Monday, March 31, 2014

I have given my 30 day notice at my apartment and indicated i would be out May 31st but i have moved most of my stuff out the landlord wants...


I have given my 30 day notice at my apartment and indicated i would be out May 31st but i have moved most of my stuff out the landlord wants my stuff out now before the 31st so she can rent it can she do that if i gave a 30 day notice?


What matters more than notice is whether or not you paid rent for the month of May. I'm assuming this was a month-to-month tenancy. She can't force you to move your stuff out if you are still technically a tenant for May.

Even if you're not, a landlord can't force you out unless they have a court order.


I second Roderick's comments and would add that if you did pay the full amount already, you could offer to be out before May 15th, IF she would refund half your money. Your landlord might be happy to refund the difference if they have a new tenant in place that they do not want to lose, you never know.

I find that in the practice of law, and negotiating settlements, often an overlooked compromise or creative solution can save a lot of time and bad feelings.


The previous answers are spot on. You cannot be forced out without judicial process. However, if you can move out with little inconvenience perhaps your landlord will provide you with the financial incentive to do so.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Can you press criminal charges against the majority owner in an S-corporation for taking money from the business bank account for personal use?

Can you press criminal charges against the majority owner in an S-corporation for taking money from the business bank account for personal use?
Yes, the business activities must remain separate from personal activities.

What is the smallest unit capable of carrying out life functions?

What is the smallest unit capable of carrying out life functions?
A cell.

When demand decreases and supply decreases what happens?

When demand decreases and supply decreases what happens?
prices go higher

List three advantages of corporations?

List three advantages of corporations?
List 3 reasons to not cheat on a test.
well no duh but sometimes u just need some help!

Where can I buy a copy of It's a Dogs Life starring Jeff Richards?

Where can I buy a copy of It's a Dogs Life starring Jeff Richards?
you can look on Eb<SPAN style="POSITION: static" textContent="null">ay</SPAN> or <SPAN style="POSITION: static">craigilist </SPAN>but if they <SPAN style="POSITION: static" textContent="null">don't</SPAN> have it you can look an <SPAN style="POSITION: static"></SPAN>

divorce final on december 29, 2010. she got the house in the divorce. i have done a quit claim deed. she has still not completed refinancing...


divorce final on december 29, 2010. she got the house in the divorce. i have done a quit claim deed. she has still not completed refinancing. its affecting my credit. (was 745, not 560). i am paying allamony. how long does she have to get me off the title loan so it doesnt affect me anymore and is there anything i can do?


The specific language of your divorce decree will determine what remedies, if any, are available to address this situation. Ideally, the decree obligates the spouse to indemnify and hold harmless the other spouse who is being relieved of the mortgage liability. A post-decree motion identifying the breach, and either pursuing damages, or injunctive relief or specific performance remedies may be available.

Your attorney can explain further,

My father's will directed that my brothers share of my fathers estate go into a discretionary trust. I was the executor and administrator of...


My father's will directed that my brothers share of my fathers estate go into a discretionary trust. I was the executor and administrator of my fathers estate. My father lived in Maryland. When my father died I established a checking account for my brother as a discretionary trust which I was the trustee. My brother was handicapped and died last Thanksgiving. My fathers will also stated that I am the sole beneficiary of my brothers trust when my brother dies. Does Pennsylvania law require this trust to be included in my brothers estate for inheritance tax purposes? In other words, when I gain possession of the trust do I have to pay a Pennsylvania inheritance tax on this trust. The attorney I hired says that I do and I'm seeing information on line that tells me different. Inheritance tax in PA is 12%.


And is the online information from a licensed PA attorney with malpractice insurance? Will you be able to collect from that attorney's malpractice insurance?



Now you are re-posting the same question but adding more facts. Nobody has seen the documents of which you speak and you are being grossly unfair both to your attorney and any online attorneys. You are second guessing your attorney who has seen the documents with information gleaned from other attorneys who have not. It also is unethical for outside attorneys to interfere.

Since you have an attorney, then you need to be discussing this with YOUR attorney. If you do not like the answer (not all attorneys are correct) then PAY another attorney for a second opinion, albeit one based on review of all of the documents.

Again, I do not see how a trust ever becomes an asset of your brother's estate if this was a properly drafted trust. Which leads me to believe either this was not a properly drafted testamentary trust OR you messed it up by creating some bank account in your brother's name. If the latter, then this would be an asset of your brother's estate because you made it one.

A bank account is not really a trust. Your father's will is the trust and specifies how and when money is to be disbursed to your brother. You need to review that language to see whether the trust says the trustee "shall" or trustee "may" disburse funds. Words mean things and which of these two words is used may be the key. If the trust says "may" the beneficiary has no right to demand funds and does not own funds. If the trust says "shall" then the money is now the beneficiaries and they have more of an ownership interest. In such case, that may also help point as to whether your brother owned the trust funds such that they would become part of his estate.

And I don't have malpractice insurance. Offering advice online is just that - advice. It is not a substitute for a legal opinion and review of the documents. It could be wrong advice too (I am not incompetent but not being able to review documentation and having you change facts at whim are factors which may lead to wrong conclusions by me). That is why you need to have this all checked out by someone who is competent.

if nothing else, talk to the PA revenue department and get an answer from them.

Where is Harmony day celebrated?

Where is Harmony day celebrated?
There are multiple answers, 1) On March 21 in Australia commission by the department of immigration. 2) on July 12 in Singapore to comment the race riots.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

In ecommerce explain the model of the commercial transactions?

In ecommerce explain the model of the commercial transactions?
Model for commercial transaction

We were approached by a roofing company is December 2012 who said we had damages to our roof due to a tropical storm and that we would be ab...


We were approached by a roofing company is December 2012 who said we had damages to our roof due to a tropical storm and that we would be able to have a new roof put on covered by insurance. The insurance e company denied the claim but did cut a check for some repairs. The roofing company told us not to a accept that check and that this matter would be turned o we to an attorney for a settlement. It is now August 2013 and still no settlement has been met. The roofing company dropped the ball when getting our claim to their attorney. They didn't turn it into the attorney for months. Now we need to sell our house and per the contract I signed, it says that we have to pay 2k if we drop our claim. Shouldn't there be an expiration date on the contract? There is not. Do I have any legal leeway in this situation?


Sounds like a scam to me.


Seek some legal guidance with all your paperwork including the contract that you ask about having an expiration date. Hard to answer your question without all the available documents.

My ex husband still owes me 65,000. He says he is financially depleted but has a job since April. What would be the easiest way without liti...


My ex husband still owes me 65,000. He says he is financially depleted but has a job since April. What would be the easiest way without litigation to get my money? What would me a reasonable proposition that he pay me per month so I get my money. He makes 15,000/month.


The best remedy is to establish the debt in a return to court and auto wage assignments for payments.

My child support order is for 650 per month. Can my employer take out more than ordered if there's 3 paydays in may.


My child support order is for 650 per month. Can my employer take out more than ordered if there's 3 paydays in may.


Your employer would receive the order. I suggest you read the order terms as a starting point. Inquire of your child support officer as need be. Then pay a private attorney for assistance if you need further help. Tricia Dwyer Esq

Tricia Dwyer Esq

MN Child Support Attorneys

MN Family Law Attorneys

ph 612-296-9666 7 days 6am-5pm

I got divorced July 2014, (my ex had the insurance my child was wearing braces at the time) found out today that in Nov 2014 the Ex told the...


I got divorced July 2014, (my ex had the insurance my child was wearing braces at the time) found out today that in Nov 2014 the Ex told the business office to make me responsible for "half" of the bill that insurance is not going to cover... Is this lawful? I didn't sign the contract for financial responsibility. And besides I got the hung out to dry on this one... So funds are extremely limited for something like this... Do I have a legal recourse???


Your divorce decree should govern this issue. Frankly most decrees split the uninsured portion of health coverage although it can be allocated differently. Read your decree.

Should you continue to launch your product?

Should you continue to launch your product?
Another company has launched a product with A single SIMILARfeature that my product was based on. I have a better idea thanwhat they have released and can execute it better, but thecompetitor has an advantage over early entry and larger funds.Should I continue to launch or give up?

Does the executor need the approval of the other two heirs to sell the development rights off for a farm?


Does the executor need the approval of the other two heirs to sell the development rights off for a farm?


The executor has authority only to administer the estate according to the will. What did the will say about the farm? Is the executor probating the will and administering the estate? That's what s/he is supposed to be doing.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.

What are the different parts of an engine and their functions?

What are the different parts of an engine and their functions?
crank shaft helps in to and fro motion while piston do up and down motion also called reciprocating motion the distance between the piston and cylinder is called clearance volume which is 0.003. the fly wheel store the power

I have joint custody with my ex wife having physical. I was young and ignorant when I signed papers I have my daughter since birth atleast h...


I have joint custody with my ex wife having physical. I was young and ignorant when I signed papers I have my daughter since birth atleast half the time or more. Right now my ex wife and her husband live a mile from me, making it really easy for my daughter to go and cone as she pleases. She's 10. My biggest issue is I pay child support and have been, but yet I take care of her at my home as much if not more than my ex wife. She doesn't work and has 3 other kids with the guy she left me for, her husband. I struggle as is too take care of myself and daughter at my own home much less her mom's home as well. Is there anyway for me to take her back to court and either get my child support dismissed or a 50/50 shared custody. As much as I have on my ex wife that would probably give me full custody, I don't want to take her completely away from her mom.


Contact a lawyer in the area who handles domestic matters. You should be able to get your child support recalculated according to the living situation.

can an employer suspend you if you were using the bathroom...I needed to sit for a bit, when I finished I returned to work- I was told I too...


can an employer suspend you if you were using the bathroom...I needed to sit for a bit, when I finished I returned to work- I was told I took to long, I was a man and I could hold it.


Most likely the answer is yes. If there was a real question it could not be answered because you made the decision to leave out all of the relevant facts (ie, how are we supposed to know how long "a bit" is?).

What is cash credit loan?

