies to obtain s...


my ex girlfriend has abused the system as much as possible to obtain a permanant restraining order after 15 years of filing lies to obtain said order... my questions is the order says i am to stay away from her address " where ever that may be" she has recently filed a violation because i was working delivering heating oil next door to her parents not knowing she was again living there.. am i facing jail?? what can i do to stop this harrasment, these orders are nothing more than a tool to ruin my life ,as well as keep me out of my daughters life. i never lived with this woman ,and have been un involved for 15 years.


Get a lawyer

Interview question why would you be a good fit for this job?

Interview question why would you be a good fit for this job?
Becuase I am well qualified

I fell at work on 7-23-2011 ( Sat.). I hurt my back and arm by the next morning felt I needed medical care. Went to the ER, x-rays were ta...


I fell at work on 7-23-2011 ( Sat.). I hurt my back and arm & by the next morning felt I needed medical care. Went to the ER, x-rays were taken of lumabr, thoracic & lt elbow. The MD spent approx 30 seconds with me. I was given a pain med that made me ill. I reported my ER visit to my job as well as giving them. I also gave my employer a WC form provided by the hospial. I was also told no work x 2 days. Today the pain was worse in my back, with alot of pain in my lt hip traveling down to my calf. I reported this to my job @ 7:30 this morning. I finally got a call back stating that 'Corporate" wanted my perseonal infor, ie: address, SS# & phone number. This call was around noon. I told her I needed/wanted to see a doctor TODAY. It is almost 3:30 with no response from my employer. It is too late to see any doctor today.

How do I pursue this if they continue to me unresponsive?? ( I slipped and fell on a wet floor)


You reported it properly, which is good, and your company is required to have you seen by their doctor as soon as possible. I handle workers compensation cases as a large part of my practice and I should be able to get you to a doctor within 24 hours of your retaining me to represent you. Please contact me first thing tomorrow morning, around 9 am, so we can talk about how I can assist you. My number is 908-272-0111. There is no cost for talking to me about your case. Call me tomorrow. Thank you.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

how can I remarry my chinese ex-wife in the U.S. We were together for 2 years and got married in China, but our life was really stressful th...


how can I remarry my chinese ex-wife in the U.S. We were together for 2 years and got married in China, but our life was really stressful there and we got separated because I had a stress breakdown. Now I am in the U.S., and we want to figure out how to get remarried so she can come here ....


If you never got legally divorced, then you are still married & can petition her.

If you are divorced, you can go abroad to marry her (again), return to the U.S. & petition her. Be forewarned that if she comes to the U.S. with the intention of (re)marrying you, it is considered "visa fraud".

I'm not sure how successful you would be with a "fiance visa" under the circumstances.

Grandmother passed in 2002, no will. She left stocks with my sister and I as beneficiaries. Her son, our father was already deceased at the ...


Grandmother passed in 2002, no will. She left stocks with my sister and I as beneficiaries. Her son, our father was already deceased at the time of her death. At the time of my gran's death my sister was married. About a year ago my sister took the stock certificates (Still in Grandma's name) and said she was going to work on transferring them into our names, Sister and I. My sister just passed away unexpectedly on Nov. 1st, 2014. She was married and she & husband adopted a daughter. I need to find out if my brother in law or sister's adopted daughter have any right to the stocks. I am not sure exactly what she did with them. Brother in law is hemming and hawing on when and IF he will send me copies of the documents.


This is not an appeal question You need to ask the question to a probate attorney.

Is it legal to charge interest on medical bills ( from the Dr. Whitaker Wellness Institute, who sent the bill to a collection agency) in the...


Is it legal to charge interest on medical bills ( from the Dr. Whitaker Wellness Institute, who sent the bill to a collection agency) in the state of California?



My parents just purchased a mobile unit in a retirement community and paid 6k. I assisted with this purchase financially so all of our names...


My parents just purchased a mobile unit in a retirement community and paid 6k. I assisted with this purchase financially so all of our names will be on the deed. Should my parents die, this unit will be mine solely. My sister (who is estranged from our family) may try to pursue some financial gain from this unit. Will she be able to contest this legally? Is there paperwork we need to fill out to avoid court or probate?


Redirect your question to an Estate & Trusts attorney.

I was just in a car accident and I want to know what are some of my options?


I was just in a car accident and I want to know what are some of my options?


