Monday, August 18, 2014

I received a phone call from acompany stating that I had taken out a payday loan in 07 and the checks to repay it f rom my then bank bounced...


I received a phone call from acompany stating that I had taken out a payday loan in 07 and the checks to repay it f rom my then bank bounced. They say if I do not settle they will swear a warrant for fraud and other charges today. They then offered me several options-pay 1000 now, today, 2 500.00 payments or 2 300 and 0ne 400 dollar payment over thenext 3 months. they will not take money orders, only visa/mc. when I asked to see the documents they said they will provide them at court. company is weinberg, grace and associates, phone # 855 856 2657. what do I do??


You need to be careful on these things. There are lots of scammers out there who will tell you that you owe them money when you don't. Even if there was a legitimate debt, the person calling may not actually be representing the creditor, but has only learned about the debt through some other way, and any money you pay that person may not ever be credited against the account you owe.

Your message above does not say whether or not you ever actually borrowed any money from the pay day loan place mentioned above. If you never used their services, then you should ask them for their address so you can send them a letter disputing the debt and to tell them not to call you anymore.

You should also be aware that if this is a third party debt collector contacting you to collect upon the debt, threatening criminal prosecution is a violation of the FDCPA.

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