What is cash credit loan?
I suppose that is another name for cash advance payday loans which are are a financial alternative to traditional bank loans. It was never easier to take a cash loan, because the application form is really quick and simple. There's no need to fax the application, because all the process processed online. The most important thing you need is a valid checking account, because the requested funds will be transferred directly to it. And just another few requirements:
- your age must be at least 18 years old
- you should have a steady monthly income
- and, of course, you must be a legal US citizen
What if you have a bad credit history? Well, it doesn't matter, because payday loans online are provided with no credit check. In such way, cash advance lenders perform your current employment status and stable income as the main guarantees of your creditability.

What happened in Hong Kong in 1997?

What happened in Hong Kong in 1997?
In hong kong 1997, one of the biggest events in the world took place what shaked the world terifically... Hong kong ran out of rice! yes, there was a massive invasion of rats and insects what dramatically and rapidly infested all the rice throughout china. This became a very big issue in hong kong mainly because rice was one of the main products what was used, meaning less rice, less buisness. The hong kong people decided to try new ideas such as making rice grains out of cow and camel. This was unsucesfull mainly because the Chinese could not find a way to keep the preservatives in the meat fresh.

After 2 years time the Chinese people came up with a formula/product to detirorate all the rats and insects. This product was called Ajax, spray and kill.
This product became very useful and changed the rice industry majorly!
Now till this day we can still eat our rice thanks to Ajax, spray and kill

Hi! I married in 2004 and divorced in 2013. I was separated since Dec. of 2011. My X husband and I started dating again since March of 2014....


Hi! I married in 2004 and divorced in 2013. I was separated since Dec. of 2011. My X husband and I started dating again since March of 2014. We are planning on remarrying very soon. Is it possible to continue adding the new years of the new marriage to the 7 years and 11 months from my first marriage? Is that even possible? He'd like for me to sign something stating I won't want to add on to the years of marriage from the first time because he doesn't want to pay me alimony for the rest of my life if things don't work out for the second time. :o(. Is there a possibility if we both agree to add on more years?


Simple answer is no. The law does not allow you to tack prior years married after a dissolution to reach the 10 year and 1 day mark. When you remarry the clock starts anew.

Regarding what he is asking you to sign, although completely unnecessary, is likely a prenuptial agreement.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I am seeking the custody of three children. The mother of the children requested that I and two children of ours, along with one from a prev...


I am seeking the custody of three children. The mother of the children requested that I and two children of ours, along with one from a previous relationship, leave the home so that she "could have some freedom". The three children have remained in my care for six months until November 23rd when she asked that I come get one of the children she still has. She also wanted one of the children I was already caring for back into her care. I went and retrieved the fourth child, and kept all four in my care. when I began to enroll the child into her new school the mother withheld medical and insurance information. The fourth child has told me of several instances of Physical and Mental abuse, along with neglect, not only from the mother but the mother's significant other as well. The mother is mentally unstable, and has told me she feels suicidal without her children. She still has two children in her care that I am afraid for. What is the best plan of action I can take, and how can I acquire the information I need to complete school and doctor forms.


These are complex issues, and it is important that they be handled correctly. Therefore, it is important that you consult an experienced family law attorney to find out what options are available to you based on the facts of your particular case.

If you need more information, you can visit my family law blog ( or our website ( I wish you the best of luck.

Ben Stevens

can anyone get money back when their ex husbands divorce cost only $50k and the wifes legal fees were $250k and the judge only made the ex h...


can anyone get money back when their ex husbands divorce cost only $50k and the wifes legal fees were $250k and the judge only made the ex husband pay $10k towards he legal fees. The same judge is on the bench. Can the wife go back 2 years later? She claimed at the time it was unfair,


It is unclear what she wants to do. Is she fighting the fees of her prior counsel? Is she seeking to vacate the divorce?

what and how she is claiming it is unfair? If she is simply arguing that her ex should pay more toward her fees, simply being unfair is not a basis for a judge to change the ruling.

What are the release dates for Steve Harvey - 2012 - 1.62?

What are the release dates for Steve Harvey - 2012 - 1.62?
Steve Harvey - 2012 - 1.62 was released on:

USA: 30 November 2012

Why would an owner want to audit his business?

Why would an owner want to audit his business?
In the United States every publicly-owned company is required by law to have an annual audit. Although there is no such requirement for most privately-owned US companies, the owner of such a company may want to audit his business because:

1) He may need to get audited financial statements, as a condition for getting financing from his bank or from potential investors or partners;
2) He may want to check for compliance with laws and regulations;
3) He may want to check to see whether internal control is strong enough to help prevent fraud (though that is not the purpose of an ordinary audit);
4) He may want to see that operations are being conducted efficiently
The purpose and scope of any given audit is a matter of agreement between the CPA and the client, although there are legal minimum required standards.
There are different kinds of audits - for example, audits of the firm's financial statement, and audits of the firm's operations. Generally, when people use the word "audit," they mean an audit of a company's financial statements.
Such an audit is performed by an outside CPA who is independent from the owners of the company, and thus is not influenced in any way in reaching her conclusions about the financial position of the company she is auditing. A company's ability to produce audited financial statements gives the readers of those statements a very high level of assurance about whether the financial statements fairly present the company's financial position.
However, full financial statement audits are extremely expensive, and there are other, more limited procedures, such as reviews, that owners will opt for if they are not required to have full audits. For most small businesses, full audits are overkill. Any benefit derived by the owner is overridden by the sheer cost of the audit services.

Can the owner of a commercial strip mall offer a commission or referral fee to his tenants if they refer a new tenant and a lease is signed ...


Can the owner of a commercial strip mall offer a commission or referral fee to his tenants if they refer a new tenant and a lease is signed when neither the landlord or the referring tenant have no Florida Real estate license


The agreement if in writing and clarifies the incentive being given is not for real estate commission but is an incentive to a tenant, I believe it is enforceable.

How does a quality policy help to support the organization's quality management?

How does a quality policy help to support the organization's quality management?
Why do organizations go for Quality Awards? Discuss with the helpof an example, the advantages and disadvantages for an organizationconsidering applying to be assessed for a major quality award.

Okay i got pull over by the police yesterday night because i didnt have my lights on does that give them the right to destroy all my intirio...

I paid off my vehical in full to the fiance company that handled my loanon my car.when i asked for the title after the last payment to the f...


I paid off my vehical in full to the fiance company that handled my loan

on my car.

when i asked for the title after the last payment to the fiance company,they said

the used car lot that sold me the car had a lien on it ,and they had the title.

I thought that my title was supposed to be in the hands of the finance company of

which I paid over 14,ooo.oo dollars to.

they told me they never had the title.


what should i do the car is paid in full.



You have dealt with a criminal The car dealership and finance company may owe you money. See a lawyer if they refuse to give you the title, and they need to pay the money to get it for you.


Get a lawyer ASAP and sue both the car dealer and the finance company.

What are three sorurces to find out about PrestonTuckers car the Tucker?

What are three sorurces to find out about PrestonTuckers car the Tucker?

Is there a BPI Family Savings Bank in Tanauan City?

Is there a BPI Family Savings Bank in Tanauan City?

Who designs and creates templates?

Who designs and creates templates?
That all depends where you look for them, what products are available to them and how good they are at making them. The main template type is flash but some people use HTML with extra code in it. So the people who make templates are programmers.


PowerPoint comes with a gallery of design templates to choose from, but you can also create a template of your own and add it to the Slide Design task pane. Starting from a blank design, you can apply such elements as a background and color scheme, font style, layout (layout: The arrangement of elements, such as title and subtitle text, lists, pictures, tables, charts, AutoShapes, and movies, on a slide.), and art.

I had a case dismissed in small claims court. Can I appeal or bring the case again with new evidence?Do I have any options to seek judgement...


I had a case dismissed in small claims court. Can I appeal or bring the case again with new evidence?

Do I have any options to seek judgement?


Yes, if you're within the 10 day timeframe for appeal, you

should be able to request a trial de novo unless your case

for some reason was dismissed WITH PREJUDICE.

Who created the first electronic car?

Who created the first electronic car?
Between 1834 and 1839 Robert Anderson of Scotland created an electric carriage,
In 1835 Christopher Becker of Holland also made an electric car.
In America Thomas Davenport made and electric car around 1842.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What is gost ridder comics worth from 1993?

What is gost ridder comics worth from 1993?
Usually you should wait for a longer time, but now? Probably around $500 if it's in good shape.

Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?

Which part of real GDP fluctuates most over the course of the business cycle?
investment expenditures.

What are the release dates for Democracy Now - 2001 2012-07-02?

What are the release dates for Democracy Now - 2001 2012-07-02?
Democracy Now - 2001 2012-07-02 was released on:

USA: 2 July 2012

Is Emily robins from elephant princess married?

Is Emily robins from elephant princess married?

What does offline mean on mobileme?

What does offline mean on mobileme?
It means your not available to chat because your not lodged in.

My husbands divorce decree states the mom has "the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision con...


My husbands divorce decree states the mom has "the right to confer with the other parent to the extent possible before making a decision concerning the health, education, and welfare of the children." Both kids have had failing grades this entire school year. My husband has made many attempts to talk to her about helping the children. She advises that she does not have to talk to him about the kids grades. She has, also, on many occassions, taken them to the doctor and/or hospital without his knowledge. Can we file for the judge to place her in contempt of court?



There's a difference between the right to confer and the right to demand that someone confer with you. You should assume that the order means what it says.

You can ask for a finding of contempt against her if she violates the decree. Does the decree require her to inform Dad when she takes the children to the doctor?

How to find passport no by singapore FIN no?

How to find passport no by singapore FIN no?

My ex-wife is using both the IV-D collection system and an private collection attorney for child support. In 2003 The attorney got a judgeme...


My ex-wife is using both the IV-D collection system and an private collection attorney for child support. In 2003 The attorney got a judgement for the past-due support until that time. Although that judgement amount remains in the attorney's office, the full balance also remains at the County and both entities are charging interest. The attorney has garnished a few times from my checking accounts but neither the attorney nor my ex reported these collections to the County. Help!