If you would like to discuss your options feel free to contact my office any time. 516-622-0428


Lots to consider. Lots to discuss. But don't wait. Speak with a lawyer. VTY, M. E. Zuller


First, get a copy of your police report when it is ready. Next, do NOT speak to anyone from either insurance company regarding this claim until you have spoken with an attorney (exception - simply report the accident to your insurance company to put them on notice). Insurance companies can be shady and look to take advantage of an unrepresented indivudual. Also, you have to file your no-fault application within 30 days of the accident to ensure your benefits. For an absolutely FREE consultation and help with your application, lost wages and property damage claim please email me at [email protected]/* */ or call me first thing Monday morning at 347-702-4133.

Wish you all the best,

Michael Krigsfeld, Esq.

My neighbor just filed a lawsuit against me based on a dispute over the boundary line of adjoining properties. His claim is based on the doc...


My neighbor just filed a lawsuit against me based on a dispute over the boundary line of adjoining properties. His claim is based on the doctrine of adverse possession. Can you explain this to me?


There was a time when if a neighbor started using your land (typically a flower bed) and got away with it for ten years, the land was theirs. Recently, New York's highest court changed the law. If you don't have a deed that you think covers the land in dispute then you can't get it by adverse possession. This dispenses with the insanely-complex rules about the openness and notoriety of the adverse possession. In other words, in order for an adverse possession claim to succeed, there has to be a defect in your title. Notify your title company if you have one. Otherwise, expect a legal bill in the $5,000 range.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

This is a civil rights violation question. I have a workers compensation claim and the insurance company has been difficult. On one occasion...


This is a civil rights violation question. I have a workers compensation claim and the insurance company has been difficult. On one occasion the claims adjuster got my goat and I told her in an email "I was tired of her sh*t". The insurance company's lawyer went before a workers' compensation judge, implied that I was using profanity all the time, and the judge has ordered me never to use profanity when addressing the insurance company or I will be fined. While a judge can demand no profanity in his courtroom, I do not think the judge has the right to censor my speech in my emails or in any other communications to the insurance company, especially based on a single occurrence, which was totally justified considering the harassing attitude of the insurance claims adjuster. Is there a way to force the judge to rescind his order or do I have a case to sue the State of California for violating my first amendment right to freedom of speech?


I am surprised you find profanity "justified" under any circumstances when dealing with an insurance company or other business matter. You can easily express your dissatisfaction in other ways.

Profanity is not always protected speech. Without seeing the E-mail, and without knowing how this got before the judge, it is not possible to opine on you situation. I can definitely tell you that you scored no points with the judge, and that you would be wise to be more careful with what you write. A bit of contrition will go a long way here.

Where is the computer port on your 1985 f150?

Where is the computer port on your 1985 f150?
Maybe in the fuse area, but more likely dangling free-willy off an electrical harness under the hood, on the driver's side near the brake-booster.

I have a judgement against which keeps adding interest which is up to about $15000.00, It was $4000.00 defaulted stipulated judgement which ...


I have a judgement against which keeps adding interest which is up to about $15000.00, It was $4000.00 defaulted stipulated judgement which I could not pay after job loss. I can now pay something to hopefully settle and be done with this mess. I'm 55 and want to someday retire without debt hanging over me. I have not considered BK, but I'm open to all thoughts! Thank You for response


Either you or your legal representative could contact the attorney who represents the judgment creditor and try to reach a stipulation for repayment, even if it's somewhat discounted. Usually, the judgment creditor would rather have some money than none at all.

Does mike francesa have a wife?

Does mike francesa have a wife?
Yes, her name is Rose.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My nieghbor has a cherry blossom tree. Every year the cherry blossoms fall off in my yard. I have to have my vehicles detailed every year be...


My nieghbor has a cherry blossom tree. Every year the cherry blossoms fall off in my yard. I have to have my vehicles detailed every year because the cherry blossoms will destroy the paint on my vehicles. Is my neighbor responsible for the damage to my vehicles caused by the tree in his yard?


Great question. The short answer is, "it depends." It depends on whether that tree was there when you purchased your home, or was it planted afterward? You see, if you purchased the home, knowing the tree was there, you are not in a position to claim that you had no idea it was there, or that you had no reason to know that a cherry tree would drop its blossoms on your car.

