Monday, August 18, 2014

I have a neighbor who has called animal control on me and my wife. The neighbor complains that our dog gets out of the backyard. The problem...


I have a neighbor who has called animal control on me and my wife. The neighbor complains that our dog gets out of the backyard. The problem is that it is NOT OUR DOG. The dog is a stray that keeps getting into our backyard so that it is now perceieved as our dog. We love animals so we feed it but thats all. We put up signs with the dog's picture but no one called. The problem is that now we have been given a citation to appear in court which is gonna cost us money in multiple ways (taking off work, time, hassel, and paying the fine.) Is there anything we can do against this neighbor to recoup our losses?


Legally, if you are feeding the dog, it is your dog. So you'll likely pay fines as you are in the wrong here and your neighbor is in the right. As much as I love dogs and cats, and hate to see a stray suffer, when you feed one, it's yours. Pay your fines, get the dog shots and move it inside, or else find it a home.

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