Assuming I clearly understand your issue, this problem seems to be one that would be readily resolvable. I suggest you address the matter with your child support officer. Then, pay a private attorney for assistance as need be. Tricia Dwyer Esq

Minnesota Child Support Attorneys

Minnesota Family Law Attorneys

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

ph 612-296-9666

M-F 6am-5pm, Sa/Su 'til noon.

What year cars became modern in America?

What year cars became modern in America?
kill your self!

I would like to know if it is worth looking further into a situation that I am involved with..... have been diagnosed with HIV+, I my doctor...


I would like to know if it is worth looking further into a situation that I am involved with..... have been diagnosed with HIV+, I my doctor called in prescribe several different medications. I picked them up from CVS pharmacy. All the pills had a 30 day supply, with the exception of one, the one that I wasn't supposed to be taking at all. It had 12 pills, I took the pills for twelve days. I called my doctor to have the rest of the prescription filled, only for my doctor say they never prescribe that medication, that it I for arthritis...I made another call to CVS Pharmacy...and they can't explain the mix-up. My stomach has been upset since taking that medication, once I stopped the medicine it has gone away. I don't want this to happen to anyone else, it could be deadly next time...please give me your advice


It certainly is negligence, but probably not worth pursuing. Fortunately, other than some discomfort it sounds like you will be okay. This shouldn't happen to anyone, and I agree it could be deadly. I would contact the CVS where you had the prescription filled, ask to speak with the manger and see what they can offer you.

What age does a child have the right to decide who(parent) to live with in Georgia?


What age does a child have the right to decide who(parent) to live with in Georgia?


A child age 14 has the right to make an election. However, the Judge has the discretion of whether or not to grant the election. If there is a custody order in place, only a Judge can change custody.


A child can NEVER decide. At age 18, when the child becomes an adult, he/she can decide. At age 14, if either parent files a change of custody suit, a child can file an election. A judge is not bound by that election. However a judge will consider it.

Can the court system in Georgia issue a drug screen on somebody with a pending charge for possession of marijuana before the posted court date?


Can the court system in Georgia issue a drug screen on somebody with a pending charge for possession of marijuana before the posted court date?


As a condition of bond and/or pretrial diversion, as I am sure your lawyer told you already (obviously you already hired one given the serious lifetime effects of your charge -jail, fines, unemployability for life, loss of right to college aid and many government programs, and loss of a driver's license).


Yes, if the "somebody" has any type of pre-trial bond progarm. I recommend that you retain an attorney. See website for info on locating the right attorney:

mymother deeded a lot with a house to my husband and i, however there is a loan in her name on the house, so do we just pay her payments or ...


mymother deeded a lot with a house to my husband and i, however there is a loan in her name on the house, so do we just pay her payments or can it be foreclosed on since the loan is in her name and the property deeded to us?


Assuming your mother had some equity in the property, she was probably able to pass something to you and your husband. The lein holder lender, may have a claim worthy to foreclose of the loan is not paid. There are cases that do both way sas to wehther they ahve a right to foreclose before the loan is in default. But, in thes hard economic times, many lenders just want the money. They problaby won't care that you are the one making the payments, as long as they are getting their money.

If you can afford it, it might be worthwhile to purchase title insurance, or at least a title statement. There may be other liens that you and your mother did not know about. It coudl be that she had no equity (owes more than the property is worth), so she din;t really pass anything of value to you.

Good luck

Is 75k a year a lot of money?

Is 75k a year a lot of money?
I should say so! Well the average income in the UK is something like 20,000, so its well above that!

I am representing myself in my divorce pro se. My husband has an attorney and has filed his financials with the Court. He intentionally quit...


I am representing myself in my divorce pro se. My husband has an attorney and has filed his financials with the Court. He intentionally quit his job and presented that he was fired. He put in his financials filed with the Court that his income is only $1500 per month. He also stated that his mortgage was $3100 per month. He said that his bank account balance is -$124. He has over $12,000 in his bank account from his tax returns. What can be done because the Court ordered that he pay only $75 (not each child, but in total) per week for 3 children. This is not fair when based on his true income before he quit his job would have been $2200 per month for child support. I am afraid that he will hid his money or use his girlfriend to hide his money.


You'll need to prove to the court that he's making misrepresentations. Among your tasks is issuing subpoenas for records. Doing this without an attorney will be extremely difficult.


Mr. Farras is correct. You need to subpoena his personnel file as well. You should consider hiring an attorney.

How can i sue a multinational company ? ( Egyptian and Saudi ) they blocked my account with several thousand dollars at their website , i sh...


How can i sue a multinational company ? ( Egyptian and Saudi ) they blocked my account with several thousand dollars at their website , i should travel to one of these countries or i can sue them from malaysia ?

(i have not paper contract with them , only signed up on their website )


You should consult a lawyer in the jurisdiction where this company resides or is principally located. Assuming you have valid claims you do not need to travel there to initiate the suit (at least that is how it works here in the US), but you may need to travel for depositions, to give any in court testimony, etc.

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient.

Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

I am currently being sued for a debt that is in my bankruptcy. The creditor never came to court when I went in for the bankruptcy. Can they ...


I am currently being sued for a debt that is in my bankruptcy. The creditor never came to court when I went in for the bankruptcy. Can they do that and get away with it and what can I do to get them off my back.


Contact your bankruptcy attorney immediately. Let that attorney explain your rights. If the creditor in fact violated bankruptcy laws by suing you on the debt, there are sanctions and other relief. However, you should contact the attorney as soon as you finish reading this response. If that attorney is no longer available, contact another bankruptcy attorney immediately.

Also licensed in Maryland.

Two years left on 5 year lease. Building was sold. Lease calls for tenant to pay property tax. Property tax way up after sale. We are being ...


Two years left on 5 year lease. Building was sold. Lease calls for tenant to pay property tax. Property tax way up after sale. We are being asked to pay supplemental increase for 2014 and 2015. In addition, increased tax from here on. Do we have a legal argument? Thanks, Randy


This really depends on the terms of your lease agreement. If you are obligated to pay the real esate taxes with no exception, you are likely responsable. You were fortunate to take advantage of the low real estate tax rates available for the prior owner, but are now forced to pay at assessed market value. This a frequent area of negotiation in commercial leases, and it appears the issue may not have beed addressed or discussed specifically wher you executed the lease. Be sure your read the tax provision however. It may have been addressed specifically and your lease may provide some protection.


Most likely you do not, unfortunately. It would take a review of the lease to be sure.


You may possibly have a legal argument for getting out of the lease because of changed circumstances, especially if you are having trouble paying the higher assessment. I'm guessing, though, that you want to remain where you are.

You really should have a competent real estate attorney in your local area review your lease. He/she can read the terms of the lease agreement and advise you on exactly what your options are.

Who owns the odeon chain of cinemas?

Who owns the odeon chain of cinemas?
Rank Organisation .

Where can you get ajob at if you are 13 years old?

Where can you get ajob at if you are 13 years old? austin, texas

Where is fuse box located to change turn signals?

Where is fuse box located to change turn signals?
What type of car? They usually have two fuse boxes one under the hood and one under the driver side dash. Pop the top off and you will find a map of all of the fuses for that box.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I recently started my own janitorial business. I also work for another business doing the same thing. My boss wants me to sign an agreement ...


I recently started my own janitorial business. I also work for another business doing the same thing. My boss wants me to sign an agreement stating that I will not compete with her business within a 75 mile radius. Is that legal? I run my business from home which is within that radius.


lsy I don't know all your facts, but you should be aware of the Busness and Professions Code provisions. Section 16600 of the California Business and Professions Code states that "every contract by which anyone is restrained from engaging in a lawful profession, trade, or business of any kind is to that extent void." There are some very limited exceptions to this rule involving the sale of a business or the dissolution of a partnership. The reason for this rule, which dates back to 1872, is the state's policy of protecting its citizens' right to pursue the employment of their choice. However, this may not prevent you from being discharged by your employer.

There are also other issues, like taking customer lists or pricing from your employer, or simply poaching clients. These may constitute unfair business practices.

Seek help from an employment attorney and advise him or her of the specifics of your circumstances.


Mr. Christian is correct. Your employer can't legally stop you (or anyone else, for that matter) from competiing with her business, but she can fire you.

What are the release dates for Toddlers and Tiaras - 2009 Precious Moments Pageant - 4.12?

What are the release dates for Toddlers and Tiaras - 2009 Precious Moments Pageant - 4.12?
Toddlers and Tiaras - 2009 Precious Moments Pageant - 4.12 was released on:

USA: 7 September 2011

i live in new jersey and married someone in mexico. he currently resides in mexico and is not a legal citizen. we agreed on our divorce but ...


i live in new jersey and married someone in mexico. he currently resides in mexico and is not a legal citizen. we agreed on our divorce but i have not heard of him for almost a month. i don't want to continue this marriage if everything fell apart. there are no children involved or any property. i just want a simple divorce. how can i start filing for divorce?


Call us at 1-855-9-JEFLAW to discuss

I never had license ever in my life and I would like to know how can they charge me with suspended license when I never had any


I never had license ever in my life and I would like to know how can they charge me with suspended license when I never had any


If they did ticket you, how does asking us to play a guessing game help you? Hire a traffic lawyer to resolve it, or go to court and explain that to the Judge. Of course, the rest of the story and the officer's version might be important.


The charge should be no license, and will be fixed in court. The punishment will feel the same. See website for info on retaining the right attorney:

Good luck.

if I win a judgement in Florida and the personlives in Kentucky, do I have to go to Kentucky to file the judgement also?


if I win a judgement in Florida and the personlives in Kentucky, do I have to go to Kentucky to file the judgement also?


Depends - did you file on some property here or in Kentucky. YOu can certainly file in the county in which the person lives a certified copy of the judgment. If you wish to enforce it in Kentucky you may have to discuss this with an attorney there as to their procedures.


