Friday, August 15, 2014

Our neighbor routinely calls the police on us, calls the town on us, has listed our property for sale, and screams at us any time we are out...


Our neighbor routinely calls the police on us, calls the town on us, has listed our property for sale, and screams at us any time we are out in our yard. The police have found no truth to her allegations....61 so far. We were asked by the police to do a mediation, and it ended in the neighbors storming out vowing to get an attorney after I suggested we all just sit down over a cup of coffee and discuss it without wasting law enforcement time. The police have done nothing to stop her behavior. It has been going on for over a year. What do we do since the police do not want to be involved?


I am sorry for the problems. If the police will not pursue this as a criminal issue then your only option is for a civil lawsuit for various claims. This, however, may just make things worse. I would still try other attempts to resolve this civilly (maybe through the church or city mediation avenues) and if that goes nowhere and they continue with their actions then file suit. You could get a protective order and other remedies that could stop this.

Good luck and, obviously, speak with an attorney if they do file suit and for your claims if civil settlement goes nowhere.

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