On the other hand, if your neighbor installed it after you were already there, you may have a case. Before I go further, let me point something out. Cases like these typically take thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars to resolve. They lead to a very bitter relations with your neighbor who loves to play George Washington once a year, and even if you win, it may not be worth it. Consider who many years of annual details on your car you can get, without all the trouble such a case brings, not to mention the possibility that you may lose in court.

With that said, if you are still gung ho on pursuing your rights, and if it can be fairly said that you had no reason to know about the tree or its effects on your property when you purchased your property, then yes, I think you can pursue the matter.

Before you decide one way or another, if I may, I suggest sitting down with an attorney, and having the answers to the above questions ready for the attorney. Paying for a one hour consultation, even if you do nothing further, may be worth it, to know exactly where you stand.

In this forum, with what you have provided, the best I can tell you is that theoretically, yes, you have a case for various causes of action to either get damages or perhaps have the tree removed, but it all depends on the exact facts of your situation, and what you knew and when you knew it.

What does rrp stand for?

What does rrp stand for?
Recommended Retail PriceAnswered by 12 year old in London (a non-member)

What is full form of memu?

What is full form of memu?
Mainline Electric Multiple Unit

How many hp does an average 2.0l car engien output when going 50 MPH?

How many hp does an average 2.0l car engien output when going 50 MPH?
It depends. Going up hill, the car takes more to stay at 50, downhill it takes less. Into the wind it takes more, with less... etcIt also depends on how much the car weighs, and how aerodynamic it is.

Who is Melvin Breeden?

Who is Melvin Breeden?
The President/CEO of Big Cat Records, he is also the team owner of the NBA D-League team Marietta Storm. He can be reached at

Accident w/ possibly unlicensed driver. I was struck from behind while sitting at a red light. The other driver asked that the police not be...


Accident w/ possibly unlicensed driver.

I was struck from behind while sitting at a red light. The other driver asked that the police not be called, and I informed her that I would be calling the police to the scene. She willing gave me information, the SUV was in her husbands name. I got the VIN, insurance company and policy number, tag number, name and phone number. When I asked to see her license however, she claimed she did not have it and left the scene of the accident before police arrived. What can I do to protect myself after a week of no communication from her husbands insurance company?


Give 'em a month to respond, then consider filing suit

against this errant driver in small claims court (assuming that

you have her verified address and that your provable damages do not

exceed $5K).

What car is tested by dummies and driven by the intelligent?

What car is tested by dummies and driven by the intelligent?
all of them

What are the cheapest options for Dallas car rentals?

What are the cheapest options for Dallas car rentals?
The cheapest options for Dallas car rentals include Rent-a-Car as well as Enterprise Car Rental Services. Hertz is another good option, as is Advantage Rent-a-Car.

Friday, October 17, 2014

What is a good name for a dress shop?

What is a good name for a dress shop?
Dresses for YouSpecial OccasionDress Box*Your Name's Dress ShopDress StopShoppe of Dresses

1. Frock Emporium
2. House of Vain
3. Sassy Sister's
4. Dress To Impress
5. Frocks, Smocks and Shocks (shock being the bargain price and/or fab style!)
6. Envy
7. Superbia (the Latin for Pride as per the Seven Deadly Sins).

What is average utility?

What is average utility?
Average Utility is defined as the utility derived (or obttained) from the use of one unit of commodity. It is calculated by dividing the total number of utils by the number of units commodity is used by the consumer.

Is it legal to add a sales tax to gasoline after it is already taxed?Illinois does this.


Is it legal to add a sales tax to gasoline after it is already taxed?

Illinois does this.


What makes taxation legal? Congressional statutes with respect to the Federal government, and Illinois General Assembly legislation with respect to Illinois tax. Barring a constitutional defect of some sort in the statute, if Congress or the General Assembly says it's legal, it is. The beauty of the taxation system is that taxes are stacked by as many instrumentalities of government as can persuade the populace that they need a piece of the transaction. Thus, county and municipal taxes can be added (subject to enabling legislation and constitutionality).

I would like to ask a question to understand attempt better in criminal lawIf someone went to rob a bank, got there and because there were ...


I would like to ask a question to understand attempt better in criminal law;

If someone went to rob a bank, got there and because there were lets say cameras, changed there mind and left would that be considered attempt? If it is considered attempt how would anyone even know that person even attempted to rob the bank? Doesn't make any sense. Thank you.


That scenario would not be attempted robbery.

A person must take a direct, but ineffective step towards the commission of the offense. Was there a ton of preparation? Yes. Planning? Yes.