If you need to pursue assets in KY than you need local counsel. If the assets you want to go after are here than you can pursue them

Here. Contact an attorney either way

Hello there,Me and my ex share joint legal custody of our son. He gets him 3weekends a month and shared holidays. He recently just moved and...


Hello there,

Me and my ex share joint legal custody of our son. He gets him 3weekends a month and shared holidays. He recently just moved and i asked for his new address. He told me i cant have it! And is still taking our child. What can i do?


You have a right to know where your child is. There is no justifiable reason for the father to withhold this information. You should file a motion asking the court to order the father to provide his address, and to provide a change of address in the future immediately upon relocation.

What are my options if I do not agree that a marriage is irretrievably broken? State of Florida divorce.


What are my options if I do not agree that a marriage is irretrievably broken? State of Florida divorce.


Options? None. Florida is a No-Fault state and all it takes is one party making that statement to the Judge and the DOM will be granted.

My Mother bought a car for me...the car is in her name. My Mom is 92. I am making the payments and pay the insurance that is also in her nam...


My Mother bought a car for me...the car is in her name. My Mom is 92. I am making the payments and pay the insurance that is also in her name. The insurance company is aware of this. However my family is very mad and they say that when my Mom passes away that the car will go into the estate and sold. Is there any way that we can save my car should this happen?


Have your Mom sign the title to this vehicle over to you before she passes.

I am going to be as honest as I possibly can be about what had happen and will say this in court exactly as I will type it . Please tell me ...


I am going to be as honest as I possibly can be about what had happen and will say this in court exactly as I will type it . Please tell me what I should do and say :

I was about to make an illegal U-Turn and as I was getting ready I checked behind me to see if there was any cars just to be safe. As I was about to turn a car come from behind and tries to go around me and while it tries to pass me I was already Turing around. My entire left wheel is damage and the other cars right side is damage. The lady then gets out of the car and run up to me yelling and what not. The cops get there I explain to them what happen and I get a ticket for improper u-turn and have to go to court because the lady left with the ambulance because she said her right knee was in pain. I guess she didn't feel it right after the accident when she ran up to me and threw something at my car. This is exactly how it happen and if there's any questions I will answer them. My court date is 1/20/14 so please I need advice a.s.a.p on what I should do. Thank you in advance


You can hire a lawyer and have him/her work to get the case dismissed. Call us at 1-855-9JEFLAW to discuss.

What gender has the most money?

What gender has the most money?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I am going to set up an llc that will offer online language instruction and translation. My business partner and I are planning on hiring in...


I am going to set up an llc that will offer online language instruction and translation. My business partner and I are planning on hiring independent contractors/freelancer teachers to tutor. Do we need to send a 1099 to them at the end of the year? Is it a bad idea to hire independent contractors to teach classes? All of the online language services I have worked for hire independent contractors and not employees. It seems to me that some of these companies may be classifying them incorrectly. I read the requirements of the independent contractor classification and saw that we cannot control the way they do their job. They will be setting their own hours and using their own materials/computer. We were planning on paying them through PayPal and setting the percentage of each class price that they will earn. We also created a document that goes over our recommended teaching methodology. We stated in it that it is not mandatory to follow the methods but that we suggest using them. Would any of this prove that they should be employees?


There is no black and white answer as to whether a worker should be classified as an employee or contractor. The determination is made at the discretion of the Department of Labor during an audit. The department takes into consideration various factors such as: (1) Is the worker's hours consistent from day today or can he or she come and go at his or her leisure ? (2) Does the worker have a designated workspace? (3) Is the worker working primarily under the supervision or guidance of the employer?

A bank teller is a good example of a typical employee. A company's accountant, on the other hand, is a good example of an independent contractor. There is an enormous gray area between these two examples.

Even though employees are more expensive to maintain than contractors, a finding by the DOL that a worker was improperly classified can come with heavy penalties and fines. I'm sure there is case law which would help guide you or your attorney, however, you haven't given me sufficient information with which to perform the research.

I hope this was helpful.


I agree with my colleague. It greatly depends and many factors are considered with the key element being control. I've seen examples where clients in your space were careful to explore many aspects to avoid misclassification then they send the tutors out wearing their company mark and logos...

If you get this wrong, it can be a huge a problem that I have seen happen before. At a minimum, find a lawyer to work with as I'm sure this also not the only legal concern and issue you will have moving forward right?

If you would like to discuss further over a free phone consult, feel free to contact me anytime that is convenient. Our firm is now referred by the American Bar Association (see under the New York section):

Kind regards,



[email protected]/* */

DISCLAIMER: this is not intended to be specific legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. No attorney-client relationship is formed on the basis of this posting.

What are the release dates for The Equation of Life - 2013?

What are the release dates for The Equation of Life - 2013?
The Equation of Life - 2013 was released on:

USA: 17 November 2013 (limited)

Currently my ex and I have a joint custody agreement and child support order. In the child support order my ex was ordered to get health ins...


Currently my ex and I have a joint custody agreement and child support order. In the child support order my ex was ordered to get health insurance of my son that was back on January 6th, it is now April 13th and he still does not have health insurance. She will not give me any information about the insurance nor will she give me any information about hom going to the doctors. She also refused to give me just a paper copy of my sons social security card. What can I do about this?


Hi, and thank you for your question,

If your ex was Court Ordered to have your son covered by your ex's health insurance carrier and the ex has not complied and also refuses to give you information about the insurance, then your recourse is to file a "Petition for Contempt" as soon as possible. Include in your Petition for Contempt that your ex has refused to comply with the Court Order of January 6, 2015 and also refuses to give you any information regarding the health insurance coverage. In your prayer for relief, ask the Court to hold your ex in Contempt of Court and to incarcerate your ex until they comply with the Court Order of January 6, 2015..

Best of luck,


Can you ask an insurance company for more money if you get a higher estimate?

Can you ask an insurance company for more money if you get a higher estimate?

You want to go to Canada and what must you do?

You want to go to Canada and what must you do?
Your asking questions in the wrong area of the website young one. But to go to Cananada then you must go to a freakin travel agent!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

if my car is total by another driver and he is at fault am i entitled to book value of my car plus lose of use


if my car is total by another driver and he is at fault am i entitled to book value of my car plus lose of use


Yes, you are entitled to fair market value and reasonable loss of use.

Do US Customs check your vehicle registration when crossing the border checkpoint?

Do US Customs check your vehicle registration when crossing the border checkpoint?
Only if they think you stole it. They just ask for your passport, if you have any firewood, whos all in the car and if you have any fruit (seriously).

What cars can do?

What cars can do?
It can make a girl drive crazy.

What are the release dates for Home Video Invasion - 2012 Red 2 2-4?

What are the release dates for Home Video Invasion - 2012 Red 2 2-4?
Home Video Invasion - 2012 Red 2 2-4 was released on:

USA: 21 July 2013

My MIL passed away last month. Five parties are part of the trust. Instead of selling the household items and dividing the total sum accordi...


My MIL passed away last month. Five parties are part of the trust. Instead of selling the household items and dividing the total sum according to the percentages, one party wants to keep it all and pay the total sum to the rest of the beneficiaries. If we can agree to a total value of the items, is that value legally acceptable? The trustee seems to think the only way to determine the value is to have an estate sale.


A trustee owes a fiduciary duty to all beneficiaries. If all beneficiaries want to stipulate to a value and hold the Trustee harmless, that could be acceptable. The trustee should have an attorney prepare any documentation. The trustee could also get an appraisal and use that value, which seems a better way to proceed.


So long as all beneficairies agree to the division, there is no reason it could not not be done the way described. When a non proportionate transfer of this inature is done, it is usual for an agreement to be drafted and sighed by all parties. Such an agreement could include a release of claims against the trustee for proceeding pursuant to the direction of the parties.


As stated above, the trustee owes a fiduciary duty to all of the beneficiaries. If each beneficiary agrees to the value of the trust estate and distribution schedule, the trustee can act in a manner the beneficiaries agree to. However, the trustee is the ultimate decider of how the estate will be treated and valued. So, if one beneficiary disagrees with the value or pay-out scale, the trustee will need to decide what is in the best interests of the beneficiaries and how to place a value on the trust assets.

I signed a treatment plan with a dentist who could not complete it. He referred me to an out of network specialist and stated he would credi...


I signed a treatment plan with a dentist who could not complete it. He referred me to an out of network specialist and stated he would credit me. I went to a in network specialist and he informed me that the work was questionable and would not last a year. I am disputing the 2900.00 bill, while the dentist attempts to get reimbursed by the insurance. They are dragging there feet and not providing proper documentation after 35 days. How long should I wait this out. Thanks in advance Jeff Rager


I do not understand your question. Wait it out for what?

Look, you had dental work done. You are obligated to pay for that work regardless of what the insurer does or does not do. The dentist is not a bank/lender. He has a right to be paid for his services. The second person did not have to honor the agreement with the first dentist. And it may be that the first dentist was incompetent or that the second dentist is overcharging. I do not know - I am a lawyer, not a dentist.

I can tell you what is going to happen though if you do not pay eventually. Many health care providers immediately turn you over for collection. If that happens - your credit gets trashed. Does it matter? It depends. Are you going to be needing credit any time soon, like to buy a car or house or refinance a mortgage? Is your credit otherwise ok? A bad mark can drop your score by a lot.

Have you ever thought to get a third opinion here and pay for it? Can you get your dental records and have them evaluated as to what your problem was, the cost to fix and whether work done by the first dentist was or was not substandard? If it was in fact substandard, then your complaint is with the first dentist, not the second.

Why are you disputing the $2900 bill? On what basis? Have you talked to other dentists in your area to find what would be a reasonable and customary charge for identical work?

Assuming that either one or both of your prior dentists was bad, have you contacted your state's dental board? Website is:

I am not all that sure you have a collection issue as opposed to a malpractice issue and if the latter, then you need to direct your question or go and see a malpractice/personal injury attorney.

