Monday, August 18, 2014

A family member gave me a snowmobile over a year ago. He handed me the title keys owners manual and we used his trailer to tow the sled to a...


A family member gave me a snowmobile over a year ago. He handed me the title keys owners manual and we used his trailer to tow the sled to a repair shop. I paid for the repairs and transported the sled to Vermont where it's been for over a year. He now claims I stole the snowmobile and wants it back


And your question is?

If he claims you "stole" the snowmobile then his option would be to file criminal charges. The police would have to do some investigating but if he signed the title over to you and advised you this was a gift, I don't think the police are going to do anything and they will tell the family member its a civil matter. The family member can sue you civilly for the loss of the snowmobile. In that case it would be up to you to defend any suits by claiming a gift. I have no idea what would happen - it depends on the quality of your proof versus the family member.

However, you have left a lot out of your post. People just don't give others snowmobiles and then change their mind. Either something happened between you or this was not really a gift and you were to just hold onto it. Or maybe there is some other explanation. Either way, there is a whole lot more to this story. I suggest that you refrain from posting anymore on the internet and have a consult with a local lawyer and acquaint him or her with the full details.

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