But ultimately, they abandoned the crime before directly trying to commit bank robbery.

If they went in and passed a note to the teller, then a guard apprehended them, it's an attempt since they did actually begin the robbery but we're unsuccessful.

Another example - guy wants to burglarize a house, but as he approaches the front door, he hears a noise and he runs. No attempt. Same guy yanks on the door trying to force it open, but he can't. That is an attempt.

What the advantages of hybrid topology?

What the advantages of hybrid topology?
If you mean Technology, the answer is:
Increased fuel efficiency and lower hydrocarbon emmisions

Why did he name this new land Vinland?

Why did he name this new land Vinland?
because it had so many vines

Which company has the tag line a breed apart?

Which company has the tag line a breed apart?
The Tag line belongs to Merrill Lynch

My daughters "landlord" is trying to evict her by lying and saying she didn't pay her rent. What should we do?


My daughters "landlord" is trying to evict her by lying and saying she didn't pay her rent. What should we do?


It depends on the stage of eviction. It might be worthwhile for your daughter to ask for an accounting of the rent supposedly due. If the landlord already has filed a lawsuit, your daughter should file an answer within 5 days of being served that includes both a general denial and an affirmative defense that the rent has been paid. Then, when trial time comes, she could show the court copies of all of her negotiated rent checks that she obtains from her bank. If her rental agreement provides for it, she might even be awarded her attorney's fees. Many communities have tenant legal clinics. You might suggest to your daughter to seek out some legal assistance.

I'm buying a mobile home in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, with an attached deck in the back. My question is, Does the deck belong to me or does it belon...


I'm buying a mobile home in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, with an attached deck in the back. My question is, Does the deck belong to me or does it belong to the trailer park?


Probably you, if it's attached to the trailer.

What needs to be submitted to the court if you have a court order to pay back alimony and can't pay by the required day?


What needs to be submitted to the court if you have a court order to pay back alimony and can't pay by the required day?


A motion requesting an extension of time.


Agree. Motion for extension of time.

John A. Smitten, Esquire

Carey and Leisure

622 Bypass Drive, Suite 100

Clearwater, FL 33764

Phone: 727-799-3900/Fax: 727-490-4944

[email protected]/* */

do both spouses offer a stipulation of judgement?


do both spouses offer a stipulation of judgement?



Why are there no streets named J street in the us?

Why are there no streets named J street in the us?
Because J is the first letter in GOD's name Jehovah.

That answer is incorrect. There is indeed a street named J street in Philadelphia PA

Can you buy sex toys online in India?

Can you buy sex toys online in India?
If you are in India, it is very difficult to buy it in the open market. sex toys can be bought in some pharmacy shops but you need to know the person well enough and this is also very embarrassing. The best place will be to try buying it online. There are some online sellers in India. But please be careful while dealing with them. Never pay any Advance money to them, because after getting money, they never sends the products to you or sends some rubbish thing in the parcel.
Better to purchase by the CASH ON DELIVERY Mode.

contact : They sells sex toys in India by Cash on Delivery Mode.

Certifying officers and departmental accountable officials who are designated as local foreign nationals in foreign countries?

Certifying officers and departmental accountable officials who are designated as local foreign nationals in foreign countries?
Might not be required to reimburse the government for any losses of funds.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

When the corporation was formed on september 1 2014 common shares were sold to uncle bob for 9200 cash how do these affect the accounting equation and what specifically?

When the corporation was formed on september 1 2014 common shares were sold to uncle bob for 9200 cash how do these affect the accounting equation and what specifically?
This will increase the cash with 9200 in assets side while also increase the share capital with 9200 on liability side. Was this answer useful?YesSomewhatNoThanks for the feedback! Edit Answer byBill CPAVery knowledgeable in accounting and have been a CPA since 1985. I think you mean accounting equity?

The $9,200 would be split in equity between "capital stock" (the par value of the stock) and in "additional paid in capital" (the amount the stock was purchased for less the par value).

What is the non- financial activities?

What is the non- financial activities?
I think no-financial activities are those activities that you participate in as volunteer or those you dont get paid .

I worked on a film last year. I am writing a book on some of the technical aspects of our post production. it is OK for me to use the name o...


I worked on a film last year. I am writing a book on some of the technical aspects of our post production. it is OK for me to use the name of the film and/or studio in the book?