If you really are focused on debt collection issues, maybe there is a way to pay the money to a third-party escrow agent to have the agent hold while this dispute is ongoing. While the agent has the money, the dentist promises not to take any adverse collection action against you and you try and work out your differences in mediation or some other alternate proceedung, maybe with a lawyer or on your own.

spouse dies after 20 years of seperation who has the rights to his assets his wife of 20 years seperation or his children the was no will or...


spouse dies after 20 years of seperation who has the rights to his assets his wife of 20 years seperation or his children the was no will or power of attorney


A power of attorney has nothing to do with this.

Assuming this is in Georgia, the estranged spouse and the children each get part of the estate. You failed to give us th details necessary to answer what shares.

A lawyer is needed in this situation.


If there is no will (assuming this is in GA), then the surviving spouse and biological/adopted children inherit under the intestacy laws. The surviving spouse gets 1/3 and the children 2/3 (assuming there is more than one child). The fact that the wife and husband were estranged is irrelevant in GA if that is where the man lived at the time of his death. In some states though, this would be enough to deny the wife her share so it is very relevant to know where the man lived at the time of his death.

This is another case which illustrates the very real need for estate planning. If the man wanted to disinherit the estranged wife he could have done so by making a will. Or he could have done something and obtained a divorce.

Power of attorney would not help at all. It is for living persons and the authority in a power of attorney ends at death.

You do not indicate what probate assets there were. The intestacy laws only apply to probate assets.

Try re-posting your question with more details such as where the man lived at the time of his death, when he died, whether the estranged wife or any of the children set up an intestate probate estate for him and what general probate assets and debts there were in the estate. Direct your question to probate lawyers who practice in the state where the estate is or will be probated.

Better yet, it would be a good idea for you to pay for a consult with a probate attorney who practices in the county/state where the estate is or will be pending so the attorney can review any documents and the circumstances and advise you of your rights.

Mortgage loan was discharged in a Chapter 7 bankrupcy in 2009, made last monthley payment on it ,in 2008. Lien changed hands from Realty Mor...


Mortgage loan was discharged in a Chapter 7 bankrupcy in 2009, made last monthley payment on it ,in 2008. Lien changed hands from Realty Mortgage/EMC, to Wells Fargo after bankrupcy. Made trial modification payment on it ,in order to avoid foreclosue, in 2011. Payment was not applied to mortgage. Question is; when does the statue of limitation start on lien collection?


There is no statute of limitations on non-judicial foreclosure of a mortgage in California. With the debt discharged in bankruptcy, there really is no time limit running on anything. The lender can wait until you die, or sell, or just one day decide to foreclose. Be careful, though, because if you voluntarily made payments after the discharge you may risk reaffirming the debt too.

What are the factors that prevent effective management?

What are the factors that prevent effective management?
Poor communication can prevent effective managers from meetingtheir objectives. The lack of empathy can also cause managers to beineffective.

my problem is complex ...


my problem is complex ...


If your problem is too complex to ask a question online, you should probably schedule a consultation with a local attorney.

If business operates within the law does it thereby automatically operate morally?

If business operates within the law does it thereby automatically operate morally?

In California, does the executor. of a living trust have to wait to disperse funds until the last tax form has been filed. All assests in th...


In California, does the executor. of a living trust have to wait to disperse funds until the last tax form has been filed. All assests in the estate have been placed in a trust banking account. Some monies have been dispersed to the beneficiaries. the estate accountant is saying I need to keep all funds until she files the final tax in 2016.


If everything is done except 2015 tax returns, there should be no reason not to make distributions. You should retain an amount sufficient for accounting fees and anticipated 2015 income taxes, if any.


Ask the accountant to provide you with an explanation as to why he or she wants you to keep all funds until the taxes are completed. Ms. Cusack is correct, of course. In most cases you would retain a reserve for taxes, legal and CPA fees and unanticipated expenses. Then you pad that out by $10,000, give or take, just to be safe. Then you distribute what's left to the beneficiaries. But, there may be a reason why you should retain more than that - ask for that reason.

When the DA refuses charges who contacts the accused? There was a criminal defense attorney hired for a little under 10 grand. A year and a ...


When the DA refuses charges who contacts the accused? There was a criminal defense attorney hired for a little under 10 grand. A year and a half went by before we found out the charges had been refused five months after police arrested the accused. We found out by accident seeking a legal letter from DA.


The DA may or may not have informed the attorney. With a copy of the letter in hand the client might contact the lawyer for an itemized statement of what he did. If the money was a retainer and the lawyer was charging by the hour, there might be unearned money to be returned. If it was a flat fee, the lawyer's work still has to be substantial enough to justify the fee.


Usually hen charges are refused, the refusal is filed in court and the matter is removed from the court's docket. With regards to who contacts the accuse, no one contacts the accused other than his attorney of record. If you were not contacted regarding the charges, that falls on your attorney for failing to communicate as required by our Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics. I further agree with Attorney Andrew Casanave answer regarding your counsel's obligation to itemized his cost and/or justify the money paid. From your brief statement of account, it appears that your counsel may owe you a refund of unearned fees.

Well See my dad died unexpectly and he didn't have time write out his "will" and his father in law and left dad farm machinery So I'm wonder...


Well See my dad died unexpectly and he didn't have time write out his "will" and his father in law and left dad farm machinery

So I'm wondering wear does that go and his life insurance wear does that go too


It may be better to post your question again with a little more clarity and detail, although a consultation will likely be necessary regardless the answers you get.

In any event, the life insurance should be paid to the named beneficiary. If there is not a named or valid beneficiary, then the default is usually the estate.

An estate without a will, assuming that your father was an Illinois resident, should go one-half to the spouse, one-half to be divided among the children (including descendants of any deceased child). If no spouse, all to the children (including descendants of any deceased child).

I am not exactly sure what you are saying about the farm machinery, but if you are saying he had inherited it in the past, then it is part of the estate to be administered now. Once he became entitled to the inheritance, the property became his and is included in his estate.

How sustainable is a solar powered car?

How sustainable is a solar powered car?
Solar powered cars are sustainable because panels work silently so they don't add to the noise pollution already on the road. Most importantly the energy is free, you don't have a dependence on foreign oil. The unfortunate downside is not having access to this energy after the sun goes down or during cloudy day's. We can store solar energy into the cars during a day and can use it at night or also in a cloudy days.

There are no legal electric cars available and it is unlikely there ever will be due to the amount of energy available from the sun over the area of a car.

What are the conflicts between line and staff in a line and staff organization?

What are the conflicts between line and staff in a line and staff organization?
conflics between line & staff orgnaisation take place when one considers self more qualified and skillful and never give proper attention what the other suggest. i.e they are different in nature of thought .

My divorce awarded me my truck, which was in my ex's name, to me. I missed the last payment and it was repossessed last week. I have been tr...


My divorce awarded me my truck, which was in my ex's name, to me. I missed the last payment and it was repossessed last week. I have been trying to get in touch with my ex, as I need him to send document to creditor to let wrecker service release truck to me. What do I do if I can't get in touch with me?


You may need to go back to court and ask for an order requiring your ex-spouse to give you whatever documents are necessary for you to obtain the truck. Obviously that will be a huge waste of time and money for both of you so I would try to work out whatever you can without having to go that route.

What six letter word has the same two letters in the middle?

What six letter word has the same two letters in the middle?
patter, matter, natter, batter, sitter, butter, bitter, litter, fitter, fatter, wetter, setter, letter Was this answer useful?YesSomewhatNoThanks for the feedback! Edit Answer byJustin Lin carrot

I work for the county,we are required to get physicals every year or we can not return to work.We have to pay for these I feel like this sho...


I work for the county,we are required to get physicals every year or we can not return to work.We have to pay for these I feel like this should fall under the wellness benefit and we should not have to pay. I have been doing it for 25 yrs.I do not go to a walk in clinic or see a doctor that they bring in ,I feel my reg. doctor knows my medical history better and is qualified to TRUELY know if I can do my job or not.We also have to be finger printed every so many yrs. 4or 5 we have to pay for this our selves .They go up on our insurance every yr.and we usely lose something also.People that draws a gov. check or welfare does not have to pay anything or be tested what is our rights here?


You have the right to seek employment that better fits your requirements. No one here knows what is or is not covered under your "wellness benefits," but apparently this is not.

What is the relationship between strategy and policy?

What is the relationship between strategy and policy?
A business establishes policies to align with strategy. Businessesmust have a strategy in place in order to create policies.

Are all rest stops the same distance away on the highway?

Are all rest stops the same distance away on the highway?
No, they are not.

Friday, March 21, 2014

My question is can they prevent me from discussing work conditions at work? Is this protected right under National Labor Act 1935? It is not...


My question is can they prevent me from discussing work conditions at work? Is this protected right under National Labor Act 1935? It is not interfering with work. I work manufacturing. My friends and I make our quotas each day. We don't talk more than a few minutes each day (far less than several others who talk for 20 minutes or more).

My background story is that I have discussed my concerns with HR.

I am concern with discrimination at work. It is not obvious. We received raises recently. We received different amounts and percentages. They claimed that they evaluated us by all management. I have requested to see that evaluation pertaining to me. They have been stalling. I suspect age discrimination due to it appears that all the younger employees received an higher amount and percentage despite some have really poor work performances.

I wanted to avoid filling a grievance report and not have done so as of yet.

Our management team likes to bully if you question anything.

To make things even more confusing, my company was bought by another company, then the other company with my company was sold to another. Thus, I am also trying to find out the procedure for filing a grievance report so, if I need to take the next step, then I can.


Generally, you and your coworkers are engaging in protected activity from what you have described. You started by asking a question and the answer is, so long as you and your coworkers do your work, are not disruptive to the operations of the employer, etc., you should be able to discuss work conditions without retaliation from the employer. See


Generally so long as employees are not disruptive to work operations they may discuss work conditions and not be subjected to employer retaliation. I suggest you google some of the search terms and review some of the many materials available online, but keep your focus on government publications as well as statutes and case law.

Tricia Dwyer Esq.

ph 612-296-9666

Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC

Minnesota Employment Law

can my mother put 2 sidling on the house title, or does she need a trust to bypass probate?


can my mother put 2 sidling on the house title, or does she need a trust to bypass probate?


