Sunday, August 3, 2014

I own a home in California. Four years ago I took in my sister and her two children in order to help her leave an abusive domestic relations...


I own a home in California. Four years ago I took in my sister and her two children in order to help her leave an abusive domestic relationship with their father. She does not pay rent, or help with the bills. She does receive food stamps here and buy groceries. She now refuses to move out at all. I have told her many times that I do not want her to have guests on my property, because they drink alcohol, have arguments,and generally cause disturbance in the residential area, but she continues to bring people to my property in spite of my requests. Often these people refuse to leave my property when told to leave as well. What can I do?


As a landlord/owner of the property, you will need to evict her if she does not leave on her own. This involves giving her a valid termination notice. If she does not respond to said notice, you will have to file a legal eviction matter in court until you obtain a court judgment for eviction.

If you need the assistance of an experienced attorney in this area of the law, contact our office for a no-obligation consultation with an attorney that can do just that - (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at

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