In general, of course. If however you were working under some written agreement that prohibits this kind of disclosure then you might be exposing yourself. Further, anytime you write about real events and real people you need to make sure you are not taking liberties with the facts. If for example you painted someone in a false light they may have a claim for defamation against you, so be sure to only present truthful facts.

Further, you need to make sure you are not misrepresenting that you have the sponsorship, endorsement or are otherwise affiliated presently with the film or studio.

It will probably be helpful to discuss this over with a lawyer in private before you dive in. If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

How old and what size does a child have to be to no longer need a car seat or booster seat?

How old and what size does a child have to be to no longer need a car seat or booster seat?
Have you seen those Disney commercials? They advertise that it's 48 inches (or 49, I can't remember) of height. Until they reach that height they need a car seat or booster seat as appropriate. I believe this must be the law since they advertise it as such, but I could be wrong.

How location and layout decision affect performance of a business if you are assigned a feasibility report for a foreign bank branch what location factors you will consider?

How location and layout decision affect performance of a business if you are assigned a feasibility report for a foreign bank branch what location factors you will consider?
Answering "http://wiki./Q/How location and layout decision affect performance of a business if you are assigned a feasibility report for a foreign bank branch what location factors you will consider

What does James ritches mean?

What does James ritches mean?
He is annoying and a terd!

My question is still unanswered.. OBVIOUSLY it is a family law thing, but I wanted to know what specific steps or forms I need to get starte...


My question is still unanswered.. OBVIOUSLY it is a family law thing, but I wanted to know what specific steps or forms I need to get started, or what this kind of situation is this referred to as?

How do I open a case about my son's mother's live-in boyfriend, who is very controlling over my 15 year old son, and is blocking me from normal relations between me and my son when my son is at his mother's house, (which is a little over half of the time he is with me.

He is not the legal stepfather (and even if he was, it is not right), he fills my son's head full of lies, always badmouths me, and has even verbally attacked me in front of my son 4 times in the past 2 years. There is much more to it, but those are the basics. One important note: I have always had JOINT legal custody, but my son's mother has physical/custodial. Where do I start? This man is not right, and gets between me and son's relationship, and mom just lets it happen


This is not a situation you are going to find a solution to on the internet, and your chances of handling it yourself at all and having a positive outcome are close to zero. You really need to contact a local family law attorney for a situation as serious as this. Most Family Law attorneys will offer consultation on what is called a "limited scope representation" basis to help you through this, if you can't afford to hire an attorney to fully handle the matter for you.

ATT's yellow pages printed an 800 number we no longer had at the time we agreed to advertise. We told them to delete it from our 2014's ad. ...


ATT's yellow pages printed an 800 number we no longer had at the time we agreed to advertise. We told them to delete it from our 2014's ad. They didn't. People who phoned that number might have believed we were out of business. ATT also listed us online as having a web site which we do not and the 800 phone number--again appearing we are out of business. We obviously dispute the bill and believe it cost us business. We offered to pay half but they will not send any paperwork saying they would accept the amount as final nor have they said they would accept it. They are sending the whole $2400-ish bill to collections. Will ATT be able to put the amount against our personal credit (we are a sole proprietorship) or will they have to take us to court before doing that?


The overdue bill might show up on your credit report. You should contest it. Your next offer should be to not pay the bill, and have Yellow pages put a correction and apology on their web site.

Good luck


The overdue bill might show up on your credit report. You should contest it. Your next offer should be to not pay the bill, and have Yellow pages put a correction and apology on their web site. They may actually owe you money for damages. You should explore that with a civil practice attorney in your area.

Good luck

If you given the right to by a peice of property from family and you pay it off in clear but no bill of sale takes place and 20 or so years ...


If you given the right to by a peice of property from family and you pay it off in clear but no bill of sale takes place and 20 or so years pass by and you find out no one owns or claims the property you purchase what are your rights


You can't buy or sell property without a written document. All sales of property must be in writing. In fact, anything relating to the sale of property (like an option to purchase, offer, etc.) must be in writing to be valid. Oral agreements relating to the sale of land in Louisiana are completely invalid.

That being said, if you have been living on the property for 20 years, you are 2/3 of the way to full ownership by right of acquisitive prescription. If you possess land for 30 years (even if you are squatting on it), you own it.

Is Sonny Perdue related to Beverly Perdue?

Is Sonny Perdue related to Beverly Perdue?
somehow far back they must be related but only they probably know how far back!