The short answer to this question is "maybe." It could work to avoid probate, but there are a lot of complications. First, the ownership has to be done right on the deed, or you could end up with probate anyway. Second, if the two siblings die before the mother, then you are back in a probate situation. Third, if either of the siblings gets a judgment against them (or gets divorced) or files for bankruptcy, they might be in danger of losing the house. Fourth, if any of them becomes incapacitated and cannot sign documents, you might have to go to probate court to get a conservatorship and/or guardianship. There are other potential problems, but these are some of the main ones. Basically, it is a fairly complicated area with a lot that could go wrong. I would recommend at least consulting with an attorney so that you understand the positives and negatives of each course of action.

I am receiving calls threatening legal action regarding a pay day loan from 2011 I am in process of retrieving bank statements from the bank...


I am receiving calls threatening legal action regarding a pay day loan from 2011 I am in process of retrieving bank statements from the bank used to process theses loans but I don't remember defaulting on this payment. I've called the number back and it says it's no longer in service. What should I do I am a nursing student and I can't have a record.


We can help you with this. Shouldn't cost you much at all.


Call us at 1-855-9-JEFLAW to discuss

how would I go about putting a lean on property and bank account on a person who owes me money for services rendered be for or after I serve...


how would I go about putting a lean on property and bank account on a person who owes me money for services rendered be for or after I serve them papers to small claims court


Once you obtain a favorable judgment in the small claims case, you then can obtain an abstract of judgment from the court and record it with the recorder of the county in which the defendant owns real property. Recording the abstract operates as a lien upon the property.


You can't get a lien until you go to court and get a judgment.

Is there any legal action i can take regarding a luxury watch i purchased 7 months ago and it has already been to service 3 times and the wa...


Is there any legal action i can take regarding a luxury watch i purchased 7 months ago and it has already been to service 3 times and the watch company said because i purchased the watch at an authorized dealer so they can not do anything besides servicing the watch and if i need to get the watch replaced then i have to go back to the authorize dealer but when i spoke to the authorize dealer, they ask me to speak to the brand directly.


You have a lemon on your hand. They will both play you if you fail to react forcefully. I would sue for provision of a defective product.

I hope you can clarify. Per Texas Family Code, is orthodontia considered standard medical/dental work or is it considered an "elective" proc...


I hope you can clarify. Per Texas Family Code, is orthodontia considered standard medical/dental work or is it considered an "elective" procedure? Meaning, can my ex-wife take our boys to an orthodontist and get them braces without my consent then expect me to pay 50% of the cost? My boys told me their mother took them to an orthodontist and they both need braces. I'm sure they do and I'll pay my part if I have to but she has yet to contact me nor has she "Furnished" any documents related to the kids ortho visit. I don't even know who the name of the Orthodontist! Can she do this and I have no say so in the matter? What if I simply cannot afford it? I'd like to know my rights. Please help. Thank you!


Tell her that you will pay the orthodontist directly. Make a payment plan with the orthodontist.

You have the right to talk to the orthodontist. Read your decree - it normally states that you can consult with any medical service provider that your children go to. So get the doctor's name address and phone number. Call him/her and talk to the doctor about the children's medical needs and what his/her recommendation are for their braces.

Read your current legal document that is in place. If you don't understand it then take it to a lawyer and go over it so you do understand it. It's worth paying a lawyer for an hour of an attorney's time so you understand what your legal rights are regarding medical decisions regarding your children.

Perhaps mediation is appropriate for you and your ex if you cannot sit down and discuss your children's needs.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How does gas make a car go fast?

How does gas make a car go fast?
it explodes a chemical called doytch thne that heat turns the wheels it explodes a chemical called doytch thne that heat turns the wheels

Function pf accounts department?

Function pf accounts department?
how a medium size organization can be converted into a large organization by accounting point of view?

i had ordered and printed a living trust for single persons in fl. it stated "never been married" so, i couldn't use it. is the living trust...


i had ordered and printed a living trust for single persons in fl. it stated "never been married" so, i couldn't use it. is the living trust: "single or individual spouce with children" legal for me in fl.? i am divorded, no legal ties what-so-ever with

past, and my children are both grown. completely just the three of us. thank you

also, should i hire an atty. to prepare the living trust , or will i be able to complete it myself without too much trouble?

thank you again



It is clear from your question that you should hire an attorney to prepare the living trust. It is far too complicated to try to do it through self-help, though many people have tried (and quite a few have failed).

As a starter, do you even need a living trust? That is impossible for anyone to tell without reviewing your situation, and then only an experienced attorney which would know the correct answer.


There are many basic revocable trust kits out there online which one can use. A revocable trust may or may not be necessary in your situation and you would need to speak with a qualified attorney to find out what potential benefits it would have for you. Many basic revocable trust kits contain most of the standard clauses attorneys use as well, but they are not tailored to you individually and must be executed properly to take effect. In addition, it is important to properly title assets, etc. If you are looking for a more affordable approach to estate planning which still offers attorney involvement you may want to do an online search for "florida estate planning attorney online".

Michael Hughes


I agree with my colleagues. I suggest you speak with an attorney as to estate planning. I have had many clients come in to do a revocable trust to find that they really don't need one. I also have has several show up with one being done and charged a fortune to discover that it has no purpose. On line forms are good for getting you use to the language that is used by attorneys and giving you some insight as to what you might be able to understand. However, they are definitely not a tool to use to plan your own estate.

How many pounds are there in a ton of wood shavings?

How many pounds are there in a ton of wood shavings?
2000 lbs of anything makes a ton (feathers, wood shavings, mud etc.)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I had an affair and the only way my husband said he'd give me another chance is if we divorced and I signed away custody to him. I agreed to...


I had an affair and the only way my husband said he'd give me another chance is if we divorced and I signed away custody to him. I agreed to it only because I believed him. He lied to me and decided to move to a different state with the kids. I've been a good mother to them never hurt them, always taken care of them. I've done nothing wrong except have the affair. One of my children has special needs and I've always taken good care of him. Will it be easy for be to regain custody back and have the children with me again?


No it will not be easy to get custody of your kids. There is a presumption that their current custodian is fit to retain custody. What right did he have to moveout of state? Did you agree, did the court order it or did he leave without your agreement or an order of court. If he did, the move is improper and you might be able to get a court order ordering him back. I presume you did all you did without talking to a lawyer. You have dug a VERY DEEP hole.

This happened and I was wondering what I could do about it.This girl I met basically tricked me out of a lot of money and took a watch from ...


This happened and I was wondering what I could do about it.

This girl I met basically tricked me out of a lot of money and took a watch from my house while she was here.

I met her. a week later we had sex. before I went away to school she claimed to be pregnant and didn't have $ for an abortion. She said she went to the doctor to confirm she was pregnant. I gave her $ to have the abortion done. then after she said that they "took" her money...and didn't get the abortion. I got mad and said she was lying she got more $ out of me and then threatened me again and again saying if I didn't give her even more that she would accuse me of rape (which it wasn't). I asked for proof of pregnancy she didn't have any. I was under a ridiculous amount of stress for about 6 months with her constant calls and texts. I stopped responding once I knew it was all fake. I have texts saved of what she said and all her false claims..

also while she was at my house she took a watch which I have proof that I purchased. and she refuses to give it back..

Also she used the money to get a nose job which I know she could not afford without the $ I gave her

What can I do to get my money that back and the watch? as far as legal action and anything that I need to do?

Thanks a lot.. not looking for I did something wrong and got punished. She was wrong and I want what she stole from me


As for the money, you could sue her for "conversion", which is the civil equivalent of stealing. There is also a potential claim for "intentional infliction of emotional distress."

The real problem you're likely to run up against is that she doesn't have the money. You can get a court to award you a million dollar judgment against this woman, but if she doesn't have the money or any other assets, you won't collect a dime of it.

However, you can probably get the watch back through a lawsuit. Small claims court could be a good venue.

Disclaimer: I am not your attorney and this is not legal advice.

I think that I may have a son that has been hidden from me. I was told that a petition could be made to the Attorney General's office for a ...


I think that I may have a son that has been hidden from me. I was told that a petition could be made to the Attorney General's office for a DNA test. Is this true? If not, what options do I have?


If the mom has not applied for benefits from the AG, and they are not conflicted out, you can apply for the AG to file a Petition to Establish Parental Rights, which includes ordering a DNA test. The AG can be effective, and is free. It is also a VERY slow process, and difficult to get communication. Depending upon your situation, you may prefer to retain your own attorney to handle it, so that you get results before the child is an adult. Good luck.

Got my doj what does this mean :Dispo : pros rel-det only-further investigation Date is 1-3-2007


Got my doj what does this mean :

Dispo : pros rel-det only-further investigation

Date is 1-3-2007


It means you were arrested, but no charges were filed, so they changed it to a "detention" only. On paper, you haven't been arrested.

What are the release dates for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 3.14?

What are the release dates for The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 3.14?
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour - 1967 - 3.14 was released on:

USA: 26 January 1969

My company sells and repairs machinery. We received two machines that belong to a small company for repair. The customer was made aware of a...


My company sells and repairs machinery. We received two machines that belong to a small company for repair. The customer was made aware of all costs to make all repairs. Repair were completed in a 30 day period. Its been over 8 months , we have made ever effort to encourage customer to pick up equipment with no results. Is there a legal time frame to wait before we sell said equipment to capture our parts and labor expenses ?


The law prescribes no definite period, but says that you are only required to hold and protect the customer's property for a reasonable period of time. I suggest you write them (or better yet have your attorney do so) and give them a deadline to pick up and pay for the repairs, after which you will consider the property as abandoned and will dispose of the property. But if you end of selling it for more than your costs plus reasonable storage charges, you may have to return the excess to the customer.

My mom and her 3 sisters inherited 1.15 acre parcel of land intestate in Chesterfield County, VA. She wants to initiate partition suit to ge...


