Sunday, August 3, 2014

I want to file for no-fault divorce in Philadelphia. The County Clerk's office provides a form that has only one count: "dissolution of marr...


I want to file for no-fault divorce in Philadelphia. The County Clerk's office provides a form that has only one count: "dissolution of marriage" with a provision that the parties have NOT entered into a written agreement as to distribution of marital property, custody, etc. In fact we HAVE a written agreement. Can this form be simply re-written to include, as Count 2: "Request for the Approval of Any Settlement Agreement and Incorporation Therof into Divorce Decree" ??? I just want those two counts and no more. And if so, do i have to obtain the form from some special place or can I just type it out myself?


You are better off getting a lawyer. It does NOT have to cost a fortune.


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