What is ansel elgorts email?

What is ansel elgorts email?
I want to interview him, and I just cant find his contact email

How do you get ride pimped?

How do you get ride pimped?
Umm well my guess is to call pimp my ride.

The mother of my kid has been living in my house together for 5 years. We are parting ways but i want assurance that she will not come back....


The mother of my kid has been living in my house together for 5 years. We are parting ways but i want assurance that she will not come back. She said ok but is there any legal documentation that i can get to ensure that?


Huh? She has no ownership interest in the house? You do own the house? Change the locks. She is not entitled to possession or entry unless the owner allows it.

Ancient philosophers predicted that in the future all cars will fly and all meat will be eaten off sticks That makes which Russian food ahead of its time?

Ancient philosophers predicted that in the future all cars will fly and all meat will be eaten off sticks That makes which Russian food ahead of its time?

husband currently on ice hold, no criminal record. He has 3 kids, us citizens all studying. He was on his way back to work and was detained....


husband currently on ice hold, no criminal record.

He has 3 kids, us citizens all studying. He was on his way back to work and was detained. What can he do?


Please call me at (212) 968-8600 or toll free at (800) 750-1828. Kind regards, RDM

A drunk driver hit my car while my neighbor and I were waiting on a tow truck for my neighbors car. I broke my arm in 4 places and dislocate...


A drunk driver hit my car while my neighbor and I were waiting on a tow truck for my neighbors car. I broke my arm in 4 places and dislocated my shoulder. My neighbor lost his leg below the knee. The driver had a 1.5million umbrella policy. My neighbor's lawyer sent a demand notice for the entire 1.5 million. My lawyer told my that that would cut me out completely. I know that his injuries are much more severe than mine, but I was out of work for 2 months and have medical bills over $50,000. Can my neighbor do this and can they settle without considerring my position? Also, I wouldn't have been there if my neighbor hadn't called me for help.


If you have an attorney then you should direct this question to him or her. The insurance will pay out whatever claims it pays and it is very likely for an amputation below the knee that the entire umbrella policy will be exhausted. Your attorney may have to look elsewhere, like your UM/UIM coverage, for payment of your claims.

What is absolute liquidity?

What is absolute liquidity?
it is represented by cash and near cash items. It is a ratio of absolute liquid assets to current liabilities.

The absolute liquidity ratio is used to calculate what the company's net worth is. This can be done by summing the total liquid assets of a company (marketable securities, cash in bank) and then dividing the current liabilities.
This ratio is used to determine the absolute liquid position of a firm or company. Absolute liquidity can also be referred to as Super Quick ratio or Cash Position ratio.

If colleges do not work out for you what are your option?

If colleges do not work out for you what are your option?
Gain experience through work, self-employment, go to a 2 year college or trade school, volunteer service, or marry someone rich.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How do you reduce manpower if there are 16000 employees in an organization?

How do you reduce manpower if there are 16000 employees in an organization?
Reducing ManpowerThree primary methods, layoffs, atrition or early retirement bonuses. Unfortunately, layoffs end up causing more problems than they are worth. People tend to start looking for jobs when they see their co-workers get laid-off. Atrition just allows people to leave without hiring someone else to fill the spot. Necessary positions are re-filled from within the company.
Atrition and early retirement take a little longer, but give the employees much more confidence in the company, and end up with valuable employees staying.
Increase management to staff ratios:
 Increase employee to employer ratio:In an organisation of 16,000 employees, there will be many levels of management with in the organisation. If the organisation were to assign more lower level employees to any one manager, they would then be able to reduce employee numbers. This is where middle management has its problems during recessions etc.

For e.g. (NB: unrealistic and oversimplifying):If a company has 128 employees to manage and each manager in the organisation has 2 people under them, the organisation diagram will look like this: 1 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 16 > 32 > 64 > 128. This means that there is 8 tiers in the organisation, and most importantly, 126 managers looking after 128 workers.As opposed to having a structure where each manager looks after 4 people, again with 128 workers, the structure will look like so: 1 > 4 > 16 > 64 > 128. In this case, there is only 5 tiers, and only 84 managers looking after 128 workers.
This difference of 42 managers is a huge reduction in the workforce. As seen, to do this the organisation must demand more from management, which could be done through a number of ways like training or higher wages. But in doing so, the manpower required in an organisation will be greatly diminished, especially the larger an organisation is, i.e. 16,000 employees.