My mom and her 3 sisters inherited 1.15 acre parcel of land intestate in Chesterfield County, VA. She wants to initiate partition suit to get her piece of the land. Should she have the land surveyed and appraised first to see if pursuing the partition suit is cost effective?


Partition suits which are normally filed and litigated

in circuit courts in the jurisdiction where the land at issue is located can be expensive propositions, and, your mom can

probably find a cheaper way that the one suggested to determine

what her share of the proceeds might be from a judicially-ordered

sale of this property, but if it's so-called "raw", i.e.,undeveloped

land, when she factors in the cost of paying for the partition suit,

it may not be worth it.

my boyfriend has been in trouble with the law a couple times, but this time was serious, he has a few drug charges and has been in Dallas c...


my boyfriend has been in trouble with the law a couple times, but this time was serious, he has a few drug charges and has been in Dallas county jail since June 2014. he took a plea bargain and is now serving a remaining 180 day sentence concurrent with back time included... what does that mean exactly? he also has a charge that says illegal alien and hold for immigration... he is a permanent resident... but does that mean that after his sentence he will be deported? we have a daughter, if he is at risk for being deported, is there ANYTHING we can do??


If your boyfriend is a permanent resident he may have relief in immigration court. You need to contact an immigration lawyer with deportation experience asap. Here's our number: 214-741-1700.

Best regards,


Drug convictions are extremely serious but getting crimmigration counsel for him now is the right move. If he has a green card, he might have a chance in removal court. If he doesn't, the best course of action is going to try to reopen the criminal case. Feel free to give us a call.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Can I get out of a car lease in the state of MO?


Can I get out of a car lease in the state of MO?


Terminating a lease, like most other contracts, is possible. Your attorney can probably negotiate an early termination, depending upon the terms of the agreement.

Good luck

How many inches of rain have fallen in costa mesa?

How many inches of rain have fallen in costa mesa?
According to Meteorologists, the amount of rainfall Costa Mesareceives annually varies from 11 to fifteen inches. As a result,flooding occurs more frequently in this city.

How can you tell if your mechanic replaced your engine?

How can you tell if your mechanic replaced your engine?
the engine number will no longer match what the i.d tag has stamped into it

Well stated and cannot be explained in better detail... THumbs up

What are the members of aerosmith doing now?

What are the members of aerosmith doing now?
Touring with Cheap Trick.

I am a father who has primary custody of my son. His biological mother has not contacted him in any way(phone, letter, visitation,email) in ...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Which type of suspension system work more efficicently?

Which type of suspension system work more efficicently?
I'd say that the most effective suspension for speed is:
Double wishbones with coils over gas hydraulic dampers and anti-roll bar.

and for handling:

McPherson strut suspension with inverted shock absorbers, stabilizer bar and aluminum front lower arms.

I plead No lo contender to a disorderly conduct charge back in August 2011 and paid a simple 100 dollar fine and thought that was it. I was ...


I plead No lo contender to a disorderly conduct charge back in August 2011 and paid a simple 100 dollar fine and thought that was it. I was just layed off and now seem to be having an issue with background checks. Is there anything I can do about this?


You have sadly learned the lesson that crimes are not simple. Pleas and convictions usually stay on your record for life. That is why you always see a lawyer before a plea. Had you done that, you may have been able to do pretrial diversion or other dispositions that might have prevented employers from knowing about your crime. The odds are you can't change this mistake now but see a lawyer and bring in copies of all your plea paperwork just in case there was some defect in the plea.


New record restriction law (2013) might help

Need to see all paperwork including arrest report and original accusation

Good luck

Ralph (770.985.6773 - answered 24 x 7)

What is the definition of "actual physical control" of a vehicle as it relates to a DUI?


What is the definition of "actual physical control" of a vehicle as it relates to a DUI?


This is the definition in the jury instructions:

"Actual physical control of a vehicle" means the defendant must be physically in or on the

vehicle and have the capability to operate the vehicle, regardless of whether [he] [she] is actually

operating the vehicle at the time.

Of course there are nuances to this definition that only an attorney may be able to interpret for your own DUI. In other words, contact an attorney to be sure.

Forget car key of Avalon?

Forget car key of Avalon?
First you must post a question that makes sense!!

How do you properly store gasoline?

How do you properly store gasoline?
Most areas have fire code laws restricting how much gas a personcan store at one time. Only store gas in approved containers. Donot fill the containers to the top. About 90 to 95 percent full isokay. Add a stabilizer and make sure the cap is tight on thecontainer. Containers should be stored on a floor area, but wherekids can't get to them. They should be a minimum of 50 feet frompilot lights, ignitions, space heaters, furnaces, and other sourcesof heat or flames. If you're going to store them in a garage orshed with a concrete floor, place a sheet of plywood under thecontainers. Do not store them in direct sunlight.

What does cpt stand for?

What does cpt stand for?

CPT Code Definition: Current Procedural Terminology

CPT was developed by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1966. The AMA revises and publishes CPT each year to keep pace with changes in medical practice. They delete obsolete procedures, modify existing procedures, and add newly developed procedures.

listing of descriptive terms and five-digit, numeric codes for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians.

provides a uniform language to accurately designate medical, surgical and diagnostic services.

serves as an effective means of reliable nationwide communication between physicians, patients and third-party payers.

For more information.

I am a Class D Beneficay to an IRA, what do i eed to claim the money from a bank ? I am not related to this person in any way, the account i...


I am a Class D Beneficay to an IRA, what do i eed to claim the money from a bank ? I am not related to this person in any way, the account is in a New Jersey Bank


You should ask the bank as in my experience, they all seem to have their own rules about what is required these days....Typically, to transfer the IRA you will need a certified copy of the decedent's Death Certificate and in all likelihood NJ Inheritance Tax waiver.

What is another name of a small crown?

What is another name of a small crown?

A friend had a brain aneurism in 2011. Out of nowhere, a woman no one knew, showed up at the hospital after he came out of a 1.5 month coma ...


A friend had a brain aneurism in 2011. Out of nowhere, a woman no one knew, showed up at the hospital after he came out of a 1.5 month coma and said she was his lover 10 - 15 years ago. Somehow, she found out that he had the aneurism and she found him. Since he was released from the hospital, the crazy woman has moved in with him to "take care of him"; instead she has isolated him from his parents and friends and convinced him to married her, she became his POA and threatens his family and friends to stay away. It clear that she's on drugs because of her erratic behavior and fast talking non-stop. We recently found out from his primary doctor that she kept the home therapists from entering the home for his therapy appointments. His doctor advised that we contact social services.

Prior to even talking to his doctor, I called San Mateo County Adult Protective Services in California to make a visit to their home. Luckily a case worker is now appointed. His parents hired my service as I'm owner of a caregiver service. Our care directive was to take him to his physical, occupational and speech therapy appointments. We have done so regularly and have watched some slow improvement. Since we've been hired, we've seen the wife sabotage his appointments. Now, she has demanded the caregiver service be revoked...without the parents consent or agreement.

She lies to our friend, manipulating his fragile mind also as he is on medication for depression; we all believe she is having affairs and spending his disability money for drugs, while she feeds him junk food (he is a diabetic). The house is usually a big garbage mess. I've been advised to find out about a conservator or fiduciary.


It sounds like a terrible situation and one that is ripe for legal intervention. But what is your question? This is a Q&A site.

I am a florida resident partner is Australian. Can we get married in Florida? We won't be living in the US


I am a florida resident partner is Australian. Can we get married in Florida? We won't be living in the US


Check with your local Clerk of Court, who issues the license, but usually Yes.

What kind of arts are allowed in Iraq?

What kind of arts are allowed in Iraq?
shooting and killing are the main ones

Is it illegal in Ontario for an establishment to buy alcohol for their patrons?

Is it illegal in Ontario for an establishment to buy alcohol for their patrons?
You mum's chest hairs!
ex oh ex oh

gossip girl.

What is a GU DUNS Number and what is a LOCAL DUNS Number what is the difference between these two?

What is a GU DUNS Number and what is a LOCAL DUNS Number what is the difference between these two?
GU stands for Global Ultimate D-U-N-S Number, which belongs to abusiness's international parent company. The local D&B D-U-N-SNumber would refer to the branch or local affiliate of the parentcompany.

Is halo awesome?

Is halo awesome?
Hellz yeah

1 of the greatest game series EVER! BEST GAME EVA!!! anyone who disses halo you should kill them!! I'm being serious!

What smooths out roads?

What smooths out roads?
A road roller.

Do monopolies always make profits?

Do monopolies always make profits?
Almost always. It is possible that a private firm could have a monopoly of some wholly unprofitable activity but it would probably discontinue it or else not exist for much longer.

Unprofitable but necessary activities are often passed to some arm of government. For example, local government will often have a monopoly of fire-fighting services.

Worker in spanish?

Worker in spanish?

Can shareholder act as an unsecured creditor? when a company have a resolution to winding up, could the shareholder claim back the money fro...


Can shareholder act as an unsecured creditor? when a company have a resolution to winding up, could the shareholder claim back the money from company? if shareholder is giving unsecured personal loan to company




If the money in question is truly an unsecured loan (as opposed to a capital contribution to pay for shares), then the shareholder has a right to be treated as an unsecured creditor with respect to that money.


Yes, a shareholder can be an unsecured creditor of a corporation, and, in fact, this is rather common. When a corporation decides to terminate its existence and wind up its affairs, it must pay bona fide loans to shareholders before making distributions to shareholders. It is also likely that if the shareholder were an "insider" (i.e., a majority shareholder, a director, a major officer, etc.) the shareholder's right to repayment of his loan would be subordinate to the rights of non-insider creditors to be paid. Therefore, my answer is a highly qualified yes, and thus I mildly disagree with the preceding answers.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Can a parent take out loans in their child's name if the child is over 18 years old and living under their parents roof? If so must their be...


Can a parent take out loans in their child's name if the child is over 18 years old and living under their parents roof? If so must their be notification of said loans and said debt to the affected party?


You're really asking two questions

1) Can a parent boroow money? The answer is Yes, if someone is willing to loan money.

2) Can an adult be liable for repaying loans taken out by their parent, if the adult child did not consent? Here the answer is tougher. When a person under the age of 21 is living at home, and is a full time student, a parent can initiate some student loans that also obligate the adult child. Unfortunate, patents sometimes impersonate their child to obtain credit that they could not or would not get in their own name. This is fraud, and often forgery. The hard thing for the victim is proving that they did not consent to the debt nor benefit from it.

If you have found yourself in such a situation, where your patent has created debt for you, consult directly with a civil practice attorney. Many offer a free or low cost initial consultation. Find one in your area.

Good luck

My husband and a friend of mine had pictures go viral of them on a veterans memorial statue in wichita, ks. There were no signs posted that ...


My husband and a friend of mine had pictures go viral of them on a veterans memorial statue in wichita, ks. There were no signs posted that said not to climb on the statues and they did not break them. Our local news station has picked up the story and we have been receiving death threats, and they even pulled his previous criminal record and posted it in the comments of the news story. My husband is in fear of his life and does not want to leave the house. They made a mistake and we have apologized to the military but I think this has went way to far. What can we do about it? I even begged the news station not to pick up the story, because it is not news but they refused. I even spoke to the reporter, her boss, and also his boss.


It sounds like your husband and his friend need to hire an attorney, and/or a PR specialist to work through the media and social networks to revive his good name. If there has been even a hint that they will be charged with a crime or violation, they need to consult directly with an attorney immediately.

Good luck

I was assaulted last night. Is there anything I can do today?


I was assaulted last night. Is there anything I can do today?


Of course. Call the police and report the crime.

What is the channel 9 one direction competition number?

What is the channel 9 one direction competition number?
SMS (don't Ring) the following...199 55 150 with your your FULL-NAME, Address, Mobile and Email, Address. Good Luck, TC n God bless! :) xoxo

generally speaking, if a c corp forfeited the right to do business in texas more than two years ago what happens to the copyrights or trade ...


generally speaking, if a c corp forfeited the right to do business in texas more than two years ago what happens to the copyrights or trade marks "owned" by the company?


They still belong to the corporation. You would need to have the charter reinstated and then dissolve the company and then distribute the assets such as copyrights and trademarks after paying off all creditors.

What type of piece is a prelude?

What type of piece is a prelude?
A prelude is a musical work that is often the beginning of a suite, which is a collection of dances.

Amount of garnishment that can be taken from pay check in a default school loan also can they take money from pay check without my signature


Amount of garnishment that can be taken from pay check in a default school loan also can they take money from pay check without my signature


I assume you are talking about a defaulted Federally guaranteed student loan, and not a private student loan which is garnishing form a judgment rendered in another state.

The amount they can garnish pursuant to administrative wage garnishment is 15% of your disposable pay. Disposable pay equals the amount left over after deductions for taxes and health insurance. You have to give written consent for them to garnish more than the 15%, but Federally guaranteed student loans do not need written consent to get the 15%. They have to leave you with at least $217.50 per week take home pay (30 times minimum wage).

You would have previously been sent a letter telling you about the right to request a hearing before they started AWG. It may still be possible to request a hearing, but the garnishment will continue until you enter an "acceptable repayment plan" or you have a favorable outcome at a hearing.

You should contact an attorney who has experience dealing with student loans for personalized advice.


Attorney Coleman is correct. NC does not recognize wage garnishment, even for private student loans (it would for federal loans). Federal student loans allow for garnishment without a hearing/trial/entry of judgment as would be required for other kinds of debts. There is no summons and complaint. However, you would be notified and given the right to request an administrative hearing.

I suggest that you contact an attorney to review your options if facing a wage garnishment. Student loans generally cannot be discharged in bankruptcy absent a hardship (there is a special test under the bankruptcy code which is difficult to meet) but if its a federal loan there may be other options depending on your circumstances.

My manager will not let me get my paycheck unless i sign a form stating i dont want health insurance. She is telling me not to sign it when ...


My manager will not let me get my paycheck unless i sign a form stating i dont want health insurance. She is telling me not to sign it when she is in the store and to wait till she is not there. Do i have to? Can i be punished if i dont?


You should talk to a lawyer in person or contact the department of fair employment and Housing (DFEH).

If the mechanic that was fixing my car, caught it on fire and said all the money I had paid him up unitl that point his. What should I do? I...


If the mechanic that was fixing my car, caught it on fire and said all the money I had paid him up unitl that point his. What should I do? It was his mistake that caught my car on fire.


first..if u have insurance collect!!...if not, and if mechanic has can file a claim with Justice of Peace for up to $10, us if we can help

What steps should I take , just finding out my 5 year old sons dads gf showered and washed him, a "shower party" as he called it ? Does it d...


What steps should I take , just finding out my 5 year old sons dads gf showered and washed him, a "shower party" as he called it ? Does it deem a phone call to the police or should I file an emergency petition , as his father is not promoting a healthy or acceptable environment for our son ?


I would think if you have concerns at the least you would file an emergency Petition to change the terms of custody arrangement. In addition if the matter is well founded you should consider other options.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

can a school nurse call my child's pediatrician behind my back without my consent?


can a school nurse call my child's pediatrician behind my back without my consent?


Depends o the nature of the call---if the care of the child depended on knowing certain things and she couldn;t reach you, there might be some latitude. I need more details

Call me if you wish at 215-732-4000

No charge


On fable where is the cave that your child enters?

On fable where is the cave that your child enters?
he is in the hobbe cave, the same one you enter during the beginning of your journey. to be more exact it is in rookridge on the other side of the bridge that is close to bowerstone. a small wooden cellar door is what u need to find and it is in an abandoned carriage house

Who is the richest man of 2009?

Who is the richest man of 2009?
Bill Gates With A Worth Of $40 Billion Dollars

My husband is having an extramarital relationship and has been living with the other woman for last 5 months and now has filed for a divorce...


My husband is having an extramarital relationship and has been living with the other woman for last 5 months and now has filed for a divorce.

We'd been married for 28 years and have lived 22 years during the marriage in CA. I was always a full time mother and a housewife for 27 years

by the mutual agreement when our first child was born...and therefore I have no income of my own.

According to my marriage counselor/therapist...because of duration of our marriage, and under the CA divorce law, we have to divide everything

in HALF (assets/debt) and he is responsible for alimony consist of HALF of his current/future income (earnings) as the result of divorce.

Is this really an accurate information? Or do I still need to go through unwanted and ugly procedures in order to meet the terms and agreements

before my divorce is finalized by the court?

Thank you.


Your marriage counselor obviously does not have a legal background and has misstated several things. Let's start from the top.

California Community property law will be determinative as you have lived in California for over 6 months. That means all assets and debts acquired during the community is divided evenly. That part the counselor got right; however you may want to see what community monies he used in participation of that extramarital affair. It's also important to make sure monies are not hidden which occurs often in cases of infidelity.

Spousal Support for a long term marriage is based on Family Code 4320. It does not give "half" his income, rather uses the 4320 factors to determine an amount necessary to maintain the lifestyle you have become accustom to. Now due to the marriage being over 10 years, the support order will be a permanent support order, however that does not mean the rest of his life. By law if you remarry or either party dies support is terminated. It also can be terminated or severely reduced if you co-habitat with another person of the opposite sex. The amount further can be decreased if you become gainfully employed, which you will have an obligation to become self-supporting. Also if he has a bona fide retirement or loses his job, then support would likely zero out as well. Basically what I am telling you is that Permanent Support does not mean lifetime support. That being said if he wants to agree to half his net income it would likely be more then you would get at court.

I always advise an individual to hire an attorney. Just because you are represented does not mean it has to get messy. Often attorneys help decrease tensions, at a time that it desperately needs it. Feel free to contact our offices at 925-225-1025 for a free consultation.

Question. I live in VA and frequently pist on forum on Topix. Sometime on Topix harasses me, posting filthy comment, and personal info. I be...


Question. I live in VA and frequently pist on forum on Topix. Sometime on Topix harasses me, posting filthy comment, and personal info. I believe they live out of state and is not someone I personally know. Can I get them prosecuted? If so, would it be difficult and expensive? Is this criminal or civil? Would it be hard to get a court order to force topix to give their ip info to the police? They have not threatened me at all.


Rather than contemplating legal action against this apparently unknown

(at least to you) harasser at this stage of matters, you would be better

advised (in my opinion) to bring your situation to the attention of the

service provider and request that it send him the equivalent of a cease/desist notice or block his access to the site (if such may be possible).

How is trading software takit pro?

How is trading software takit pro?
TAKIT Professional, the ultimate software for Daytrading. It does all the analysis job for you and show the bestopportunities to trade on intraday.
Plus it gives you accuracy above 92%.

What are the release dates for Unreasonable Jealousy - 1910?

What are the release dates for Unreasonable Jealousy - 1910?
Unreasonable Jealousy - 1910 was released on:
USA:29 December 1910

My son is almost 8 months old and has been living with me full time since birth in utah state. He was conceived almost 2 years after my ex a...


My son is almost 8 months old and has been living with me full time since birth in utah state. He was conceived almost 2 years after my ex and I divorced. I am now in the process of relocating to Washington state. I wanted to keep the courts out of it and come up with our own visitation agreements but his father is not having it. If I file for sole physical and legal custody can I still bring him to Washington state with me or can a court in utah make me stay there? If I am awarded full custody can I take my son with me wherever I choose as long as I stick to the visitation agreements whatever they may be? Like once every two months for two weeks for my son is still nursing please help!!!


First of all, I would recommend you get an attorney as soon as possible. I offer a free initial consultation if you would like to schedule a time to come in and see me. In response to your questions, I would recommend that you immediately file a paternity action seeking sole custody. The court would establish a visitation schedule for the father and we would be able to make it so you can make your move to Washington. We would just have to establish a long distance visitation schedule that works for everyone, taking into consideration your son's very young age. Please call me if you would like to set up a time. My office number is (801) 274-3100 and my cell number is (801) 455-2131. Thank you, Cory R. Wall